Albania Districts (original) (raw)

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Now that I allow a tertiary level, I have demoted the communes to tertiary and the districts to secondary.

Albania is divided into 36 rrethe (districts), currently not functioning.

District ISO FIPS Population Area(km.�) County Capital
Berat BR AL01 128,410 915 AL.BE Berat
Bulqiz� BU AL29 42,985 718 AL.DB Bulqiz�
Delvin� DL AL30 10,859 367 AL.VR Delvin�
Devoll DV AL31 34,744 429 AL.KE Bilisht
Dib�r DI AL02 86,144 761 AL.DB Peshkopi
Durr�s DR AL03 182,988 455 AL.DU Durr�s
Elbasan EL AL04 224,974 1,290 AL.EB Elbasan
Fier FR AL05 200,154 850 AL.FI Fier
Gjirokast�r GJ AL06 55,991 1,137 AL.GK Gjirokast�r
Gramsh GR AL07 35,723 695 AL.EB Gramsh
Has HA AL32 19,842 374 AL.KK Krum�
Kavaj� KA AL33 78,415 393 AL.TI Kavaj�
Kolonj� ER AL08 17,179 805 AL.KE Ersek�
Kor�� KO AL09 143,499 1,752 AL.KE Kor��
Kruj� KR AL10 64,357 372 AL.DU Kruj�
Ku�ov� KC AL34 35,571 112 AL.BE Ku�ov�
Kuk�s KU AL11 64,054 956 AL.KK Kuk�s
Kurbin KB AL35 54,519 235 AL.LZ La�
Lezh� LE AL12 68,218 479 AL.LZ Lezh�
Librazhd LB AL13 72,520 1,102 AL.EB Librazhd
Lushnj� LU AL14 144,351 712 AL.FI Lushnj�
Malesia e Madhe MM AL36 36,770 897 AL.SD Koplik
Mallakast�r MK AL37 39,881 325 AL.FI Ballsh
Mat MT AL15 61,906 1,028 AL.DB Burrel
Mirdit� MR AL16 37,055 867 AL.LZ Rr�shen
Peqin PQ AL38 32,920 191 AL.EB Peqin
P�rmet PR AL17 25,837 929 AL.GK P�rmet
Pogradec PG AL18 70,900 725 AL.KE Pogradec
Puk� PU AL19 34,454 1,034 AL.SD Puk�
Sarand� SR AL20 35,235 730 AL.VR Sarand�
Shkod�r SH AL21 185,794 1,631 AL.SD Shkod�r
Skrapar SK AL22 29,874 775 AL.BE �orovod�
Tepelen� TE AL23 32,465 817 AL.GK Tepelen�
Tiran� TR AL28 523,150 1,193 AL.TI Tiran�
Tropoj� TP AL26 28,154 1,043 AL.KK Bajram Curri
Vlor� VL AL27 147,267 1,609 AL.VR Vlor�
36 districts 3,087,159 28,703
ISO: District codes from ISO 3166-2. For full identification in a globalcontext, prefix "AL-" to the code (ex: AL-SK represents Skrapar).These codes will soon be withdrawn. FIPS: Codes from FIPS PUB 10-4, a U.S. government standard. Population: 2001-04-01 census. County: HASC code for Post-1993 county.

Further subdivisions:

See the Communes of Albania page.

Underneath the districts there are 61 municipalities.

Territorial extent:

Vlor� includes Saseno (Sazan) Island.

Change history:

  1. 1912-11-28: Albania, consisting of the vilayet of Scutari and parts of Monastir and Yanina, declared independence from Turkey.
  2. 1913-11-22: A law titled �The Appropriate Code of Civil Administration in Albania� took effect. Under it, Albania was divided into eight prefectures: Berati, Dibra, Durr�si, Elbasani, Gjirokastra, Kor�a, Shkodra and Vlora. The prefectures were divided into sub-prefectures, and then into krahina. "At various points in time, the sub-prefecture was called the district (rreth)." (Source [3])
  3. 1923: Albania acquired a strip of territory in the south from Greece.
  4. ~1925: Albania had the following ten prefectures, further subdivided into 57 districts. Dib�r was later renamed Peshkopi, and Kuk�s renamed Kosovo. The number of districts was 39 in 1927, 30 in 1934, and 61 in 1945.
Prefecture Pop-1930 Pop-1945 Area(km.�) Capital Became
Berat 142,616 126,913 3,666 Berat Berat, Fier, Lushnj�, Skrapar
Dib�r 86,992 83,677 2,151 Peshkopij� Dib�r, Mat
Durr�s 77,890 104,488 1,550 Durr�s Durr�s, Kruj�
Elbasan 111,422 111,286 3,539 Elbasan Elbasan, Gramsh, Librazhd
Gjinokast�r 143,926 121,253 4,125 Gjinokast�r Gjirokast�r, P�rmet, Sarand�, Tepelen�
Kor�� 147,536 149,433 3,750 Kor�� Kolonj�, Kor��, Pogradec
Kuk�s 49,081 49,344 2,038 Kuk�s Kuk�s, Tropoj�
Shkod�r 132,336 157,665 5,560 Scutari Lezh�, Mirdit�, Puk�, Shkod�r
Tirana 57,808 93,216 911 Tirana Tiran�
Vlon� 53,461 115,080 1,448 Vlon� Vlor�
1,003,068 1,112,355 28,738
Pop-1930: 1930 census. Pop-1945: 1945 census. Became: Districts formed from this prefecture in 1958.
  1. 1946: A new administrative structure was inaugurated. There were 10 prefectures and 39 sub-prefectures. The tertiary level consisted partly of localities, and the following year, all remaining communes were replaced by localities; there were also cities and villages.
  2. 1953: Status of prefectures changed to regions.
  3. 1958-07: The ten prefectures were re-organized into 26 rrethet (singular, rreth: districts).
  4. ~1978: Ersek� renamed Kolonj�.
  5. 1992-06-10: Law No. 7572 created ten new districts. Bulqiz� district split from Dib�r; Delvin� district split from Sarand�; Devoll district split from Kor��; Has district split from Kuk�s; Kavaj� district split from Durr�s; Ku�ov� district split from Berat; La� district split from Kruj�; Malesia e Madhe district split from Shkod�r; Mallakast�r district split from Fier; Peqin district split from Elbasan. The FIPS standard, which had previously listed Tiran� district and Tiran� qytet (municipality) as separate entities, merged them into one.
  6. 1992-09-22: Law No. 7608 created twelve qark (counties, or regions), each one consisting of two to four districts. Apparently their competency was limited at first, but expanded in 1995. The districts continued to exist.
  7. 1998-11-28: Albania's new Constitution took effect. It specified that the districts would be replaced as administrative units by the regions. The communes and municipalities would remain as secondary subdivisions. This provision was not implemented until 2000 (see below).
  8. 1998-12-15: ISO 3166-2 published, superseding ISO/DIS 3166-2 (draft standard). Code for Peqin district changed from PG to PQ; for Tepelen�, from SP to TE; for Tropoj�, fromBC to TP. This change fixed an error in the draft standard, where the same codePG had been assigned to two districts.
  9. 1999-03-01: FIPS PUB 10-4 Change Notice 2 issued. It assigned FIPS codes from AL29 toAL38 to the ten districts created in 1991, and AL39 to Tiran� municipality (not shown in other sources). The other FIPS codes listed below were unchanged.
  10. ~1999: Name of La� district changed to Kurbin. This change was reported in Change Notice 4 to FIPS PUB 10-4, dated 2000-02-25. In ISO 3166-2 Newsletter Number I-2, dated 2002-05-21, the name change is reported and the corresponding code is changed from LA to KB. The districts were then as shown in the table above.
  11. 2000-07-31: Law No. 8653 replaced the districts by the regions as administrative units.

Other names of subdivisions:

The Italian names are often used by Western Europeans in general.

  1. Dib�r: Dibra, Dibr� (variant)
  2. Durr�s: Durresi, Durrsi (variant); Durazzo (Italian)
  3. Gjirokast�r: Gjinokast�r (variant); Argirocastro (Italian); Argyrocastro, Argyrokastron (Greek)
  4. Kolonj�: Ersek� (obsolete); Kolonja (variant)
  5. Kor��: Coriza, Corizza, Koritsa, Koritza (Italian); Kor�a (variant); Kortscha (German)
  6. Kuk�s: Kosova, Kossovo (obsolete)
  7. Lezh�: Alessio (Italian); Lezha (variant)
  8. Lushnj�: Lushenj�, Lushnja (variant)
  9. Shkod�r: Esc�tari (Portuguese-obsolete); Shkodra, Skod�r (variant); Scutari (Italian)
  10. Tiran�: Tiran (Turkish); Tirana (Italian, Spanish)
  11. Vlor�: Vlona, Vlora, Vlon� (variant); Valona (Italian)

Population history:

District 1960c 1970c 1973e 1978e 1982e 1988a
Berat 85,000 115,000 124,300 140,600 154,000 173,700
Dib�r 78,000 99,000 106,800 122,000 134,800 148,200
Durr�s 127,000 169,000 182,400 202,000 217,000 242,500
Elbasan 105,000 142,000 154,700 187,700 208,000 238,600
Fier 112,000 158,000 171,500 195,000 212,000 239,700
Gjirokast�r 44,000 51,000 53,500 57,100 60,300 65,500
Gramsh 20,000 27,000 29,400 34,500 38,000 43,800
Kolonj� 17,000 19,000 19,200 21,000 22,300 24,600
Kor�� 139,000 168,000 175,400 187,500 199,000 213,200
Kruj� 43,000 69,000 75,600 84,600 93,000 105,300
Kuk�s 48,000 65,000 71,400 75,400 86,000 99,400
Lezh� 27,000 37,000 40,500 48,200 53,000 61,100
Librazhd 36,000 44,000 48,500 56,300 63,000 70,800
Lushnj� 66,000 91,000 94,100 106,400 115,400 132,200
Mat 39,000 50,000 53,500 60,600 67,000 75,900
Mirdit� 17,000 27,000 29,400 40,500 45,000 49,700
P�rmet 27,000 30,000 31,700 34,100 36,400 39,400
Pogradec 36,000 46,000 49,300 56,500 62,000 70,500
Puk� 23,000 29,000 32,800 40,100 45,000 48,200
Sarand� 48,000 62,000 66,500 72,000 76,700 86,600
Shkod�r 128,000 167,000 178,500 191,400 206,200 233,000
Skrapar 20,000 28,000 30,800 37,800 42,000 45,800
Tepelen� 26,000 35,000 37,800 41,600 45,200 49,100
Tiran� 194,000 254,000 272,000 286,200 310,000 363,100
Tropoj� 21,000 28,000 30,500 36,400 39,800 44,200
Vlor� 101,000 126,000 133,500 144,900 155,000 174,000
1,627,000 2,136,000 2,293,600 2,560,400 2,786,100 3,138,100
Key: a = average population for the year; c = census; e = official estimate