Shir in the pool world.... (original) (raw)

Sponsoring the ref's....

David Morris is trying to earn money to buy drinks for the referee's...
ten euro for each try...
there's a bill of 50 euro near the center spot...
there's a ball on the middle of the bill. and a coin on the ball.
you have to hit the ball with another ball, the coin has to fall of the ball and land next to the bill and not on the bill. if you succeed in that, you win the 50 euro... if you fail, it's another 10 euro for the ref's...
thomas overbeck tried it, but it's isn't that easy as it looks like...
Norbert from Patricks Canadian Tavern in Austria also tried it a few times but it was a no go...
Even the teamleader of Poland and his players tried but they couldn't do it either...
In total we've got 260 euro already to spend on drinks for after the closing banquet...
But no we still don't know how to make this shot, but David promised to show someone how it should be done. Hopefully i'll be that one so i can put it somewehere..

We will see... If anybody knows how to do this shot, please contact me!!! That can be a way for me to earn some money with this!!!

Almost the last day


yesterday we had a referee/teamleader/tournament-leader and everything else except normal players tournament.... Nothing really serious for the most people, they want to shoot some balls.... But some of them would do anything to win.... Trying to distract the opponent by dancing around the table, calling the referee for every shot...
The referee's for this evening were: Erik Weiselius (thanks for the good calls you made in my match), Marcus Chamat, Nick van den Berg, Gilliano Smit, Alex Lely, Tamara Rademakers, Nicolas Otterman, Edgar Beres (people, never let this man rack for you.....) and maybe some more that i forgot... I even got a shot clock of 5 seconds.... But conveniently the forgot to count for the opponent.... ;)
A special thanks to Liechtenstein from the referee's for the drinks! And to Sjef Creusen for donating the prices for 1st to 4th place....

And now some of the results:
Referee Hagai Berkovich (ISR) 2-3 Alain Desmet (BEL)
Johan Ruijsink (NED)
Shirley Ang (NED) 2-3 Myra Curfs (NED)
David Morris (GBR) 0-3 Referee Sander Sander Dragstra (NED)

Semi final:
Alain Desmet 3-1 Johan Ruijsink
Myra Curfs 3-2 Sander Dragstra

Alain Desmet 3-0 Myra Curfs

Last year we finished this tournament around 6 oçlock in the morning, i don't really know what time it finished this year because i had to get up for the early shift today. And how strange... i haven't seen none of the finalist yet....

More later when i get a chance to talk to them.....

Busy, busy, busy

you know me....
always busy!!
am i supposed to spell it like that?
the tournament is going well...
2nd medal for holland is on the way... just what colour it is going to be , has to be decided...
i'm not really in the mood to write down a lot... had a bit to much to drink...
check the pics in the photogallery on
see the referee meeting and ONE beer....
great pics made by Frederique Rijsdijk and some help of me and Dave Richards!!!


that was great...
Do you know that feeling?
Stressed, your body is aching all over? I really felt like i couldn't move a part of my body anymore....
So what is there to do about it? Get a massage and not just any massage!!! No i got a massage of the official massager of the Dutch National Team.... That was just 30 minutes of heaven i tell you!
Sitting in the tv-arena again, watches some matches... No reports about these i think... I feel like just watching and nothing more than that!

Talk to you again later!!!

EPC 2006 Betandwin

The atmosphere here is great, music on the background, the sound of balls being pot, all kinds of different languages and that you really can notice is that is here. People on the tribune are betting on some of the matches that are in the tv-arena. Talking with some of them, I start wondering what the fun of all this is.

Remember to get them talking I had to promise that I would not mention any names, if I do so, there won't be any news anymore the coming days.

Some of them are just bored and want something to do... Others like the idea of winning money... Loads of money....
You can bet on who get to 30, 50, 60 or 80 points first. You can bet on if there will be runs higher than lets say 24, or on how long a match will take. And off course on who's going to win the match.
Some people gamble an amount of max 50 en some go all the way with up to 500 euro.

Nice way to earn money, they don't have to do anything, just wait and see....

More info or do you want to try it yourself? Go to and maybe you'll be a miljonair at the end of the championships.
Good luck!

EPC 2006 day 2

Something to read from what i've put down on the website....

Day 2...
we started at 9.30 today, so it's going to be a long day...

This morning it is the second round of the losers-side that will start. Surprising names? Christian Reimering is one of them, he lost of Ralf Souquet in the first round.

There is also a very young player from Belgium: Stephen Lammens. Only 14 years young and he's already participating in these championships. In 14.1, 8- and 9-ball. He started playing snooker when he was just 10 years old, at the age of 12 he played a pool-tournament for fun and from then on that was his big love.

His expectation for these days? Of course he hopes to get very far in the schedule and so does the whole Belgium team, but he's here to get more experience for in the future...

If you have more questions for Stephen or other players, let me know by mailing to

I'll be running around today to get some short interviews from some players to take your chance and ask the things you've always wanted to know from maybe Alex Lely, Ralf Soquet, Tom Storm, Jasmin Ouschan, Wendy Jans or anybody of the other 200 people....

Shirley Ang

EPC 2006

Here i am... The championships have begon... working on some articles ow...for the website and for the magayine in Holland.... You can check the results on

Talk to you later....

just me Posted by Picasa

the ref's again Posted by Picasa

the referee team of the EPC 2005 Posted by Picasa

Kynthia Orfanidis, Myra Curfs, Marcus Chamat, me, Ronnie and his manager Posted by Picasa

me and Ronnie O'Sullivan... Posted by Picasa

Me as the tournament director of the Croatian Open 2005, Zagreb, Croatia Posted by Picasa

me as a ref @ the EPC 2005, Veldhoven, The Netherlands Posted by Picasa

Going away for 10 days...

Hi there...

I'm back again and now in english... So forgive me for the many spelling mistakes i'm probably going to make!!!

From now on i'm really gonna try to keep it al up to date... ;)

Tomorrow i'm leaving for Germany... Going to the european pool championships.... More than 200 players are participating in this event... Almost like my own tournament i organised in Feb... ;)
This time i'm going just to watch! Isn't it nuts? Last year i was a referee, so the players will be suprised to see me there but not doing anything!

Don't really know what to tell you all but i'll think of that when i'm on my way... It's going to be a drive of about 6 hours... So i've got loads of time to think of a nice story...

If you think of something that you want me to tell about, let me know....

See you soon!