Books Available - Scofield's Reference Notes - Bible Commentaries - (original) (raw)

Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843-1921) was a pivotal figure in the development of Christian theology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. An American theologian, minister, and writer, he is best known for his work on the Scofield Reference Bible, a widely influential annotated Bible that first appeared in 1909. This publication became a cornerstone for dispensationalism, a theological framework that interprets the Bible's history as a series of dispensations or distinct periods of time ordained by God, each with its own governing principle for humanity's relationship with God.

Before his monumental contribution to biblical scholarship, Scofield had a colorful past. His early years were marked by service in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War, followed by a tumultuous period involving legal issues and a struggle with alcoholism. However, Scofield experienced a profound conversion to Christianity in 1879, which dramatically changed the course of his life. Embracing evangelicalism, he went on to become an ordained minister in the Congregational Church.

Scofield's theological work was deeply influenced by his premillennial dispensationalist beliefs, which emphasized the literal interpretation of the Bible and the importance of prophecy in understanding God's plan for history. The Scofield Reference Bible, with its comprehensive notes and systematic study aids, offered readers a new way to interpret the scriptures, aligning biblical events with this dispensationalist viewpoint.

Aside from his reference Bible, Scofield also contributed to the establishment of several Bible conferences and institutions that played significant roles in the spread of dispensationalism across the United States. His teachings and writings have had a lasting impact on Christian thought, particularly within evangelical and fundamentalist circles, where his views on prophecy, the end times, and the role of Israel in biblical history continue to be influential.

Cyrus Ingerson Scofield's legacy is a testament to his profound influence on American Christianity, shaping theological study and understanding for generations of believers.