Shir in the pool world.... (original) (raw)


It's hot!!!
Tooooooooooo hot!!!
Owh my god, can''t even concentrate on anything!!!
Weekly tournament is on now but....
Every time that I'm on the table feels like...
I don't know how to describe it!!!
Do you know that feeling?

Don't feel like playing at all...
Only on the monday's because I have to be here anyways...
What have I been up to the last few days?
Nothing special...
Work, work, work and work!!!
A few fun things though...
Went to Amsterdam friday...
For dinner with some of the volunteers of the KNBB... We went to Margarita's.. Guess what the serve there? haha
Yesterday I went to Amsterdam again... For dinner and back home... Slept at a friend's house... (Thanks Monica!!!)
Thursday we went out with a few people from work... Nope is Dope... That was fun! Thanks Ivan for putting me on the guestlist! See you soon again...

Had a job interview monday for a new club that is opening begin of august... Dance Club...
That means when I really get the job that I'll be doing a lot less tournaments!!!
Really need to earn some money!
But we'll see....

Tomorrow a meeting in Nieuwegein, talk about the preparations for the National Championships...

See you tomorrow?

All gone...


I lost all my phonenumbers!!!
My phone refuses to charge himself again!!!
Result: Lost all my phonenumbers!!!
But I did buy a new one....


Come and give me all your numbers again!


i know...

had to work all week...
Still have to do a lot of work for the KNBB but i don't even have time for that!!!

Tuesday will be my day off...
have to visit a friend of mine that has had an operation last friday...
Nothing very serious.. He broke something and the doctors have fixed it... If i'm right....
Hahaha he was walking around with it for a year!!! Or something like that!
I'll try to write something then....

See ya!

Too tired....

Tell you about this weekend tomorrow...
Have to visit a friend first...

See ya!

National Ranking Masters

I'm in Weert now...
Doing the National Ranking Masters...
Together with Kim R. and Gerrie D. and it's going to be a long weekend!!!
We're staying in a hotel "near" Weert (30 minutes drive!!!)
All seperate rooms if you were wondering...

Had to leave from home at 7 in the morning...
Tomorrow i can get out of bed later! Woehoe!

Talk to you tomorrow!


What a week....

Pic taken by Dave Richards at the Finals of the PTL

Had to work all week... Hot, hot and hot again!!!
Too many people wanting to enjoy the sun!!!
Not gonna spent to many words to it...
Going to be the same this week!!!

But something about sunday...

WE won the CUP!!!
Can't believe this season...
First year that we started the association...
And what a great season...
Getting into the PTL and winning the Cup!!!

Don't really feel like writing anymore...
Let the end of this season come soon!!!