Windows Template Library (WTL) - Browse /WTL 8.1/WTL 8.1.11324 at (original) (raw)

WTL 8.1 build 1324 (11/20/2011)


Added RunTimeHelper::IsThemeAvailable that detects if themes can be used in the app Added CDC::GradientFillRect method Added SPLIT_GRADIENTBAR and SPLIT_FIXEDBARSIZE extended styles to support gradient-styled and fixed size splitter bar Extended CListViewCtrl::SelectItem() to multi-selection list view ctrls Updates to AppWizCE for VS2008 - used different CLSID for Platforms object Bug #2809994 - CFolderDialogImpl::SetOKText should use lParam for string Fix for #2811339 - VS2008 uses _SECURE_ATL code only Fix for bug #2810965: MobileAppWiz resource creation fails Fix for bug #2813142 AppWizCE VS2008 project won't deploy to device. Is atlxx.dll required when no DCOM? Fix for bug #2814420 Missing CRichInkCtrlT::SetSel(), added void CRichInkCtrlT::Undo(), checks for text mode in selection functions. Added DDX support for Tab, Combo, ListBox and ListView selection index Fix for #2909257 - CSplitterImpl::DrawGhostBar() uses wrong coordinates Fix bug #2911255: DDX for Combo Preliminary works for RFE# 2799285 Ribbon UI - Added ID_VIEW_RIBBON Id Fix bug #2918583: DDX for Combo #2

Preliminary works for RFE #2799285 Ribbon UI Moved all resource AtlLoadxxx() from atlmisc.h to atluser.h Added 'using ATL::AtlLoadString;' for _ATL_VER > 0x700 Defined _AtlToolBarData in atluser.h and removed the internal definition in CFrameWindowImplBase

Preliminary works for RFE# 2799285 Ribbon UI - Added IsWin7() and IsRibbonUIAvailable() to RunTimeHelper Works for RFE# 2799285 Ribbon UI - Added class CAutoUpdateUI RFE# 2799285 Ribbon UI implementation classes RFE# 2799285 Ribbon UI MTPad7 sample

Removed unnecessary 'using ATL::AtlLoadString' and changed SetPropertyVar template specializations to inline members. AppWizard Ribbon UI support AppWizard VS2010 support Fix bug #2951489: AtlLoadString Fixed resizing bug for Win7 not Aero atlribbon.h: Added SetRedraw calls to CRibbonFrameWindowImplBase::ShowRibbonUI to remove the flicker when switching UI Fix for #2971608 - CLogFont uses ::GetDeviceCaps with wrong default hDC = NULL Fix for #2915599 - ReleaseDC missed

Changes for #2971617 - Improve font handling Improved CHyperLink, CPaneContainer, CTabView to properly handle fonts. Also, added auto-create link font, and single-line mode for CHyperlink.

Changes for #2971617 - Improve font handling Changed dialog templates in App Wizards to use "MS Shell Dlg" instead of "MS Sans Serif" Changes in sample projects to properly handle fonts, changes to dialog templates to use "MS Shell Dlg" Also, MTPad7 sample changed to use "Segoe UI" font for Vista or highr, or "Tahoma" otherwise

Fix for #2815200 - Rebar does not draw correctly under Vista aero + some code formatting changes Work for #2902223 - CTabViewImpl items dragging disable

Fixed Vista Basic sizing issue, better handling of UI switching, changed default UI_OWNERSHIP to UI_OWNERSHIP_COPY in RibbonUI::GetImage(),

Work for #2985314 - Add CRegKeyEx class to add type-specific methods to CRegKey AppWizard: Added setup for VC++ 2010 Express UpdateUI: Added support for radio menu items - for popup menus, require sequental item IDs AppWizard & AppWizard CE: Replaced LoadImage with AtlLoadIconImage, since it is now in atluser.h AppWizard/AppWizard CE/AppWizMobile/Samples: Removed ellipsis from About menu items and buttons atlfind.h, atlgdi.h, atlribbon.h - code formatting changes, better BOOL code, added secure memcpy to DIB functions atlwince.h - SecureHelper use fixes

More changes for #2971617 - Improve font handling (part 2) Added AtlCreateControlFont(), changed WTL code and App Wizard to use it instead of AtlGetDefaultGuiFont().

atlctrlx.h - Added code to draw title text for vertical pane container Fix for #3117964 - atlcrack.h sample function bugs with menu functions Fix for #2970641 - Bug in DDX for Combo #3 Update for #2970641 - Bug in DDX for Combo #3 Code formatting and some #include dependency stuff + use new CListViewCtrl::SelectItem