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Acharei Mot

Questions for Preparation and Self Study
Shiur #1: The Second Half of Sefer Vayikra
Shiur #2: The Internal Structure of the Laws of Tumah and Tahara
Shiur #3: The Torah Reading for Yom Kippur Mincha

The Second Half of Sefer Vayikra

Is Torah Kohanim [Laws for Priests] an accurate name for Sefer Vayikra? If so, why is Parshat Kedoshim included? After all, the vast majority of its numerous laws have absolutely nothing to do with either "korbanot" or "kohanim!" To answer this question, this week's shiur explains how and why Sefer Vayikra divides into two distinct halves. Online: HTML / V.C.R. (Virtual ClassRoom) Offline/Download: V.C.R. (zip file) ASCII Text Word Hebrew Translation Portugese Translation Palm OS Doc

The Internal Structure of the Laws of Tumah and Tahara

Why do Parshiot Tazria/Metzora interrupt the logical flow from Parshat Shmini to Parshat Acharei Mot? In case this sounds a bit complicated, don't worry, we'll begin this week's shiur by first explaining this question. Then we'll use its answer to help us arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of this section of Sefer Vayikra. Online: HTML / V.C.R. (Virtual ClassRoom) Offline/Download: V.C.R. (zip file) ASCII Text Word Hebrew Translation Portugese Translation Palm OS Doc

The Torah Reading for Yom Kippur Mincha

It is interesting to note that on Yom Kippur shacharit we read Vayikra chapter 16, while at mincha we read Vayikra chapter 18. Now the reason why we read chapter 16 is simple, for it details the special AVODAH of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur in the Bet ha'Mikdash. However, why do read specifically chapter 18 for mincha? After the prohibition of "arayot" (the primary topic) contains no obvious connection to Yom Kippur? As we will show, chapter 16 constitutes the climax of the first half of Sefer Vayikra for on Yom Kippur, as the "kohen gadol" enters the "kodesh ha'kdoshim" on the "shabbat shabbaton", Am Yisrael ascends to the highest level in all realms of "kedusha". Offline/Download: ASCII Text Palm OS Doc