Melbourne Hope for Greater Measure of Success This Season - HAVE SOME PROMISING RECRUITS Big Men May Strengthen Side - Sporting Globe (Melbourne, Vic. : 1922 - 1954) - 23 Apr 1932 (original) (raw)

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Sat 23 Apr 1932 - Sporting Globe (Melbourne, Vic. : 1922 - 1954)
Page 6 - Melbourne Hope for Greater Measure of Success This Season

Melbourne Hope for Greater Measure of Success This


Big Men May -Strengthen Side

PREPARATIONS for the season have been moving along quietly at

Melbourne. Officials have endeavored to bring recruits of the strong

dashing type to the side in an elfort to pep up the play of the team. In

a measure they have succeeded. The leadership of Melbourne is in

good hands, for "Pop" Vine, a cool and capable player, is captain, and

his deputy is Jim Abemethy, another able footballer who is well

balanced and fitted for responsibility.

Under pressure at times last season,

Melbourne wilted and did not possess

the strength to withstand the fierce onslaughts

of strong opposing sides. This

season things promise to be different,

for among the. recruits arc good big

Though young—he is just eighteen—

Don Hooper from the Dandenong High

School promises exceedingly well. He

stands 42 and weighs 13.3. A shock of

red hair gives him a fiery appearance,

but he is a splendid young footballer

who, under the tuition of Warne Smith

and "Bull" Adams (giving ruck hints),

should develop into a top-notcher.

Arthur Dickens is not finished yetnot

by a Ions chalk. The ex-Fitzroy

wingman has been one of Melbourne's

most impressive recruits- In fact, he

is likely to go into the senior side

straight away. Dan Cunningham, ,a

rugged follower from Nar-nar-goon,

shows out well and is a player of great

promise. Charlie Docherty, another

ruckman, is also promising.

A most impressive newcomer is Leo

Nolan, of Wangaratta. He marks in

fine style and can kick well, too. He;

knows how to make position and is cool

Expected to do very well when he

sains a little metropolitan experience is

W. H. Earle, son of Darby Earle, the

well-known Stawell sportsman. Earle is

a wing or centre player and he does

Deague, a nephew of Maurie Sheehy,

of Coiiingwood renown, is very promising

as a follower, while Nolan, who

comes from Albury, has been prominent.

McMahon, from South Melbourne, is

expected to be a serviceable player.

Riley, the crack Golden Point goalkicker,

will be training in a week or

so. Another player from Golden Point

who is expected to be of great assistance

is Hogan, an active performer.

Sellars, from Lilydale, who went from

Tasmania to Carlton a few seasons ago,

and was hurt, is showing out well

practice. Kinnear, from Brunswick, is

accomplished flayer, who will be a

great help as a utility man. Melbourne

are delighted at acquiring his services.

The Red Legs are hopeful of gaining

Mclnnes, from Port Melbourne. Morris,

from Oakleigh, should prove of great

Melbourne arc pleased that Ted Thomas

has returned from Oakleigh. Thomas retains

his form in a remarkable manner,

and the years do not seem to trouble

him. At practice he has been kicking

as well as ever, and is revealing any

It is apparent that the new men will

help greatly. The side may take a few

weeks to settle down, but once they do,

other teams can expect trouble.

Of the old players, Bob Johnson is

marking as brilliantly as ever, while

other veterans shaping soundly arc

Jimmy Davidson, Tymms, Beames (who

has had a touch of influenza) Conole,

Adams, Cassidy, Margitich, W. Jackson,

Avery, Usher, Long, Gough, and others.

At the Melbourne cricket ground at

6.30 p.m. today, the Melbourne Football

Club will entertain present players, old

players, and officials at dinner. This

Vv'Ul be followed by a smoke social, when

presentations will be made to Mr Andrew

Manzie, who, after a long term as secretary,

recently retired. He was a very

ptfpular executive officer, and

great service to the club and the

A presentation will also be n

Dick Taylor, the North Melbourne

For several years Taylor rendered

lent service as a player and club!

Charlie Streeter, secretary, has i

hard to make the re-union a succei

a great gathering is assured. Amonj

expected to be present are:—

R. Monk, Arthur Sowden, W;

Armstrong. Bill Flintoft. Charlie

tester <18561, George Lanxbe. Deed

lison, Hughie and Edgar Dunbar

Leith, Basil Onyons, George Cath

W. McClelland (League president)

Duff, P. Mills, Bob Corbett. Herl

H. Cope. Harry Harker. Bill S

"Bruiser" Woods. Harry Parkii

Fitzpatrick, Leo Little, Gordon C

Alf. George, Maurice Herring,

Lilley, Bert Chadwick, H.

"Dodger" Evans. Hedley Tomkin

O'Carroll, Vic Parsons. John Lor

and Percy Wilson. Dr. Alf. 01

Frank Langley. Joe FJannagan, Jen

chell. Wally Sykes,- Jack Brake.

Coutie, Eddie Fox, "Corrie Gai

Hughie Purse. Roy Park, Rookie I

George Moodie, J. Bacqute, Le

cignegi, Jack Leith and George Hi

Fred McGuinnes is in Hobart "

"Goosey" Lewis is ill in the Melbc

DON HOOPER, the eighteen-yearold ruckman from Dandenong, who is regarded as one of Melbourne's best colts. Help

DON HOOPER, the eighteen-yearold

ruckman from Dandenong, who

is regarded as one of Melbourne's

JOE KDvNEAK, the Brunswick utility plajer who should be a great help to the Red Legs. Help

JOE KDvNEAK, the Brunswick

utility plajer who should be a

great help to the Red Legs.

Melbourne F.C. Committee.—Left to right: Dr. Frank Ross, Messrs. J. L. McArlliur, F, W. Incc, C. Streetcr, J. C. Blair, F. H. Metidoza. Help

Melbourne F.C. Committee.—Left to right: Dr. Frank Ross, Messrs. J. L. McArlliur, F, W. Incc, C. Streetcr,

J. C. Blair, F. H. Metidoza.