Children of the Gods (original) (raw)

"Children of the Gods" is the first and second episodes of the first season and also the series premiere of Stargate SG-1.


One year after the original mission to Abydos, Earth's Stargate activates unexpectedly. Apophis and his loyal Jaffa emerge, attacking the security force and abducting Senior Airman Carol Weterings. A team led by Colonel Jack O'Neill travels to Abydos to investigate and reunites with Dr. Daniel Jackson. Tragedy soon strikes however, as Apophis' Jaffa soon arrive and abducts Jackson's wife, Sha're, and her brother Skaara. After returning to Earth, the newly established Stargate Command mounts a rescue mission, sending units SG-1 and SG-2 to Chulak to recover Airman Weterings, Sha're, and Skaara. SG-1, consisting of O'Neill, Jackson, and Captain Samantha Carter, is captured, but Apophis' First Prime Teal'c could prove to be a blessing in disguise from the team.


One year previously, Colonel Jack O'Neill led a team through the Stargate to the planet Abydos. After killing the System Lord Ra by ringing a nuclear warhead onto his ship as it left Abydos, O'Neill returned to Earth with two survivors of his team, leaving behind Dr. Daniel Jackson, who remained with his new love Sha're and her brother Skaara.

In the present day, with the Stargate Program no longer active, having been shut down altogether in the aftermath of the Abydos Mission, Stargate Command itself is empty and almost completely deserted.

Also, all the equipment in the Control Room or Stargate Operations room has been covered over with sheets, having been mothballed.

Apophis' attack on Stargate Command 1

The five military personnel playing poker in the vacant Embarkation Room

In the Embarkation room, which is relatively empty, a group of five Airmen, including Senior Airman Carol Weterings, are busy at a makeshift table, playing a game of poker while also eating some potato chips.

In spite of the relaxed atmosphere, Weterings can't shake off her uneasy feeling despite her colleagues telling her that they're the only ones who went down there and that the people in charge of the SGC have been shipping personnel out of here for months.

A short time later, Weterings' uneasy feeling comes true when a loud rumble echoes through the building, forcing the guards to abandon their game.

Children of the Gods

The previously-dormant Stargate activating, much to the shock of the Airmen

As they look on, the Stargate activates, leaving everyone stunned which also prompts the soldiers to begin arming themselves in preparation for an attack.

However, a mysterious object comes through the Stargate and starts to examine Weterings before cutting off altogether.

As she grabs it despite her colleagues telling her not to touch it, a being dressed in armor resembling a serpent suddenly arrives through the Stargate and grabs Weterings with the other guards aiming their weapons.

One guard, presumably the leader, tells his companions to hold their fire.

As this happens, six more serpent-armor wearing beings emerge through the open Stargate followed by one being who's wearing gold armor.

With the Stargate now shut, the being whose armor slips aside, revealing his face then orders his troops to "kree" before ordering his main guard who is called Teal'c to "kree".

The being in the gold armor then grabs Weterings and examines her with a mysterious device with one of the guards telling the being to let Weterings go.

As such, a huge battle begins with the serpent-armored beings having a huge advantage over the poorly equipped guards and although the guards themselves kill two Serpent Guards, it isn't long before the four men are all killed although one guard manages to get the call for reinforcements before he's struck down.

Seconds, as silence descends on the room once again, the previously clean and empty Embarkation Room has been left a mess stained with nothing but destruction as well as the lifeless bodies of the four guards.

Meanwhile, as an alarm echoes through the building, numerous other guards begin racing for the room, having gotten the call for help.

They then reach the room with Major General George S. Hammond in the lead although Hammond orders the troops to hold their fire after seeing an unconscious Wetherings which ultimately gives the enemy enough time to go through the Stargate with the main being's eyes glowing which leaves Hammond stunned.

This gives the beings enough time to go through the Stargate before it shuts down altogether.

Children of the Gods 2

Hammond in the Gateroom after the massacre

As silence descends, Hammond stands on the ramp among all the carnage trying to make sense of what has happened while the soldiers remain behind him, silently awaiting their next orders.

Children of the Gods 3

Retired Colonel Jack O'Neill

A few hours after the attack, Hammond sends Major Bert Samuels to talk to retired Colonel Jack O'Neill who's on the roof of his house, looking through a telescope.

Despite Jack's misgivings and telling Samuels that the Major should get himself reassigned to NASA because that's when all the action's going to be, Jack eventually relents after hearing that Samuels' visit is concerning the Stargate.

Under guard, Jack arrives at Cheyenne Mountain on Hammond's orders. He is eventually escorted to the Mountain and then questioned, along with his former teammates Major Louis Ferretti and Major Charles Kawalsky about the events leading up to their return to Earth from Abydos.

When they refuse to reveal anything other than what is in their reports, Hammond chooses to send a nuclear bomb through the Stargate to Abydos, believing that the aliens could only have come from Abydos and hoping to destroy whoever came through so that what happened at Stargate Command will never be repeated.

With this threat hanging over his head, O'Neill reveals that he had in fact lied about using the bomb to destroy Abydos. He admits that while the alien Ra was destroyed, the Abydonians are still alive and living in freedom, with Dr. Daniel Jackson living among them with Hammond furious over the fact that Jack disobeyed a director order.

After talking to his superiors, Hammond allows O'Neill to send a message through the Stargate.

Children of the Gods 8

Jack throwing a tissue box through the Stargate

Once the Stargate's been dialed, Jack throws a tissue box through the wormhole and seconds later, the wormhole closes with the Stargate shutting down as well.


The message from Daniel Jackson

A while later, the box returns to the SGC with the message, "Thanks. Send More," scribbled on it and as such, O'Neill is recalled to active duty and regains his rank of Colonel.

Samantha Carter

Carter at the mission briefing

A while later, a briefing is summoned with everyone in attendance and during the meeting, the astrophysicist Captain Samantha Carter arrives, having been transferred to the SGC from the Pentagon.

Despite everyone's positive feelings on the Stargate, Samuels voices his belief that they should bury with the Stargate but Jack disagrees, stating that the beings who attacked them now know that what kind of a threat they are and that the aliens could come by ship instead of using the Stargate.

Hammond soon agrees and gives the team 24 hours to head through the Stargate to Abydos.

A while later, with the Stargate having been brought online, the team composed of Jack, Kawalsky, Ferretti and Carter get ready to leave.

Just before they go through the Stargate, Hammond tells Jack to follow orders and to make sure that Jack brings Daniel back this time with Jack agreeing as both Hammond and Samuels salute Jack with Jack saluting back.

On Jack's orders, the team head through the wormhole with Carter staying behind for a few seconds to assure Jack that she won't let him down.

Jack remarks that it's good and believes that ladies should go first.

Carter assures him that he'll like her when he gets to know her.

"Oh, I adore you already, Captain", Jack replies.

Carter then gets distracted by the wormhole, obviously stunned at what she's seeing. Jack eventually loses patience with her ramblings and gives her a push which sends her through the wormhole.

Seconds later, Jack himself walks through the wormhole.

When he arrives on Abydos with the Stargate shutting down behind him, Jack watches as the Stargate and he then takes stock of the situation and as the other survey their surroundings, bracing for a possible attack, Sam complains that she's going to be sick with Jack telling her that she shouldn't have had that big lunch.

As everyone gets to grip with things, they soon find a group of Earth weaponry-armed Abydonians waiting for them.

It looks like it's going to be a tense stand-off with neither side giving in until Daniel arrives, telling everyone to lower their guns.

As everyone greets each other, Jack tells Daniel what happened on Earth with Daniel stating that the beings didn't come through this Stargate.

As they wait for a raging sandstorm to pass, the group settle down for an evening meal.

During that time, Sam meets Daniel for the first time with the two quickly forming a strong friendship.

Daniel leads O'Neill, Kawalsky and Carter to a large cavernous room that has innumerable hieroglyphs on the walls. The archaeologist reveals that he believes that the hieroglyphs of the cartouche match the various symbols on the Stargate, leading him to believe that the walls are actually a map of the coordinates of a vast network of Stargates across the Milky Way with Jack realizing that the Stargate can go to other places in the galaxy.

While O'Neill and the others are gone, everyone continues celebrating with Ferretti remarking to one soldier that they've got to give Daniel credit because Sha're is one beautiful woman.

Suddenly, the Abydos Stargate opens, causing everyone to run for cover and hide while a few of the Abydonians along with some members of the SGC teams prepare themselves for battle.

As the wormhole appears, Jaffa Serpent Guards emerge, firing staff weapon blasts which kill numerous Abydonians.

Skaara joins in the gunfight but is captured and subdued but not before Apophis' First Prime asks him where he got the weapon from with an angry Skaara spitting in the First Prime's face.

Sha're attempts to run but is knocked unconscious and eventually kidnapped as well.

Temple of Ra

The aftermath of Apophis' attack on Abydos

Once the Serpent Guards have gotten what they came for, they depart, leaving behind an area full of blood, destruction and dead bodies.

Seconds later, Jack, Sam, Carter and Kawalsky return with Daniel calling for Sha're as everyone attempts to grasp what has happened.

One Abydonian, Bolaa manages to weakly tell Daniel that the being who looked like Ra took Sha're and Skaara before Bolaa dies from his wounds.

As everyone tries to get a grasp on things, Carter tells Jack that Ferretti needs medical treatment now.

Daniel tells them to go back and that he can send them back but Jack tells Daniel that Daniel is coming with them because Jack has orders.

With no other options left, Daniel, clearly emotional over leaving his adopted family instructs Tobay to bury the Abydos Stargate after SG-1 leaves and tell Kasuf to reopen it exactly one year later.

Children of the Gods 6

The Adydonians saying goodbye to Daniel

All the Abydonians there then give Daniel one big group hug as Jack silently watches from a distance.

Once the goodbye hug has ended, Daniel heads over to the DHD and begins dialing.

Children of the Gods 5

The team returning to Earth from Abydos

Back on Earth, the now occupied Embarkation Room is full of numerous soldiers when the Stargate comes online.

A wormhole is established and the SGC teams return from Abydos, bringing with them the injured members of their respective teams who survived the attack on Abydos.

As Jack approaches Hammond, Jack learns that they've got an Iris to shield them from any other unwelcome surprises. Jack gives Hammond the grim news that the Abydos settlement was attacked by the same group that attacked Stargate Command and that Daniel Jackson's wife and brother-in-law were both kidnapped.

Daniel meets Hammond who is extremely hostile towards Daniel with Hammond stating that Daniel isn't in a position to make any demands.

In an area, the Jaffa, Teal'c and some guards enter a room which is full a group of scared humans, presumably the ones from Abyos. Teal'c then points out Sha're with Sha're being taken away despite her protests. Skaara tries to intervene but finds himself being stopped by staff weapons that are held to his head. He can only watch helplessly at Sha're is removed from the room as Teal'c tells Skaara his death will not help her.

Skaara replies he's not afraid of them.

Once the guards have left, closing the door behind then, Skaara runs towards the doors, throwing himself against them.

In the Infirmary, Jack meets Kawalsky who's sitting by Ferretti's bedside with Jack telling Kawalsky that the Doctors said Ferretti was going to make it with Kawalsky agreeing.

"You going to stay here all night?", Jack wonders.

"Yes, sir", Kawalsky replies.

Upon leaving the Infirmary, Jack sees Daniel leaning against a wall and it's shown that Daniel has exchanged his robes for an Air Force jump suit of some kind.

When Daniel tells him they don't know what to do with him and that he doesn't know what to do with himself, Jack says, "C'mon, let's get out of here".

At Jack's house, he takes out two beers from his fridge and heads for the living room where Daniel is waiting for him. As that happens, Daniel sneezes but manages to use his handkerchief in time.

"Nice catch", Jack remarks.

Daniel thanks him before apologizing and saying Gate travel always seems to make his allergies...

He then pauses, blowing his nose.

Once that's done, Daniel accepts a beer from Jack.

He informs Jack that after they returned to Earth, the Abydonians realized they were not only free but the world was theirs for the taking. They held a big party for Daniel, treating him as their savior even though Daniel was embarrassed by that.

"It's amazing you turned out so normal", Jack replies.

Daniel then remarks that if it wasn't for Sha're, he'd probably...

He suddenly pauses at her memory before telling Jack she was the complete opposite of everyone else.

As he sits down, Daniel tells Jack Sha're practically fell on the floor, laughing every time he tried to do some chore they all took for granted, like grinding yaphetta flour with Daniel wondering if Jack's ever tried to grind his own flour?

"I'm trying to kick the flour thing", Jack replies.

Daniel laughs.

He remarks it's going straight to his head before taking another sip of beer.

Once he's finished doing that, he wonders what time it is and that he must have gate lag or something.

"For cryin' out loud, Daniel", Jack says. "You've had one beer. You're a cheaper date than my wife was".

Daniel wonders when he's going to meet Jack's wife.

Jack tells him it's probably going to be never and that after he came from Abydos the first time, she'd already left.

Daniel apologizes, telling Jack he's sorry.

Jack agrees, stating he thinks in her heart, she forgave him for what happened to their kid but she just couldn't forget.

"What are you?", Daniel wonders.

"I'm the opposite", Jack replies. "I'll never forgive myself but sometimes I can forget. Sometimes".

He then takes another sip of beer and the two sit there in silence.

At a palace and under the command of Apophis' First Prime, turbaned guards drag away one of a dozen gaudily dressed young women, the woman in question being Weterings.

Protesting that she's a US Air Force Sergeant and demanding answers, Weterings is later stripped naked and inspected with the Jaffa Priestess holding Apophis' Queen emerges.

The Goa'uld inside the Priestess' belly takes one look at Weterings with Apophis asking, "Does she please you, my love?".

The Goa'uld on the other hand simply retreats back inside the Priestess' belly, suggesting that it does not consider Weterings a suitable candidate for possession.

Carol Weterings 1

Weterings dies.

"Shame", Apophis remarks, disappointed before he uses his Kara kesh to give Weterings' brain an electric shock. This ultimately causes Weterings to start bleeding from her nose and mouth before she finally stops breathing altogether with Weterings later lying on the table, dead.

Apophis then examines Weterings' body in disgust before ordering that another woman be chosen. As Apophis heads off, his First Prime looks on.

Back at the SGC, another meeting is held, this time with Daniel in attendance with Daniel revealing that the story behind Ra and Hammond announces that he's been given permission by the President to form nine teams who will use the Stargate to gather information about any and all possible threats to Earth and to make peaceful contact with the various worlds they visit.

O'Neill is given command of SG-1, with Carter as his second-in-command and Daniel accompanying him, due to his determination to find his kidnapped wife despite Hammond insisting that Daniel needs to be a consultant for the SGC while Kawalsky is given command of SG-2.

When the injured Ferretti who's regained consciousness is able to reveal the symbols that the invaders used to leave Abydos, a mission to the planet is authorized with Daniel accompanying them this time.

As before, Hammond gives them 24 hours and reveals that their iris codes will be locked out with the Stargate being buried. As such, they will be left stranded on the planet forever with no means of ever returning home.

Children of the Gods 4

SG-1 and SG-2 on Chulak

They eventually head through the Stargate and arrive at their destination to discover that it's freezing cold which leaves everyone stunned. Jack soon recovers and orders them to move before stating that they should get the gear out too.

Back in the palace and at the First Prime's request, the guards return and grab Sha're despite her protesting and screaming.

In the main area near the Stargate, the SGC team makes preparations in case they come under attack from the enemy while retreating to the Stargate while Daniel confirms that he has the code figured out.

The guards take Sha're to Apophis and as she continues struggling, Apophis is amused, remarking that Sha're has spirit.

Apophis subdues Sha're with his hand device and as this happen, Sha're is stripped naked before she is laid on the table.

As before, a Jaffa priestess carrying Amaunet, Apophis' Queen appears with the symbiote emerging and as it begins inspecting Sha're, with Sha're greatly terrified, Apophis wonders if Sha're is suitable for his Queen.

Having passed the test, Amaunet takes control of Sha're's body almost immediately which the symbiote does by burying itself deep into Sha're's neck.

Sha're 2

Sha're as the Goa'uld symbiote Amaunet begins taking control of her

This causes Sha're to scream with horror as she feels the Goa'uld entering her body, while Apophis' First Prime watches, obviously displeased and disgusted with what is happening.

As SG-1 and SG-2 forge ahead, they plan to set up camp. Jack tells Kawalsky that if they're not back in 20 hours, they'll go back through the Stargate before the iris is locked.

As Jack, Sam and Daniel push on, they meet a group of monks who escort them to the nearby town of Chulak (a name which, incidentally, soon begins to apply to the entire planet). During a meal they find out that Sha're has been taken, and when Daniel runs to her they are taken prisoner.

In the dungeon, the team discover Skaara and Daniel explains to Sam that it was not Ra who kidnapped Skaara and Sha're, but Apophis, named for the Egyptian serpent god of night.

Before Skaara and the team can escape, the First Prime enters with Serpent Guards and yells something in Goa'uld with Skaara revealing that they're planning on choosing who will be the children of the gods.

As everyone looks on, Apophis soon arrives in and introduces his Queen who is none other than Sha're/Amaunet which leaves Daniel greatly shocked.

Daniel attempts to approach Sha're but Jack and Sam restrain him.

Several other Goa'uld come forth and begin to pick people out of the crowd of prisoners who will become hosts to the children of the Goa'uld.

Skaara is among the few to be chosen and is dragged away, screaming frantically for Jack who attempts to intervene, only for Jack to knocked down.

Daniel wants to be picked to be with his wife but he isn't chosen.

As the hosts are being dragged away. Apophis glances around the room and then orders that the rest of the prisoners be killed and as he departs with Sha're, the prisoners all flee to the other side of the cell, screaming in fear as the Serpent Guards close in, creating a sense of chaos and despair as Jack, Sam and Daniel look on.

As the guards charge their weapons, ready to execute the prisoners, Jack calls to the First Prime, stating that he can save these people before insisting that the other being in question help him.

Chulak mission 5

As Daniel and Jack look on, Teal'c, Apophis' First Prime, finally turns against his fellow Serpent Guards.

The First Prime hesitates for a few moments, grimly noting that many have made that promise, before turning on a fellow Serpent Guard and firing on them, killing one.

As he does that, he adds that Jack is the first person he has met who he believes can achieve what he claims.

The now former First Prime then hands Jack a staff weapon and they team up together and turn on the Serpent Guards, killing every single one of them although the guards manage to kill a few of the prisoners first.

Once the remaining guards have been chased away, Jack uses his staff weapon to blast a hole in the wall of the cell and as he examines the scene, Carter and Daniel help the prisoners escape.

Meanwhile, Apophis' First Prime, still stunned over what he has done wanders around the cell with Jack calling for the First Prime.

Still struggling to come to terms with what he has done, the former First Prime remarks that he has nowhere to go. Jack tells him that he can stay at his place before telling the former First Prime, "Let's go".

As they both leave the cell, Jack asks the First Prime what his name is with the being replying that his name is "Teal'c".

O'Neill, Carter, Daniel, and Teal'c lead the prisoners away from the palace back towards the Stargate with serpent guards pursuing, having been given the task of killing them.

While escaping the town, Teal'c shows O'Neill that he has a Goa'uld in his stomach, much to the shock of the others. Teal'c then reveals that he is a Jaffa, a servant of the Gods and in exchange for the larva he has, it gives him long life and perfect health before stating that if he were to remove it, he would eventually die.

Near the gate, SG-1 is pinned down by a Death Glider. Kawalsky and SG-2 rescue them by bringing the ship down with an FIM-92 Stinger missile.

At the gate they find Apophis leaving with his wife and the other Goa'uld families - Skaara is among them. O'Neill calls out to him, causing him to hesitate and wait for O'Neill to come closer. However, a Goa'uld has already possessed him. Skaara uses a Kara kesh to throw O'Neill back and then leaves through the gate.

Meanwhile, more Jaffa Serpent Guards arrive.

While O'Neill, Teal'c, Kawalsky, and the rest of SG-2 provide cover, Carter and Daniel lead the prisoners through the Stargate and back to Earth.

Carter is the first back to Earth and tells the SGC guards to hold their fire because they've got refugees.

Hammond tells her that he hopes she knows what she's doing.

Back on Chulak, as Jack and the others fend off the approaching Jaffa guards, Daniel helps the refugees gain safe passage and head through the wormhole to Earth although a single staff blast kills one of the refugees.

As the evacuation continues, more refugees continue arriving on Earth while Daniel arrives with a small group, joining Sam who's already at the ramp.

Teal'c eventually arrives in the SGC Embarkation Room, prompting the guards to raise their weapons at him. Sam and Daniel intervene, ordering the guards to lower their guns and telling them that Teal'c is with them.

Children of the Gods 7

Teal'c giving Sam his staff weapon

As Hammond looks on, obviously stunned at what's going on, Teal'c hands over his staff weapon to Sam who accepts it without any arguments.

Just before Kawalsky goes back through the Gate, one of the refugees strangles a Jaffa Serpent Guard to death while one member of the SGC team lies on the ground, injured after being shot by a staff weapon blast.

Charles Kawalsky's Goa'uld 2

An infant Goa'uld symbiote emerging from the dead body of a Jaffa Serpent Guard

Seconds later, the Goa'uld inside the now dead Serpent Guard emerges.

Charles Kawalsky's Goa'uld 1

A infant Goa'uld symbiote entering Kawalsky's body

As Kawalsky attends to the injured member of his team, the symbiote uses that opportunity to slip into Kawalsky's body via Kawalsky's neck which leaves Kawalsky stunned.

After everyone has made it safely through the Gate, Carter orders that the iris be locked which happens and as that happens, thuds are heard, suggesting that the Jaffa that pursued them are now dead.

Once the wormhole has been disengaged and the iris unsealed as well as the gate shut down, everyone tries to come to terms with what has happened.

As SG-1 walk down the ramp, the refugees thank the team for their efforts.

Hammond asks Jack what's going on and Carter tells the General that they can use the Stargate to send the refugees home.

Hammond isn't too thrilled about seeing Teal'c but Jack defending Teal'c, stating that Teal'c is the man who saved their lives and that Hammond will accept Jack's proposal, then Teal'c will join SG-1.

Hammond states that the decision might not up to Jack himself.

As he takes everything in, Hammond tells Jack and Kawalsky that this is sure to be an interesting debriefing and that it will take place at 0730.

As everyone leaves the gate room to be accessed and for further medical treatment to be given to the injured members of the large group, Daniel looks back at the Stargate and remarks that Sha're is still out there.

Jack tells him that so is Skaara.

"What do we do?", Daniel wonders.

"We find them", Jack states.

With that, the future members of SG-1 all head off.

Charles Kawalsky's Goa'uld

Kawalsky under the influence of a Goa'uld

Meanwhile, Kawalsky who was in the background stares at the Stargate for a second before he walks down the ramp. As Kawalsky approaches the end of the ramp, his eyes begin glowing, implying that the Goa'uld has now taken complete control of his body.


Appearances for Children of the Gods
Characters Airman Amaunet Apophis Bolaa Captain Samantha Carter Casey President William Jefferson Clinton (Mentioned) Curren Female Serpent Guard Major Louis Ferretti Airman Fryatt Goa'uld 1 Goa'uld 2 Major General George S. Hammond MSgt. Walter Harriman Dr. Daniel Jackson Jaffa Monk Junior (Mentioned) Kasuf (Mentioned) Major Charles Kawalsky Charles Kawalsky's Goa'uld Klorel Dr. James MacKenzie SSgt. McAtee Medic Charlie O'Neill (Mentioned) Colonel Jack O'Neill Sara O'Neill (Mentioned) Primitive Supreme System Lord Ra (Mentioned) Major Bert Samuels Sergeant Sergeant Sha're Skaara Swope Teal'c Technician Tobay Major Carl Warren Major General W. O. West (Mentioned) Senior Airman Carol Weterings Yametha TSgt. Ziplinski Locations Milky Way Abydos Temple of Ra Map Room Chulak City of Chulak Chulak Prison Temple of the Gods Earth Chicago, Illinois (Mentioned) Colorado Springs, Colorado Stargate Command Briefing Room Embarkation room General's Office Stargate Command guest quarters Stargate Command infirmary Stargate Operations room Jonathan J. O'Neill's house Giza, Egypt (Mentioned) Great Pyramids (Mentioned) The Pentagon (Mentioned) Rome, Italy (Mentioned) Events Tau'ri-Goa'uld War Abydos Mission (Mentioned) Apophis' attack on Stargate Command Skirmish on Abydos Chulak mission Charles Kawalsky's infestation by a Goa'uld Gulf War (Mentioned) Wedding of Daniel Jackson and Sha're (Mentioned) Weapons, equipment and technology A-M18A1 Claymore mine Battle Dress Uniform Binoculars Camcorder Colt M16A3 rifle Daniel Jackson's notebook Death Glider propulsion system Desert Camouflage Uniform Dial Home Device Dialing computer Dog tag Event horizon Field Remote Expeditionary Device FIM-92 Stinger missile Flashlight Garage Door Opener Goa'uld scanning device H&K MP5A3 submachine gun Iris Iris Deactivation Code Jaffa armor Jaffa helmet Kara kesh Laptop Lighter M249 Squad Automatic Weapon M2 Browning Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe (Mentioned) Naquadah (Mentioned) Nuclear warhead BFMB Mark V bomb Mark III (Mentioned) Radio Service Dress Uniform Staff weapon Staff cannon Stargate Abydos' Stargate Alpha Gate Tactical vest Taurus PT92 Telescope Tent Transporter Transportation rings USAS-12 automatic shotgun Wristwatch Science and biology Allergy Autopsy (Mentioned) Blending Doppler's Shift (Mentioned) Sandstorm Stellar drift (Mentioned) Symbiote pouch Titanium (Mentioned) Wormhole Vehicles Automobile Cheops class warship (Mentioned) Ra's Cheops class warship (Mentioned) Death Glider F-16 Fighting Falcon (Mentioned) Humvee Transport Glider Sentient Species Goa'uld Human Abydonian Tau'ri Jaffa Chulakian Languages Abydonian language Ancient Egyptian (Mentioned) Arabic (Mentioned) English Goa'uld language Hieroglyphs (Mentioned) Creatures Kangaroo (Mentioned) Organizations and titles First Prime Jaffa Priests Joint Chiefs of Staff (Mentioned) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mentioned) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Mentioned) Serpent Guard Stargate Program SG-1 SG-2 System Lord United States Air Force Miscellanea Beer Book of the Dead (Mentioned) Cigar Divorce (Mentioned) Gambling GI Joe (Mentioned) Kleenex MacGyver Major Matt Mason (Mentioned) Moonshine Mythology (Mentioned) Playing card Poker Potato chip Star Trek Torture (Mentioned) Yaphetta flour (Mentioned)

Notable quotes[]

(O'Neill has tossed a Kleenex box through the Stargate to Abydos as a message to Jackson)
Samuels: What if the aliens get it?
O'Neill: Well, they could be blowing their noses right about now.

O'Neill: Oh, here we go. Another scientist. General, please.
Carter: Theoretical astrophysicist.
O'Neill: Which means?
Hammond: Which means she's smarter than you are, Colonel.

Carter: I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle.
O'Neill: Oh, my problem is not with you being a woman. I like women. I just have a little problem with scientists.

Carter: So you're saying... Ra's not the last of his race after all?
Kawalsky: Maybe he's got a brother Ray.
(officers at the table chuckle)

Carter: Amazing! This is what was missing from the dig in Giza. (laughs) This is how they'd control it ! It took us fifteen years and three super-computers to Macgyver a system for the gate on Earth.
(O'Neill lifts his eyebrows when Carter says the word Macgyver.)

Jackson: I don't pretend to know anything about astrophysics, but couldn't the planets change, I mean uh, drift apart or something like that to throw this map off.
Carter: I knew I'd like you.
Jackson: You mean I'm right?

O'Neill: I can save these people!! Help me! Help me.
Teal'c: Many have said that. (He turns and shoots another Jaffa, then tosses O'Neill his staff weapon) But you are the first I believe could do it!

O'Neill: Hey, come on!
Teal'c: I have nowhere to go.
O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go!

Carter: Hold your fire, they are refugees!
Hammond: I hope you know what you're doing, Captain.


Main Characters

Guest Stars

Children of the Gods – Final Cut[]

Main article: Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods - Final Cut

A new version of the episode (Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods - Final Cut) was released on DVD (July 21, 2009), re-edited using footage shot in 1997 as well as updated visual effects. The beginning has been slightly altered, a new scene has been added, and the nude scenes in the original Director's Cut have been cut out. The final cut is roughly 7 minutes shorter than the original episode. Joel Goldsmith has re-scored the music. It has been released on DVD in 16:9 widescreen format, and may also be aired on television. In addition, many of the actors were asked to re-record their dialog. Michael Shanks' character, Dr. Daniel Jackson, voice and dialog was completely redone to allow some character continuity with the character's growth throughout the series (i.e., seasons 4-10); this was done to attempt to move away from the original persona that Daniel Jackson was depicted in from the original film, when he was portrayed by James Spader (the director and the actor wanted to steer away from Michael Shanks imitating Spader's version). Amanda Tapping re-recorded most of her dialog as well for the recut. Christopher Judge re-filmed all of his scenes.




Other languages[]

veEpisodes and Seasons
Stargate SG-1
Season 1 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 2 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 3 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 4 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 5 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 6 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 7 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 8 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 9 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 10 1234567891011121314151617181920
Stargate: Atlantis
Season 1 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 2 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 3 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 4 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 5 1234567891011121314151617181920
Stargate: Universe
Season 1 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 2 1234567891011121314151617181920
Stargate Origins
Season 1 12345678910