Club Notes. - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 7 Aug 1925 (original) (raw)

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Fri 7 Aug 1925 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)
Page 4 - Club Notes.

The programme for to-morrow contains one

outstanding game. The meeting of Collingwood

and Melbourne on the Melbourne ground should

attract one of the largest crowds of the season

The list of matches is :—

Essendon v. Carlton, at Essendon.

Melbourne v. Collingwood, at Melbourne.

Hawthorn v. St. Kilda, at Hawthorn.

Geelong v. Richmond, at Geelong.

Fitzroy v. North Melbourne, at Fitzroy.

South Melbourne v. Footscray, at South Mel-

ESSENDON were completely staggered bv their

overwhelming defeat bv Collingwood who were

invincible Three defeats in succession is not

prem rrship form and 1 he position is causing

tim toromitlec anxictv What mav happen when

tlie (.rounds recover from the soaking they have

received one cannot t»ll, but on present form

it is onl> wastin" lune and nionev if we cant

plav im better than that as an offici ii nut it

lo u" this week The aide faded auaj at the

end oí last hcason deh-its hy South Melbourne

Hiclmiond «.ml 1 ootbcrar diminishing the Justie

of the premiernhip Vt hat was the cause of

the hltunp in tho*c games Was it over con

»dence* \nd what i- tin cause of the falling

awin now? The Some Old Rurcly needs some

of tlie old t me «spirit ÍJotialdson is improving

lut will not U rcJidv for a fortnight lenk ins

hu I fen tbli to dn>cird Ins < rule li - and thei

lu [ r he ma} be availal le for tlie suui linal gamea

To monow Harrison and IJardv will bt replaced

lOOlSCRA-i wire delighted at ttmir succcsi

o\er I-itJToi though th -v uimitttd flint their op

ponents were not quite at their top Still, it wat

a meritorious victors and gave tht (support*1 n

new heart It is not nice to le beaten often,

when vou hine Iveen Used to continuous success

Tomorrow- Hotscnj will meet South Melbourne

with confidence for they won when thev placid

them earlier m the teason Ihiv hail no

c1» nts on Saturdav ejtcrpt that Meint y re

Jided with Mccracken und was shaken hut he

soou nrottnd HrGaith} h return lo the tenn

was hailed with satisfaction The team for to

ni LI ONCJ hive felt the full effects of the rough

game at North Melbourne last Saturdai While

tit pi orrs appeared all nt,lit after the mat eli,

(heir is some doubt about jvncnl of them being

available to marrow ag-iinst Ithhmond J he

match hat» l>een much discuswd at Geelong and

there is unanimity that the league bbuuid ni

ftitut-*1 a searching iwiuirr into the whole affair

Rankin appeared to Imc been the most ÍNCTÍOUSI}

injured but on Sundai was repoilcd as being all

right, but during the week he bus been fir from

well and it is doubtful if hi will be (It to play

to morrow Hall and Brushfield are still Buffering

from their injune? and there ii doubt about

their l>eing available I itrmaunee is complaining

of a bad knee rim position tims created has

caused the selection committee to defer the select-

ing of a team to play JUrhmond, but it appears

certa in t hat i number of t he second eighteen

platers, Plane, Mockridge and Williams in par

tlcular, will he Irpt in Gpclong on Saturday, In

iear of their being wanted Supporters of the

club are rommentJng on the fact that in both

matches with Isoröi Melbourne elie side has t»us

tamed casualties In the opening match of the

I men were injured, and Pink has

since hten unable to PÎTV while Sharland with

an injured wrist, was unable lo do justue to

himself and he lia* now intimated his intention of

r< tiring from the game On Wednesday evening

the annual ball of the club was held, and proved

to be a signal success As H result a good sum

should be credited to tim plajers tnd of the-seanon

tnp fund. During the week Bert Tajlor, two

v^rs ago coach of the side has been visiting

Geelong and them Is a possibility of him return

AOIOTT MPLBOUKVr have had a heap of

trouble in their first ir-ir in tim 1 cague, and their

game hist week afforded a climax Ther had

four men reporlrd ind have wntn players classed

as casualties In vitu of this, the committee

did not pick a team epstenhu evening The in I

jured urr Ijcwls Johnson, Jins»* Hutley, Trevaskis,

A\<Kxh md Lvnch It is hoped that some, ii not

)ül these will have so far rermrrrd, or have

brou cleared 1« tlic independent tribunal, that

thev mar be able to play to-morrow. Of thr

Kam es Giles, Münlmh, Fmilh (the v ire-raptain).

Goonan, Metcalfe, .ind ShortLn an- mallabie The

mmimttre sa-v, ".No mai tor what hnpptns, «f

-rill puL a strong tram into the field." Mr. S

riiomas, tho .secretary, in to be ornnmrritltd ior

directing ti"* attention of tho Melbourne rlub to

Uic f.irt t-lint his committee intended to rlaim

Donnrllv If the Hub claimed Donnrllv, it waa

s well that Melbourne ¡should know a( once.

KITZ ROI. were .1 Mik and t-orry lot* Urt week

.'hr\ were ¡seasick both gomj to and returning

fruin T-Jsmania, the? were sorrv the? had to play

at Footi-cray, and sorrier still when they wert»

beaten It was a keen dlwppointmrnt to tlicm

LO love just when thej wanted four paint« so

ludh, but ft ï" no nr« experience for a team

to return from Tasmania quite unfit to pin*.

Tlic hospital in of the Tusrmnian«* is proverbial.

nd Mass Strut* sr em .»hie to beat 1he best of

liem Momrh received a knock on Saturday,

and from e.irlv in the second quarter h- was

unless. He has not trained this week, «nd ma?

not pim tomorrow. Thev hate chosen him,

but he will obev his doctor's orders Williams

lins recovered from the injury he reecived at

Su'ith Melbourne, and has been selected; but

Tarhotton, who hid a run Ihn werk, « not

nearly fit yet, t hnpman and Williams repld.e

Hickey and Smith lo morrow.

MELBOURNF. were difinujed when thej learned

"hit H protest lind 1»WTI lodged lu St Kilda

*gain*-t them. The club officials arc incensed,

for llirv Ibiip be<n »hove board in nil their

dealing* 'Ibev did no1 pla? .Innes berauw they

r? at!wed that he might be ineligible, .ind

it transpires that he Ins been a bona-fidc

resident of Mellwurne territory for four 3 cars.

It the I-eapue does not know who i"> eligible, who

can derideÍ The team played splendidly agam,st

St, Kilda, «nd are very confident that they will

boat Collingwood to morrow. Tulloh and

Richardson (injured) will be replaced hv Sul-

livan and Davidson, who ha* recovered from his In-

jun. "If Donnrllv is drbarred who will take his

piare«" 1 siid to Mr. A. A. Maurie, the .Mel

bourne «eerrter?, ?et.rcrda?. Hu reply was,

"There will l>e no need in discus« that. Donnelly

Is eligible, and will be playing."

COLLINGWOOD reports are "quietly opti

nistic," but not quite as quiet as before tliey

beat l_ss<ndon t*o handsomely last ¡saturday. The

play of the Ma«jrpnn in that game wai« phenome-

nal, and on that form nothing rould touch thtin.

Hie full BWMiffth of the club will be bent out lo

meet Melbourne, for one principle of the club IF

"no er underra te an opponent." (iordon Co\en

try's wonderful lorra forward lia* materially

Irenpthewid the side Jim McHalr has the team

n great hurt, and thev must be hard to beat

SOUTH MELBOURNE won on Saturda?, and

thev lute no douht thal thej will repeat the

performance to morrow at I ootsc rav's ci-pcnse

""' v want their n.rnjc The only change in

team J* that F. Condon, who was hurt on

Satimlov, will be rrplaeed by Harlow, a rovtr

from South Melbourne District, nie season ba-

been bitterb disappointing, and just when the

side seemed sha pine for success accident inter-

vened. Fleitcr's knee is troubling him, and he

will rest for a while The club ball on Monda?

was a huge success Twenty American officers at-

tended, nnd fur once the playera liad to pim

second fiddle. All arrangements baie been marie

for a trip io Tasmania at the end of Hie season.

CVRLTON ""-ere lieaten by their ancient foes

from South Mcll>ournc, but the old blues are

gradual h building up lo a strong side for »tit

r. The abaence of Bcasy owing to mUuenr-i

weakened the side for tlic last two games,

Robins, from the juniors, will play his iirst senior

match to morrow, and Connell, from New-man

College, will also make his first appearanci. Car

ter and Outran, will also be included To make

room for Hiern Brewis, Davis, _t._mncy, and

li?me (injured) wilt stand out.

RICHMOND are one of the teams who seem to

have their footsteps dogged by misfortune.

Minogue (the captain), Reed, Smith, Barrett,

and Bentley are on the injured list, and Taylor

has retired altogether. Spain will play tomor-

row instead of Bentley, who was injured on Satur-

day. A theatre night on Monday last and a

bazaar next week are side-shows on the more

important work of the season. Richmond sup-

porters were grieved yesterday to learn of the

death of their old centre player, Charles Back-

house. More than 25 years ago he was a cham-

pion centre man with an ability for turning that

was quite uncanny. He was a popular player,

who played "hard but fair," as I heard it de-

scribed. He played in the old players' match

last year, and it was good to see the hearty way

the veterans greeted him.

HAWTHORN will be without their captain (Jack-

son) until the last match of the round, by order

of the independent tribunal. There will be seve-

ral changes in the team for tomorrow - Jackson

(disqualified), Kennedy (injured), Larkin,

McComb, and Woodford will be out of the side

and giving way to Burke, Keary, Gill, Officer, and

Carbarns. The players will hold a fancy dress

ball in the Hawthorn Town Hall on Wednesday

ST. KILDA disappointed their supporters on

Saturday, and it was a pit? that the side should

hate fallen into ita old faults at the critical

moment. The coach might just an well not IK*

appointed if his ndiice is not to be taken. Sup

porters of the club do not altogether approve of

the action of the committee in protesting «gainst

Donnelly. The team wits beaten on its merits,

and good sportsmen do not cid mt victories on

tecluiica! points. Neither Watson nor GdmtwtU

was at his best on Saturday, and both showed

good club spirit in playing at all. To-morrow,

J-ac nnd Carawell, from the juniors, w11 be tried

in place of Roberts and Kinneman. Lord is not

available as he has strained his leg.


MrLlini RM: - Jliclw-Colltni, Cor, Streeter.

Halí-backfc-Thomas, Chadwick, Corbett. Centres

.~SuIli\un, Taylor, Donncll?, Half forwards -

Willman, Mollison, Davidson. J onwards-M oye*.,

Davie, Wame-farnith. rollowvra-Dunliar, Deane,

COLLINGWOOD. - Birks - Dibbs, Saunders,

8hann.ihi-» HaH-b.icks- î'miltcr. Tyson, Wilson

Centres-Milburn, Chefiswais, Westcott. Half

forward - Lawn, 1\ Murpln, Libbis. Forwards

M nilibili, G. Coventry, Baker. Followcre-S

Coventry, L Murphy. Roitr - Webb. Emor


ÏTTZROY. - Backs - Atkinson, Jenkin, Chai

field. Half-backs - Adams, Anderson, Elliott.

Centres - W'iHmnus, Corrigan, Bachelor. Half

forwards - Cockram, Helwig. O'Rourkc. Kor

wards - Costigan, Moriarty, Chapman Followers, Wigrdft Rover - Millen. F.mcr

NORTH MKLBOURNi: - 'Jhe Nortli Melbourne

team will not be chosen until thm evening.


SOUTH MÏXBOUIÎNK. - Hacks: J. Scan hin.

Woodfield, Stewart, Halfback«. Frever, Nichols,

C. McDonald. Ocntnjs. Anderson, W Condon,

Hogg. Half forwards F. Hcanlan, Stanhndge,

Harlow. Forwards: Wimbridge, Johuaon, O'Mcara.

Followers* Alexander, ReviUc. Rover: Tandy.

P,,in(rKenci.-_: W. Brown, L-iwrencc, DaH.

FOOTSCRAY - Bocks: Doolan, Gnffiths,

unan. Half-backs* Mcintyre, O'Brien, Outen

Centres. Rudd, I_aidlaw, Gardiner. Half for

Is: Samson, Akul, Hopkins Forwards:

h. Gibb, McDonald >oIlowcrF: McCarthv,

Clissold. Rover: MOlenry.

ESSCNDOV. - Hacks: McSwewpy, Irwin. Gre

gon. IIilMnckfR: Adam, Hunter, Stockdale.

Ceiitres: Campbell, May, Kimpson. Half íorvrards:

Khortrn, Vosti. Watt, rorwardfi: Garden, Dick.

MeCartlry. Foll-rwers: Rockton, Hammond. Rover:

Maher. F-inergcncin»: Kawle. Gosling.

CARL'ION. - B-ickn: Kick, Watson, Irwin.

Half backs- Jlornsser, Donoghue, Brew. Centres;

Bell. Robin.*-, jLcitch. Half forward». MfSbvmn,

Blackmore. Trebllco. Fonvardf,: Koop, Outtrim,

Purni. Followers. Toole, Connell Rover: Carter.

I-inergem-fes* Brewis, Datis, Kvaas.

The Geelong team w ill not be chosen until

RICHMOND. - Backs: Harley, Thorp, Herne.

Half-backs- Don, Spain, Mccormack. Ceiitrcii:

Oeddcfl, McCaakill. Valentine, Half-forwards:

Maxfield, Burke, Millar. Forwards: JJugheE, Mor-

rl-., Frazer. Folkrvrcrs: OTlalloran, F. Haggard.

HAWTHORN" - Backs: Bolt, Carbarns, I_Kh

If nu. Hi» lucks: Keary, Splatl, MeKennc. Cen-

tres* Gill, McC-iBhnrr, Colwell. Half-forw irds

Hendrie, Gough, Fnee Foi-wards- Oflict-r, Hyde,

Yeoman« Followers. Finch, Burke. Rover: Pick

fonJ rmergencics: Bnnm, McCombe

ST. KILDA.-Backs Hepburn, Gunnyon, Mor

rlem. Halfbacks. Matthew-, Phillips, Watson.

Centres* Carr, De Gana, C-irvwell Half-forwnrdF.

Rae. Gambetta, Mason. Forwards: Renee, Shel-

ton, Scully. FoUowcrs: Armstrong, May. Rover:

James Rmefgonc íes: Deegan, Robcrtf, Scott.