The Broca Divide (original) (raw)

"The Broca Divide" is the fifth episode of the first season of Stargate SG-1.


After visiting P3X-797, SG-1 discovers The Touched, a race of humans infected by a disease that seems to devolve them into animal-like creatures. To make matters worse, SG-1 inadvertently brings the disease back with them, where it rapidly spreads throughout Stargate Command. The only way to cure them is to get a blood sample from the Untouched, who believe the disease to be a curse. Now the SGC must battle to destroy the plague before its personnel are trapped in a primitive-state forever.


The Broca Divide 2

SG-1 and SG-3 arriving on P3X-797

After a briefing in which Major General George S. Hammond reveals that the refugees the SGC teams including SG-1 brought back from Chulak, SG-1 and SG-3 head to the planet designated P3X-797.

Upon arrival they find themselves attacked by a group of savage primeval men living in the forest like animals. They scare them off and walk out of the darkness into the light.

Once out of the forest and in the light they find a beautiful civilization that appears to be of Minoan origin, which fascinates Dr. Daniel Jackson immensely. The locals refer to their land as "The Land of Light" and the savages in the forest as "The Touched". Citizens of the Land of Light afflicted with a "curse" devolve into savage beasts and are banished into the dark.

After returning to Earth, Lt. Daniel Johnson begins to act irrationally and attacks Teal'c. Other members of SG-3 soon start displaying the same symptoms as "The Touched". Captain Samantha Carter tries to seduce Colonel Jack O'Neill, but he realizes she has the mysterious disease and takes her to the infirmary. Later, when Daniel expresses concern for Carter, Jack becomes unaccountably jealous, insisting "she's not yours to care about", and assaults Daniel with everyone realizing that Jack has the disease.

As a result, Cheyenne Mountain is placed into lockdown with Stargate Command being cut off from the outside world until a cure can be found.

Very heavily sedated, Jack asks Dr. Janet Fraiser to experiment on him in hopes of finding a cure, but she refuses. Teal'c returns to the planet with Daniel, as they are the only members of the SGC except for Fraiser who haven't come down with the disease.

Teal'c brings back a blood sample of the Untouched for Fraiser to analyze, but Daniel is taken by the Touched.

Fraiser realizes Daniel and she were not infected as a result of their antihistamine allergy medicine, and the "curse" is actually a disease targeting histamine. From analyzing the blood she concludes there must be something in the diet of the people in the Land of Light that acts as an antihistamine; which, if eaten more often will prevent the "curse".

In one of the Isolation Rooms, Fraiser then tells Jack and Teal'c that she has a cure that could help. Jack volunteers to be the test subject with Fraiser giving him the dose.

Touch outbreak

Jack after being given a possible cure for the disease

As Jack falls asleep, Fraiser tells Teal'c that they have to wait with Teal'c later lying Jack down and placing a blanket over him.

The next morning, Teal'c is interrupted by someone banging on the door of the cell he's been guarding. When he opens the slide, it's shown that Jack has returned to normal, the injection having worked.

After some minor confusion over Jack calling Teal'c "Lucy", Jack is later released and he and Teal'c set off to find Fraiser.

A while later, thanks to Fraiser synthesizing a cure (a large dose of Chlorpheniramine Maleate), the SGC is finally brought out of lockdown with everyone infected being cured and operations returning to normal at last.

In the Embarkation Room, the team receive guns from a soldier while Fraiser explains that by hitting one of the Touched with the darts should be more than enough to starve the disease altogether. She then wishes them good luck before leaving while Jack and Sam debate as to whether Daniel's still alive.

When the Stargate opens a wormhole seconds later, Jack tells Sam, "Let's find out" as the team goes through the Stargate.

The Broca Divide 1

Daniel having become one of the Touched

Arriving on P3X-797, the team head to the area where the Touched reside and discover Daniel is still among them but unfortunately as a result of not having his allergy medicine, Daniel is now one of the Touched too.

The team soon use darts loaded with Fraiser's cure for the disease to take down all the Touched with Sam attempting to inject Daniel, only for Daniel to attempt to attack her which is ultimately halted thanks to Jack shooting a dart into Daniel's body which leaves Daniel and the rest of the Touched unconscious.

SG-1 then arrive at the temple in spite of the villagers objecting and explains to the people the "curse" is reversible as well as their lost family members will be returning. When Daniel awakens back to his normal self, he serves as proof to the people who rush into the forest.

SG-1 follows and witnesses a moving moment of reunions as the former Touched, now cured of the "disease" reunite with their loved ones. They give some medication and aid to the Land of Light so that none shall ever be "Touched" again, and, having made new friends, return to Earth through the Stargate.


Appearances for The Broca Divide
Characters Amaunet (Mentioned) Apophis (Mentioned) Pierre Paul Broca (Mentioned) Captain Samantha Carter President William Jefferson Clinton (Mentioned) Dr. Janet Fraiser Major General George S. Hammond MSgt. Walter Harriman Dr. Daniel Jackson Lt. Daniel Johnson Klorel (Mentioned) Leedora Leedora's father Colonel Robert Makepeace Melosha Colonel Jack O'Neill SG-3 Member SG-3 Member Sha're (Mentioned) Skaara (Mentioned) Teal'c Councilor Tuplo TSgt. Ziplinski Locations Milky Way Abydos (Mentioned) Chulak (Mentioned) Earth Colorado Springs, Colorado Stargate Command Briefing Room Embarkation room General's Office Isolation Rooms Stargate Command brig (Mentioned) Stargate Command infirmary Stargate Command guest quarters (Mentioned) Stargate Command locker rooms Stargate Operations room P3X-797 Land of Light Land of the Dark Events Touch outbreak Weapons, equipment and technology Battle Dress Uniform Colt M16A3 rifle Colt M203 grenade launcher Dart Dial Home Device Dog tag Event horizon Flashlight Glasses H&K MP5A3 submachine gun M249 Squad Automatic Weapon M60 machine gun Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe Night vision goggles Red phone Service Dress Uniform Staff weapon Stargate Alpha Gate Tactical vest Tranquilizer gun Science and biology Allergy Antihistamine Anthropology (Mentioned) Blood Brain (Mentioned) Bronze Age (Mentioned) Entry mark (Mentioned) Fainting Injection syringe Leprosy (Mentioned) Natural Selection (Mentioned) Quarantine lockdown Sedative Sex (Mentioned) Stone Age (Mentioned) Testosterone (Mentioned) Wormhole Sentient Species Australopithecus (Mentioned) Goa'uld (Mentioned) Homo Erectus (Mentioned) Human Minoan (Mentioned) Tau'ri The Touched Untouched Jaffa Languages Abydonian language (Mentioned) English Goa'uld language Heelksha (Mentioned) Creatures Cow (Mentioned) Organizations and titles Stargate Program SG-1 SG-3 United States Air Force United States Marine Corps Miscellanea I Love Lucy (Mentioned) Cartouche (Mentioned) DEFCON (Mentioned) Internet (Mentioned) Rape

Notable quotes[]

(Lt. Johnson attacks Teal'c in the boardroom during a briefing. Teal'c counters, and pins Johnson to the table.)
Teal'c: General Hammond, I would prefer not to hurt this man.

O'Neill: Oh, I got in a little wrestling match with Carter.
Jackson: Why?
O'Neill: I guess she's got whatever Johnson's got. Had to drag her off to the infirmary.
Jackson: What, did she start a fight with you, like Johnson did with Teal'c?
O'Neill: No, she, uh, tried to seduce me.
Jackson: Oh. (pause) You poor man...

Jackson: (about the people on the Dark Side) We came in contact with them. Isn't that special.
Fraiser: So, the question is, why haven't you and Mr. Teal'c come down with the symptoms?
Jackson: Uh, Mr. Teal'c... Teal'c's symbiote probably protects him.
Teal'c: That would be likely.
Fraiser: What about you, Dr. Jackson?
Jackson: That beats me. You're the doctor, Doctor. Uh, maybe I have a natural immunity.
Teal'c: Perhaps you will develop symptoms later.
Jackson: Thank you for the moral support.

Teal'c: Colonel O'Neill?
O'Neill: (imitating Desi Arnaz) Lucy, I'm home!
Teal'c: I am not Lucy.
O'Neill: I know that. It's a reference to an old TV... never mind, open the door.
Teal'c: I will summon the doctor.
O'Neill: No, come on. I'm fine. I'm back to being myself. Just open up.
Teal'c: I cannot be certain that you are back to being yourself. You referred to me as "Lucy."

O'Neill: Daniel, you dog! Keep this up, and you'll have a girl on every planet.

Carter: (uncomfortably) About my earlier behavior... I wasn't myself, and...
O'Neill: Oh, Carter, I don't even remember your earlier behavior.
Carter: You don't?
O'Neill: No, I was infected too, remember?
Carter: relieved Right! Good, I'm-I'm glad.
O'Neill: By the way, how's the wound?
Carter: Wound?
O'Neill: I understand you got stabbed in the stomach?
Carter: Oh, yeah, that-that was nothing. With any luck, there won't even be a scar.
O'Neill: Well, good. I was concerned.
Carter: You were?
O'Neill: Sure. (smiles) If it doesn't heal properly, you'll never wear that sweet little tank top number again.
(She stops in her tracks at that, and he keeps on walking.)


Main Characters

Guest Stars



Other languages[]

veEpisodes and Seasons
Stargate SG-1
Season 1 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 2 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 3 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 4 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 5 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 6 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 7 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 8 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 9 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 10 1234567891011121314151617181920
Stargate: Atlantis
Season 1 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 2 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 3 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 4 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 5 1234567891011121314151617181920
Stargate: Universe
Season 1 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 2 1234567891011121314151617181920
Stargate Origins
Season 1 12345678910