様々な原子力村による殺人!もんじゅ西村成生さん事件、水戸巌教授、東電OL事件、TV朝日ディレクターまで? Murder Cases by Japanese Nuclear Syndicate? (original) (raw)

**TV Asahi director Mr. Maki Iwaji who covered thyroid cancer in Fukushima (maybe he was the only one in mainstream media in Japan) died suddenly and the police reported that he committed a suicide. However, strangely, this case has not been reported by any media at all.



It is not known worldwide, but in Japan, there have been mysterious deaths related to nuclear industry in the past...for example...





妻の嘉世子さんによれば( 『原発は滅びゆく恐竜である』緑風出版)、「テントのファスナーは閉じていて、谷に向いた面だけにT字型の破れ目があって、そこから谷筋に向けて体が放り出されたと思われる。この破れ目は何が原因でできたものか、なぜ靴はテントに残したまま、全員が寝袋と共に靴下姿で谷筋から発見されたのか、頭部の血痕の原因は何か、などなど登山家たちから聞く『気象遭難説』だけでは説明したことになっていない。」


TEPCO female office worker murder case. The suspect was proven to be innocent and the DNA of the true murderer was found from the victim. However, the police is not looking for this true murderer... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Yasuko_Watanabe


https://ameblo.jp/pochifx/entry-11348726262.html https://tetsu-log.com/004-toden.html






And there is another one which has even medical record proof, which is called, Monju (Fast Breeder Reactor) Nishimura Case.



Monju Nishimura Case explained by Mari Takenouchi

Summary of Monju Nishimura Case


Mr. Shigeo Nishimura died at age 49


(Allegedly committed a suicide, but homicide higly suspected for his medical records and X-ray photoes)


Mr. Yuichi Kaido, the lawyer for this case didn't make it as a criminarl case over the homicide though there are abundant of proofs including medical records and X-ray photoes. He has't given any clear answer why he didn't fight over the "homicide" at the court...


Mrs. Toshiko Nishimura carrying her late husband photo


In 1995, Monju sodium leak and explosion accident occured and Donen Co., was accused of concealing the videotapes of the accident site. During the media fuss, the Monju accident investigation team leader, Mr. Shigeo Nishimura (49) was suspected to have killed under the disguise of suicide. I myself visited Mrs. Nishimura's house and saw the medical records and X-ray photoes. According to Mrs. Nishimura, multiple number of forensic doctors judged that Mr. Nishimura was killed by somebody, not killed himself.



X-ray photo of Mr. Nishimura after jumping off from the 8th floor

No fractures on his skull, neck, or sholders were seen contrary to the newspaper report.


Trace of white air intrusion is observed in the brain stem and chest muschles. These show that there was some progress of time before he died after he got injury, and thus he didn't kill himself instanteneously by jumping off from the 8th floor.

The reported time of his death did not much with his deep body temperature, which implies that he had not been to the hotel where he committed suicide. There was no signature of him on the hotel registration card either.

The handwriting of the numbers at the bottom of his suicide note was different from the ones of Mr. Nishimura. His suicide note criticized the fuss made by the media and media companies refrained from reporting on Monju accident then after.

Strangely, the board director of Donen changed the contents of Mr. Nishimura's suicide note.


Most of all, when Mrs. Nishimura wrote an article accusing Donen as a potential suspect of Mr. Nishimura's death in 2005 on a monthly magazine, Shincho 45, there was not a single counterargument from Donen.

”私の夫は「動燃」に殺された!「もんじゅ事故」の暗部を追った9年間 西村トシ子

Cover of "Shincho 45" March 2005 with 2nd line from bottom saying,
"My Husband was Killed by Donen! 9 years of Quest for Darkside of Monju Accident"

そして不思議なことに、もんじゅ西村裁判では、西村さん側の弁護士さんが、なぜかこの一番大事な、「自殺なのか・他殺なのか」という争点を抜かしていらっしゃるのです。以下は、海渡雄一弁護士によるもんじゅ西村事件のブログです。http://www.news-pj.net/npj/2007/dounen-20071020.html …

Quite strangely, in Monju Nishimura Case, the attorney Mr. Yuichi Kaido had not mentioned the argument, "Was it suicide or homicide?" Here is the blog of Mr. Yuichi Kaido who was on the side of the plaintiff Mrs. Toshiko Nishimura http://www.news-pj.net/npj/2007/dounen-20071020.html …


I really cannot under stand this point, since "homicide" is quite obvious from Mr. Nishimura's medical record and X-ray photoes.



米のフォーリンポリシー紙にて、世界の100人に選ばれ、産経新聞が掲載しています。http://eritokyo.jp/independent/aoyama-fnp11155...html …

Mr. Yuichi Kaido is a famous anti-nuke lawyer who is also the partner of Ms. Mizuho Fukushima, the leader of Social Democratic Party.

Mr. Kaido is a board member of Citizens Nuclear Information Center and currently fighting as a lawyer for Fukushima Indictment Lawsuit.

Both of them were chosen as the World 100 people in the US magazine, "Foreign Policy" and the news was carried in New York Times and Sankei Newspaper (right winged newspaper in Japan).http://eritokyo.jp/independent/aoyama-fnp11155...html …


Attorney Yuichi Kaido and SDP Leader Mizuho Fukushima, chosen as the World 100 in the magazine "Foreign Policy" (photo of NewYork Times article)



When Mrs. Nishimura began suspecting a homicide of her husband, she went to see Mr. Baku Nishio, the Co-director of Citizens' Nuclear Information Center (CNIC, Japan's biggest anti-nuke organization) for consultation. However, Mr. Nishio's reply was, "We cannot deal with this kind of information."

(But Mr. Yuichi Kaido is a board member of CNIC and in the end, "Mr. Nishimura's homicide" was ignored in the trial.)






The interview below is already cited in an English book by University of California, Berkeley Press.

西村トシ子さんへのインタビュー By 竹野内真理

Interview with Toshiko Nishimura by Mari Takenouchi


Note: When I showed my following script, NHK director Katsuhiko Hayashi disregarded it saying, "I would never make any program on such an issue which could topple the very foundation of the nation." Before showing this, Mr. Hayashi asked me to write several plans for anti-nuke TV programs so that he would help making them, which was a lie and he only intended to gather information from me.

As for this story, please see below.→

Save Kids Japan: X) マスコミの大罪:NHKと読売新聞 Sins of Japanese Media http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.com/2013/01/x-sins-of-japanese-media.html?spref=tw

N:西村 Toshiko Nishimura
M:私 Mari Takenouchi


M: What do you mean by the involvement of the police?


N: The police announced falsified news. The Metropolitan Police Department has its own press club, and other people cannot enter it without any exception. Even TV people cannot get in. Of course, the police is deeply involved in this case. Everybody gets information from the police, so we cannot do anything once we get ousted from the press club. It is so frustrating that we should manage to do things only in our scope of actions.


I went to see the site number of times. There were some mysterious points. First the body was not the which fell from the 8th floor. My husband head or body didn't have any rupture. Rather, he seemed to have been swallen from being battered and killed. I went to the MPD to ask this point, but the police said that it was undoubtedly jump-off suicide.


N: The police even didn't take photoes of the site. The police went to the site before the ambulance came. The only photo the police took was in the parking lot where my husband was lying on the stretch with his face down in his suit. His body looked hard and strange (considering he had jumped off from the 8th floor), because he lay with his face down and his arms straight on each side of his body. Usually, they lay a dead body with his face sideways, but the body on the photo seemed to be so hard that nobody could turn his neck. So I asked the police, "What is this?"


M: It doesn't seem to be a person's body who jumped off from the building.


N: If he really jumped off, a number of photoes should have been taken on the spot where he fell down. But I saw only one. He also had ripped trouser bottom. I don't think there could be ripps on such a place if he fell of the building I am a layman but it really looked strange. The shoes should have been on his foot or been scattered apart. But in stead, they were on both side of the stretcher. It really looked funny.


M: Were there any strange reaction from the police?


N: I visited the police with an observer and gave my business card. When I visited the third time, the police showed me the investigation note. To see this investigation note, I went to the headquarter of MPD, but I was rejected, so I made an appointment with the MPD central station to see them on another day. There, I gave my business card to a leutenant chief but he said he could not give his business card to me. In stead, the acting leutenant chief Mr. Hirose gave me a card. The acting chief was giving main explanation and the chief joined once in a while. On looking at the photo, the leutenant chief tried to explan the reason of the rips. He said that Mr. Nishimura's muscle was swallen so that the throuser bottom was ripped. I was thinking to myself, "Could it be possible to have ripps on the winter wool trousers? The leutenant chief was not quite convincing. He may be hiding something."


N: It is quite strange that the photo was the only one. The police didn't let me see other photos, and I could not be convinced by them. I even guessed that the police could have carried him on the stretcher from somewhere else.


N: I was able to obtain the X-ray photo in the beginning of May. Until then, about a year or so, the photo had not retained the X-ray photo in the police or in Donen, but they didn't show that to me.

I was not aware that the X-ray photo was retained in St. Luke's International Hospital. As I got aware of that, I called the doctor to make an appointment, he told me, "why didn't you call me earlier?" So I thought to myself, "Maybe there is something about my husband death." I met the doctor within a week.

The doctor told me various things. "When Mr. Nishimura was carried into the hospital, he had been dead for 10 hours." If that was the case, he could not have stayed at the hotel! Because 10 hour prior was the time of his press conference.


N: I thought that was so strange. At the time of incident, there were so many people from Donen, and he could not make his way.


M: The doctor could have contacted you (Mrs. Nishimura) from his side. What about this 10 hour prior death?


N: The photo of deep temperature and the photoes show. Photoes in the medical report show most clear evidene. X-ray was taken, too. The doctor told me that he wanted to pass me the photoes. He asked me to take the photoes within a week. When I visited him to receive the X-ray photoes, they didn't show any fractures of skull or chest parts which were reported on the newspaper. The X-ray I saw had no injuries. I didn't see any fractures on the skull. I took the X-ray photoes to forensic doctor. The doctor called in some X-ray technician and he also gave eplanation. He said that there is no fracture on the skull. He was from Jikei-Idai Hospital.


N: The deep temperature is taken at rectum or at central part of the head (The latter method is taken at St. Luke Hospital.) Regardless of physique, sex, age, here is some argillaceous blood and accurate figures can be taken. Living human beings have 37 degrees celsius but when a person dies, this temperature goes down and my husband was 27 degrees, which was written at 3 places of his medical record. Since the temperature went down by 10 degrees, he should have died 10 hours prior. When a person dies, this temperature goes down by one degree each hour.


N: The estimated death time did not match with the deep body temperature. According to the necroscopy report, his death time was 5 am. The police announced that he went to the hotel at 0:45 am. However, according to the estimated death time from his deep body temperature, by then, he should have been dead. If that was the case, he even didn't stay at the hotel.


N: The press conference was until 10:05 pm. Based on the calculation from the deep body temperature, my husband should have been dead before he arrives at the hotel.


N: The estimated death time differes whether he died outside or inside. At that time, the outside temperature was around 6 degrees celsius.


His body was found around 6 am on the 13th. According to the temperature measured at each hour by the Meteriological Agency and the forensic text book, here you can see that he had died within 10 hour prior, since his deep temperature became 27. 10 hours had passed before his death according to the textbook. This is rather a detailed calculation but these materials are good references.


N: If he died outside of the hotel, he should have died at 0:45 at the latest. That is before he came to the hotel. If he had been inside the hotel room which should be around 20 degrees, he should have been dead earlier than this. Even if he had been dead outside, according to his deep body temperature, he should have been dead before he entered the hotel. So the very fact that he stayed at the hotel does not match with his deep body temperature.


N: This is the X-ray photo of his skull from the sideways. There is one mysterious point on this. The white part shows the inclusion of air, which disables a person to breath. If there is air inclusion in the brain stem, that person cannot breath and die.


N: The doctor at St. Luke Hospital said, "Probably his nose bone was damaged and the air came in from there. He was punched on his nose and his nose was busted, and then the air came into his brain stem." The doctor saw my husband body first, so he should know. The doctor said that was most probable.


N: Also, there are traces of stripes in the muscle here and there. There cannot be this kind of stripes in alive body. When diaphragm or lungs are ruptured, air flows into the muscle. Before these stripes appear on the muscle, there should be certain progress of time, because it does take time before the air actually intrudes into the muschle. Therefore, my husband didn't die on the spot, and in stead, he died after some time. If he died on the spot, the air could be flown in.


N: His ribs or shoulder bones were not broken and his spine was straignt. If he fell off from the building, they could be like these. In his case, only a few ribs were broken. Strange, but the reality was totally different from what the police had announced. I took these photoes to the media companies, but media people didn't respond, saying, "But the police said this and that. We cannot make correction unless the police makes the correction."

Where can I report this to?


N: After my husband death, I became sick myself physically and my mental status became unstable for about a year or so. But when I started searching and saw the X-ray photo, I came to myself. Donen and the police had never given me proper explanation no matter how I asked. Though they insisted that my husband committed a suicide, I thought it was so strange since the body didn't tell so.

N: 主人がなくなってから世の中も動燃も警察の動きもおかしかったので、なくなった前後から日記をつけ始め、全部で250ページ以上になった。なかなか刑事事件にならないので、なんとかして自分の経験や耐えてきたことを出せないかと思ったときに、新潮45で出したらどうかと言う話があり、経緯を出すことになった。裁判に関係ないことも日記に書いた。「私の夫は動燃に殺された」というタイトル。

N: Since my husband passed away, the move of Donen, the police, and the society as a whole was unusual, so I started keeping a diary around that time. I wrote more than 250 pages. Since my husband case did not become a criminal case, I wanted to release what I have gone through and I have withstood, then a publisher gave me a proposal to release an article from Shincho 45. In the article, I wrote things which were not related to the trials. The title was, "My Husband was Killed by Donen."


N: You may not be able to believe it, but I think multiple number of people killed my husband. His body was not the one who jumped off from a building. His face, figure, physique all remained as they were.


M: Did Donen ask for any correction on the article after the release of the magazine?


N: Not at all. In the court trial witness examination, the other side lawyer asked me, "Do you think your husband was killed?" I said, "I do. But I cannot do anything about it since the police doesn't accept my accusation." I wonder there is nothing we could do in the issues in which the government is tightly involved. It is scary that we cannot get to see the truth when the police is involved. However, I cannot hush up on this matter since my husband was killed.


Not only you, but nobody should hush up on this case. There are some scientific evidence, and you said that there was somehing about his suicide note, didn't you?


N: They say it was his suicide note, but I don't think so. For example, do you think one would write his suicide note on a company letter pad? And with his own title in his company and with precise time? Moreover, his writing of 3 seems to have been written by another person.
It didn't look like a suicide note, rather, it looked like a written explanation for his company.


N: Here is the interim report prepared at 6 pm January 11, 1996 submitted to the Science and Technology Agency by Donen. In the summary on page 5 bottom, there are some similar wordings to the suicide note, such as "biggest factor that changed the accident into a case."


Also, there was a word, "as a single body (Ichiganto natte)" here and there, perhaps in 3 or 4 sentences, such as, "We, the board members of the Headquarter are determined as a single body to overcome this difficult situation by implementing the actions in line with the direction stipulated in this interim report."


I don't know who exactly wrote the interim report. The report was supposed to be handed in after the approval of the Director General eventually. There is a draft proposal to be approved by the Director General in the end. If my husband was the Director General in Donen, there could be a possibility he wrote something like that in his suicide note, but he was only a vice-chief, who was not in the position high above.

I think he was way too much by saying, "...as a single body."


There are some other similar wordings such as "all-out effort by the company" or "staff as a single body" In other documents, there were no such repetition of these words. I came to be aware of this (the common points between the interim report and his suicide note). I wonder why my husband had to write some mistakes done by Donen in his suicide note. He was saying what they should be doing and he killed himself. Killing himself does not contribute to Donen. If he had to kill himself, he should have explained the reason of his suicide. By killing himself, there will be no solution.


Monju itself is difficult unlike other nuclear power plants. He himself was an administration staff and not technical staff. No matter how he made effort, he could not have understood difficult technical stuff.


I cannot understand his suicide note by any means. With the date, time, and the company letter pad...I just cannot believe the contents of his suicide note in such a form. It ws as if he was representing Donen at that time.


In addition, the Done Director General was changing the contents of his suicide note when he was reading! Could it be possible to alter the sentences of someone else's suicide note? Mainichi newspaper released the entire note, but some sentences were different from the original ones, both wording and the contents. The word or phrase orders were going forward or backword. Is it possible to read the suicide note by altering them on the spot. I guess they prepared different version of the note at the press conference. Otherwise, the Director General could have altered the wording on the spot.


N: The Director General passed away on June 13 this year. When I spoke as a witness examination, I asked, "Could it be possible to read a different wording suicide note on the spot at the press conference?" If he was reading my husband's suicide note, I wanted him to read the wording precisely word by word.


N: (Showing the suicide note)

This sentence here also sounds strage. "We, the workers at Donen are detemined to make our continued effort with our pride to secure the energy for tomorrow."


N: My husband was not in the position to write something as if he was the director general of Donen. There were many people above him. Department chief, section chief, board members...how could a vice-chief write such sentences? I used to be a worker at Donen, so I know it was too much. His writing was as if he was a representative of the company. If he was the director general, that would be understandable.

But I believe this was a suicide note that was intended to be disclosed by the media. This suicide note was strange to anybody's eyes. How can a person who is going to kill himself in the next moment would think about the future of Donen?


This is his suicide note for me. It says 3:40. I wonder whether he was actually alive at 3:40. I just could not believe that he left this short note asking me to take care of everything afterwards. He left me and two sons. I said to myself, "Enough of jokes!"

In the suicide note, he was even thanking to the coworkers in Donen. I thought, "he was forced to write." "He was forced to write some words of anger against media." In his suicide note, he said that he was going to kill himself because of anger against the media which was extraordinary fussy.


My husband was saying that he was going to commit suicide because the media was fussing around. My husband was not even in media. He was not telling me anything about media's fuss. His press conference was not even broadcasted. He didn't appear on TV or in any magazine. I don't think he appeared on TV live. I don't think so.


There were 3 press conferences but probably none were broadcasted because all of them were held without much prior notice. Maybe some TV might have recorded, but...


The first press conference was recorded by TV Asahi. The second press conference with the Director General was recorded by TV Asahi. The third one was just before my husband died. I wonder whether any TV company took it or not. Maybe some company might have taken it at the 3rd press conference, but it was not shown on any TV program.


The TV program, "The Scoop" had broadcasted some part of the 1st time and 2nd time, but my husband appeared only in the third press conference. He was not paid any attention or criticized until he committed a suicide.


By my husband's suicide, media companies retrieved from the overheated coverage.


M: I remember you said your husband had asked you to videorecord Mr. Nakagawa, the newly assigned Science and Technology Agency chief, on the morning of his death. He was acting normally, right?


N: In those days, he often stayed outside due to some special assignments. After he left home on January 4th, he only came back twice. He came home on 8th 9pm and 12th 1pm. I didn't know what was going on. He went to Monju or stayed all night in Donen office and so on. I didn't have much time.


He left on the morning of 7:30 of 12th. He attended the press conference from 8 pm to 10:05 pm on that day. Then he was in the mortuary. What on earth happened to my husband? What kind of work were you doing for Donen?

When I saw his suicide note, I thought, "He was forced to write this."

It could be possible for him to choose a company letter pad for his suicide note. Usually, company letter pad is not possessed by company workers. Only when they write something to their superior or make some proposals to other companies, they use the letter pad and they usually do not have it. The company letter pad is an official paper not being used for memo or note.


It is said that the director Ohata was the first person who found him. When I heard his explanation in a pub he called me to come, I asked him, "Where is the FAX my husband received at the hotel?" Then Mr. Ohata became pale and he was gone from the pub.

Prior to this, Mr. Ohata gave me my husband suicide not to Mr. Tajima, the secretary of Director General in the pub. I was furious that Mr. Ohata gave me the suicide note in such a place. I thought that he was considering the life of my husband as such a cheap value.


Mr. Tajima, the secretary of the Director General answered to a magazine reporter regarding the suicide note written by a fountain pen, but there was no fountain pen left. Also there were no extra sheets left from the letter pad. Why weren't there any pen or left-over sheets in his remain?

I suspect my husband wrote his suicide note in some other place (not in the hotel room).


He was supposed to have received 5 FAX sheets around 2 am in the hotel, but there was no FAX.


My husband was in the press conference until 10:05 pm on January 12, 1996. He was supposed to have checked in the hotel at 0:45 am and received FAX at 2 am.

However, there was no hotel registration record or FAX. Even now. I cannot get the record of receiving FAX either and I was asking for these thing right from the beginning but they do not submit these items.


Director Ohata, staff in the Management Department, who was staying in the same hotel as my husband didn't have the FAX either.


I came to be aware of various things. For what purpose my husband stayed at the hotel with the Director General Oishi. Director General Oishi, Director Ando, and Section Chief Watase came to the witness examination. All the three members said that they didn't know that my husband was going to stay at the hotel. They haven't heard that he was going to stay at the hotel and would go for the business trip to Fukui (where Monju is located) the next day.


The third press conference was held by Director Ando, Section Chief Watase and my husband. However, the other two didn't know that my husband was going to Fukui next day. Only Director Ohata and Mr. Tajima (secretary), and Mr. Tomita, the Document Chief new about it.


Section Chief Watase was also the Public Relations Manager and he said that there was no press conference which he wasn't aware of.

Without reservation, they couldn't conduct any press conference in Fukui.


When he goes on a business trip, he used to carry underwears, handkerchieves, and others. Even if the conference was decided with a short notice, the Public Relations Manager should have known it.


Also, the Director General should have accepted the contents of the release of the press conference, so it was impossible to have a conference on the following day.


My husband was looking forward to the Coming of the Age Ceremony for our 2nd son on January 15th. Whatever failure he did, a parent would be celebrating his own son's Ceremony.


It is really a pity that a family of a victim should pay for the court trial fee in this Japanese judicial system. I believe the government is involved in my husband's death. It is a shame that we have to do all these by ourselves.


I don't know whether this case will be solved or not. I think Donen workers know what was going on with my husband's death and maybe the staff of Science and Technology Agency might know. There are something I cannot make a search myself. If Monju went into operation, it would be very risky since even this kind of case cannot be solved.


If I kept silence, Monju will restart its operation and will have an accident right away. I am not sure whether I could be useful, but I would like to make my utmost efforts to let people know about this case.

西村さん インタビュー2

Mrs. Nishimura Interview 2


I went to get the X-ray photo on May 1st, the following year (1997) of my husband's death.


Equipment inserted into his tranchea is shown here.


My husband had allegedly had fractured skull, but the photo didn't show that. The doctor also told me that there was no fracture.


This photo shows from the sideway. The equipment was inserted to open his tranchea. There was no fracture.

The funny part was that the central part of the skull cannot be white if the person was breathing. If the central part becomes white, that person cannot breath anymore. In case of Mr. Nishimura, since there is white shadow, probably air intruded here and died. There was no abnormality on his neck either, contrary to the police official information.


This is the chest part X-ray. There are something which would not show in case of a person who is alive. Here you can see lines, both sides. These are lines along with the muscle. Alive person would not have these lines. These lines emerge only when the person died after some time. He did not die on the spot. It took some time before he died. He also had holes either on his lung or diarphram.


Unless he died one hour after some initial impact, this kind of lines would not show. There would be no air intrusion like these.


If a person got blows on his body and he died after some time, this kind of X-ray photo can be observed. Forensic doctors can see ritht away that the person did not kill himself by jumping off a building. The photo shows his ribs and collar bones as they were. Even spines. It is quite wierd that a person who jumped off from the 8th floor high did not have any impact on his neck or spine.


One's collarbones could be fractured even with a small impact. The doctor told me that any expert could tell by looking at the X-ray for a glance. I brought the X-ray photoes to St. Lukes and forensic classrooms. At Jikei Medical University Hospital, I showed them to a forensic doctor and X-ray technician.

I do not want to tell their names since I cannot call them in if this case becomes a criminal case.


I also showed the X-ray photoes to Japan's most famous forensic doctor, Mr. Masahiko Ueno. In case of criminal trial, he may be called in. Another person was Dr. Hasekura from Tokyo Medical and Dentistry University. He told me that he could not speak up then. I met him around 1998.


I could not take a look of my husband's remains. But one year after his death, I finally opened his remains. When I opened the cardboard boxes, various things were there. I was wondering what Donen was doing.


From one box, I found materials which showed that Donen as a company was supporting elections for many years. There were materials handed down to surbordinates and so on. The material I saw were related to the 1993 lower house general election.

Is it legitimate for Donen to conduct such thing? It was funny that Donen didn't come to my house to pick these things up. Or should I return these things to Donen? Why do they not come to my house to retrieve them?


In 1993, my husband was a control manager at Tokai branch. I was surprised to see that he was backing up the election as an organization. They were supporting Mr. Seiroku Kajiyama and Shunpei Tsukahara.

Various ways of backing these two were recorded. Donen was divided into two groups and they held kick-off ceremones and meal parties.


The documents specified person to support and where to go for that purpose. Both Tokai branch and Ooarai branch backed these two people. They also organized forums for these two people. Since Donen is a semigovernmental corporation, these kinds of actions are not allowed. If it was a private company, it is allowed, but if it is govenment related corporation, it is banned.


I could tell that my husband was focusing on these activities without doing much regular work. He wrote schedules and organization of Donen board members including lists of people who supported Mr. Kajiyama and Mr. Tsukahara. The list included, the charman, the acting chairman, persons in charge, secretariat.

I could tell that they were making atmost effort to let Liberal Democratic Party to win. I could tell from these documents.


Mr. Seiroku Kajiyama became the Cabinet Chief Secretary on the day when my husband died. Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto became the Prime Minister.

No matter what kind of scandals arose, Mr. Kajiyama did his best not to make the scandals into public such as minor accident by Donen. There were minor incidents which were not known to general public. For example, one time, there was an accident in Tokai branch, but it was concealed.
It was recorded implicitly, but thanks to Mr. Kajiyama, the accident didn't become public. It was prior to the Monju accident, before the year 1995.


Mr. Tsukahara was the Minister of MITI, and he was powerful in that regard. More than anything, he was the Minister who had direct connection with nuclear business. I was surprised that lists were complete for both parties.


There were Tsukahara group and Kajiyama group under which Mr. Yamanouchi, the branch manager, Mr. Toda, the vice branch manger, Mr. Ohata, the department manager, Mr. Takagi, the acting department manager, Mr. Tajima, the section chief (the same Tajima who was the secretary of Director General)

K represented Kajiyama and T represented Tsukahara.

This list is for Kajiyama group and this one is for Tsukahara. You can tell that there was allocation for both parties completely even way so that both of them could get elected. There are many pages of such documents.


I was very surprised to see this. I thought Donen would come to my house to take these. Since these are very valuable. I was surprised to see these remained in my house.


My husband took these home saying that he could not leave these things in the company office. That was three months before he died.

My husband was promoted to vice department manager of Management Department from the control manger at Tokai branch on October 1st 1995. He brought this box at that time. I had never opened the box.

どうも東海2区と言うのは、茨城2区、取り扱い注意と書いてある、定員3名のところ5名の立候補予定者も書いてある。前回の平成2年2月12日の得票数も書いてある。梶山は小渕派。34.07% 塚原は三塚派、73057票、22.52%、社会党が大きい。梶山より大きい。大畠。労働者も多いから。日立製作所とか。

The document for Tokai 2nd Division says "Manage with care." It says 5 candidates for 3 seats. The document includes the last election's vote on February 12, 1990. Mr. Kajiyama was from Obuchi faction with 34.07%, Mr. Tsukahara from Mizuka, 22.52% with 73057 votes.

Social Democratic Party obtained a large number of votes, even larger than Mr. Kajiyama. The candidate's name was Mr. Ohata. The area has many laborers since there are companies like Hitachi.


Anyway, Donen had a headquarter for election.


In Tokai village, Donen and Genken were major corporations with lots of young employees. In Tokai village, there is no big company, so if a candidate gets votes from these two corporations, they will win the election. There are company dormitories and if the candidates get control of these, they are sure to win. Even in the district of Hitachi Ohta, these are the areas for the local district.

M: 必勝出陣式とかあって重要な事書いてある。出陣式はどこでやっていたのでしょう。

M: The document says, Kick-off Ceremony for Victory. Where was the ceremony held?


N: By reading these pages, seems like they held the kick-off ceremony in the board members' conference room. It was planned by the chairman Mr. Kazuo Ishikawa on June 25, 1994. Chores were done by the vice branch manager Mr. Nakata and Nishimura, control manager.

Things to be prepared were 10 bottles of Sake, I am not sure whether they were large bottles or not. It also said, "peanuts." The ceremony convened 50 members. It was quite a work.


Donen Shunsei Kai was for supporting Mr. Tsukahara. This was done by other party in Donen with vice manager Mr. Sasao and acting manager Mr. Hagiwara. This party also prepared 10 bottles of Sake. Seems like it was well planned to carry out the mission.


This document here is quite controversial. It says, "How to tackle with the Lower House General Election by Tokai Branch Management Section" Here are the names of predicted candidates. Management Section was the one Mr. Nishimura belonged to. Under Control Department, there was the Management Section. He was the Control Manager and underneath, there was the Management Section, and that was why Mr. Nishimura's main work was like this. The number of voters was 500,000. It says supporting organizations, layers of management titles, division for Mr. Kajiwara and Mr. Tsukahara's parties, Kajiyama Kai and Shunsei Kai. Ohhata was supported by labor union backed by SDP.

M: 社会党は応援していないのですよね?-管理職は応援していない。

M: Donen was not backing SDP, wasn't it?

N: No management teams were supporting Mr. Ohhata.


M: Was Mr. Akihiro Ohhata promoting nuclear?

N: I don't know. But I don't think SDP was not against ...


Surprisingly, Mr. Ohhata obtained the most votes, 37%.


M: Maybe they thought just one person can win the election, which does not give influence. Let me check Mr. Ohhata.


Mr. Nishimura's position was the vice manager of the Management Dept. of the Headquarter when he died. He beloned to Document Section before he went to Tokai Branch. He was working in the Document Section when he was young.


Mr. Nishimura was working at Tokai branch for the most time, and in there, there was this Control Dept. under which there were Management Section, Labor Section, Work Section, Accounting Section. He was there before he moved to the Headquarter, which was 3 months before he died.


After he moved to the headquareter, he was promoted to the vice manager of the Management Dept. Vice manager is somewhere in the middle. It was a tough work with responsibility, but there was not much actual authority, unlike the manager. The manager then was Mr. Nagao, who didn't appear in the case, but after Nishimura died, he came to our house and prepared for the funeral, and he played the main role to communicate with the bereaved family.


N: Maybe we were being watched. I could not think of the reason why the Manager Nagao came to my house at the time of funeral. He coordinated over-all funeral ceremony.


M: You said that your relatives and acquaintances were told to leave and your house's intercom was broken.


N: First Mr. Nagao came to my house. When he came, I already arranged a funeral with a small funeral company and payed some in advance with the arrangement of shelves and flower sets. I already arranged the time even and when the funeral company staff tried to leave, Mr. Nagao came into my house, which was a quite surprise to me.


Mr. Nagao told me that there should be a parking lot where 6 chauffeur-driven cars can stay. I told him that the funeral place is just near the train station and there was no parking lot. I thought it was fine since I plan to have a funeral with around 60 people. But if we have to think of 6 hired cars, we need to use quite a big funeral place. Mr. Nagao told me that he would arrange with a big funeral place and made a phone call. He said that it happened to have vacancies, and the big funeral company staff came to my house and talked with Mr. Nagao.


I already arranged an urn and costume, so I thought to myself, "Well, all over again.."


Mr. Nagao told the funeral staff to make the number of guests who give condolence messages to 4 people. Then the funeral staff said that they could not make it to the crematory with such a schedule. They kept long discussion and finally the staff said OK. The condolence message was supposed to be 5 minutes for each person, but in fact, it became so long at the funeral.


My house was flooded with people on the eve of the funeral. I thought it was quite strange. My husband brother actually died on December 27th and it was a common funeral with 60~100 people. My husband funeral was flooded with people who was visiting us like waves.


There were so many sticks of incenses and due to thick smoke, we could not even see the faces of visitors. I could not recognize my son's classmates visiting us with their mothers and fathers.


By looking at the registry book, I came to be aware that Donen and big coorporations which had relationship with Donen came to the funeral. I was wondering why so many company CEOs were visiting. I could see their names including famous people in the nuclear industry who can be recognized at once even without titles.


I didn't think my husband was not in a position to have big name visitors like that. So I sensed somehing political. I have been keeping the registry books and telegrams of condolences in two cardboard boxes. The telegram was as many as 250 and they came from all over the nation.


Don't you think it was funny to receive a telegram from Secregary General Abe from Auditing Bureau?


M: Your husband had a funeral at Tokiwa Kaikan. The same place as my grandmother.


N: It was quite heavy to move all the telegrams.


N: After I started court trial, I've been collecting the newspaper clips.


I wanted to know what was going on in the trial, so I joined the Society for the Crime Victims and audited various court cases to understand legal terms. I visitied courts a number of times to learn various terminologies. There were some lawyers who were slow and not clear, but I could not make my husband's case unclear.


My husband died on the morning of January 13 or in the midnight, but I thought there could be some political invovement with Kajiyama Kai or Shunsei Kai. I could not detach this idea from my mind.

When I look at the newspaper in those days, on January 11, 1996, Mr. Kubo became the Treasury Minister and Kajiyama became the Chief Cabinet Secretary. The inaguration of Hashimoto Cabinet was January 12th and my husband press conference was the night of January 12th. At the time of turnover of the regime, my husband died.


Maybe it was not a coincidence, but I suspect that my husband death had been planned. The turnover of Hashimoto regime was not decided the night before. The Monju accident took place one month before the January 11th. The Prime Minister before Hashimoto was Murayama, and LDP took over the regime . At that time Mr. Kajiyama became the Chief Cabinet Secretary and became the No.2 of the Prime Minister, who was backed up by Donen at the time of the election.


Mr. Hashimoto's political means was money. Without money, there was no promotion. At that timing, on the night of January 12th, there was a press conference and the Director (Safety Director) Ando, PR Director, and my husband announed the investigation of the Monju accident video.

My husband was killed at the timeof Hashimoto Cabinet inaguration.
I think it was not a coincidence.


In concrete, Donen was assisting the election. The Science and Technology Agency Chief was Mr Tadanao Nakagawa, and the predecesor was Mr. Urano. It was on newspaper. He was from the Metropolitan Police Agency. In Fukui newspaper, the governor of Fukui was pressing the Agency Chief Urano. Not only Fukui prefecure, but also the nationwide opposing voice against Monju. The demonstration around December 24th was so vigorous. Even ordinary people came to Donen office. As for the nuclear promotion side, they could not do anything about it.

When people called for Donen to give up Monju, Mr. Urano stepped down without taking any responsibility and Mr. Nakagawa came to the position.


With my husband's death, the causes of the accident itself became vague. Monju articles disappeared from the papers and newspaper was flooded with the new Cabinet. The articles were changed into news regarding new ministers in stead of Monju. It was not that media stopped blaming Donen but it was rather giving the reason for Donen to avoid media.


When my husband passed away, Mr. Kajiyama came to the funeral. Usually, this could not happen. For Mr. Kajiyama, the state policy should be more important than my husband's funeral. As main guests, Chief Cabinet Secretary, Ms. Makiko Tanaka, and Mr. Urano came.
It was unthinkable. That was the reason of 6 hired cars. Of these these people should have been accompanied by special policemen.