Shir in the pool world.... (original) (raw)

Happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wishing all of you all the best for 2007..
Hope to see you all back on this blog soon..
Don't drink and drive tonight...

Stay tuned for more to come next year!

For now..

All my love.. ;)

Happy holidays!

Hi everybody!!!

Don't expect too much text here the next few days..
The holidays are coming up...

Just want to wish everybody a great Christmas however you may want to spend your time...

And for 2007....

I wish that you will get whatever you wish....

Love you all and see you hopefully soon again...


Haven't written anything for a week..
Falling back in my old habits again..

This weekend..
69 runners in the BPPPA event..
Not bad. Ted did come over for a few hours everytime..
No matter what.. Tried everything to send him home but he wouldn't listen!
Men! They are so stubborn!

Anyways, Mark Gray won again! Final was against Daryl Peach.
I like Mark...
He's always a player. Stays calm, quiet and easy... Loved to have more of those players!

Lee won the weekly tournament again last week..
Played the final against Shoka!
Shoka is funny.. Sometimes when he misses a ball he's really angry at himself and looks like he wants to swear or hit something but than he looks in my direction and laughs..
I like that kind of people.. (don't get that thing where people start slamming balls on the table or hitting the table with their fist because they missed a ball)
I won my group! Won 4-2 against Bobby (2nd on the ranking)
Let's not mention everything that happened afterwards..
That's mainly the reason why I didn't write anything this week.. Too much in shock that something like that can happen...

So tonight... Another weekly tournament!
What surprises will we have this week?
Maybe Mr Appleton will honor us with a visit.
Hopefully my dear friend Ste will drop by...
We'll see..

Ohhh forgot to mention that the famous Roy S. asked me to come and help at the 8-Ball Battle of Scandinavia!!!
Looking forward to it!!!

See ya later

Forget it...

Not gonna say much about it..
In fact..
No more mentioning the Mosconi when I'm around..
Until next year...

Weekly tournament in Barnsley...
Film crew is coming from 6 to 10..
To shoot some promotional material for Riley's..
Exciting.. :)
Hahah There's no swearing allowed..
That's gonna be difficult with the people here...
I'll let Riggers try to control them..

This weekend is going to be hard...
Ted Bristow is still recovering from everything that has happened lately..
Word snel beter, Ted!
(Yes he can understand a bit of Dutch)
So I'm gonna run the tournament with the help of Nigel Webb, Ben Moore and John Moran...

So no news from me this weekend and see you later!

PS Sorry Lee that you have to get up really early to take me there.. And wait till the end...
But I love you! ;)

Gonna cry..

Got no words for it at the moment... 12-12..
No win for Europe...

Mosconi Cup goes back to America....

More when I'm done crying and have had some sleep


First of all..

Well done Fabio!!!
For winning the Eurotour!!!
The last one was 5 years ago..
When I wasn't involved in this crazy game yet.. ;)

See you in Liberec probably or Oslo next month!

9 all in the Mosconi Cup..

Go Europe!!!

Going to Riley's soon to watch the grand finale tonight!
6 singles matches..
race to 5..
alternate break...

Gonna cry tonight!

See ya later!

Eurotour Malaga and the Mosconi Cup

And I'm missing out on all the action!!!


I want to be there..
Don't care which one..
Need some real action!

For the people with the dirty minds..
Pool-action... World-class players competing for something!
Not the Leeds or Barnsley players..
I can see them more than enough times!

Going back to Bwin and their live-stream.. and tonight some Mosconi Cup action..
Oh no! Weekly tournament in Riley's Barnsley... Lets hope that the will put it on the screens there!

See ya tomorrow!


Just a short message...

Cambridge was ok...
I would have done it differently...

Back to bed now and hope I'll feel better later...


Hi everybody!!!

As some of you know already...
I've finally won something here!!!
Ok not a lot of money (my entry fee back)..
But still...
Won the loserside of the weekly tournament in Barnsley!!!
In the group stages I had to play Karl Milner first..
1st frame:
Cleared everything but landed straight on the 9 with the cueball on the rail...
So missed it...
2nd frame:
Tried to carom the 2-9...
Worked perfectly... Almost untill the cueball hit the 3 and went in/off...
After that I just gave up.. ;)
No, Karl is a great player so didn't have much of a chance because if he couldn't work it out, he'd just give me a safety and then with a ball in hand would clear the table up...
After that Jason Webb.
Not much too say, lost.
So that meant the loserside for me:
2-1, 2-0 and the final was 2-1 against Adam Beasley.
Another good player but with the confidence ( ;) ) of last week... (beat him in a best of 1 at 8-ball)
1-0 down... 1 all...
He missed the 6!
And I cleared the rest!!! :D
I can pot more than 3 balls! Sometimes...

PS this was 9-ball.. The game I don't really like to play...

Lee won the winnerside..
So this was our first couples victory, I guess...
Lee is doing quite good things now.
Won the weekly tournament in Leeds wednesday..

Going to Cambridge in an hour.. There's a tournament there Sunday.
Sounds like it's going to be fun and I get a chance to see some old friends again!
Oz, Courtney and Oli.. I get to see the rest of the guys at the BPPPA events most of the times but they almost never come.. :(

So me and Lee are making it a weekend... And Nick W. is coming along.. ;)
So see you on Monday again!



Sorry couldn't think of a title for today...

What to put down now?
Not much to tell actually..

Weekly tournament in Riley's Barnsley.
22 people..
Not bad... Most since we've started the tournament..
They just knew that I was back from Ireland ;)
Loserside for me again... (And Riggers too!)
But the biggest achievement to me was winning against Adam..
Best of 1, but still.. I won the frame that was the most important...

Went to play some pool...
After an hour or so we went to the final of something in English Pool that the lads (Nick, Karl, Mick, Daz, Tommo, Steve, Jase, Mark and so on) had to play..
They lost 4-2...
After that one back to Riley's for a round-robin..
Nobody won because some people suddenly had to leave..

Riggers took me out for dinner to the Chinese because that's really one of the things I really miss..
Food was ok... No way near like home or the chinese restaurants in Holland...
After that Lee played Nick a set in their race to a 100..
Tommo and Boby were there too playing each other and I played Caan (Nick's bro).
After their set we played a round robin again which Lee won.
Then back to the house, some tv and bed!!

Riley's again..
Watched Man U v Chelsea..
Lee was supporting Man U so just to annoy him I supported Chelsea..
1 all.. So no domestics there...
An hour of pool again... And then we went home for a nice quiet evening.

Looking a bit like my old life again..
Except for the working part...
But playing pool again almost every day..
Not as much as I used too...
But not as little as a month ago...

Looking good...
Feels like the feeling of playing is coming back again..
Just too bad that the don't have a team league here like we have in Holland..
Really miss my team mates!
And the players of Thurston..
My kids I used to call them.. Just because they couldn't arrange anything themselves!
But I don't miss solving all their s***.. But them as persons... :)
Thinking about importing them to the UK.. Haha

Cork 3....

Hi ya...

Back in one piece...
What to say about Cork?
It was different then what I'm normally used to...
But still ok...

The Venue
I was staying in The Silver Springs Hotel in Cork. Now I'm not there anymore I can tell everybody that I was staying in room 611 and not 403.. (That's Cookie's room!!!)
I had a good view as this was the room on the top floor on the far right... With a view at the Convention Center where the tournament was held.
20 tables in one big arena, 3 or 4 other tables were there to practice on but I think that there
weren't any lights above it...
But most important of all..... THE INTERNET TABLE!!!
That table was my responsibility...
You don't start a match until I say so.. You don't lag until I say so...
You don't use foul language or I'll hit you! ;)

I thought that the prices of drinks ans food were ok.. Something you'd expect from a hotel...
Only thing I wasn't happy about was that there wasn't any food in the center itself! Yeah they had Mars bars and more chocolate stuff.. And hotdogs..
But as I was working almost all day long, I didn't really have time to go to the hotel lounge/bar/restaurant to have my lunch, dinner, tea, supper or whatever...
And I wasn't allowed to bring it to the center either!!!

The Players and teams
For this being a world championships I had expected a bit more players and teams than I have seen here..
But seeing that this was the first...
Not a bad job done...
But... Before I get attacked by all the English pool experts...
This was my first event that took place on the small table so I don't have anything to compare it to!

All said...

I want to thank Cookie and Trevor for making my week a lot easier..
Especially Cookie!! You're my hero of the month!!!
Without you I would probably have killed some people there...

- The cute lady from the Shetlands.. Thank you for shouting out Internetlady all the time! Should I feel offended that you didn't even want to know my real name?
- Steve Martin.. Thanks for embarrassing me at the presentation dinner... I'll get you back for it..
- Alan, Rob, and the other that I can't remember the names of... Sorry!!!
- Arthur.. Thank you for keeping me company during the boring matches while I almost fell asleep... (imagine how stupid it would look, me being asleep during work!) And for keeping some of the people away from me!
- Kenny for not letting me miss the Barnsley talk all week!
- Shar for explain how Blob works! And 45.. Which I still don't get!
- Dudley for the good company during the mornings and the presentation dinner...
- TV guys... You're only on here because sometimes you did what you had to do.. And I'm a too nice person to ignore you.. ;)

- Most important of all... COOKIE!!!! THANKS!!!!

Cork 2...

Very short message..
Head hurting...

And last one:

Why do men always seem to think you're single when you are somewhere.. All alone..
Even when you're just there for work and not for fun?!?!?!


Yeah just a short message to keep you informed...
Working really hard..
Hotel is ok..
Haven't seen a lot of it..
Venue is ok...
Too bad that they don't serve any food here as I don't really have breaks so normally I'd eat at my desk during the matches but now..
When it's possible..
I'll let someone order food...
Run to the hotel during a ten or 15 minutes break, eat as fast as possible and run back before the other matches start..

Live streaming of this events can be followed on bwin...
Starting again at 10 tomorrow..
So gonna finish the last administrational stuff I need to do and then a nice hot bath and warm bed!!!

See you soon again!


Gonna cry...
No more Dutchies in there...
Back to supporting the rest of the Europeans and most of all the Brits off course!

Pat Holtz and his cute kilt...
Kev Uzzell...
Daryl, Imran and Steve Davis...
Steve is playing now as I'm typing...
Score 6 all against Fabio!
Fabio deserves to win too...
I don't know...
Love him..
He sang for my birthday when we were in Sindelfingen, Germany for the Eurotour...
7-6 to Steve now...

Going for some food now...
I'm starving!

See ya later!

Got to pack my suitcase for tomorrow!

WPC 9-ball Manilla...

Sorry people..
I have been feeling poorly the last few days..
Still am.. That's why I'm behind the computer instead of my bed..
Can't sleep because of the constant headaches!
But good about being sick.. Now I can watch the WPC all day long!

Last 64 WPC.. Brackets weren't announced yet but I think they should be coming out like this....
1 v 64 Roberto Gomez (Philippines) v Ronato Alcano (Philippines)
32 v 33 Dennis Orcollo (Philippines) v Efren Reyes (Philippines)

16 v 49 Hsia Hun-kai (Chinese Taipei) v Kuo Po-cheng (Chinese Taipei)
17 v 48 Marlon Manalo (Philippines) v Chan Keng-kwang (Singapore)

8 v 57 Wu Chia-ching (Chinese Taipei) v Corey Deuel (USA)
25 v 40 Michael Schmidt (Germany) v Wang Hung-hsiang (Chinese Taipei)

9 v 56 Pat Holtz (Scotland) v Tomoo Takano (Japan)
24 v 41 Chang Jung-ling (Chinese Taipei) v Kevin Uzzell (England)

12 v 53 Ernesto Dominguez (Mexico) v Vilmos Foldes (Serbia and Mont)
21 v 44 Luong Chi Dung (Vietnam) v Nien Rong-chih (Chinese Taipei)

5 v 60 Vincent Facquet (France) v Lee Kun-fang (Chinese Taipei)
28 v 37 Nick van den Berg (Netherlands) v Jeff De Luna (Philippines)

13 v 52 Francisco Bustamante (Philippines) v Thomas Engert (Germany)
20 v 45 Charlie Williams (USA) v Sandor Tot (Serbia and Mont)

29 v 36 Markus Juva (Finland) v Rudy Morta (Philippines)
4 v 61 Li He-wen (China) v Alejandro Carvajal (Chile)
3 v 62 Thorsten Hohmann (Germany) v Tyler Edey (Canada)
30 v 35 Daryl Peach (England) v Ricky Yang (Indonesia)

14 v 51 Liu Cheng-chuan (Chinese Taipei) v Earl Strickland (USA)
19 v 46 Lu Hsun-chen (Chinese Taipei) v Ryu Seong-woo (Korea)

6 v 59 Konstantin Stepanov (Russia) v Oliver Ortmann (Germany)
27 v 38 Marco Tschudi (Switzerland) v Huang Kun-chang (Chinese Taipei)

11 v 54 Ralf Souquet (Germany) v Huidji See (Netherlands)
22 v 43 Johnny Archer (USA) v Yang Chin-shun (Chinese Taipei)

10 v 55 Rodolfo Luat (Philippines) v Jeremy Jones (USA)
23 v 42 Andreas Roschowsky (Germany) v Roy Apancho (Indonesia)

7 v 58 Lee Van Corteza (Philippines) v Imran Majid (England)
26 v 39 Joern Kaplan (Germany) v David Alcaide (Spain)

15 v 50 Chao Fong-pang (Chinese Taipei) v Ramil Gallego (Philippines)
18 v 47 Marcus Chamat (Sweden) v Fu Che-wei (Chinese Taipei)

31 v 34 Steve Davis (England) v Fabio Petroni (Italy)
2 v 63 Louis Condo (Australia) v Jharome Pena (Philippines)

Ok... All the Europeans are in bold...
I know all of them personally except Steve Davis..
Not a bad record...

Ralf Souquet against Huidji See...
I'm not happy with this draw...
Ralf is one the greatest players I know.. HE just so nice to everybody....
Or is that just me imagining (sp?) things? ;)
Hahaha no... He's just lovely... I really respect him! But I still have to get back at him for doing that trickshot to me at the World Pool Masters!
And there's Hooch...
What can I tell about him?
He just won the National Championships in Holland in 14.1...
When Hooch is in his zone.. He's just Huidjitastic!
Hahaha think that only Hooch will get this one...

So.. To both players the best of the game! Make it a good one!

To the rest of the Europeans: Kick some butt over there!

Nick?! Great performance yesterday! Betting on you for reaching the final! ;)
Just keep playing as you're doing and then you and Hooch in the final!

I'll be following it over the internet...
Hope I can find some time during the other WPC....
Smaller tables, different balls, different rules, different crew and other players...

Guys, I miss you! See you soon! No Malaga for me, so hopefully Liberec in Feb or Weert in Jan or if I'm really lucky Oslo in Jan!

1 more to go....


This is my 99th post...
That's done quickly...

So my 100th post should be something to go back in time and try to capture everything that has happened since..
Yeah right!
Hahaha I would be writing for weeks I think...

What is there to tell today?

Riley's Barnsley..
1st ever weekly comp!
What format?
Round robin groups... 4 or 8 groups depending on how many players.. Race to 3 or 4... First 2 or 1 go through to the winnerside to make up the quarterfinals... Winner of this side wins the big bucks! The rest can draw a card for a 16 or 32 schedule that will make up the losers-side and where you can win your entry-fee back or maybe even a bit more if there are a lot of players... But only a best of one is played until the final... That's a best of 3...
How many players?
17.. Including me.. ;) But no Riggers.. If he had played, he'd probably win...

Won my first match against Jason S. , was 3-0 up... As always I'll just let go... Can only play my first 2 or 3 racks right and then concentrating is gone.. That's why I'm better in organising stuuf than playing tournaments! In the end I won 4-2.. Not bad..
Then lost to Mark L. 4-1 and to Mick A. 4-3..
I HATE 9-ball!
Loserside it was for me..
Got to the semi's.. Left the 9 in the pocket....
Will be missing the 8-ball next week and the 9-ball the week after..

But I'll be back!

Have to tackle those English pool players first, in Cork! ;)


Yeah, I know..
There has to be a first time for everything..
Apparently Professorpool on doesn't like to be questioned about things..
Or to be told that he's wrong about some things..
Mr Nik Hammond (Don't know how exactly it should be spelled but in my eyes he's not even worth the effort trying to spell it right) needs to ..
Oeps.. Can't put that down here..
Not nice...

Let's hope he'll be in Ireland next week...
Hahaha that would be fun!!

Already looking forward to going to Cork!!!

Carsten & Jacqueline...

First of all I'd like to congratulate Carsten and Jacqueline in getting married today!
I know that the past few weeks have been very difficult for you..
Losing your little girl..
I can't really imagine how that must feel...
But with you two marrying..
That makes the world seem a bit better...
I can put down a lot of things that i hope for you and your marriage but you probably know what I think...
Just enjoy.. Please...

Love you both!

Wish I could be there!

Cork, Ireland...


Just got a call to confirm that I'm going to Cork in Ireland...
The WPA is hosting a World Championship Blackball there!
The 10th of November it will start until the 16th....
Flying over on the 9th and coming back on the 17th...
What can I tell about it?
Not a lot...
Printed out the rules last week when I found out that I might be going to it...
But I've read them a few times now and I still don't get most of it!

I've put some info about the event under here...
This is going to be interesting....

PS.. dont forget about Carl's good cause!
Donate here!!!

This is the info that's on the net....
Event: Blackball 2006 World Championship

Dear Team Managers,
We take this opportunity to present to you the details of the forthcoming WPA World Blackball Pool Championships in Cork, Ireland from the 9th to the 17th (Playing Dates – 10th thru 16th)

Discipline: Blackball Pool

Format: Team and Opens singles events.

5 Person Team Events:
All teams will consist of 5 players plus two reserves
National Team Ladies Team
Juniors Team (under 18 years of age)
Veterans Team (aged 40 and over)

Singles event:
Open Event
Ladies Event
Juniors Event
Veterans Event .

Plus a special invitation to representatives of International forces Teams e.g. Army, Prison Service and Police.

Prize monies:……TBA………………
Date of event:…9th – 17th November 2006……………….
Opening ceremony time and date:…10am – 10th November 2006
Closing ceremony:…20,00 hrs. 16th November 2006

Venue: Silver Springs Hotel & Conference Centre – Cork, Ireland –
Accommodation: In Host Hotel @ €70 Per Person Sharing (First Come First Served Basis) – Accommodation secured nearby at varying reduced rates for all delegates, players and supporters.

Players eligible to play: All national members of the Continental membership of the WPA. At this stage we are anticipating 20 participating countries plus individuals from within the WPA Membership.

Television coverage secured:…SKY SPORTS……………

As this will be the inaugural W/C for Blackball Pool we are looking forward to your favourable response to this invitation.

All enquiries regarding the accommodation and event details should be directed to SME Event Management @

All correspondence regarding the staging of the event should be directed to Martin Kirwan @

Best regards,
Martin Kirwan

Martin Kirwan
EBA Chairperson

Carl Morris...

Sorry Carl...
Haven't got any money to help, but I hope that by putting it on here it might help you a bit...
Good luck with everything!!!

Carl Morris:

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page. Please dig deep and sponsor me online.Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me: The National Deaf Children's Society will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.

I am aiming to become the first deaf person to reach the North Pole by foot and I am undergoing vigorous training in order to achieve this target.

I am also doing 30 pool exhibitions nights for charity, free of charge, all over the UK while trying to juggle this with my IPT Pool career and business which won't be easy, but I think it'll be worth the blood and sweat if I can present the NDCS with a cheque for £50,000.

If you would like to come to an exhibition evening, just e-mail me at CarlHoudiniMorris @ and I will let you know where I am. So far, 2 have been done with another 28 to go.I am hoping that all of you out there who know me personally can pass on this link onto your friends, as we the more that know about this, the better. In cases like this, a little does make a difference at the end.

I am deaf, and I know what it's like to be a deaf child with a future that looks bleak but I am one of the lucky ones who made it. By doing this I will enable ten deaf children to have a cochlear implant which will enable them to hear again, and thus increasing their prospects of a better life.

Many thanks for your time to read this, and if you've made a donation, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Please donate something...


Hi ya...

It's Thursday already.. The past few days went by so quickly...
And what have I done?
I've slept a lot! Had to get catch some of it because of the horrible weekend I've had...
Yesterday, Riley's Leeds.. Finally got my membership card!
Good to see Si and Daz again...
Still haven't touched my cue in a few weeks...
Probably tonight.. If Riggers doesn't forget! ;)
Poolcue I'm talking about for the few people that like to think dirty things!
What more have I done?
Not much..
Been looking for jobs everyday!
Getting more depressed by the day.. ;)
Haha no.. Things are looking ok now..
Send out some applications...
We'll see...

Back to the laundry then...
Talk to you soon!


National Championships...


Really busy now...
But good news!
Riggers promised to write something about the championships for my weblog..
So just wait and see!! :D:D:D


Finally got my phone back!!!
It was working when I was in the store...
Now lets see what happens when I've got it for a few days...
Bought the phone in july..
Didn't work anymore after 3 weeks!!!
3 times to the repairshop..
In Holland!!!
So didn't have a normal to use in the UK!
Had to use Riggers'...
But after a lot of email contact with T-Mobile they gave me a new one!
Lets hope it will stay working even in England!


Hi ya..

Back in Rotterdam for a few hours..
Had to pick up my phone...
Lunch with friends...
Hairdresser and in about an hour I'll be leaving to Deurne!

It's going to be a really tough weekend..
Lots of crying and that kind of stuff..
Just have to keep it cool..
Need all the support that I can get!!


My life is over...
4 more days and than I'll be done in the poolworld..
At least in Holland..
What about the rest of the world?

At the moment I'm not sure..
OK already told that I wouldn't put my feelings on here anymore..
So I'll keep that for my other blog..
Although I keep writing on it but never publish it..
Scared of what people may think of me...
Or that they are worrying about me..
So up here I'm gonna be an all happy person!

Flying back tomorrow!!!! :D:D:D


hahaha somehow I ended up on this site...

It's so funny.. It makes up slogans for whatever you want...

A few examples:

shir - once you have it, you love it. shir is good for you. shir - first class! I trust shir. shir - your game. World's finest shir. shir will do anything for you. (almost anything!!) When you say shir you've said it all. Saved by shir! Up, up and away with shir. shir it's a kind of magic. The Power of shir. shir loves you. shir online. shir rules. The secret of shir. Food or shir? I'll have shir. My shir beats everything.

OK more than enough!!!

Want to have fun too? Sloganizer But be careful... It's addicting!


2 more days...
Thursday.. Early morning I'll be flying back to Holland...
Friday we'll start with the National Championships..
3 days of pool..
Have to do some praparations..
And then I'll be ready to fly off...

More soon!





On the bottom..
Yeah.. All the way down there....
You and me can finally see how many people have checked my blog out...
Wanted this for a long time but didn't want to work it out how I should do it..
But now.. I've done it..
And it works..
Too bad it can't count back in time!
But at least I was the first visitor to my own blog!


Nothing to say..

All I'm gonna put down for now is that things in the poolworld are looking good for me..
Here in the UK..
We'll see...

Personally some things need to go better..
I'm not getting into it.. But for now I've decided to keep it to myself for a while..

All you can find here are poolthings..

See you soon!

Love you!


What to put down?
I don't know.. Feels like my head is being screwd of my body every minute a bit more...
Weird huh?!
That how I feel.. Can't help it..
For the rest.. I'm fine...
Doing my thing..
Still looking for a normal job...
Poolwise I can't complain.. Things are looking fine!
I'm not playing as much as I used to.. But I'm still happy most of the time..
Part of me is looking forward to next weekend!
Saying goodbye to some of the players that I've gotten to know so well the last year...
Part of me is not looking forward..
I'll probably be crying my head off...

I'm done with Holland...
All ready to start my new life up here!

So everybody that tries to make my life more difficult!!!
Those that really wants to make themselves ridiculous by talking about me behind my back...
And think that the people they talk to won't ask me about it...
Just Shut UP!!!
Just because I've moved doesn't say that you're free to talk BS about me!

Ok that's all I want to say about it.. Needed to get it of me!

Stretford 2...

Mark Gray won the BPPPA Event in Stretford!!!
First event I've helped as a tournament leader in the UK...
It's so different..
Only had 1 argument.. Not worth mentioning..
People were great.. I had fun...
Too bad I can't be there in Guildofrd...
Have to say goodbye to the people in Holland.. And what better way can you think of than the National Championships?

Next season!!!
I'll be there!


No updates this weekend...

Going to Stretford for the BPPPA event...
We'll be back saturday night... But I'm just gonna put my laptop away for a weekend!!!
Might take a little peek at the Eurotour results

So see you sunday?!?!?!



No.. Not the singer!
The colour!
And all shades of them.. Most of them Shocking pink! Great one! Less of the baby-colours!

The people that know me quite well, know that I've got a soft spot for that colour...
Resulting in me buying a lot of things just because of it's colour..
Shocking pink umbrella
Shocking pink wallet
Shocking pink hairbrush
Loads of pink things in my wardrobe
Pink letters on MSN
Pink background on my weblog
Even buy shampoo, conditioner, hairspray or make-up just because of the pink package...
Nuts!! I know..
But it's not like I only wear pink, or use pink things.. Not that crazy.. Just to add a bit of colour to my life...

Yesterday Riggers came back from Malta.. Too tanned for words, hardly recognised him!!! His Eyes are even brighter now! Pfffff help!!!
Nick came over so Lee could fix his tip.
Went out for dinner...
And then finally a nice night in!
And I got my present!!! A pink watch!!! :D I love it!!!
But I'm horrible with watches.. Always lose them! But I'll be more carefull with this one!

So.. I've got another item for the PINK collection... Better watch out...

Sy Widlow

OK... I promised...
Sy won the 9-ball league in Leeds today!!!
Against Martin (Chapman?)
He was playing well all night.. 17 people played.. Not me.. Didn't feel like it and D'vali had enough players!
Just wanted to thank Si, PC, Sy and the rest for a great night.. Had fun, I need to stay away from that machine! It's costing me too much money! Cluedo is a lot of fun though...

Thank Si for picking me up and driving me back home again! For the drinks and the laughs. (And for the extra work I think... But at least it will be done now...)
Waiting for your mail tomorrow!!!

And to both Si's.. I'll kick your asses(sp?) saturday if you don't read this and leave a comment!!!!


PS 16 more hours before my babe comes home!!!

Eurotour Weert 3

Hahaha forgot all about it...
Not much to tell...

Alex Lely won! Did I tell that?
It was a great experience!
But it was difficult..
You know me... I'm a big fan.. Try not to show it!
Have to be a professional!!!

But sometimes I'd just like to show my support to some of the players...
But recently my interest moved to other players..
Hooch will always be my favorite player!!! No matter what!
But during international tournaments I would always support all Dutch players! But now..
Not just because I moved.... But I've always been hanging aroung on those tournament with some of the Brits... I just love them! We just click.. You know who I'm talking about!
But as soon as I got to the venue on of the Dutchies called me a traitor!! :o
Couldn't believe it!
I'm just supporting people that I like as a person...
Whether it's Ralf, Thomas, Oli, Olli, Courtney, Os, Ste, Mark, Im, whoever!!!!
Just let it go!!!
Come on people!!!

Pfff just had to get that of my chest!

Going to bed now because I've not been feeling well all week and Si is picking me up tomorrow for the weekly league in Leeds!!!

See ya!

Two more days...

And then I'll be reunited be with my honey bunny...
Hahaha he hates it when I call him that!!! Sorry!
Miss him..
Can't believe he turned me into a love-sick blah...
I'm a independant (sp?) woman! D*** arrrrgggghhhhh.

Can't wait to get something done!
Got a new assigment (do you call it that?)
So I've got a "To do list"...

Just wait!!!! I'll be coming with something you'd never think I'd do!


(Is it Thursday yet?!?!?!?!!?)


OK I'm really bored now!!!

this is how my life looks like now:

wake up whenever I feel like it..
(Now Riggers's gone that's around 10.30)

Shower and everything else you'd normally do when you wake up..

Go downstairs (Turn the alarm off, because I'm all alone!)

Boil some water to make me some tea..

Turn on the laptop: check mail...

2 hours of checking jobsites

Check all the other stuff like pro9 and dutch things..

Watch TV, clean the house, prepare lunch...


Thank god that TheDiamond is coming Wednesday to pick me up to go to Leeds for the 9ball league (although i'm not really a fan of 9-ball)

Hahaha any suggestions to keep me busy?


Funny.. downloaded it because MM told me that it would be easy...
It's funny... Almost the same as MSN... But still different...
Now I have to start collecting people's Skype name!
Haha should be easier to keep up.. Because somehow whenever I buy a new phone it stops working and I keep asking people their number every few months..
So embarassing!!!

skype you?


He's left around 3 I think... Was half awake half asleep..
This was the first day waking up in Barnsley without him...
These coming days will be long!!!
Pffffff how long you'd think before I'll be going nuts?
Went for a walk this afternoon, because the weather was still ok and because I know I'll not be going out a lot when he's not here...
Can really say I've fallen in love with this part of the UK. The view is incredible!
Didn't have any of this in Holland...
But what I do miss... Thurston! When I was bored or just felt like playing or just didn't want to stay home: there was Thurston! After work, before work, before going out: there was Thurston!
Feeling depressed, happy. annoyed, hyper-active? There was Thurston...
Hahaha but I did get back something else: A whole new world! With a new man in my life! And
I love it! Sometimes it drives me crazy! Finding a new job that I can combine with all the pool-events in my life isn't really easy. But I'm not giving up!!!

X-factor starting...
See ya later!


what to put down?
Yesterday weekly comp in Sheffield...
Riggers got to the final.. Didn't win it..
Nothing more to say about it..

Looking for jobs..
Nothing... Riggers going out with colleagues.. Don't want to be the third wheel..
So I'm staying home.. Like a good house-wife..
He'll probably be drunk by the time he gets home...
I'll be asleep..

See you tomorrow when I'm in a better mood!


Forgot to tell you about the Eurotour!!!

In short:
tiring, fun, exiting and loads more!
Alex Lely won!

More soon!



Yeah I know...
I'm back in Barnsley..
Couldn't stand having to miss him.. :( Although he's leaving me on Saturday. But he'll be back around the Thursday.. So 5 days.. I should be able to handle that... Right?
At first decided I should stay in Holland, as I'm going to Germany on the 10th.. But I've been cancelled.. Too many people.. Haha... Good thing I heard about it today as I was planning on booking the flight to Frankfurt tomorrow.

So only thing I've got planned for the coming weeks...
7-8th October BPPPA Stretford (just checking it out)
14-15 October EPT Sollihull (just checking it out)
20-22 October National Championships in Holland.
Flying over on the 19th...
Riggers coming to visit... Now he can see how a proper tournament should be run!!! ;)


Eurotour Weert 2....

Hi ya...

Didn't have a lot of time work update this all...
Have been working...
Ana.. (Who's sitting next to me..) She's the one showing me how everything should be done.
Haven't seen her since the EPC's in March in Germany!
First night we were talking to 5 in the morning!!!
Not good for your health and state of mind...
We had to get up at 7.. Breakfast at 7.30 and to the venue at 8...
Got back to the hotel around 1.30 AM!!!

Exhausted now, but great to experience a Eurotour like this...
Hoping for more, but you'll never know!
Gotta go...

More soon!

PS. I miss you honey!

Photo of Harrow...

That's me in Harrow...
Just killing time...
Don't mind the fatrolls please!!!
Good thing it's quite blurry!

Thanks to Mark Mills

Eurotour Weert

EPBF press-release Netherlands Open: Announcements reach another all-time-high - About one week prior to the tournament start, not
less than 332 players from 34 different countries
have already announced for the Netherlands Open 2006, what means another all-
time-high in the history of the Euro Tour. Due to the
fact that there is only space for 224 participants, a
waiting-list for this altogether 5th Euro Tour stop of
the running season had to be formed.

It's getting bigger and bigger...And I'm a part of it...
I don't know how the internet connection is going to be over there..
Normally I can log in with a wire.. But it might be used already...
I'll try to keep you up to date...
But I'll be working.. So full report will be afterwards I think..
Sunday I'll be doing a qualifier in Deurne.. 14.1 ...

Bye bye


Somebody please invent something that packs your suitcase by itself and takes itself to its destination...
Have to take clothes with me for a months long in Holland...
And my laptop and my cuecase..
And then:
Have to take it into a taxi, train, bus, plane, train, train and a little walk...
That's all tomorrow!
Sunday I'll take it in this order:
Train, train, walk or taxi (morning)
walk or taxi, train, train, metro, metro and walk... (Evening, if I'm lucky I might be able to catch a ride)


Don't even want to think about the coming month!
It's going to be horrible!

Good idea?
Invent something that shrinks all your stuff.. Like into something that will fit into a... Just make it as small as a needle... Or as thin as a napkin...
Imagine that? When you're moving to another house for example... Everything will fit into
the back of the car (couldn't find the correct word for it now...)
This would make life so much easier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK tomorrow...
I'll have to do it...
Was supposed to come back to the UK on Monday...
But change of plans...
I'll be coming back on the 23rd of October..
So I'm gonna stay in Holland for a months... In between I'll be in Germany for five days...
Contactsperson for Bet and Win... Remember them? Told you about them during the EPC's..

Don't really feel like writing now..
So more tomorrow!

What's wrong?


Why is life this complicated?
I just give up trying to understand...

(trying to quit...)

Sorry in a real bad mood now...
Just want to cry...
Better to do it now because I'll just have be the lovely Shirley again!


Owh b********

Lee got into the semi's in Stockport.. forgot to tell you guys..
He lost to Andy W.
Had to put this down or else he'd kick me out.... ;)


Forget to put something down about the weekly comp in Leeds...
Nothing special.. Me and Riggers both lost the first round... But the good thing: 8-ball!!!
Next week 9 ball again...

Tuesday was the first time they held a comp in Stockport...
Over the Pennines? Don't know how to spell it...
I'll look it up the next time and correct it...
IPT 8-ball rules...
Although of the 25 people there about 8 people knew the rules?
Hahaha Seeing Les again was fun... Still waiting for the Toblerone!!
Imagine my luck? Drawn against Neil Jenkins (won a bronze medal at the EPC Seniors)
Missed an easy 8 to get to 3 all...
Lost 5-2...
Not worth mentioning... But he did say that I was quite good... (For a girl, I think is what he meant.. ;) ) Just need to practice more...

Riggers? Time for a pooltable?

Honey Bunny

hahaha sorry had to put this down...

And what did I do?
Nothing special really...
Just enjoyed some quality time with Riggers...
He was in a good mood... (Happy it was weekend...)
To be fair.. He had a horrible week at work...
Went to some pubs...
Race night..
Never been to one before so didn't know what to expect.. Nothing much..
But thanks to Lefty...
Everybody was screaming for horse number 7 in race 7 called: Shir's or Shirley's (Can't remember) TIPS... Jockey: Riggers... But offcourse.. They made it TITS.. :(
Not gonna happen again!

If you want to know..
Score in sets: Shir 8-5 Riggers!!!
I'm getting there!!!
Hopefully I'll have won by tonight!!!

See ya soon!


Was googling aroung... And found a forum for Dutch people living in the UK.. Home Sweet Holland...
Found a very funny thing on it...
Copy and Paste works all the time:

  1. The bandage was wound around the wound.
  2. The farm was used to produce produce.
  3. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
  4. We must polish the Polish furniture.
  5. He could lead if he would get the lead out.
  6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
  7. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
    8 ) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
  8. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
  9. I did not object to the object.
  10. The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
  11. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
  12. They were too close to the door to close it.
  13. The buck does funny things when the does are present.
  14. A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
  15. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
  16. The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
    18 ) After a number of injections my jaw got number.
  17. Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
  18. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
  19. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.

We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?

If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught?

If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all.

That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

PS. - Why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick"


doesn't this make you think?
Sorry didn't know what to put down today....

OK.. Time to write...

Not feeling really well today, so loads of time to write something...

Pfff where to start?
Guess you could say that a lot has happened to me the last month..
It's exactly a month ago...
That's the day everything changed for me and for him...
Won't mention his name because I don't know if he'll appreciate it...
But the people that know me or him will know...

One month later...
Living in the UK, desperately looking for something to do (a job, project, anything), given up my old comfortable life... But it's worth it!! I feel happier than ever!! In my mind.. My body doesn't really want to work with me today... I've finally found someone that makes me feel good about myself, supports me in my plans, wants me to be happy, that I can make happy too... You know... All those corny things... ;)

Ok back to normal things... I'll try to keep my lovelife out of here...

Thursday was the last day that "Strand aan de maas" was open... Summerseason is finished. On Friday we had a staffparty.. Started at 7 pm with a BBQ... After that... Drinks, drinks, drinks and some more drinks... We made a bonfire.. Guitar... People singing... Had a lot of fun... Afterwards we went to a club: Vibes... All kinds of music, loads of fun! I'll miss you guys!!!

Saturday 10 in the morning my flight back to Leeds... Too early after such a night, but I almost missed it. Mom was crying as I tried to say goodbye. Missed the tube, the train and almost the plane... Last one because of the enormous queue at the security check.

He picked me up.. Went home, did some groceries, went to The Corner Pocket, Score at the moment was 4-2... Went up to 6-3!!! :D Home for some food and a movie...

Sunday... We went for a drive through the beautifull Yorkshire... I have to admit it... It is great... Didn't have that in Holland, but I still have to get used to driving on the left side and those small roads!!! Sorry I made fun of it while I was in London... ;)

Yesterday: Nothing much... Did some work on the pc and in the house. In the evening to Sheffield again. The Common Room weekly comp. He won everything except the final...
Back home had some fish fingers and chips... And a lot of paracetemol...

Going to bed.. Hope I will feel better later...



Hi ya...

In Barnsley again!!
Went back to Holland on Thursday... Early in the morning.. Way too early! Left the house at 5...
Flight was at 7... Surprisingly haven't had any delays in Leeds or Amsterdam lately...
Owh gonna check out a movie... Flightplan...
More tomorrow!

See ya!


Yup.. he did it... Riggers won the weekly comp in The Common Room in Sheffield... 50 pounds to the winner...
Part of it had to go to the cab driver because I was sooooo stupid to forget my cuecase in the taxi...
I got lucky that somehow another taxidriver could contact him and he came back.. Had to pay.. But it's worth it!


Hello everybody!!!

Weekend is almost over...
The IPT has started! Keep looking on the livescoring...
Really rooting for the Dutch and off course the guys from the UK..
They've got a special place in my heart... ;)

Hmmm what did I do since I'm here?
Not a lot really...
Friday I was knackered when I arrived here...
So we stayed in...

Saturday? Went for some groceries, had breakfast.. A real English one...
Got two daffodils because we donated money for Marie Curie.. Cancer Care...
Then we went to The Corner Pocket for some games... Got 8 ahead race to 10... 8-ball..
Lost 2-1 in races.. 10-9, 10-9 and won 10-9
Then into town... Watched the england match... Predicted the score right!! Woehoe!
Some drinks, Riggers got a bit drunk.. ;)

We went to Leeds! Walked around for a bit.. Went for lunch at Wetherspoons but after waiting for 50 minutes for a simple lunch.. We left.. With a refund off course...
Found a sportsbar.. Food was great! Garlic bread was a bit strong...
Riley's Leeds wasn't a big club but I did like it... Reminded me of Thurston.
Did the same thing as yesterday.. 8 ahead in a race to 10. Winner breaks.
Won 3-0 in races!!!
10-8, 10-0 (break and run in the first frame!) and 10-2 or 3? Can't remember... Riggers wil deny it...

So the score for now in races is 4-2!!! Woehoe I can do it! When I get to win this 10-something.. I'll lower my advantage to 7, ok?

Off to bed in a few minutes... Check the IPT for new scores and prepare for a long day... And after that an evening in Sheffield!



Packing my suitcase...
I hate doing it!!
Always afraid of forgetting something...

Life is just not fair!

Funeral is friday.. Still can't really believe it!

2nd Round


Yeah i made it to the 2nd round of waitress of the year!!!

Now you people have to help me get to the 3rd round!
Vote like i've written previously..
send a text to 5030: UIT 133



Life is just not fair!

What do you think i should do?
Forget about it?

Friend of mine died yesterday...
He was only 27..
Way too young!

This made me realise that life can be so short...
You never know when it can be over!

Take things as they come, take your chances!

It might be easy to fall in love with somebody, but how are you going to make something work? That's the most difficult part!
That friend of mine fell in love about 6 months ago when he was in Thailand (made his fantasy trip and met his dreamgirl)... Thai girl...

He was crazy enough (sorry Isa!) to bring here along! When he told me that he had done this, i said that he was nuts! But after seeing them together... They were a lovely couple.
My heart broke when i talked to her this afternoon. They really loved each other!

Quote: I know that we were going fast, but now i know it was worth it! Every minute together was a minute to enjoy! Off course we've had our arguments, but those were the best arguments i've ever had. I had to leave my whole family but i've gotten a whole new one! These 6 months were the best time of my life! Although giving up everything, i've gained so much!I've learned so much.. He taught me that life can be great even though it might not seem that way. Being sick won't have to ruin you life, Carpe Diem!!!

I want that too!!! Ok hopefully more than 6 months! But finding a love that can do so much to you... That you'd want to give up everything just to be with him...

RIP Dennis
Thanks for being my friend for all those years.

The future...

How the hell are you supposed to plan your future if you don't even know what you'll be doing next week!!!


It's so weird!!!
When i can say that i love somebody..
I can mean different things with it...
Love you as a friend, as someone i know or as my lover...
But when somebody says it to me and i don't know what they really mean with it...
It drives me nuts!!!

Owh by the way:

Riggers had a stag weekend...
Got some great pictures to show you people!!!
Wasn't there off course...
But i'll put them down here some day when i know he's not gonna kill me...

Help me!!!

Just a short message!

I got nominated as waitress of the year.. Although i'm not really a waitress it seemed like fun...
The waitress that wins can go to Barcelona or Berlin for a weekend...
But there are about 90 people nominated or something...
Till the 29th of August people can vote...
The top 50 will go through to the 2nd round.
After that 10 will go through...
And then one of us will win!
Only people from around Rotterdam!

So people vote!!!
Find my name and register... You can vote once a day!

Owh a little update about me...
Have been working a few days...
Not much to tell about it...
Not really happy at the moment...
It sucks being here in Rotterdam...
Rather be in Barnsley!
But friday i'm gonna go again!

Going home now to get some sleep...
My whole body is hurting!!!
(because of work, people!!! Don't get the wrong things in your head!)

See ya soon!




I don't get them!
Why do they have to be this difficult?
They don't know what they want, or if they even want it!
When will I ever be able to get them?

Most of you probably won't get what I'm talking about..
Lets put it this way...
I like to have several options...
Like up to yesterday I still didn't know what I was going to do next season..
OK I do have some commitments towards the Dutch Federation, but that's about it...
Same thing with guys...
Don't want you to think that I play with their feelings or something...
Or to think that I like their attention...
Off course... I like to get some of it, but I don't need it...
It was perfectly fine the way everything went lately.

But now! Hmmmm something has happened and I can't explain it...
Seems that I have fallen in love... Horrible to say it but it f***s up everything!
Sorry honey...

I made a choice now. I'm gonna go for it, or else I might regret it.
So I had the pleasure to tell some people that I'm going to do this and I can tell you that they weren't that happy with me...

So am I doing the wrong thing? Should I listen to them, listen to my friends that say that I have to take this chance but that they'll miss me? Or just follow my feelings?

I don't know anymore! All I know is that I love this guy...



Hi Shir. The last few days have been a lot of fun :-D I just wish you didn't have to go back to Holland on Wednesday but at least it's not for long :-)

So when are you going to remove the bullshit from your profile? Cute and Innocent eh? Ok so when you are not being a mardy bum I accept you could get away with cute but inncocent? Get real - you are never going to get away with that one. Here's some words you could pick from instead: Crazy, funny, mardy, cheeky, mischievous, naughty, addictive...

There are quite a lot more I could suggest but maybe I shouldn't do that here... haha

OK thanks honey!
Wish that i could stay.. But i have to work for a few days... But I'll be back soon!
You'll be sorry for inviting me!

Bullshit? Excuse me? I am cute and innocent! Right? Addictive? In what way?
Hahahaha come on! Tell!
Crazy? Maybe a bit...
Funny? Sometimes...
Mardy? Only if there's a reason for it...
Cheeky? Not really...
Mischievous? Not at all!!!
Naughty? No way!

Hmmm make up something that really fits me and then maybe I'll change my profile!


Solihull (Spelled correct this time!)

Hi ya...

Back in Barnsley now...
Was in Solihull yesterday and today.. There was a BPPPA-event...
Great to see some people again that i haven't seen for a while...
Oz, Ollie, Ted...
And some i've seen the weekend before at the EPT-event...
It was interesting to see how this tour is being run, because of the fact that i help the tour in Holland...
As some of you know i've been looking for a new challenge for a while.. And this might be one...
I've seen things that we or i would have done totally different, but i can't really put that down here, without first telling it to the organisers themself.

But are some other things i might want to explore in the UK. But i can promise you that you'll be seeing me more often over there! I love it!

Getting some curry now, update will be soon again!



Hi ya...

It's friday... Got back from Harrow mondaynight... With a delay of about 2 hours!!! That was not my weekend for flying!
The EPT was great, it's so different from the poolscene in Holland! I couldn't believe it...
Mika, Marcus, Daryl, Mark M, Mark S, Daz, Riggers, Si, and everybody else that i forgot.... Was great to see you all again...

At the moment i'm at the airport in Amsterdam.. What am i doing there you'd think?
You'd probably won't believe it!
I'm gonna fly to Leeds at 9 pm...
Riggers invited me to come over and relax!
Hahaha, honestly?
I'm kind of tired of everything in Holland, especially things in Rotterdam....
And it seems that i don't have to work till wednesday, so here i go!
So it's kind of a holiday... Just a few days... And some more in September...
Might be visiting the BPPPA thing in Sollihull (Don't know how to spell it and i don't want to go and search for it... sorry)
Just to see how you guys handle it in the UK...
But be careful! I might be coming with a lot of suggestions what you can change!

but anyways...
I'm gonna take these coming days to think about a lot of things because i have to make a lot of decisions for this coming poolseason....

See ya soon!


Hi ya...

Leaving for London tomorrow....
Flying from Rotterdam Airport to London Heathrow...
Kind of scared you know...
Sounds silly i know, but still...
Had a nightmare yesterday, we were flying to London and suddenly somebody stood up and shouted: I'm gonna mix this bottle of mineral water and Coca Cola and the plane is going to explode!
And then i woke up...
So I'm nervous!

But anyways....
I'll see you when i'm back in Rotterdam...
Monday evening late...
If i've got enough energy left i'll write something or else Tuesday...

See ya!

Almost 2 weeks...

Yeah I know...
It has almost been 2 weeks ago since I've written something....

But I've been kind of busy...
As always....
We had the TPT-Cup on the 30th...
23 teams showed up for this tournament where we like to have fun and close the season....
X-Men had to win again this year to bring the gigantic Cup back to their own poolhall... Because then they would have won this tournament for the third time....
Thanks to Thurstons own Mangler's the Cup is staying here and I don't have to buy a new one....

What else did I do...

Not a lot really... Work, work, work...
Started a new job... Club Imax...
Thursday it opened... On Friday we had Kane performing... And Saturday we had DJ Jazzy Jeff....

So that means that I've got three jobs now... Hope that I can keep on going for a while... The money is very welcome...

See you soon again!


It's hot!!!
Tooooooooooo hot!!!
Owh my god, can''t even concentrate on anything!!!
Weekly tournament is on now but....
Every time that I'm on the table feels like...
I don't know how to describe it!!!
Do you know that feeling?

Don't feel like playing at all...
Only on the monday's because I have to be here anyways...
What have I been up to the last few days?
Nothing special...
Work, work, work and work!!!
A few fun things though...
Went to Amsterdam friday...
For dinner with some of the volunteers of the KNBB... We went to Margarita's.. Guess what the serve there? haha
Yesterday I went to Amsterdam again... For dinner and back home... Slept at a friend's house... (Thanks Monica!!!)
Thursday we went out with a few people from work... Nope is Dope... That was fun! Thanks Ivan for putting me on the guestlist! See you soon again...

Had a job interview monday for a new club that is opening begin of august... Dance Club...
That means when I really get the job that I'll be doing a lot less tournaments!!!
Really need to earn some money!
But we'll see....

Tomorrow a meeting in Nieuwegein, talk about the preparations for the National Championships...

See you tomorrow?

All gone...


I lost all my phonenumbers!!!
My phone refuses to charge himself again!!!
Result: Lost all my phonenumbers!!!
But I did buy a new one....


Come and give me all your numbers again!


i know...

had to work all week...
Still have to do a lot of work for the KNBB but i don't even have time for that!!!

Tuesday will be my day off...
have to visit a friend of mine that has had an operation last friday...
Nothing very serious.. He broke something and the doctors have fixed it... If i'm right....
Hahaha he was walking around with it for a year!!! Or something like that!
I'll try to write something then....

See ya!

Too tired....

Tell you about this weekend tomorrow...
Have to visit a friend first...

See ya!

National Ranking Masters

I'm in Weert now...
Doing the National Ranking Masters...
Together with Kim R. and Gerrie D. and it's going to be a long weekend!!!
We're staying in a hotel "near" Weert (30 minutes drive!!!)
All seperate rooms if you were wondering...

Had to leave from home at 7 in the morning...
Tomorrow i can get out of bed later! Woehoe!

Talk to you tomorrow!


What a week....

Pic taken by Dave Richards at the Finals of the PTL

Had to work all week... Hot, hot and hot again!!!
Too many people wanting to enjoy the sun!!!
Not gonna spent to many words to it...
Going to be the same this week!!!

But something about sunday...

WE won the CUP!!!
Can't believe this season...
First year that we started the association...
And what a great season...
Getting into the PTL and winning the Cup!!!

Don't really feel like writing anymore...
Let the end of this season come soon!!!

Q-Action Moneypool tournament

Hi ya...

It's monday!!!
Time for the weekly tournament again!
Boring! Hahaha can't say that too loud... But it's the same every week...
Yesterday evening i came back from Antwerp.. It was fun...
Even though that the Coca Cola Classics was cancelled...
24 people turned up... First price 240 euro...

BBQ at Mario and Elly was fun! Thanks to Mario, Elly, Wim, Serge and Bart....
And I promised Elly to mention the great Elly Special! Tasted great...

Don't know what to write anymore...
Next time when i've got more time I'll promise to tell you how I ended up here in Thurston...


Sons of Thurston won the National Championship yesterday in Enschede in the First Class....


Leaving for Antwerp tomorrow...
Coca Cola classics are postponed due to too little announcements for this tournament on this date...
The owner decided to postpone it yesterday...
Too bad that a lot people still wanted to enter the tournament yesterday and today...

People just to warn you if you want to set up a tournament yourself...
First of all, check the date!!! Depends on what kind of crowd you'd want to attract: National calendar or the international one....
Second: start the preparations on time... If it's just a tournament for club-members it's ok to start it 1 or 2 weeks before... If it's for the district: a month is better or more... National 2 months? More is always better! International: depends on how big.... Rotterdam Open I started with planning and all those things 10 months before... Even worse now: I have already started with planning the Rotterdam Open for 2007, that will probably take place in November....

Sorry I'm a bit frustrated by the way everything went...

But anyways...
Leaving for Antwerp tomorrow... Mario E. is celebrating his birthday with a BBQ... Asked him what i should bring except me offcourse! He told me to bring flowers.... ;) Hahaha that's a inside joke... He and Wim H. promised me in February already to bring me flowers sometime... And till now I haven't received them yet!!! I bought something... Can't tell it now, he might read it before he gets it!!!
Staying over and on sunday we're going to do a little moneypool-tournament for the people that still want to come...

See you again sunday evening or monday!




I'm here...
Don't really have an excuse for not writing anything the past week...

Have been busy...

Let me see....
What do I still have to tell you about?
A lot!!!

Lets do it quick then...

Ardennencup, Erpeldange, Luxembourg...
Four days! Almost 5 hours drive...
A lot of drunk people!
Had a lot of fun with "de koekkenbakkers" (misspelled but that's the way they spelled it there!) and "de smeerlapjes"... Can't translate it... If somebody knows the correct way you can put it down in a comment! We we're staying in some kind of youth hostel, very clean! Great showers, if you had discovered the right one! (Like me and Kynthia)
Thanks to Aniel, Metin, Kynthia, Eric, Amar and Wim for making it a great weekend!

Thurston Night Event...
12 at night we started, 61 people came to the tournament... dko till the last 8. 1st price was 500 euro. Most people played for the fun and some came for the money... It was a long night! Had to start work at 9.30 in the morning at the beachthing i work at... After that the Belgium players (2 + girlfriend) came to pick me up... We had some drinks at my work, then went for dinner (Sorry guys, should have told you that the steak is the best thing to get there). Then for another drink we went to Dino's. And off to the club...
Nothing special really... Just another tournament...
The only real difference was when the tournament ended that when i walked out of the club that the sun was shining!!!

World Pool Masters
Friday Night we went with four people, me, Anthony, Emerson and Fung.... (Got free tickets! Sometimes my connections do work) The Trickshots Event.... Saw a lot of amazinf shots... Loved the Bruce Lee thing of Alex Pagulayan... Was set up by Ralf Souquet's girlfriend! He needed some volunteers... And his lovely girlfriend Illy shouted out my name... And off course, i had the luck to go up there...
First he gave me a bankshot i had to make that was impossible but he could do it but with a golfball... Next thing i had to do... Sit on the table... But i had a skirt on!!! But that didn't matter.. Then i had to lie on the table... Hold a chalk between my teeth and a ball on top of that... He'd jump a ball against that ball and pot another ball... Didn't see anything but for the people that want to see it... Watch out for the DVD...
For now a photograph just to prove that it was me there.... (all the above my post...)

That's about it...
Have to work this week...
This weekend the Coca Cola Classics are coming up... They asked me to be their tournament leader... I'm honoured! Thanks for the chance!
There are still spots available so if you want to sign in? Let me know!



I've been so busy!!!
Have to work a lot and a lot more of those things....
Might be able to write something tomorrow...
Or else thursday... I promise....

I'm really sorry!!!

I am!!!
But this week has really been so busy!!!
At the moment the final of the 2nd Thurston Night Event is going on...
It's 12:50 am sunday....
And we started the tournament saturday at 12 pm!!!
And imagine this: I had to start work that morning at 9:30!!!
When the final is finished i'm going home and sleep!!!
Take some rest...Monday night are the masters of the weekly tournament so i need some rest... I'm promise to write something longer tomorrow and tell you more about the Night Event and the Ardennencup...

Love you!


Sorry people!!!

I'm leaving for Luxembourg tomorrow so no news for a few days.....
Monday i'll try to put something down again....

And give an answer to a comment of a few days ago... About how i ended up in Thurston.... ;)


Johan Edlund said...

Congrats Shir! Keep on blogging about pool-life in Holland, we enjoy the read.

Good to see that there are some people that actually read this... ;)

Pool-life in Holland? Hahaha, thank God that i don't get to all the events that there are here in Holland.... There are way too many things happening here....

I'll give you a preview of my weekends that are coming up....
June 2-6: Ardennen Cup Luxemburg (Supporter)
June 10: 2nd Thurston Night Event (Tournament Director and Leader)
June 17: World Pool Masters (Supporter and baby-sitter)
June 24-25: National Championships Teams
July 1: Sensation White (Work)
July 2: Cupfinal (Tournament Leader, but i hope that i can find somebody to replace me....)
July 7-9: National Ranking Masters (Tournament Director and Leader)
July 16: Thurston Pooltournament Teams (Tournament Director and Leader)

That's about it till now..... Off course there are still the weekly tournaments every monday that i run in Thurston....
Busy busy busy....

Time for something new... Hoping that there will be some new tournaments coming up for me internationally.... Really hoping for a second time in Croatia..... That will be fun for sure!



We did it!!!
Remember me telling about the Promotion League? And that we had to play for real promotion to the Pro Team League?
We did it!!!
It was best of 13... So who reached 7 won matches would stay or go to the PTL...
And we won 7-2!!!!

But sorry... I'm too tired to write a long story about it...
You can find the result on

Had to work @ Toppers in concert in the Amsterdan Arena yesterday.... Got back in Rotterdam half past 2.... Got home at half past 6.... I'm so damn tired!!! At the moment i'm at the club, shoot some balls.... And tonight when i see my bed.... It going to be great!!! Just me, my pillow and that's it!!! I'm gonna enjoy that!!!

See you soon....


(Thanks Hooch, Nick, Faab and Jor for making my weekend!!!)


I took a test a friend sent me....

This is the result.....

Hmm, you taste of Papaya!


Mmm ... papaya! Smooth and refreshing, you're the flavour of lazy, sun-kissed days spent on tropical beaches. You blend well with others -- that's why you're such a great ingredient in fruit cocktails (and why you dance the twist so well). People love having you around because you're always ready for fun, and your easygoing nature makes you a pleasure to spend time with. You're laid-back, original, and more than a little exotic – you wouldn't dream of being found in just any old fruit bowl. With just enough sweetness to balance out your striking flavour, you're a truly tasty treat.

Isn't it funny.... Kind of true i think.... Or is there somebody that disagrees? ;)

The UK

This is a comment i got from Hud Millen....

Hi Shir,

Have you any plans of going to the UK to any of the upcoming events? I just saw your post on one of the UK forums and it looks like you get some attention from the fellas there!!?? Wahey.

I live in Belfast myself but i am hoping to start travelling to more events soon. Manchester on 17th, 18th June will be my first.

Wouldnt mind challenging you to a game at a tournament to see how good you are!! lol

Hi Hud....

Here something to answer your questions....
I'm planning on going to the UK somewhere soon... I have to wait for a while because there are a few things here in Holland that i have to do first.... But i really hope to come over soon! Was planning on coming over for the EPT, but Daryl doesn't want me there.... No just kidding.... The World Pool Masters are on at the same time... And i wan't to see some people in action that i haven't seen in real life yet....

Attention from the fella's on Pro 9? Hahahaha it just seems like that.... Wish that they would be for real.... ;)

You want to challenge me? Hahahha don't even bother.. I can't play.... Didn't you read that i made my first break in one a few weeks ago.... Still haven't suceeded in doing that again!!!


Somebody texted me today that i have to keep this up to date...
But with what?
I don't know....
Really didn't do anything worth mentioning these few days....

So... Just ask me something and i'll try to tell you all about it.....


Hi ya...

It's friday... I'm at the club right now... Shoot some balls.... Having fun... Tried to stay out of the club this whole week... Kind of had enough of it... It worked!
Playing much better right now, altough it's too hot to play!

Tomorrow and sunday are my days off!! Woehoe! How am i going to spend these days? I don't know yet... Depends on the weather.... Might do a movie marathon.... Hang out in the cinema....
Or else visit some friends i haven't seen for ages!

I'll let you know on sunday or monday... If I don't forget.....

Happy birthday to me!!!


I can't believe it!
Going towards the age of 30.... :S
Not good.... Wish i could be 8 again.... No worries, to going to school, play afterwards, eat and have fun!

Nowadays it's a whole different thing!

Yesterday i went to the Baja Beach Club to party a bit... Thanks to everybody for partying along with me... I had a bit too much to drink, had a lot fun! Noting much to tell about it, except that i behaved myself again! I'm a good girl, altough nobody will believe this!

At the moment i'm at Thurston, the weekly tournament is going on...
I'm in the final of the losersround.... Not bad for somebody that has got a hangover fron the night before....

Hope i'll win, that will finish my birthday for real....

Eurotour Germany

Hi ya....

Here i am....
Yesterday i got back from Germany!
Thanks to Brian for sharing the room and the drive to Sindelfingen...
Thanks to Wim for the drive back...
And keeping me company when Brian went back earlier!

Seen some old friends again ... (Courtney. i'll get you back for pulling my leg!)
Met some new people, kind of... Already knew them but got to know them a bit better....
Had a lot of fun! Have seen a lot of exciting matches... Daz... Next time make it a bit easier for me?
David with an incredible jump-shot against Tony...
Tony annoying but funny as always!

Too bad i couldn't stay till the end but had to have some rest for today...
Tonight i'm going to party finally!!! Celebrate my birthday with some friends... Going to the Baja... At the moment i'm in Thurston, started drinking....

See you tomorrow for a full report of this night!

It has been a while... I know....

Here i am again....

I know.... What have i been up to all that time, you'd think...
Nothing special actually....

The 22nd of April Thurston Rotterdam (team with Huidji See, Nicky Berendsen, Joris van der Poel and Raymon Fabrie) won the Promotion League Finals.... Nothing much i can say about it except that we deserved it! It was an exciting day, i was nervous! Sorry Wim for pinching you all the time... I want to thank the team for winning! One more match to go, and then we're in the Pro Team League! Please win! So i didn't put all my time and effort in for nothing!!!
Thanks to the supporters! (Hague Five, great that you stayed till the end, even when you didn't have to anymore...) (Wim for coming over from Belgium, and winning the race to 5 against Joris and his girlfriend!)

The 23rd i had to do a tournament leading of the A-ranking.... Nothing special to mention either... Same routine as always!

Monday till thursday didn't really do anything worth mentioning, monday was the weekly tournament, tuesday i can't remember, wednesday went to the movie (Lucky number Slevin, great one!), thursday ???

Friday i went to Antwerp with Brian Beekers, He had to play a qualification for the Budweiser Belgium Open, placed himself quite easily....
Saturday was the celebration of the Queens birthday, hanged around in the city center, had some drinks. But had to go home earlier because i wanted to go to Antwerp again the next day...

Sunday.... It was pouring, didn't really feel like going out, but i had to... I promised... And i can't break a promise right? I'm a good girl!
Met Brian in Breda, about 45 minutes to Antwerp, busy on the road and everybody was slow on the road because of the rain....
Brian lost in the quarters, to Stephen Lammens, a guy i've written a report during the EC's....
Didn't expect it, but i was back in Holland quite early, earlier than i wanted to.

Went to Thurston to play some racks but to be honest... I'm a bit sick of pool..... Had too much of it last year...

Time for a holiday....

And now what?

Back again...

What a day...
Broke up with the boyfriend today...
Didn't work anymore...
OK we didn't have the longest relationship ever but still it kind of hurts...
Really hoped that we would last...
But.. Life must go on...
It's all supposed to happen for a reason right?
But what now?

I'm single again!!!
Weird feeling...
Cried my head off already tonight, so now i'm supposed to be over it....
But i'm not! i try to act like i am, but still...

Pffffffffffffffff, ok come on!!!
I'm a independant woman!!
I'm nice, lovely, cute, caring and all of the other bull-shit a girlfriend is supposed to be!!
Hahahha, but i'll probably never have a long lasting relationship!
I'm too difficult i think!

When i find a boyfriend he's got to accept a few things first:
1. I'm not home alot....
2. I'm crazy about pool...
3. I hang around with a lot of guys (but just as friends!!! Nothing more!)
4. He can't be jealous or anything like that!
5. He should be able to handle me, because i can be kind of tough...

I can really get along with most guys, i'm kind of talkative (probably miss spelled it but what ever!). And some people can get very jealous... And i hate jealous people!!!

So when you think you can handle me or you know somebody... Let me know!!!



I need someone to help me!!!
To make me happy again!!

Just a short message but feeling really depressed!!!


damn! We're having a teamcomp right now...
Had to play 8 ball against a guy that i lost to last time...
And owh my god... i was playing horrible for a change! hahaha
Not have been myself lately... The people that get the chance to talk to me more often know about it, but whatever!
Live score:
1-0 up
1-2 down
1-3 down
2-3 down
2-4 down
3-4 down
and here it comes!!!
my break.... something went in...
And i cleared the table!!! My first break in one in an official match!!!
I'm so happy now!!!
Nobody could believe it!!!!
Going to celebrate it now!

Talk to you later!


Back again....

Didn't really know what to put down this week...
It has been a bit boring i must confess...
Nothing special, stayed home some more this week to get some rest. I might be going to Italy on wednesday, have to arrange some things first... Like a place to sleep? ;) Don't feel like staying in an hotel again... All alone!!! Pffffff i have to decide tomorrow... that's only a few hours away...
Tomorrow night there's a teamcomp again, hope we'll win this one. We need to, to stay in the running for the play-offs. We're 5th now...

Something else...
I'm kind of tired of writing about pool all the time! I know that it is a big part of my life but still... Now it seems like i'm addicted to this sport... But i do have a life you know! Kind of... ;)
Have been working on something, people ask me a lot of questions when they are bored during a tournament... Hahaha you know who i am pointing at! We've put some of them down en i'm still thinking of the answers! But soon!!! They will be on here... Maybe in another blog to keep this apart from this poolthing!

Got some more questions? Let me know....

Back in the Netherlands....

It's monday now...
Damn i'm tired!! But still....
I'm at the poolclub right now, just played the masters of the weekly tournaments... Got to the last 16... Not bad... After not playing seriously for almost 2 weeks....

Looking back at the past few days...
I had a great time, 10 days of seeing pool can be very intense! It was good to see some of the players i had to ref last year again... I was glad to be a part of these EC's again... Not as a ref but as a reporter/live-score-updater/and everything else that i could help with...
A special thanks to everybody that kept me awake during the times that i couldn't stay up anymore, to the people that made me laugh, to the people that tried to get me drunk every night (it only worked 3 nights, compared to last year that's nothing!) and everybody else that i am forgetting at the moment!

But still it's good to be back home now... I really have missed my bf, the club and it's players (i'd like to call them mine because i take care of them... They're like little kids without me... They don't get anything done without me!!!) and offcourse my own bed!!! Or having home-cooked food again!

Tommorow i'll try to get some more sleep, call work and relax... Wednesday i'll be back to work, if there's anything to do. Thursday is another competition match for the team, so maybe i'll play, depends on how i feel...

Talk to you soon again!

Sponsoring the ref's....

David Morris is trying to earn money to buy drinks for the referee's...
ten euro for each try...
there's a bill of 50 euro near the center spot...
there's a ball on the middle of the bill. and a coin on the ball.
you have to hit the ball with another ball, the coin has to fall of the ball and land next to the bill and not on the bill. if you succeed in that, you win the 50 euro... if you fail, it's another 10 euro for the ref's...
thomas overbeck tried it, but it's isn't that easy as it looks like...
Norbert from Patricks Canadian Tavern in Austria also tried it a few times but it was a no go...
Even the teamleader of Poland and his players tried but they couldn't do it either...
In total we've got 260 euro already to spend on drinks for after the closing banquet...
But no we still don't know how to make this shot, but David promised to show someone how it should be done. Hopefully i'll be that one so i can put it somewehere..

We will see... If anybody knows how to do this shot, please contact me!!! That can be a way for me to earn some money with this!!!

Almost the last day


yesterday we had a referee/teamleader/tournament-leader and everything else except normal players tournament.... Nothing really serious for the most people, they want to shoot some balls.... But some of them would do anything to win.... Trying to distract the opponent by dancing around the table, calling the referee for every shot...
The referee's for this evening were: Erik Weiselius (thanks for the good calls you made in my match), Marcus Chamat, Nick van den Berg, Gilliano Smit, Alex Lely, Tamara Rademakers, Nicolas Otterman, Edgar Beres (people, never let this man rack for you.....) and maybe some more that i forgot... I even got a shot clock of 5 seconds.... But conveniently the forgot to count for the opponent.... ;)
A special thanks to Liechtenstein from the referee's for the drinks! And to Sjef Creusen for donating the prices for 1st to 4th place....

And now some of the results:
Referee Hagai Berkovich (ISR) 2-3 Alain Desmet (BEL)
Johan Ruijsink (NED)
Shirley Ang (NED) 2-3 Myra Curfs (NED)
David Morris (GBR) 0-3 Referee Sander Sander Dragstra (NED)

Semi final:
Alain Desmet 3-1 Johan Ruijsink
Myra Curfs 3-2 Sander Dragstra

Alain Desmet 3-0 Myra Curfs

Last year we finished this tournament around 6 oçlock in the morning, i don't really know what time it finished this year because i had to get up for the early shift today. And how strange... i haven't seen none of the finalist yet....

More later when i get a chance to talk to them.....

Busy, busy, busy

you know me....
always busy!!
am i supposed to spell it like that?
the tournament is going well...
2nd medal for holland is on the way... just what colour it is going to be , has to be decided...
i'm not really in the mood to write down a lot... had a bit to much to drink...
check the pics in the photogallery on
see the referee meeting and ONE beer....
great pics made by Frederique Rijsdijk and some help of me and Dave Richards!!!


that was great...
Do you know that feeling?
Stressed, your body is aching all over? I really felt like i couldn't move a part of my body anymore....
So what is there to do about it? Get a massage and not just any massage!!! No i got a massage of the official massager of the Dutch National Team.... That was just 30 minutes of heaven i tell you!
Sitting in the tv-arena again, watches some matches... No reports about these i think... I feel like just watching and nothing more than that!

Talk to you again later!!!

EPC 2006 Betandwin

The atmosphere here is great, music on the background, the sound of balls being pot, all kinds of different languages and that you really can notice is that is here. People on the tribune are betting on some of the matches that are in the tv-arena. Talking with some of them, I start wondering what the fun of all this is.

Remember to get them talking I had to promise that I would not mention any names, if I do so, there won't be any news anymore the coming days.

Some of them are just bored and want something to do... Others like the idea of winning money... Loads of money....
You can bet on who get to 30, 50, 60 or 80 points first. You can bet on if there will be runs higher than lets say 24, or on how long a match will take. And off course on who's going to win the match.
Some people gamble an amount of max 50 en some go all the way with up to 500 euro.

Nice way to earn money, they don't have to do anything, just wait and see....

More info or do you want to try it yourself? Go to and maybe you'll be a miljonair at the end of the championships.
Good luck!

EPC 2006 day 2

Something to read from what i've put down on the website....

Day 2...
we started at 9.30 today, so it's going to be a long day...

This morning it is the second round of the losers-side that will start. Surprising names? Christian Reimering is one of them, he lost of Ralf Souquet in the first round.

There is also a very young player from Belgium: Stephen Lammens. Only 14 years young and he's already participating in these championships. In 14.1, 8- and 9-ball. He started playing snooker when he was just 10 years old, at the age of 12 he played a pool-tournament for fun and from then on that was his big love.

His expectation for these days? Of course he hopes to get very far in the schedule and so does the whole Belgium team, but he's here to get more experience for in the future...

If you have more questions for Stephen or other players, let me know by mailing to

I'll be running around today to get some short interviews from some players to take your chance and ask the things you've always wanted to know from maybe Alex Lely, Ralf Soquet, Tom Storm, Jasmin Ouschan, Wendy Jans or anybody of the other 200 people....

Shirley Ang

EPC 2006

Here i am... The championships have begon... working on some articles ow...for the website and for the magayine in Holland.... You can check the results on

Talk to you later....

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