North Launceston begins blockade CLARKE REFUSED CLEARANCE - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 26 Apr 1951 (original) (raw)

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Thu 26 Apr 1951 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)
Page 11 - North Launceston begins blockade CLARKE REFUSED CLEARANCE

North Launceston begins blockade


decided to block every move by

Melbourne F.C. to secure the services of

Noel Clarke, brilliant half forward flanker.

This action might set fire to a football war

which has been smouldering between Tasmanian

and Victorian officials for the last few years.

Launceston club claims it

still requires Clarke's ser-

vices, many football fol-

lowers believe the refusal

is a* reprisal by Tasmania

for Victoria not clearing

Clarke for a clearance to

Melbourne was unanimously

rejected by the club's com-

mittee after a 90-minute dis-

"Although we know Clarke is a

brilliant footballer, he has been

with us for only two years. We

had to 'carry' him for his first

season," Mr. M. Mitchell, North

Launceston P.C. secretary, said

"We made a footballer of this

20-year-old boy. and we expect

some consideration for our efforts.

We are a strong club having

headed tîie premiership list in

North Tasmania for the last five

years," Mr. Mitchell added. '

Clarke is entitled to appeal to

the Northern Tasmanian Football

Association against North Laun

ceston's decision next Monday

If the North Tasmanian Asso-

ciation agrees that Clarke has a

good case for a transfer, they

could grant him a clearance.

The North Launceston club

would challenge any decision

made by the Association, and

would take the case to the Tas-

manian League if necessary, Mr.

Odds would not favor Mel-

bourne if the Clarke case goes

before the Tasmanian Football

It is understood that Tas-

manian officials are very bitter to-

wards South Melbourne P.C. and

the Victorian League as a whole

Tasmanian officials could re

fuse Clarke a clearance as a re-

prisal for Victoria's treatment of

Melbourne might then «take

[ further action and have Clarke's

case placed in the hands of the

Australian National Football

Melbourne P.C. officials helieve

I that North Launceston is giving

Clarke a raw deal. They claim

Clarke's former club officials are

just trying to hinder his career.

Clarke would strengthen the

Melbourne attack. He is a bril-

liant player, and many experts

who have seen him in action pre-

dict that he is a future Brown-