RFC 1230: IEEE 802.4 Token Bus MIB (original) (raw)

Network Working Group K. McCloghrie Request for Comments: 1230 Hughes LAN Systems, Inc. R. Fox Synoptics, Inc. May 1991

                    IEEE 802.4 Token Bus MIB

Status of this Memo

This memo defines a MIB for the IEEE 802.4 Token Bus for use with the SNMP protocol. This memo is a product of the Transmission Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Table of Contents

1. Abstract .............................................. 1 2. The Network Management Framework....................... 2 3. Objects ............................................... 2 3.1 Format of Definitions ................................ 3 4. Overview .............................................. 3 4.1 Scope of Definitions ................................. 3 4.2 Textual Conventions .................................. 4 4.3 Optional Objects ..................................... 4 5. Definitions ........................................... 4 6. Acknowledgements ...................................... 22 7. References ............................................ 22 8. Security Considerations................................ 23 9. Authors' Addresses..................................... 23

1. Abstract

This memo defines an experimental portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets. In particular, this memo defines managed objects used for managing subnetworks which use the IEEE 802.4 Token Bus technology described in 802.4 Token-Passing Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications, IEEE Standard 802.4.

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2. The Network Management Framework

The Internet-standard Network Management Framework consists of three components. They are:

  [RFC 1155](/doc/html/rfc1155) which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for describing
  and naming objects for the purpose of management.  [RFC 1212](/doc/html/rfc1212)
  defines a more concise description mechanism, which is wholly
  consistent with the SMI.

  [RFC 1156](/doc/html/rfc1156) which defines MIB-I, the core set of managed objects for
  the Internet suite of protocols.  [RFC 1213](/doc/html/rfc1213), defines MIB-II, an
  evolution of MIB-I based on implementation experience and new
  operational requirements.

  [RFC 1157](/doc/html/rfc1157) which defines the SNMP, the protocol used for network
  access to managed objects.

The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of experimentation and evaluation.

3. Objects

Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB are defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [7] defined in the SMI. In particular, each object has a name, a syntax, and an encoding. The name is an object identifier, an administratively assigned name, which specifies an object type. The object type together with an object instance serves to uniquely identify a specific instantiation of the object. For human convenience, we often use a textual string, termed the OBJECT DESCRIPTOR, to also refer to the object type.

The syntax of an object type defines the abstract data structure corresponding to that object type. The ASN.1 language is used for this purpose. However, the SMI [[3](#ref-3 ""Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets"")] purposely restricts the ASN.1 constructs which may be used. These restrictions are explicitly made for simplicity.

The encoding of an object type is simply how that object type is represented using the object type's syntax. Implicitly tied to the notion of an object type's syntax and encoding is how the object type is represented when being transmitted on the network.

The SMI specifies the use of the basic encoding rules of ASN.1 [8], subject to the additional requirements imposed by the SNMP.

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3.1. Format of Definitions

Section 5 contains contains the specification of all object types contained in this MIB module. The object types are defined using the conventions defined in the SMI, as amended by the extensions specified in [[9](#ref-9 ""Concise MIB Definitions""),10].

4. Overview

This memo defines three tables:

  - the 802.4 Operational Table containing state and
    operational parameter information which is specific to
    802.4 interfaces;

  - the 802.4 Initialization Table containing the parameter
    information used by an 802.4 interface as the values to
    be assigned to its operational parameters upon
    initialization; and

  - the 802.4 Statistics Table containing 802.4 interface

A managed system will have one entry in each of these tables for each of its 802.4 interfaces.

This memo also defines OBJECT IDENTIFIERs, some to identify 802.4 tests, for use with the ifExtnsTestTable defined in [[11](#ref-11 ""Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB"")], and some to identify Token Bus interface Chip Sets, for use with the ifExtnsChipSet object defined in [[11](#ref-11 ""Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB"")].

4.1. Scope of Definitions

All objects defined in this memo are registered in a single subtree within the experimental namespace [[3](#ref-3 ""Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets"")], and are for use with every interface which conforms to the IEEE 802.4 Token Bus Access Method [10]. At present, this applies to interfaces for which the ifType variable in the Internet-standard MIB [[4](#ref-4 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets""),[6](#ref-6 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets"")] has the value:


For these interfaces, the value of the ifSpecific variable in the MIB-II [[6](#ref-6 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets"")] has the OBJECT IDENTIFIER value:

  dot4    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { experimental 7 }

as defined below.

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4.2. Textual Conventions

Two new datatypes, MacAddress and OctetTime, are introduced as textual conventions in this document. These textual conventions have NO effect on either the syntax nor the semantics of any managed object. Objects defined using these conventions are always encoded by means of the rules that define their primitive type. Hence, no changes to the SMI or the SNMP are necessary to accommodate these textual conventions which are adopted merely for the convenience of readers and writers in pursuit of the elusive goal of a concise and unambiguous specification.

4.3. Optional Objects

A few objects are defined in this memo with "optional" status for the purpose of allowing experimentation to determine whether they are useful or not. If sufficient consensus is reached in the Internet community to result in a subsequent revision of this memo being placed in the Internet-standard MIB, then these optional objects will either be removed or become mandatory.

5. Definitions

      [RFC1230](/doc/html/rfc1230)-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN

      --                 IEEE 802.4 Token Bus MIB

                      FROM [RFC1155](/doc/html/rfc1155)-SMI
                      FROM [RFC-1212](/doc/html/rfc1212);

      --  This MIB Module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as
      --  defined in [[9](#ref-9 ""Concise MIB Definitions"")].

      dot4    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { experimental 7 }

      -- All representations of MAC addresses in this MIB Module
      -- use, as a textual convention (i.e. this convention does
      -- not affect their encoding), the data type:

      MacAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))    -- a 6 octet
                                                -- address in the
                                                -- "canonical" order

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                                                -- defined by IEEE
                                                -- 802.1a.
      -- 16-bit addresses, if needed, are represented by setting
      -- their upper 4 octets to all 0's, i.e., AAFF would be
      -- represented as 00000000AAFF.

      -- This specification follows the 802.4 convention of
      -- specifying time intervals, which are dependent on the
      -- bandwidth of the media, in units of octet time.  One
      -- octet time is the time taken to transmit eight bits.
      -- Representation of such time intervals in this MIB Module
      -- use, as a textual convention (i.e., this convention does
      -- not affect their encoding), the data type:

      OctetTime  ::= INTEGER        -- the value of a time
                                    -- interval in units of octet
                                    -- time.

      -- The 802.4 Operational Table

      -- This table contains state and parameter information which
      -- is specific to 802.4 interfaces.  It is mandatory that
      -- systems having 802.4 interfaces implement this table in
      -- addition to the generic interfaces table [[4](#ref-4 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets""),[6](#ref-6 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets"")] and its
      -- generic extensions [[11](#ref-11 ""Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB"")].

      dot4Table  OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dot4Entry
                 ACCESS  not-accessible
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "This table contains Token Bus interface
                         parameters and state variables, one entry
                         per 802.5 interface."

                 ::= { dot4 1 }

      dot4Entry  OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Dot4Entry
                 ACCESS  not-accessible
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "A list of Token Bus status and operational
                         parameter values for an 802.4 interface."
                 INDEX   { dot4IfIndex }
                 ::= { dot4Table 1 }

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      Dot4Entry  ::= SEQUENCE {
                             INTEGER (16..255),
                             INTEGER (0..7),

      dot4IfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value of this object identifies the

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                         802.4 interface for which this entry
                         contains management information.  The
                         value of this object for a particular
                         interface has the same value as the
                         ifIndex object, defined in [[4](#ref-4 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets""),[6](#ref-6 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets"")], for the
                         same interface."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 1 }

      dot4Options OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The optional parts of the 802.4
                         specification which are in use by this
                         station.  The options of the 802.4
                         specification are represented by the
                         following values:
                               1 - Priority
                               2 - Request-With-Response
                         The value of this object is given by the
                         sum of the above representations for
                         those options in use on this interface.
                         The value zero indicates that no options
                         are in use."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 2 }

      dot4State OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The current state of the 802.4
                         interface.  The value of other(1) is
                         used if the state is unknown
                         (e.g., due to an error condition)."
                 ::=   { dot4Entry 3 }

      dot4Commands OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER {

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                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "Setting this object causes the station
                         to change the state of the interface as
                         indicated by the specified value.  An
                         initialize(5) command causes the
                         interfaceto load its operational
                         parameters from its initialization
                         parameters; the value of
                         dot4InitInRingDesired determines
                         whether the station tries to enter the
                         logical ring immediately.
                             Note that the 802.4 specification
                         suggests a station remain Offline after a
                         'remote Network Management' reset(4),
                         until a 'local Network Management'
                         initialize(5) is performed.
                             Setting this object to a value of
                         no-op(1) has no effect.  When read,
                         this object always has the value no-op(1)."
                 ::=  { dot4Entry 4 }

      dot4MacAddrLen OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "This object indicates the size of MAC
                         addresses interpreted by this station."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 5 }

      dot4NextStation OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  MacAddress
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The MAC address of this station's
                         successor in the logical ring."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 6 }

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      dot4PreviousStation OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  MacAddress
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The source MAC address of the last token
                         addressed to this station."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 7 }

      dot4SlotTime OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The maximum time any station need wait
                         for an immediate MAC-level response from
                         another station.
                         This value must the same in all stations on
                         the 802.4 network."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 8 }

      dot4LastTokenRotTime OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The observed token rotation time for the
                         last token rotation, timed from token
                         arrival to token arrival.  A value of
                         zero indicates that the token is not
                 ::= { dot4Entry 9 }

      dot4HiPriTokenHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The maximum duration for which a station
                         can hold the token to transmit frames of
                         access class 6 (if the priority option is
                         implemented), or of any access class (if
                         the priority option is not implemented)."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 10 }

      dot4TargetRotTimeClass4 OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-only

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                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "If the priority scheme is being used,
                         this value specifies a limit on how long
                         a station can transmit frames at access
                         class 4.  The limit is measured from the
                         time the station is able to start
                         transmitting frames at this access class
                         on one rotation, to the time it must stop
                         transmitting frames at this access class
                         on the next rotation.  If the priority
                         scheme is not being used, this object has
                         the value 0."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 11 }

      dot4TargetRotTimeClass2 OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "If the priority scheme is being used,
                         this value specifies a limit on how long
                         a station can transmit frames at access
                         class 2.  The limit is measured from the
                         time the station is able to start
                         transmitting frames at this access
                         class on one rotation, to the time it
                         must stop transmitting frames at this
                         access class on the next rotation.  If
                         the priority scheme is not being used,
                         this object has the value 0."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 12 }

      dot4TargetRotTimeClass0 OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "If the priority scheme is being used,
                         this value specifies a limit on how long
                         a station can transmit frames at access
                         class 0.  The limit is measured from the
                         time the station is able to start
                         transmitting frames at this access
                         class on one rotation, to the time it
                         must stop transmitting frames at this
                         access class on the next rotation.  If
                         the priority scheme is not being used,

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                         this object has the value 0."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 13 }

      dot4TargetRotTimeRingMaint OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "A value used to limit the duration of a
                         token rotation.  If the duration of a
                         token rotation exceeds this value, the
                         station will not open the response window
                         to solicit for a new successor."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 14 }

      dot4RingMaintTimerInitValue OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value to which the
                         dot4TargetRotTimeRingMaint is set, each
                         time the station enters the ring.
                         A large value will cause the station to
                         solicit successors immediately upon entry
                         to the ring; a value of zero will cause
                         the station to defer this solicitation
                         for at least one token rotation."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 15 }

      dot4MaxInterSolicitCount OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER (16..255)
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The maximum number of consecutive token
                         rotations without soliciting for a
                         successor.  If this count expires, the
                         station opens the response window to
                         solicit for a successor (providing the
                         duration of the current token rotation
                         has not exceeded
                         dot4TargetRotTimeRingMaint).  The least
                         significant two bits of the count are
                         determined randomly by the station on a
                         per-use basis."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 16 }

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      dot4MaxRetries OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..7)
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The maximum number of retries of a
                         Request-with-Response (RWR) frame.  If
                         the RWR option is not in use, this object
                         has the value 0."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 17 }

      dot4MinPostSilencePreambLen OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The minimum number of octets of preamble
                         on the first frame transmitted by this
                         station after a period of 'transmitted'
                 ::= { dot4Entry 18 }

      dot4StandardRevision OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The Revision number of the 802.4 standard
                         implemented by this station."
                 ::= { dot4Entry 19 }

      -- 802.4 Initialization Table

      -- This table contains the parameter information used by an
      -- 802.4 interface as the values to be assigned to its
      -- operational parameters upon initialization.  It is
      -- mandatory that systems having 802.4 interfaces implement
      -- this table.

      dot4InitTable  OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dot4InitEntry
                 ACCESS  not-accessible
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "This table contains Token Bus

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                         initialization parameters, one entry per
                         802.4 interface."
                 ::= { dot4 2 }

      dot4InitEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Dot4InitEntry
                 ACCESS  not-accessible
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "A list of Token Bus initialization
                         parameters for an 802.4 interface."
                 INDEX   { dot4InitIfIndex }
                 ::= { dot4InitTable 1 }

      Dot4InitEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                                INTEGER (16..255),
                                INTEGER (0..7),

      dot4InitIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value of this object identifies the
                         802.4 interface for which this entry

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                         contains management information.  The
                         value of this object for a particular
                         interface has the same value as the
                         ifIndex object, defined in [[4](#ref-4 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets""),[6](#ref-6 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets"")], for
                         the same interface."
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 1 }

      dot4InitSlotTime OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4SlotTime when the station is
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 2 }

      dot4InitMaxInterSolicitCount OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER (16..255)
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4MaxInterSolicitCount when the station
                         is initialized."
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 3 }

      dot4InitMaxRetries OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..7)
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4MaxRetries when the station is
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 4 }

      dot4InitHiPriTokenHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4HiPriTokenHoldTime when the station
                         is initialized."
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 5 }

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      dot4InitTargetRotTimeClass4 OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4TargetRotTimeClass4 when the station
                         is initialized."
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 6 }

      dot4InitTargetRotTimeClass2 OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4TargetRotTimeClass2 when the station
                         is initialized."
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 7 }

      dot4InitTargetRotTimeClass0 OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4TargetRotTimeClass0 when the station
                         is initialized."
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 8 }

      dot4InitTargetRotTimeRingMaint OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4TargetRotTimeRingMaint when the station
                         is initialized."
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 9 }

      dot4InitRingMaintTimerInitValue OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  OctetTime
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4RingMaintTimerInitValue when the
                         station is initialized."

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                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 10 }

      dot4InitMinPostSilencePreambLen OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value assigned to the object
                         dot4MinPostSilencePreambLen when the
                         station is initialized."
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 11 }

      dot4InitInRingDesired OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX INTEGER {
                 ACCESS  read-write
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "This object determines whether the
                         station will attempt to enter the logical
                         ring immediately after initialization."
                 ::= { dot4InitEntry 12 }

      -- 802.4 Statistics Table

      -- This table contains Token Bus statistics, one entry per
      -- 802.4 interface.  It is mandatory that systems having
      -- 802.4 interfaces implement this table.

      dot4StatsTable  OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dot4StatsEntry
                 ACCESS  not-accessible
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "A table containing Token Bus statistics.
                         All the statistics are defined using the
                         syntax Counter as 32 bit wrap around
                         counters.  Thus, if an interface's
                         hardware chip set maintains these
                         statistics in 16-bit counters, then the
                         agent must read the hardware's counters
                         frequently enough to prevent loss of
                         significance, in order to maintain
                         a 32-bit counter in software."
                 ::= { dot4 3 }

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      dot4StatsEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Dot4StatsEntry
                 ACCESS  not-accessible
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "An entry containing the 802.4 statistics
                         for a particular interface."
                 INDEX   { dot4StatsIfIndex }
                 ::= { dot4StatsTable 1 }

      Dot4StatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

      dot4StatsIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  INTEGER
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The value of this object identifies the
                         802.4 interface for which this entry
                         contains management information.  The
                         value of this object for a particular

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                         interface has the same value as the
                         ifIndex object, defined in [[4](#ref-4 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets""),[6](#ref-6 ""Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets"")], for the
                         same interface."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 1 }

      dot4StatsTokenPasses OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  optional
                         "The number of times this station has
                         passed the token."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 2 }

      dot4StatsTokenHeards OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  optional
                         "The number of tokens heard by this
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 3 }

      dot4StatsNoSuccessors OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The number of times the station could
                         not find a successor while believing
                         itself not the only station in the ring.
                         This can signify a faulty transmitter
                         condition in this station."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 4 }

      dot4StatsWhoFollows OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The number of times the station has had
                         to look for a new next station."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 5 }

      dot4StatsTokenPassFails OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory

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                         "The number of times the station failed in
                         passing the token to the next station."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 6 }

      dot4StatsNonSilences OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The number of occurrences of non-silence
                         followed by silence in which a start
                         delimiter was not detected."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 7 }

      dot4StatsFcsErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The number of frames received with an
                         incorrect FCS and the E-bit reset."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 8 }

      dot4StatsEbitErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The number of frames the station
                         received with the E-bit set in the
                         end delimiter."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 9 }

      dot4StatsFrameFrags OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The number of occurrences of receiving a
                         start delimiter followed by another start
                         delimiter, an invalid symbol sequence or
                         silence, without an intervening end
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 10 }

      dot4StatsFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter

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                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The number of frames that were received
                         that were larger than the media's MTU."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 11 }

      dot4StatsOverRuns OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The number of times a FIFO overrun was
                         detected in the station."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 12 }

      dot4StatsDupAddresses OBJECT-TYPE
                 SYNTAX  Counter
                 ACCESS  read-only
                 STATUS  mandatory
                         "The number of times this station
                         detected another station using the same
                         MAC address."
                 ::= { dot4StatsEntry 13 }

      --                      802.4 Interface Tests

      dot4Tests         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot4 5 }

      -- The extensions to the interfaces table proposed in [[11](#ref-11 ""Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB"")]
      -- define a table object, ifExtnsTestTable, through which a
      -- network manager can instruct an agent to test an interface
      -- for various faults.  A test to be performed is identified
      -- (as the value of ifExtnsTestType) via an OBJECT IDENTIFIER.

      -- When a test fails, the object ifExtnsTestCode, defined in
      -- [[11](#ref-11 ""Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB"")], may contain a media-specific error-code.  For 802.4
      -- interfaces, the following is defined as the value of
      -- ifExtnsTestCode when a test fails because the modem could
      -- not be initialized:

      dot4Errors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot4 4 }
      dot4ModemInitFailed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot4Errors 1 }

      -- The Full-Duplex Loop Back Test is a common test, defined
      -- in [[11](#ref-11 ""Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB"")] as:

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RFC 1230 IEEE 802.4 MIB May 1991

      --    testFullDuplexLoopBack
      -- Invoking this test on a 802.4 interface causes the
      -- interface to check the path from memory through the chip
      -- set's serial interface back to memory, thus checking the
      -- proper functioning of the transmit and receive machines
      -- of the token bus hardware.
      -- This test may only be invoked when the interface is
      -- the Offline state.

      -- The FIFO Path test is defined by:

      testFifoPath   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot4Tests 1 }

      -- Invoking this test causes the interface to check the path
      -- from memory to the chip set's FIFO and back to memory.
      -- This test checks the hosts interface to the token bus
      -- hardware.  This test may only be invoked when the
      -- interface is the Offline state.

      -- The External Loopback test is defined by:

      testExternalLoopback OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot4Tests 2 }

      -- Invoking this test causes the interface to check the path
      -- from memory through the chip set and out onto the network
      -- for external (e.g., at the head-end) loopback through the
      -- chip set to memory. This test checks the host's interface
      -- to the 802.4 network.  This test is liable to cause
      -- serious disruption if invoked on an operational network.

      --                 802.4 Hardware Chip Sets

      dot4ChipSets       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot4 6 }

      -- The extensions to the interfaces table proposed in [[11](#ref-11 ""Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB"")]
      -- define an object, ifExtnsChipSet, with the syntax of
      -- OBJECT IDENTIFIER, to identify the hardware chip set in
      -- use by an interface.  That definition specifies just
      -- one applicable object identifier:
      --    unknownChipSet
      -- for use as the value of ifExtnsChipSet when the specific
      -- chip set is unknown.

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RFC 1230 IEEE 802.4 MIB May 1991

      -- This MIB defines the following for use as values of
      -- ifExtnsChipSet:
      -- for use as values of ifExtnsChipSet

         -- Motorola 68824 Token Bus Controller
      chipSetMc68824  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot4ChipSets 1 }


6. Acknowledgements

This document was produced under the auspices of the IETF's Transmission Working Group. The comments of the following individuals are acknowledged:

     Brian Kline, Hughes LAN Systems, Inc.
     Bruce Lieberman, Hughes LAN Systems, Inc.
     Marshall T. Rose, Performance Systems International, Inc.

7. References

[1] Cerf, V., "IAB Recommendations for the Development of Internet Network Management Standards", RFC 1052, NRI, April 1988.

[2] Cerf, V., "Report of the Second Ad Hoc Network Management Review Group", RFC 1109, NRI, August 1989.

[3] Rose M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1155, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May 1990.

[4] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1156, Hughes LAN Systems, Performance Systems International, May 1990.

[5] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), RFC 1157, SNMP Research, Performance Systems International, Performance Systems International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, May 1990.

[6] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, Editors, "Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1213, Performance Systems International, March 1991.

[7] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization, International

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RFC 1230 IEEE 802.4 MIB May 1991

   Standard 8824, December 1987.

[8] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Notation One (ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization, International Standard 8825, December 1987.

[9] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Editors, "Concise MIB Definitions", RFC 1212, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, March 1991.

[10] Token-Passing Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE Standard 802.4, May 1988.

[11] McCloghrie, K., Editor, "Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB", RFC 1229, Hughes LAN Systems, May 1991.

8. Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

9. Authors' Addresses

Keith McCloghrie Hughes LAN Systems, Inc. 1225 Charleston Road Mountain View, CA 94043

Phone: (415) 966-7934 EMail: kzm@hls.com

Richard Fox Synoptics, Inc. 4401 Great America Pkwy PO Box 58185 Santa Clara, Cal. 95052

Phone: (408) 764-1372 EMail: rfox@synoptics.com

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