CHINNING THE GAME OVER - Sporting Globe (Melbourne, Vic. : 1922 - 1954) - 29 Aug 1945 (original) (raw)

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Wed 29 Aug 1945 - Sporting Globe (Melbourne, Vic. : 1922 - 1954)

il'ir Demons Inst season, was wnn

PisliU'r, from 1935-1939. They had

SSl mm^linB duels on Saturday,

Vi , Nash pittint his experience

the better marking and dash

casv manner in which Nash call

.Cpitaliw lapses by an opponent was

strewn in the third termi wheni Hall

allowed his opponent a little latitude

and two poiils came from the wily

Laurie in two minutes. It was the

only goals he pot for the game. Hall,

whr is on Arinv leave, has been playins

with St. George In Sydney, having

as team mates "Spud" Dullard,

Lcri Pabst and Alan MoncreifT.

* HIGHLIGHT of the South Meln

bourne-Melbourne game was two

brilliant efforts by Vic Castles for

tpals when he dashed through the

si rone Demon defence. Cornered, he

hpd no team mate in position to take

thr bull so had to rely on individual

rflort for success. It needed a lot

rf courage and ability to overcome

tJjr obstacles confronting him, but

^'AMBERWELL are holding a ball in

tlie CamberweJI Town Hal) on

Mrs have been arranged, of which the|

main item is a players' ballet, featuring

•Nipper" Bradford. Bob Austin and j

pocket player. lived up to

player in that position by giving an-|

back to check Baxter, and allowed

thi Blues' full-forward only two goals

ton s 23 goals. Fitzgerald's effort was I

for Essendon against Foots-j

cms Beside his winning work in the!

lurk. Norm took some remarkabl

mmfer in defence and helped to finish

Foctscray with two successive goals

in »ir Dnns' brilliant last quarter. |

rigin. unng at mc rium time, while

team-mates were tTirowi ny awai

chances created by hi, .nntid plav

He lopped off a capita) itif-nlo\ ny

jkicking four goal.* and had the witopponent.

. , . The , fortune -- to hit H< the iliu- post

oughly deserved the vote lor thf Rich

S,r S p e Cr° Phy N O r 0 , f V8,

against Pootscray, but wanne<i up

and was very prominent after the interval.

In the last quarter, aftei

Laurie Dearie had scored a brilliant

formance with a glorious running shot,

It sealed Footscrav off. I

{CONTRARY to expectations. Foots-

line, McLaren. Thoms and Miller, was waoutpointed

Dearie. Pearson and Coward.

possibly accounted for the failure o)

the supply .. . lines to the Bulldogs' v forward

constant to fit in with thi BulldogsM

game in which team mates were mak-1

p or . t « rs - Best support, particularly

e]"> e opening stages, came from Bill

Pindlay.- whose play in a bacjt pocket.

marked by wiolness and a surety

AVHY Pootscray selectors persist in

playing Reg Evenden out of position

is beyond the comprehension of

many Bulldog supporters. Evenden

is a'lMttiral Tall-iMclc. he is one

the best marks, and with the excep-l

iton of OlUver. the longest kick in I

the side. At centre half-back he ap- ]

pears to lose confidence. I

,,„ * _ * _ * , fi ' . ,. !

in the closing suges oi the third U

Sbig K loss to Hawthorn. "U^LL! He had ^been

powerful factor in keeping the Northerners

marked in quite his best style and

drove the ball long distance with

luvm with a dashing display a-ain^t

hfld . the tetter . of __ Clem COT!roy j i Klnp Kirtp

is onti one Southerner who relies on lony

'""• om >" uniess 01 a necessity.

JiLAVING his^jest game for thr sea- W

"scfl," Mt'r"b'trffcy" ~ "" eot"kittle' "" snppoit

on the ic ball uku for jor Footscrav r-ooistTav :,i at

Essf-nrion A I feature ' ' of his football

was his sure c marking and hitting out,

to bis rover. Dudley nnfiipkT joined ininori the rVis Bid)- n.iii

and has appeared in 27 games

|F Fitzgerald and Green are fit atain I

,* Collingwood's defence will h( -

problem to any opponents in the!

*finals. * — — The backs • • did • • a grand iob;

against Pitajoy and saved the side'

wi>ien Fitooj were on top in the second

quarter. Murphy did not make

a mistake in the match Wade was

'little behind him, and Uttine save j

TT was their ruck that nut Fitwov'

«,n top in the second^ term andt

Jack Sjmons was the leading ficure

in iu The onlv flaw in his

his inaccurate shooting for goal but

he js s l m ,he leaiJing o0a].k'icker

among the reeuJar ruckmen

\ NOTHER. Bill Faul is how

is not a spectacular player, bin

a typical old-time defender who nevei

gives his opponent an inch and is i

players In defence these days aie

prone to leave their opponent while

„h 9 u in ti— vij—i

believes In defeating his rival bv close

t ohis forwards had much to do

ith Brunswick's win, as did his uncanny

goal sense. His five goals were

the result of clever scouting.

It „. lii*- ,,,- Liy-ir „,„„,, 1 , 'jipiVif ills

:»hn) the last game cf the heme and

matches last season are re-

A thrilling exhibition d foctball

resulted in the scores beinn level

'' F'ootscrax. whe still argue , ,

,, ,, • goals • ' Allan """" Rait iwii and hjhj Harry narr.y

Vallanct kicked i :-.-- in tin-match .. • • at Carl- - •• !

', c » ™ J'""" 1933. can now settle i

J) their hf '" h ^igument.s I fcUmei'it.* once onre and orw! for Ir.r -,n'

l" 1 ,*' 1 sUi "- tventually was plnvinc s;

game this season that football should

PRED BUTTSWORTH looks like oe

ing a top liner for Essendon next ,

season <:°"I work at half-iorward

games have 'given" hW"chance "to

fit in with the ler.m. but like many

anothej up and coming serviceman

his ability will probablv have free

H ^ i ? ® * ® 1 i r c m football with

.jS ^ P' 1^" 1 ' ^'er- (hamft!

w>tn ijre game by officiating as field

ii', mp , lr '," 1 ,h e Bacchus Marsh League,

t - rt ' 1 of . the semi-final on

Saturday and " is considered — - to be -

umpire ol considerable promise.

pnpj PANNING and Ray Irwin can

be bracketed at Melbourne's best

playere against South Melbourne.!

Fred Fanning took some grand marks

end carried the burden in the ruck.'

while Irwin was at his best- at lulU

back, where he repeatedly beat the

oppoeiuon both in the air and in I

anticipation. Irwin is last developing

into one ol the game s best full backs.

(J-N Friday the Collingwood train-!

ers and their wives will be en-1

teriained by R. J. McSolvin hi the

(itiartei btt-.'m&i <.i i,n

noil Porter. loi n!M Forts-

1 crier went to the dt-fenee i>nil shared

minat.ion. As South atf 'net cvribmdened

with foI!owei«. Prolo might

f " * place* "and~ prove' a useful

player Service diily has kept him out,

cf League football foi i,parly seas

»ns. so it was rather a e«<|