Things You Can Help With (original) (raw)
The first part of STEAL THIS FILM was made pretty much on a shoestring, but that still came in at about US $3000, not including our time. So if you can't help with anything else, donating a few dollars/pounds/euros to Paypal:moc.mlifsihtlaets|etanod#moc.mlifsihtlaets|etanod really helps.
However, the other thing a documentary like this needs is committed, willing people. In particular, we're looking for:
- Lighting / Camera People
If you have some solid experience in lighting/camera (we use two Sony HD cameras and we can get all the lights we need), are prepared to work for nothing (a credit if you want it), and not take a feudal TV industry attitude with us (it's dying anyway!) we'd LOVE to talk to you. We're sure that watching part one will make you squirm with horror, as we know nothing about lighting and just did the best we could! Help us do it better next time!
- Production Assistant
If you're a net savvy type (e.g., you should be online a lot of the time; understand things like IRC, Jabber and the like), are a good organiser, discrete, intelligent and progressive in your outlook, you might also be able to help us with organising the next part of the documentary. There's always loads to do — but the main qualification for this role is that you be a SELF STARTER able to identify tasks. The League of Peers are not always as organised as they could be.
- Conference Invites
We're not that bothered about talking about STEAL THIS FILM, but we'll do it if you can bring us to a conference that will contain interesting people that we can interview. The quid pro quo is that you have to pay for at least 3 people to travel to your conference and put us up in a halfway decent hotel. (We're not prima donnas though!). Per Diems would also be nice as, for this project, we're surviving entirely on the kindness of strangers.
- Exposure
Are you running a film festival? Our film is free to show, and we'd love to be hosted by you. Contact us!
- Voice over
We MIGHT be looking for half a dozen people to do the voiceovers for the next part of the documentary. If you have particularly dulcet tones (male or female) drop us a line!
The Noble Peers.