NaNoWriMon - Thousand Roads (original) (raw)
The path to reaching 50,000 words is long and treacherous, but you don't need to go alone! NaNoWriMon love to accompany novelists on their journies, growing with every word put on the page. With enough care, some may evolve or even take on special battle forms. If you'd like to create one of your own, simply fill out the form below.
Note that in order to make a NaNoWriMon, you will need an account on the official NaNo site and an active novel. If you're able to update your official word count, you're all set! The word count shown on your NaNoWriMon image will update automatically after you change it on the NaNo site, but it can take up to an hour to catch up. NaNoWriMon only work for the November challenge, not for Camp NaNo, Script Frenzy, etc.
- Have a question or having trouble getting the form to work? Try the FAQ.
- Want to show off your NaNoWriMon on the NaNoWriMo forums? Here's how!