FOOTBALL. - FRACTICE MATCHES. LEAGUE RECRUITS. Many Promising Players. - The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) - 7 Apr 1930 (original) (raw)

Mon 7 Apr 1930 - The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954)
Page 13 - FOOTBALL.

i 40,000. . .enthusiasts at-

' Vthe nnclice matches conducted

$£ elal'B of the Victorian Football

P Saturday nttcrnonn. More than

hO recruits have their names on the club

atiil of (hat number several hundred

L"; tried- on Saturday. .

f Punton Trains with Fitiroy.

" who las decided not-' to .entertain anj:

'Tjeri from Association elul.n, had. a ran'

hfrit„„y en Saturday, hut did not over-

As he Is working. in thcyllstriet,

|lk|lis a keen interest in his- new post-'

f, h. „||| remain lit Kitwoy. where during the;

winter months ho villi probably ,p|ayl

-OTld lie ilemno hie mind at leant three club-

L-eUrie, (Oaklelgh, Preston and -Northcote);

V'ibt'the'v Hove every chance -of . securing.

, p,'nf,.ioa countrv p1a.Vcr'» services.

I Wrt not stressed to date ia that when

rmll was refused early last Thiirr-

f sUiilsa one delegate asked the clialrmnn

MtaP'iiol " committee whether lie would

u |n oriier In moving that nuntmr he dtnquoll.:

Li t three rears. The chairman ; ruled that;

£mUonfic sort could. ba Introduced., .-

New Rules Punlo Players. .

Ttr sew dehaltion o! the holdlng-the-ball rule,

i fi latroduei-d' this season, puazled : many of

'regular ' players of League teams on Saturday..-

Iria'to tlib Karon a player, when -held had-

!/i la punch, kick or drop- the bail;-' Sow

A, phjer must either punch or kick when

VvJ i.v sa opponent. On Saturday,' when

EL through the croshea. o ./fejr.lof. . thV.

(Mjcr players propelled Hie ball at their feet,

"arilorr to receiving it- on - the bounce, audi

S, lomedislely penalised. In nc ease aide

S ml a goal. ns the result of . the free kick.

Si eosdiei need to he rartictilnrly careful to'

talrjct pIjvck as to the new .rules .ami deflni-

be Introduced this scawm, ;

-» Ifiwtlmni' Harrin. the newly appolntM.

mc> these points when nddroseinp the.

riwfk The wme durinir the. iirst .half - wan. in

Lw 0 j. McMumiv, who hqa: returnod from

Tiaia, and he was of considerable/ help to-

fj'tbvert bv polntinjr out in, nearly every In-

fiVi why a 'free, kick had been awavdocl. _ ; ;

V South Melbourne's New Uniform.

fThfW 13 » obwt to brlnp abqut a. radical

intfea in the famous 'oid-time' uniform ni.

Jstb Melbourne. Oh Saturday ninny pf '.tlie-

tivm apprared with the Usual diaKoniil red-

itripe across the vhfte hackgrtiund,.. but there

rrt a fttf In the new jersey, :.wlth- n broad red

J»lib Kmfi lieiipatli ' the armpit?; Number

p lirli uniforms wire nn-dl and- indistinct, und

EeJtY<?y v.'js 'anything but- smart and attrnc-

tir?. ikwlKTS argue tlut no change in uniform

& r.ece.tfury. I . ' ' ._ .

Age'' and "The .Leader"' Cardi.

A?f" anil "The Leader' cards .on-, which.

t». printed Ihe proyrammce of' the Victorian'

Lncuo anil Virtoriiin Ai«ociution-fqr 10,10; nnil n

rcitHTfttlic laws. of the fjamet nro now nvaib

JiV, ifid itsav be secured w» applieatioi»rat "Tlie

i'.ith Melbourne on 'the- Up Gr.adoi

than 1500 enthusiasts authored to witness

fiv'fr>t practice, match hold by South' Melbourne !

t'A 1'itsH'lars recruits have' been secured, and' every reason for the, bMief that South

j>!foume dull is' bound to experience one df;

fobrit si'dsons for year?. Should n clearance

U eljrtHeojnfos froirt South Australia, J. Wade,.;

(U till, wlrv Turkman who ' carried the Tort

i&Mfc ruck ondiis shoulders Inst ear, Js cer»'

tr/, oa Saturday's form, to gain a permanent I

fkK'in. the ciKhtben. Coutts, .a 0 foot centre !

fsMei from the State Savings, .. Bank Kidfi, and

fcfotll, of Carrie!) Vaie, also 6f ' tall, jslopder.

jlip-iint, playing centre half-forward, ' displayed

iillfy above the ordinary. There was quite a

Wot dash T)d polish- about the nlay .of; V.

Mice, of Knnjmliurni, -nt hnlf-buek, and of W.

!l,' the 17-yeur-oh vyirunnan trom Sale., and

L folfoe, the smart wing-man from Rirchin.

Eilta,' tried «s a gnalkoeper, kicked and ; mnvltetl

hxl!f;:tly, hut lacked the dcyll and fire of

Broi-eld" and ofhrr players in that position in

jlkr ycin McUnghiin (injured shoulder), ,

tbrirt-u (track rapine) and McKny (undergoing i

ccamtiw for tonsfHtis) were unable' to/pjuy. 1

itff? kf«n interest in the clover' work of

C Ifraphtc-n, (he. diminutive1 rover fronr Broken i

Efl'awi of Dermndy, the defender from Co- I

hi,io has also ticvn training .with .on Asso- 1

wti-ti rhik W.. Roberts, of the 1023 team,\who

smiifqualiRcd when the late Mr. C. Ilrowulow

nvr'uirman of Hie permit and ' unjpire com-

iiitt, made a rcupiiearancc. There were « few i

ftttt tarrying far too mucli poumJape, and

jf« included R. Shapter, of QuceiiBciiff, . and I

s«in..7he teams on. Satunlhy also :compri&eil !

Lifii'K'cS (back) and Fa pan (follower), -.who

bA pkjel nnc game with South last year; I

We; (focX), who. played .two gameti wlth'l

Ih-tpir; in 1927J - Stan MrMnnamny, u local :

pit; Sanders, wingmau, from: the Motroppll-

itaiukutt; Farnan (half-forwiird), from Pros-

LUasfPort JIelbourne; Upward (forward), from I

ft Cl Xflvcrians; R. Bennett, Middle Park '

W; llfnikreoii (rover); from Mlt'chnm: Hep-1

I«;(lflllowr), from Yim. Yean; R. -Caiwidv

(M), South Districts; Lofaminc, from a' junior

tAiml J. Johnstop, of Smith Caulfleld,. all of

»ero jiromlntnt 'on occasions. .

Mmoijii .Prepare for "Minor" '-premier-

.k » , happens that . Jtichmont play two '.of

trir rarit .vital matches ol the peason in the

hi Tii fimcs— against Colllngwoorl and Curl-

tyiist llms rvvry prrmancnt 'member, qf" thc'l

ft is nmi- training at his hardest. . , ,Wcid'ner, |

loam's and fiallaglior are likely to tie away

La Riclisnqqd - this year, the fifstnamed 'having

I'-tiirl an offer at £G o/ per /week tor two

ivy Irani ai; Assoelalidn club. Gallagher,

l»,;'J5l liu srouml, did hot play in the Itieh-

Njt.mIpi 'natch on -Ma I unlay. As II. HeCor-

mi the- list of disi|naHll'-u plaveiu, Itich.

--v-.n- koklrg anotlnr player lo fill the

>v;ii lalnhaeis raisiiiou, and. the oliolue

. '''i '1! " Ojkcill, ui Eclnice, ntic of

tli?' lF'-minent plajvrs. I or tpe romhined

against the. Vicloriau League side.

' 2"'1?' rwyer with claims for' inelu.

iL, W ;ColIins, formerly o( Nalhalla,

U«« mder, now-at the If rctgarth . State

OiU. .. .I T. ?! '"lltns, the accohinllshed

,uT n , hall-forward, Hop"' -sflsnlaya

J!. , c'i "' Oaklclgli offered

Sri.? -J" f'-ansfer, is another/likely

1-eeiiS ttip iloffiico lines.' .Jamison, the

£?' L si the Tiest-and fairest

Sloi. if "'e'-""1 second eighteen, lias

ii !5!" 5 j spplleat'on for a clearance to

Pit. ih41"?, 'OH'sris seeking posi-

Si!h« f'11' arc. Will Lama and Og3cn, of

Wert, .Jones, of Bcrriwlllock; Sykce, .of

KEfS>,L- of the second eighteen;

th- iaL !orri A'sstt", of Klphmopd ' J)li|.

flinfo »' '"'o BJ,n|l«y- Juniors, and - Woods,

Uileliarj, S. Uynn, the vuckmau, has do-

Sim 11;'!'. ' n!c!"ril ,r"m Tasmania

ftfhfi ' aRe' Rlchmond'a becrctary hns

S'JT'tiaJu® iwP'Ttant position of chair-

ct the permit and. umpire committee. -.

UarlMt (P, Melb.) at Cbiitnawppd/

logwood arc certain to again .occupy a

position this Bcasm. The recruits . an

my ty pe, and J. Mdlalc, .the': coach,

VrSt 1,iCKt of Juniors that

. w ever tried out," and on Saturday !

many hard hiiroping duels against

edff flairs. Collins,, a big. JB-ycqr-old

nni lvanhde Gnftnmar .School,' .im-

.S,", '- ''orvvar,l; flail Iday, a .weighty

W ,! i? I,rc!ton' Murphy, a dashing fol-

iUl» ;f,r- ,rom I,airflclti. and another

n-l» thanlnC|/"'1'i<)' 'rom CI|clsi'a, wtsrc all

ct BElt notdrd Tl WclR,lt '","1 COUrilgt

Wrt>anS!->'s second eighteen lias

ei n-v il I'Samislng -lads, and those

Wl, ,„ ! sjv moat wore J. Kelly, a

hsh, Llthmw !"l 'hreo smart forwurds in

!h-V totrvs u i ro'"!-, who' ..was on ,Iusl

'Shlwt Vroudfoot. a nephew of

toi disti'sv r L J.f f';.',orn!cr J'sars, gave .

''-fs. i local i,0 .'"'"-hack line, wtirre 'also

"iBlwrt ?— i !? I". w'ls noticeable "for

V(, p.,.., -Jf?, uHt Iho P«tt Alellioiirnc full-

'Hitler v.. ! t,a"?TO'l at that post-

HsscDltisd hlia! ii! Vl'",,u tr'at as a follower,

'aS; MarJil well Ikirr, of the aecond

hrt'L tlle ii'., :1 . Haodringiiain wing man;

''<! te ImS'i si T,onvu,'d' a,lli Ifep-

f h fcSlhle ".-")cct-«lhil I" oreat-

Hi tS In tsl0?- hf cCoy , who in;

t! V'I lilacisl udoo''1 sV K!line season

!!» hZs. "P0". thf fesm-e list, was

sgM-le- , ' tearing tlis- . muscles f of

lana" it. . mfooWs before the end

etwaM rl? vtr' /«». »» i' '

f B Sitngtliei! Iho -n ' hroughf

/ J"'' eramli?,,,'0 "flost ntebmond In

bo mi aSliS \ a, Prformctl splon-

ih it !i. ! CT, /'llh Wales centre man,

hacb iu e awn 1 Victorian crowds

hhld. „„ y "hPsaranccs In : intcr-Statc

<n, lrq .„H ""f' lmi,feeslve display bt

Hn.-'l iu ,"n,al1 at Fltr.roy, and

'aaped linn/' ' a tlam alal f " the much-

h»MI,!' , ; T"1 h'm8t1' to bo. a first

ls«it ii,; i . D1Ui,al'dtng succcsa was

S-sihig, loiill HrtH11' , hcndlgonlun, whose

-'ileal J Fdrlv Ing and determinctl

K1 'I walls i, n» f I1 , ' 0 l'snimncnl

rfat 1 ? tt ? i,, !, Olml'la, ol Sand-

hiltinn applicant for tlio fulH

a nil. ' |iw',/u r "" kicked In oonsia-

H j Jtilora 1 ihw,,/.1-" ,VK "fa ) and Smallbore

/«I11|» wtnJ i yr,e'' !,lv'--r-v creditably,, on

Krfr'«i,.,i u-ii ! ',uve 'difficulty In

/ ltk ILvcl , ''"-uns in those post-

/'hold be parUooUsl i ,,ivut' t,l<! cenl'e

. il 'lorls r 1,-// b' rm,'f- As nothing

? Hktp la tlm a/„i i 1,10,11 hiterest

L/" ai'iaaitsl IS |"B /onvard«, the heat

/ ha SLSr, ''c Hock,, an accurate

W «bo v.,' Meftonaugh, of Greens-

1 1' ' Hut com neu fu '''wonted to the best

(is vf'1- "id Huri.L,. . '""""'""a rover, from

# l-illrg" a follower from the

JUen/wi r;, f- '"'"ham, the Hiihtll-

M HelioiM -«S. V un"l' a»er Km-

ai t,:,,l«dy phwa /». oruT cdrtL'lor. who

Si ./' U viZlt, lr lh, Kssemlon aecond

© vi.tflat araraa /i 5lr,|.> rr ''Tlaro.v when

9 '-M H IK .i , , ""'a. Ifia star

i . ' r' H13tl,hiod a luqki-n wrUt

In th first game, 'of -1D23, 'is training -aolldly

C.« Davey's ; ipffer from NorUicotQ.

Carltoii have not lost- ono of Lst ycar'a team,

although/ the. ultimate destination of O. Davey,

'the Jnler-StatD; follower, ia doubtful. % It U Kiid

that he has been; offered u thrco-ycar contract

by Northcoto at £6 :10/ u week. Somo of the

new men - on .. SaturiLiy -Bhowed promlsci. Davie',

from Twntliwii, f(;.v'e a 'very good display on

the wltiff. JI« has pace, klck.i well,- and is

very determined, Huxt'uhlc, of Newtown, Tas

mania, performed capnhlv: In the full-back posi-

lion. _ J-ox (OrlHist), Imlf-forwnrd, pinrked very

Ave 1 1 at timep,. but bis -kicking needs to be

improved. Stevenson .(I'aktnham) has wrv good

ehunces of, inclusion.- JIIr dispb-y on tli'e half-

forward line wap .very promising. Allen' (Carl-

ton , Second) :was,n. smart- forward. bU mum-

shots being well executcd. OIIjcr aspirant- To

show Aip were- Roberts (Woodund), back'. Hod-

(Ut (<ftt!Ofid eighteen), . follower: Sharp (Uitl.-

verslty), hack; .Gilhy (second eighteen), buck.

flt i a"1' <Tr tL I' Gllby; ' Simmons (second

eighteen), half-back. Clover, who still- ranks

vn-K: 'standing half-forward in the gHTiie,

Will be rwppcarinj? jthis' season. lie was

Training, during Ihe-rWeok.

Waiiflaralla Players Prominent at

Hawthorn, who , should flvld q stronger .side

this year, played their second practice game

.af -Auburn, us the club's carnival ia in pro

gress nt Gleiiferrio Oval, -Four separate elghtcoiiE

'iind the recruits included more

heavier , tnen- than:, bave , beep scon in previous

ycara. with Iluythorn. . .Tlic most piominent

pevv men were -the Mills brothers, from Wan-

.pnrmta, both big, dashing pjnvers, who dls-

nlayed good football sense. Bert is a right-

foot kick, while, hia brother, Arthur, kicks

witli the left foot.. Another young player of

the same name, "i)on Mills, gave a' d. shlng die-

plny at -fdil back. Bonnelt; a follower-: from

Ciunberwell, cieiited ia . favorable impression, as

.nli i did Prarsall (Cnulfield) and SI nsileld, a

eeiitre (Kew). . Others noticeable were:— Hone'

(Melbourne and Brighton), who kicked some

Pice goals, Mulavin (Kew). Zander (Uavs-

.water), Salter (Clayton),. Neil (Yaneo) and

O.Brien. Uilron, the Sale giant, who is G ft.

i5 Tr» ' stone )0 lb. in weight,

played in the seemid half, but had' few ."op-

portunities. Harris, , th coacli, . has lost none

of Ids old' form, 'and' with his snappy, accurate

poasslng set tho players an excellent example.

: Capablo Rccryits ' at Melbourno.

, Approximately S0C0 supporters .were in at

tendance nt 'the Albert -Ground, where Mel

bourne. played their second' practice girmu. Dis

appointment ivas _ evident' when 'it-, was found

tjiat: Mirgltfch . was still unable to play; his

log, which was strained a fortnight ago; .was

considered to' he too weak " to stand severe

work. Ills permit papery from the South Aus-

Iraliaii league have-' been passed with objection,

rvrnm v.'mj another absentee; he is

also suffering from leg injuria reqclvtU whl-u

training during lust week. Outstanding amongst

the new players were Vanhoff, of Teramr. wlm

was on the CollingwQod list. 'He -placed well

on the oalf.forwnrd line; Culler (Ballftrat), a'

strong, .'rugged pb.yer, who ideaaed with his

wort;. «n the ruck; Tower (seconds), a half-back,

who wa_f opposed to Wittnimj, and showed gw-at

form Gmtgn (Cninherwell ), - who . took TvmniR'

pos JHou -full back, and wlio conic under noliee.

-with judgmi'iit when (he pressure . was on:

-durphy (N.S'W.), a rover,; who played inter-

stnfe football hist year; Dudfleld (Brighton

\nle), who ir « forceful pla.vei in the -nick:

U'appvr (Castlemuinc); who is a half-forward

. of diit Jnct promise; Jackson (Tnpmaniu)," whb

again pb'.'u/od with bis- good work half for-

wnrd; Hart (Tort, Melbourne); .who : pluved

well |n the centre petition; Collins (Colli'ng-

wood Second, who gave u display of fast and

nippy football on the wing; Keogh (Tort Mel

bourne), wno ls». likely to lie retained for the

pivot position and who showed great pace and

untie pat ion- Code (South llondigo), who is a

promising half-forward,- and kicked and marked

well,, u nd- Rap (Old Melbtinilans), who worked:

hard h> the ruck.- Others to show form" s:iid

come unt or notice were Davidson (Kile), Robert-

son (Lniversily). Shcrran (Old Xavicr) 'and

Coomber. (local SecomLs'). '

Very prominent as -a peraisient, cool nnd-

tricky rover 1a -the Kssendhn practice game

was Seiyor, a lad- who hails from Prestige,

Norton, from; the Tort Melbourne Juniors, who

was in fine, torm, and followed like a veto-

r n,. and Swan, a tail, fast-moving halfrforward

from .. the Old Scotch ; Collegians, created u

fuvorable iini»rcsBiou. l.ocal players- who proved

to be above the ordinary standard were:— Smail,

a smart rover from the Juniors;. Bertram, whose

liny defensive/ work -, and ..long-drlving kicks

were ' specially worthy of note, and ihvn, a

Jmlf-back and - snappy . left-foot kick. Others

to show'- marked ability were iricstloy, a half-

t»,Ciu c I"'"e brigade, who trained with

North Melbourne Jaq season; |>rew, the' M il-

niver ami hulf.forwnid; Gutililn«,

Mnii.-m.nowu"C.\.M.S.;' Anderson, ' who marked

well, hut « whose, kicking would stand some

hiusjoijig up, Rjtfl Lowenthal, who shone on

the half-hack line. "Fitimaujico, who.haa re

linquished his engagement, at Mortlako, had u

run, and showed glimpses of u return to form,

hwendon officials arc' enthusiastic' about th« to-

suits- obtained- from the use of the lacclcss ball

which is. being used »t -training.

Player Sustains Concussion at North

Among those Mgncd' up by - North Moluourno,

who have .the physique, and ability necessary .for

.the strenuous League gamtH'expectcd this m-ueoit,

aro BiU, a C-fooi, 18-st. ruck- men from the

Tovt" Melbourne Juniors, .who is vyr.v highly

thought of; (toenail, the Northcote ruck r.ian. Avlio

hap a- ploaslug stylo;- and. Jones, another sLurdy

m -.pipyrr ) i'oni the. J'olicu leuiu, wiio givee

far : more . tfian he receives. There are three

Clarkes on the Hst— 1\ Clarke, a Unlvrrsiav con

tro half-forward; R. Clurke,. a niyk man and tic

fender from Tort Melbourne, nnd A. Clarke, -trom

Fulrflold, who followed consistently in Sutuiday'bi

practice -game, and who bus very fast working

hands and fcct.- Othora y>ho- showed promise were

llonierM, a .tall, centre man ..from Flerningtoni

llolmos, a ccntrcman Irora tho Korth Jfolbounn-

tramways team, formerly, oi S.-ymour; (irca-ory,

a nippy MarltiyrnoiiK.. rover, who is fast ;nul

clover; » for, from 1'uownni;, who was at' North

seven years ;ai-o . only 1(S, and Mathews, a

local lad. wliu obali-d six tinws, well out, trom

c-lcven shots, liupuard, iatc of Iliclimonrl and

Camburwidl, is anxious to transfer if a clearance

can lie effected. Malonev, a utility man from

naiigaratta, . ivho .was playing a' cunspicuouK

game; bad an unfortunate collision with McCains

in. a crush, and sustained' slight cbnnusRion.

Dcane, itarmo and hoyden,, all district players,

arc imprtHhivc recruits, and were often under

Promisinn Outlook at Footscray.',

There- ia- a. cheery iiolc'of optimism nt Foot-

scray that ougure most favorably for the fortunes

of the- season. There is rejoicing nt the return

of Warden, the strong, capable toUuwcr,' and of

if. Williams' who. should suenglhcii. the hitherto

weak attacking division. . L« the two practice

games stagyd" on Saturday over fifty recruit

were put liirougli thoir paces. Tliosc who im-

i irevd wore.' : —.McKay, a daubing defeu icr from

Williaiiistown; Jontv. a clmr, resourceful rover,

whose' judgnient and dash Wore commeuffitidc;

bcJf. a promising forward from h local 'church

t'ofdimlr, a- big, useful follower from the

Air >oreo; ifoVeigh,' a solid defender Irom Ara

rat; Bla»o, a teitacioua,' hard-bumping rover fro'pi

Newport; Goppock, « local ' imllcotuaiv, .who

showed to advantage a a a follower or defender;

Mllno,.u rangy. forward. of promise; Diniond, tho

star goal-gpttcr of .the second eighteen; jerrctt,

a big fellow from Tort Melbourne, iind Hart, a

dqsbin'g-, player from Mildiira. Sons of former

w playero in Craddoclr, Morgan and

McLarroll acquitted themselves very creditably.

Kuhlkcn and Tropphton at Gcclong.

A large number of . "spectators was at the

Gce|orig oval on Saturday to witness the pee-

long fontbnllers engage in- the first practice

.match -of the season,- ColUns, Kcppcll, Jerruni

qnd. Stokes," old playcrt, were absent, but ait:

expected to lie in their usual places very soon,

and throe new. big men from country district

have- intimated their intention of attending on

.que hf the ' training days before next Saturday.

, The; players present on Saturday numbered 43.

Sides of eighteen men each weie chosen as

. follow :—Cogh!an (captain), Tltmknit, Wethcrnll

(».A.), Iilll (Maryborough), Smith, Madden,

llretherton, Carter, Coles, U Hnrdiman, J.

Welsh, .Greeycs,1 Vautler, Jiickey, W. Welsh,

.Anderson, Rieht-s and Baker; Liver '(cnptuln),

Jfockridgc, Todd, M. I>arab, While, C. Imb,

S.' IIqll, Williams, Brown,' Ravsun, Hiirvcv 1(,

Jiardiman, Kuhlken (Tort - Mel'l>ourne), Trough-

ton (S.A.),. Bumpstcad, McDonald, ' Kvatis uiid

Lancaster, After hulf time W. iffirdlman, Thorns,

.McMnhon, : Turner nnd Trlddle, -all Geeloug

' Juniors, replaced Smith,. Mndden, Coles, -Carter

and Bretherlon in Coghlan's. team," and Ta'vlor

and T. Jones were substituted for Kuhlken and

Troughton in the team captained I»y Lnver.

. Comridering , the -circumstances tho imiteh was

interesting, and good - form waa displayed by

(Reeves, Evans, Rayson, McDonald. L. Hardi-

mon. Brown (a North Geelong junior), Hickev,

Todd, J. Welsh and Anderson, The hew rule,

which requires n .player 'In . possession of tli«

' biil to cither, kick' or punch It away when

he Is caught bv an opponent, perplexed players

. and: spectators, and -it would nol.itc surprising

if Jt continued to do so for gome time. -

Crack Country and .Tasmanian Playors-at

-. Tho$e.. enthusiasts who v/itnessed the Gipps-

.landiWImmera match at the Melbourne Cricket

'Ground .in Septcmlier Inot year nhould be in-

terosted to hear that J. Davis, one of the out

standing plujvrs, and -match winners for Cippa-

.land, has ejtrncd up with St. Hilda. . Davis,

who is 0 ft. 3 in! tall, la one of the greatest

marks in the land,' and some of bis - aerial

efforts at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in

; September were of the sensalionai order. ' An-

other newcomer at St. Kllda witli imrllcularly

strong clftlina for inclufilon Is C. Benltie, the

crack rover of the North liobnrt premiership

side of the Tnsmnniun League last season. Beat-

lie; though small, ia powerfully huilf, and Is

the right .type for the fierce League' ruck

buttles. Another well-known rover is L. Jones,

ot the Stuwell side/ who ban exceptional (utcc,

is .on -the list. S(. Kildu have other newcomera

of.- class available, and shouid experience one

of their best KeaRons on record. No practice

game was played 'on Saturday owing to the

ground being occupied by the cricketers.