Shir in the pool world.... (original) (raw)


Funny.. downloaded it because MM told me that it would be easy...
It's funny... Almost the same as MSN... But still different...
Now I have to start collecting people's Skype name!
Haha should be easier to keep up.. Because somehow whenever I buy a new phone it stops working and I keep asking people their number every few months..
So embarassing!!!

skype you?


He's left around 3 I think... Was half awake half asleep..
This was the first day waking up in Barnsley without him...
These coming days will be long!!!
Pffffff how long you'd think before I'll be going nuts?
Went for a walk this afternoon, because the weather was still ok and because I know I'll not be going out a lot when he's not here...
Can really say I've fallen in love with this part of the UK. The view is incredible!
Didn't have any of this in Holland...
But what I do miss... Thurston! When I was bored or just felt like playing or just didn't want to stay home: there was Thurston! After work, before work, before going out: there was Thurston!
Feeling depressed, happy. annoyed, hyper-active? There was Thurston...
Hahaha but I did get back something else: A whole new world! With a new man in my life! And
I love it! Sometimes it drives me crazy! Finding a new job that I can combine with all the pool-events in my life isn't really easy. But I'm not giving up!!!

X-factor starting...
See ya later!


what to put down?
Yesterday weekly comp in Sheffield...
Riggers got to the final.. Didn't win it..
Nothing more to say about it..

Looking for jobs..
Nothing... Riggers going out with colleagues.. Don't want to be the third wheel..
So I'm staying home.. Like a good house-wife..
He'll probably be drunk by the time he gets home...
I'll be asleep..

See you tomorrow when I'm in a better mood!


Forgot to tell you about the Eurotour!!!

In short:
tiring, fun, exiting and loads more!
Alex Lely won!

More soon!



Yeah I know...
I'm back in Barnsley..
Couldn't stand having to miss him.. :( Although he's leaving me on Saturday. But he'll be back around the Thursday.. So 5 days.. I should be able to handle that... Right?
At first decided I should stay in Holland, as I'm going to Germany on the 10th.. But I've been cancelled.. Too many people.. Haha... Good thing I heard about it today as I was planning on booking the flight to Frankfurt tomorrow.

So only thing I've got planned for the coming weeks...
7-8th October BPPPA Stretford (just checking it out)
14-15 October EPT Sollihull (just checking it out)
20-22 October National Championships in Holland.
Flying over on the 19th...
Riggers coming to visit... Now he can see how a proper tournament should be run!!! ;)


Eurotour Weert 2....

Hi ya...

Didn't have a lot of time work update this all...
Have been working...
Ana.. (Who's sitting next to me..) She's the one showing me how everything should be done.
Haven't seen her since the EPC's in March in Germany!
First night we were talking to 5 in the morning!!!
Not good for your health and state of mind...
We had to get up at 7.. Breakfast at 7.30 and to the venue at 8...
Got back to the hotel around 1.30 AM!!!

Exhausted now, but great to experience a Eurotour like this...
Hoping for more, but you'll never know!
Gotta go...

More soon!

PS. I miss you honey!

Photo of Harrow...

That's me in Harrow...
Just killing time...
Don't mind the fatrolls please!!!
Good thing it's quite blurry!

Thanks to Mark Mills

Eurotour Weert

EPBF press-release Netherlands Open: Announcements reach another all-time-high - About one week prior to the tournament start, not
less than 332 players from 34 different countries
have already announced for the Netherlands Open 2006, what means another all-
time-high in the history of the Euro Tour. Due to the
fact that there is only space for 224 participants, a
waiting-list for this altogether 5th Euro Tour stop of
the running season had to be formed.

It's getting bigger and bigger...And I'm a part of it...
I don't know how the internet connection is going to be over there..
Normally I can log in with a wire.. But it might be used already...
I'll try to keep you up to date...
But I'll be working.. So full report will be afterwards I think..
Sunday I'll be doing a qualifier in Deurne.. 14.1 ...

Bye bye


Somebody please invent something that packs your suitcase by itself and takes itself to its destination...
Have to take clothes with me for a months long in Holland...
And my laptop and my cuecase..
And then:
Have to take it into a taxi, train, bus, plane, train, train and a little walk...
That's all tomorrow!
Sunday I'll take it in this order:
Train, train, walk or taxi (morning)
walk or taxi, train, train, metro, metro and walk... (Evening, if I'm lucky I might be able to catch a ride)


Don't even want to think about the coming month!
It's going to be horrible!

Good idea?
Invent something that shrinks all your stuff.. Like into something that will fit into a... Just make it as small as a needle... Or as thin as a napkin...
Imagine that? When you're moving to another house for example... Everything will fit into
the back of the car (couldn't find the correct word for it now...)
This would make life so much easier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK tomorrow...
I'll have to do it...
Was supposed to come back to the UK on Monday...
But change of plans...
I'll be coming back on the 23rd of October..
So I'm gonna stay in Holland for a months... In between I'll be in Germany for five days...
Contactsperson for Bet and Win... Remember them? Told you about them during the EPC's..

Don't really feel like writing now..
So more tomorrow!

What's wrong?


Why is life this complicated?
I just give up trying to understand...

(trying to quit...)

Sorry in a real bad mood now...
Just want to cry...
Better to do it now because I'll just have be the lovely Shirley again!


Owh b********

Lee got into the semi's in Stockport.. forgot to tell you guys..
He lost to Andy W.
Had to put this down or else he'd kick me out.... ;)


Forget to put something down about the weekly comp in Leeds...
Nothing special.. Me and Riggers both lost the first round... But the good thing: 8-ball!!!
Next week 9 ball again...

Tuesday was the first time they held a comp in Stockport...
Over the Pennines? Don't know how to spell it...
I'll look it up the next time and correct it...
IPT 8-ball rules...
Although of the 25 people there about 8 people knew the rules?
Hahaha Seeing Les again was fun... Still waiting for the Toblerone!!
Imagine my luck? Drawn against Neil Jenkins (won a bronze medal at the EPC Seniors)
Missed an easy 8 to get to 3 all...
Lost 5-2...
Not worth mentioning... But he did say that I was quite good... (For a girl, I think is what he meant.. ;) ) Just need to practice more...

Riggers? Time for a pooltable?

Honey Bunny

hahaha sorry had to put this down...

And what did I do?
Nothing special really...
Just enjoyed some quality time with Riggers...
He was in a good mood... (Happy it was weekend...)
To be fair.. He had a horrible week at work...
Went to some pubs...
Race night..
Never been to one before so didn't know what to expect.. Nothing much..
But thanks to Lefty...
Everybody was screaming for horse number 7 in race 7 called: Shir's or Shirley's (Can't remember) TIPS... Jockey: Riggers... But offcourse.. They made it TITS.. :(
Not gonna happen again!

If you want to know..
Score in sets: Shir 8-5 Riggers!!!
I'm getting there!!!
Hopefully I'll have won by tonight!!!

See ya soon!


Was googling aroung... And found a forum for Dutch people living in the UK.. Home Sweet Holland...
Found a very funny thing on it...
Copy and Paste works all the time:

  1. The bandage was wound around the wound.
  2. The farm was used to produce produce.
  3. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
  4. We must polish the Polish furniture.
  5. He could lead if he would get the lead out.
  6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
  7. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
    8 ) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
  8. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
  9. I did not object to the object.
  10. The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
  11. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
  12. They were too close to the door to close it.
  13. The buck does funny things when the does are present.
  14. A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
  15. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
  16. The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
    18 ) After a number of injections my jaw got number.
  17. Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
  18. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
  19. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.

We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?

If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught?

If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all.

That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

PS. - Why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick"


doesn't this make you think?
Sorry didn't know what to put down today....

OK.. Time to write...

Not feeling really well today, so loads of time to write something...

Pfff where to start?
Guess you could say that a lot has happened to me the last month..
It's exactly a month ago...
That's the day everything changed for me and for him...
Won't mention his name because I don't know if he'll appreciate it...
But the people that know me or him will know...

One month later...
Living in the UK, desperately looking for something to do (a job, project, anything), given up my old comfortable life... But it's worth it!! I feel happier than ever!! In my mind.. My body doesn't really want to work with me today... I've finally found someone that makes me feel good about myself, supports me in my plans, wants me to be happy, that I can make happy too... You know... All those corny things... ;)

Ok back to normal things... I'll try to keep my lovelife out of here...

Thursday was the last day that "Strand aan de maas" was open... Summerseason is finished. On Friday we had a staffparty.. Started at 7 pm with a BBQ... After that... Drinks, drinks, drinks and some more drinks... We made a bonfire.. Guitar... People singing... Had a lot of fun... Afterwards we went to a club: Vibes... All kinds of music, loads of fun! I'll miss you guys!!!

Saturday 10 in the morning my flight back to Leeds... Too early after such a night, but I almost missed it. Mom was crying as I tried to say goodbye. Missed the tube, the train and almost the plane... Last one because of the enormous queue at the security check.

He picked me up.. Went home, did some groceries, went to The Corner Pocket, Score at the moment was 4-2... Went up to 6-3!!! :D Home for some food and a movie...

Sunday... We went for a drive through the beautifull Yorkshire... I have to admit it... It is great... Didn't have that in Holland, but I still have to get used to driving on the left side and those small roads!!! Sorry I made fun of it while I was in London... ;)

Yesterday: Nothing much... Did some work on the pc and in the house. In the evening to Sheffield again. The Common Room weekly comp. He won everything except the final...
Back home had some fish fingers and chips... And a lot of paracetemol...

Going to bed.. Hope I will feel better later...



Hi ya...

In Barnsley again!!
Went back to Holland on Thursday... Early in the morning.. Way too early! Left the house at 5...
Flight was at 7... Surprisingly haven't had any delays in Leeds or Amsterdam lately...
Owh gonna check out a movie... Flightplan...
More tomorrow!

See ya!


Yup.. he did it... Riggers won the weekly comp in The Common Room in Sheffield... 50 pounds to the winner...
Part of it had to go to the cab driver because I was sooooo stupid to forget my cuecase in the taxi...
I got lucky that somehow another taxidriver could contact him and he came back.. Had to pay.. But it's worth it!


Hello everybody!!!

Weekend is almost over...
The IPT has started! Keep looking on the livescoring...
Really rooting for the Dutch and off course the guys from the UK..
They've got a special place in my heart... ;)

Hmmm what did I do since I'm here?
Not a lot really...
Friday I was knackered when I arrived here...
So we stayed in...

Saturday? Went for some groceries, had breakfast.. A real English one...
Got two daffodils because we donated money for Marie Curie.. Cancer Care...
Then we went to The Corner Pocket for some games... Got 8 ahead race to 10... 8-ball..
Lost 2-1 in races.. 10-9, 10-9 and won 10-9
Then into town... Watched the england match... Predicted the score right!! Woehoe!
Some drinks, Riggers got a bit drunk.. ;)

We went to Leeds! Walked around for a bit.. Went for lunch at Wetherspoons but after waiting for 50 minutes for a simple lunch.. We left.. With a refund off course...
Found a sportsbar.. Food was great! Garlic bread was a bit strong...
Riley's Leeds wasn't a big club but I did like it... Reminded me of Thurston.
Did the same thing as yesterday.. 8 ahead in a race to 10. Winner breaks.
Won 3-0 in races!!!
10-8, 10-0 (break and run in the first frame!) and 10-2 or 3? Can't remember... Riggers wil deny it...

So the score for now in races is 4-2!!! Woehoe I can do it! When I get to win this 10-something.. I'll lower my advantage to 7, ok?

Off to bed in a few minutes... Check the IPT for new scores and prepare for a long day... And after that an evening in Sheffield!