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The most frequently-used databases


Cambridge Books Online offers access to eBooks from our world-renowned publishing programme, covering subjects from all disciplines across science, technology and medicine, as well as humanities and social sciences.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; Circle of Friends


It is an online service containing journals published by the Cambridge University Press.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers; Circle of Friends


The site includes databases available from EBSCOhost, such as Academic Search premier, ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, Business Source Complete, CIHAHL Plus, Communication & Mass Media Complete, MAS Ultra-School Edition, Primary search, ERIC, Serials directory, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia and EBSCO Animals.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers


Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers


Gale primary sources is a universal research experience that combines Gale's acclaimed digital archives in a single cross-search interface

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students


Provides fulltext online access to electronic archive of scholarly journal literature, with an emphasis on the retrospective conversion of selected journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics and other fields of the humanities and social sciences. The site also provides access to selected ebooks.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers


Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on specific topics in a growing range of subject areas. There are at least 50 specific topical bibliographies in each subject area. Each of these features an introduction to the topic. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable. Contains a "My OBO" function that allows users to create personalized bibliographies of individual citations from different bibliographies.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students


Oxford Handbooks Online is an outstanding collection of the Handbooks areas across many different subject areas.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students


The database includes periodicals and newspapers articles from over 5,000 publication, with many in full text. It comprises of various databases.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers; Circle of Friends


A database of ebooks and reference books published by SAGE covering the social sciences and education, including such areas as African American Studies, Aged & Gerontology, Anthropology, Communication and Media Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Gender & Sexuality Studies, History, Politics, Psychology, Social Issues, Social Work & Social Policy, and Sociology.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students


A web database for research that contains abstracts, tables of contents, and full text of articles in the physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers


The database offers access to 14,200 peer-reviewed titles from more than 4,000 international publishers.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students


Contains an alphabetical list of Springer electronic journals subscribed by the University of Hong Kong. Abstracts and full-text of the journal articles are available. Subjects include: life sciences, chemical sciences, environmental sciences, geosciences, computer science, mathematics, medicine, physics & astronomy, engineering and economics.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers; Circle of Friends


Covers over 12,000 journals from 256 categories from 1900 and has direct links to full text and library holdings information. It also includes over 148,000 proceedings from the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops and conventions worldwide.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers


It is an online service from John Wiley & Sons containing over 300 scientific, technical, medical, and professional journals.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers

WisersOne. This link opens in a new window


A database of full-text newspaper clippings with search capabilities. Hong Kong newspapers cover 1998 onwards. China, Taiwan and Macau's newspapers cover from 2000.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers


This databases contains more than 10000 Chinese journals with full text. They are categorized into 10 subsets.

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students


Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students


中國資訊行提供網上卽時的中國新聞, 商業及法律資訊. 包括15個數據庫: 中國經濟新聞庫, 中國商業報告庫, 中國法律法規庫, 中國上市公司文獻庫, 香港上市公司資料庫, 中國人物庫, 中國醫療健康庫, INFOBANK環球商訊庫, 英文資料庫, 名詞解釋庫, 中國中央及地方政府機構庫, 中國企業產品庫, 中國統計數據庫, 中文報刊庫, 中國擬建在建項目數據庫

Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers

New / Trial Databases



Clinical Liver Disease (expires on 2024-10-18)


Hepatology (expires on 2024-10-18)


Hepatology Communications (expires on 2024-10-18)


Liver Transplantation (expires on 2024-10-18)


Alternate Name(s) 華藝線上圖書館

(expires on 2024-12-31)


(expires on 2025-02-28)

User can only access to a.ALM Books Complete , b.Open Access and c.Sharjah University OA.
For Open Access content, kindly create your own account to access the articles.


(expires on 2024-09-30)


(expires on 2024-12-31)

The Lancet Rheumatology is an independent journal committed to publishing content relevant to rheumatology specialists worldwide, with a focus on studies that advance clinical practice, challenge the status quo, and advocate change in health policy. The journal publishes clinical research (with a focus on clinical trials), expert reviews, and provocative comment and opinion relating to the diagnosis and classification, management, and prevention of rheumatic diseases, including arthritic, musculoskeletal, and connective tissue diseases, as well as disorders of the immune system. The journal also publishes high-quality human translational studies that are supported by robust clinical data, with priority given to studies that identify potential new therapeutic targets, advance efforts toward precision medicine, or have the potential to directly inform future clinical trials.


(expires on 2024-10-01)

中國歷代石刻史料匯編 This link opens in a new window


(expires on 2025-06-30)

典籍文獻整理數據庫 This link opens in a new window


(expires on 2024-11-30)
公用帳密:HKU001 / HKU123
公用帳密供不註冊之師生使用, 資料庫右上角按”登錄”, 點選郵箱/帳號登錄後可以使用個人化功能, 如複製文字或引用

法源法律網 This link opens in a new window


(Expires on 2024-10-15)


(expires on 2024-12-31)
