ROCCHI (Fitzroy) REFUSED CLEARANCE. - The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) - 18 Mar 1932 (original) (raw)

''BR0ccHI (Fltiroy) REFUSED

K'h the well-known West Australian, who

forces uph Fitiroy, but who appeaveil in

"Jvi, wm Jnht night refused a clearance

"way In ('arltoii, l-'ltr.voy did not have 1

Pj'rlunlty «if thoroughly tenting Rwehl

ihft Met weal Iter expeiiexiced lust season.

Hre Hill training at Merri park,

!Br>wnU/v l!"cv,'n nn(' danger to iinklct.

IV. It'#' ,Ul|l nMon, the hiter-Stnte players,

' ><'t liiiliiitl, lm t they intend to do

7'1 ,V "'in Shapter, the South

'o'lmicr; Mho trained with Fitr.roy

aK duty st the fire station .

"frnnpii, N'nrm who has been at .

" wokhig thy goalkeeper's |>0Hitlun i

with Kltr.roy this season. New mon on tho

training truck urn Loos, of the Albury district;

Green, from lasmnnja; Condle, follower from

Seymour; Plunkett, half-forward, of Albury;

t he l'ulford brothers, from thn country; Greig,

of llnvford, who has been recommended by

Alec Kason, nnd Kunson, centre, from Warrnnui-


Klrinear, tlio well-known lliuuswick lmlf-back,

created utlrnticni ycsU-riluy uftcmooxx when he

trained .wilh Alelbourne, There are 103 new

players on the list, and I mining is lo be held

on -Mondays; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs

days," Practice matches arc to be staged on

(vaster fctottmlny and Monday at the Motordrome,

An interested spectator nt yesterday's training

was ,M. Sheehan, the old-time CnHlngwood play

er, who brought along W. Dengue, it hefty

centre half-back, from Alphfiigton. A, Dickens,

Ihe FHzroy player, was In notion, and Impressed

onlookers, as did MeAli.ster, the Oaklcigh de

fender. V, M. Cond, of Kuglchawk, and W.

Dimconihe, of Coburg, who aro niernbere of the

police force, were introduced by Wyu, Murray,

and promise to be useful us followers. Murrows,

of Willlanxstown, n utility man; A. Ryan, from

I'reslon; it. Darker, of Stawell, and G. Mclnnof".

of I'ort Melhournc, xt nephew of G, Ilaines, all

show promise. One of the most noticeable men

was Roberts, n tall player, from Cheltenham. V.

I.ucns, of Alhctt Pnrk, nml K. Honlg, tho Awn

elation player, were others to impress ycitorday.

Oliklclgli's secretary, Air. W. lUnkc, wrote yes

terday to state Ted Thomas lias no intention

of Joining Melbourne this season, and tlint

Thomas xlid not train with McUxotirne on Tues

day. Mr. C, Strootor, secretary of;' the Mel

bourne Football Club, yesterday denied that

there was any truth In the statement that -his

club wns nogolattng with Karnes, ol Brighton,

for, 'his. sendees- during the coming . season.

Barnes was cleared from the- Melbourne club


One of thc inost , enjoyable socials lit the- his

tory of the South Melbourne club was staged last

evening, when 80 persons took the opportunity

to welcome tho new ._ coach, J. licnnnrd, of

Weal .Australia, who coached Maryborough Jnst

year, ami . who is known throughout Australia

as one of ihe finest pluyers tho game has pro

duced. Other players welcomed were:— J. Ills-

sett,, the Richmond ruckmnn, who 1ms been

cleared to South Melbourne; Hoschen, from

Hopt-toun; A. Gilmour, from the nmateiivs; W,

Fnull, from IVcst Australia; II. 'Diggius, from

West Australia, nnd U.vnn, of Wnirnnmbool.

The new. coach greatly Impressed everyone with

un exceptionally fine speccit and a strong per

' Ksseiulon plnycrs 1a»t night elected G, Camp

bell captain and !. Ilnmtnond vlce-enptnln for

the . coming season. Messrs. Carman and Okey

were elected playcw' representatives on the

committee. In connection with the club's lay

by system, Messrs. Hyrne and Todd arc to' sell

1/ coiipont at the gates of the ground during

nil the practice matches.



Co1Hngv.«iM!d commltleo hive presented Krxile

Wilson with a life membership of the club.

With other life member In C. Pniinam/ G.

Kaldle, Monohnn, A. ' tutcb, I. Wilson and

others, he wns present -At the commltlexi meet

ing this week. Colltngwxiod inembera who. are

purchasing members' tickets on the Ifly-by sya-

(cm arc to be admitted to the practice matches

<m production of a coupon.


Bennington, whose name wns struck off the

list ot. Fnutscrav, has been Invited to Join up

with Carlton, and he was training with Carlton

lu«a ixlght. Cutler, who was cleared from Mel

bourne, war also training, i'roudfoot, of Bruns

wick; Jlanks, of rrahruiv mul Urookor. of I'oft

Melbourne, were also In attendance. Kgun is u

stmic weight heavier, and Is going to have ft good

season. Mr. F. Mitchell may lm appointed -time

keeper in place of Mr. Keating, re«lgn«l.>.. ,

Hawthorn supporters were delighted with the

form shown by Harvey Johnson, ."of Sale, at

training Inst evening. Others who showed pro

mising form were Marshall, rover, from Sale;

, Huckney, of Tasmania; 1'ctrle, from' Camber-

'well; Mulnncy, from ihe seconds, and Dick

Logan, who- is right nguln ufter tho injury to

his knee. Hawthorn have seen nothing of

Harris lately, though they have heard that he

Ims been wbh another club. In the absence of

Mr. S. Rninwiy, the secretary. In Cnnherrn, on

oflleial business. Mr. H. Kvcrest Is muklug a


Street, the promising young follower, of Rich-

mond, 1ms asked for n clearance to Unrlton.

Consideration of the request lias beeii deferred.

T, O'llallornit made hts flrst appearance yester

day afternoon, and is now In perfect health,

and should 'experience a gotul season. The wune

can 1k> said of J. Duggotl. i«ykcs, of Williams-

town, was again training yesterday, and an

other newcomer wag Malthy, of . the 1'ress aide,

whom .South Mclliouriio \vcve,,anxtuus to. beetm-.

Sinn Smith, the orickeier, and Brady, the

cyclist, arc to begin training shortly. New men

who show promise are J. llnrdisun, of Dn.vlrs-

ford; McCouehio, u forward, from the second

elghlcrns, and Jordan, of t'rnhran. Benton,

who has increased his weight, has recovered


North Melbourne uud FooDcrnv are both In

nctlvo preparation for the senson. Fcotscray,

with their sound finartoiul Kicking, have secured

numeroiiR plnycr of note. North Melbourne

have signed on numerous juniors, and hope to

South District Side to Assist Charitios.

South Melbourne District club are to hold a

pleasant Sunday afternoon at the South Mel

bourne cricket ground on Sunday next to nadst

(he funds of tho Ibmni-oputhlc Hospllnl. A

flnc- programme of Imnd selections and' vocal

items has been arranged. There is also to be

Canterbury United Churches.

Canterbury United CUuifhos dxih last year

handled £198, and the cxix'tidlture was £97.

Ofllce hearers olectinl fur this season arc:— ftecre-

tnry, Mr. K. Mann: tree.Mirer. Mi. J. t'arm-Tl;

eoiiimltti'e, )km F. Sibera. jun., U. Graham,

L, Carter, D. . Shores and It. IVutUixiK.

Waranua mid N.E. AssoolaUon.'

5-riYMOl'It. Thursday.— Delegates front suveu

clulw attended the aixnuul meeting of W'arauga

and Norlh-nndc-rn Football Assoclallon. Mi', W.

Tomkins (Yen) wns elected president, -Mr. I.iu-

gard (Kllmore) vice-president, Mr. H. II. Hollo-

way (Avcnr-l) treasurer, nnd Mr. M. Mlnogue

secretary. It was agreed to affiliate with Vic

torian Football LcJigur. Mr. II. Hunt, of Mot-

bourne. was again appointed n» the special tri

bunal at a remuneration of £3 3/ per sitting.

There will no special trains for the home-

nmbhnmr matches owing In the heavy loss thi

nccomtnodation linn entailed. The season \v!H

Emerald Seek McAlpine (Footscray).

EMERALD, Thursday. — At the annual meeting

of the Emerald Football Club Mr. J. Grady

was elected president, Mr. G. Williams secre

tary, and Mr. Tyrer treasurer. It was decided

to again enter the Mountain District competi

tion, and to endeavor to obtain the services of

I. McAlpine, of Footscray, as coach. McAlpine

is a school teacher in the district, and both

Emerald and Belgrave are seeking his services.

Medals were presented to C. Stapleton for the

best and fairest player last season, L. Coates

for the most consistent, and J. Hirst for the