Oxherding Versions Compared (original) (raw)

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Three Oxherding Versions Compared

廓庵師遠 Kuoan Shiyuan Woodblock prints by 德力富吉郎 Tokuriki Tomikichirō (1902-2000) 普明 Puming Woodblock prints from the Jiaxing Tripitaka (嘉興藏) Vol. 23, No. B.128, p. 347ff. 自得慧暉 Zide Huihui Illustrations by 柴山全慶 Shibayama Zenkei (1894-1974)
(一) 尋牛 1. Searching for the Ox
(二)見跡 2. Seeing the Traces.
(三)見牛 3. Seeing the Ox
(四)得牛 4. Catching the Ox (一)未牧 1. Undisciplined
(二)初調 2. Discipline Begun 一曰。始闻知识示诲。 1. AWAKENING OF FAITH
(五) 牧牛 5. Herding the Ox (三)受制 3. In Harness
(四)回首 4. Faced Round 二曰。信心既发。 2. FIRST ENTERING
(五)馴伏 5. Tamed 三曰。既有发明。 3. NOT THOROUGHLY GENUINE YET
(六) 騎牛歸家 6. Riding the Ox Home (六)無礙 6. Unimpeded
(七)任運 7. Laissez Faire 四曰。更无妄念。 4. TRUE MIND
(八)相忘 8. All Forgotten
(七) 忘牛存人 7. The Ox Transcended (九)獨照 9. The Solitary Moon
(八) 人牛俱忘 8. Both Ox and Self Transcended (十)雙泯 10. Both Vanished 五曰。心法双忘。 5. BOTH FORGOTTEN
(九) 返本還源 9. Returning to the the Source
(十) 入廛垂手 10. Entering the World 六曰。命根断处。 6. PLAYING