WHO’S WHO IN MCG SCORE BOARD - Sporting Globe (Melbourne, Vic. : 1922 - 1954) - 3 Mar 1948 (original) (raw)

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Wed 3 Mar 1948 - Sporting Globe (Melbourne, Vic. : 1922 - 1954)

CRICKET fans have come to accept their scoreboard at the MCG

Few reilise Hurt the complicated mechanism requites a staff of

five trained operators to give the ball-for-ball review of the

left-arm Melbourne bowler,

is in charge of the board, and

I watched Joe's staff at work

as I had a "board's-eye" view

operator for 16 years, supervises

the board and looks after

the left-hand side, sho 1

wickets," etc. His area covers

When the green light flashed

to Indicate the fieldsman, fans

were watching the work of Les

Jones, former Melbourne rover.

Jones wlil be remembered as

the man who "dogged" Haydn

Bun ton for four quarters, and

checked the Brownlow medallist

when he was in his prime.

Lee has been on the board for

Eric ("Tarzan") Glass, whose

play as a follower thrilled Mel-

bourne football supporters for

several years before he trans

ferred to Williamstown, is responsible

Eric has also been on the

Job for 15 years. He finds the

five hours on the job not a»

tiring as his colleagues, as he

has to sit down to control his

Areh Cantwell, former ground

bowler "and another scoreboard

veteran, keeps the progress

scores rolling. Arch also sits on

The batsmen's totals are controlled

by 6ft. lin. Bemie Mitchell,

chosen for his height because

he has to reach over Arch

Cantwell to get to his numbers

high at the top of the board.

their cricket. They do not

maintain a written record or

scorebook. This season they

have recorded nearly 700 runs

and seen 13,000 balls bowled.

Joe's team is seen at its best

when an innings closes. It is

then "all hands on deck," as

the whole board has to be

Many who have admired the

neatness of the name-boards

will be surprised to know that

they are the handiwork of Joe

Kinnear, who paints the names

on strips of black Silesia cloth.

They are then tacked on the

Kinnear is very proud of his

"file" of players' names. Every

cloth strip since 1902 has been

kept and stored in alphabetical

MacLaren, Hobbs, Spofforth,

Jones, Darling, Noble, Armstrong,

Hill, Gregory, Sutcliffe,

Larwood, Hammond and Brad'