Club Notes. - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 14 May 1926 (original) (raw)

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Fri 14 May 1926 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)
Page 5 - Club Notes.

I 1 I ION!, suppoiter» look upon iilurtlai s

E i"i mi lit at SI Klld i nu Olio of I lie inokt ii lli|,e

li I li » mer and tin in ii jubilation lit lue . .

? ill Iii ii is n trciicial roubcuMi» of opinion tint

li .. n n ni. ii riMilt ot lh« bold mm cb ii '

I lilli II lukin llnnklii Is recorded a» on

Ile In i iptnlns Hu side In» liad for ii .

' ii Ile i" ipilei to i ral he «licro the opi )si tr

»II Is ^inrhv mil iinuioiliilch si« mt i'

II ik Hi opi nilli; lia is also i 1 ellenor m tie

H ii Hut Hie Iii! i.) alun or difi nu is olliiin

«i I Hu*, li ml ipi ii in-annl SI Killi I once Hi

«n I nu. In the back of the Gcelouc, bide loi 1

lus I in loolil upon na the ideal mitro h if

loruil an! to haye ta play him lull buk b

<.'!? if his maikliiK abilities and line klckil?

lay nun nhut the forward diilsloi

II ml In llicrcfnre bronchi Todd from Hu full bate

H Hin lo centro 1 alf lomani to meet Oarj

billi mil nrslst In streiifclhililac,' the foruanl

His min tus nt onie succckful, as lodd ph»tl|

a »| ndid c,nmi Other chance» nude iver ti

Pi i e milli tom the back line on to the ball ti

tik the [lice of 1 call}, who lia» liol at hi» hil-

as i tuier nnd illio was alto required on Hi

»In, uhen Williams rtcdved an Injuri. blip

I lins fen that the moles lu Hie second tern,

nuil (he trune fnirlj halt, though It rcraalnet

n I ml bit e lo 111 mil but In the list ti ret

li II ins :i n pimlico, mitre half luriiard III

Pn lim of ccnlre hall foruanl and full balk

ti It i' o il bj the Injury lo Johns is el» lui

.ni I n lue lommittet in ii sime rnnrcm, and

a « n dill m in lor "Ithcr position I« bclu"' solicjitl

Hi ii i mo u ho (eel that us 1 erituson Iibb beeil

ni I iio mit by tho \»cst Australian auj

II nue «tops should be tain n lo brine.- h ii

I " i ' . .i"i i r li I i I '.Ulli

con crilili siirct'ss Ibis yieu,, is not

ir ' i ii' cení al auppoil fiom Hie toinmlttci, raí

tin io in I» that ruitnlile mili rial I» available,

Io al i Sevoril nime» liai" bien miiitlonid as

HW} men esperlnlli for the lull hack position!

As i itmill nt Suturday's leime tin «Ide will lu

irttliijut (lit. si rib i s of IliiiKhne} lor ii wuk or

lim iiH he strained Hie sim u« of Ills knee 'Hu

»ni nie} lilli possibly lie llllid bj lila)lull Mill

lim ni Hie si coull tlilhlirtl, uno played li

«lirlni"- l,uiiii n» Icdlmyrr with the siconila last

.Mimili »Mlllinu lieiluil billilli coln union

hi Hi match Imi has maili ii unod iccoierj, undi

1« «111 be in hi» place ugniiiht. Carlton lor

Filiiriln'» mulch II ii. rullscil thal n »tionir

ii lo lilli bi. riipiircd us Carlton is lookul upon

»s ii strone; team Dib. ycir During the y.tok

Mnilrldüe met »»Ith a Might, nindiup, but it is

mi likili to affect lils clinnces of playing. Utz

main he lui» complained oi » solo »liotildor, »nu

»is been dome- only lljilit training-, Hi"0 _»*?

'I illili nlintit Utrinouriee playlnK liest batuidiij.

1'ivtiic lo a hearv coi«). Uomtr, lie g»»e toe

?ido on« of lili bent exhibitions but he tu a j

no-blhte nhs< litre for Ratnrduv flin membership

linn now reached 7,_00, and there in still ill

demand fur ticket* The whnlu of the Muting

for the Hrownlmv \oung stan I has been biimjit

up, and, should tin l< uni cunt lum lu run nf

iuuen-cif then is u feeling that for another veur

thii .tarni will lime ti he enlucid Owing to

huhv bclu tullid lefore the indi i endent iri

bunal tht m Intimi uf tli le i m bun bein «left m I

tilt rri!_\ nielli Uah) wu* dinquulifnd fur

tu¿m¡\ without Nimm, iniitt md nadie

lor mr. n tMiipiVi! winn itiehinuml heat thm

uti tim Miiul! Kiouml ut Kichmrmd What did dix

ma} Uni, Mil purttri was tliut tin temi shiuld

1 ? < ph \tHl s» hulh Jim h h (d.iii i miuitlii

i mud> hw nil dinnges willi n vhw h lii,ht.u

big Up the w ul plucm runUgoii mid Hlekt. will

muke theil first un uiuuích ft r tin« he mon md

Wigntft, 1 lliott and Hatch lor hiving r em.nd

.flow Injun und HIikbh will min ear Milleu

Carrin, Kulin, Dlcknin, mid (.ushinuii will b< out

lof I lio lunn ( Ubliimui imfortutmti h, is in st

I Mnceul'ri HoKpltul whither he wax Ukm uti Sun

d.-iJ lit) Mil a iniM> fill uiruiiiHt ( Uinguuud,

lund met with minti.u m i idi ut on Sittirdnv to

I tliut h hu« nothing tu b phu-ul ihcmt lu bia

I lind two gunn, in h Ague tempum, wi\_ that he

Ihir won tin admiration uf cvimni bj his hi.ill

und his pluck t thalht» will wbh him u Kpeedi

iccoyerj Hie lunn ia keen to hi it 1 ootfiruy tu

hiht night, and ( um will r<plac, .

ltlCHitUM) wipporlern ure dlllghted our« more,

and tin* neu «Mon lo the ranks of thuM who er\

'Mat Vin ailie, rigtr* ' Ih _o grout tliut all ro

curd» fot tho «ale of tleket» luve been ccliptied

If Um can but Fflscndon tomorrow, It bus been

suggested that, in runformttv with uni mu 1 week

(ii nt oin, euch ¡during tiger should be «Ken 'a

fire fied " The club is utiocatcu in its two gamo,

und the men lune dono ull that linn been usked

of Hiern \\ eldin r, from Wurragul, played on Sat

urdaj, but bo bud not fully ricovcrcd from in

fluenza, and has lind to go back to bed Ht

In under medical attention at ttnrrugul They

think nt Htchmond that bo i_ worth watting for

Huggard will taku hin piuco lu tho ti am, and that

HAWTHORN supporters resent the criticism of

an old player as quoted on Monday in referring to

Hawthorn and North Melbourne, when he said:

"Neither side will be premiers within the next 40

years." Mr Reg Hunt, their secretary, in re-

ferring to the statement yesterday, said: "We

are making a big effort to build up a new side,

and it is not encouraging to hear such pessimistic

criticism. Don't forget Geelong had to wait 38

years for their premiership, and St Kilda have

never been on top in all their history. We are

only in our second year as a league team, but with

a young side we will improve and show the foot-

ball world we are worthy of our place." With

enthusiasts like Mr Ern W Kennon (president),

W Hulse (vice-president), Reg Hunt (secretary)

and Dan Minogue (coach), to say nothing of the

support of members of the Hawthorn Council, like

Councillor R W Lord, and others, and the alle-

giance and co-operation of the Hawthorn-East

Melbourne Cricket Club, there should be every

hope of building up a strong side. A brickmaker

or two from Mitcham might give the side some

strength and weight. Dan Minogue has retired

from the captaincy, and yesterday evening Burke

was elected in his stead. With C Splatt, the

crack half-back, on the injured list, the club

has been deprived so far of one of its champions,

but he is in the team for tomorrow. In losing

McKenzie to Ballarat Imperials they have suffered

a further loss on the defence lines. Everuss,

from Broken Hill, pleased them with his first

game on Saturday. He is aged only 22 years, and

thus has plenty of football ahead of him. Beck,

his club mate, has had only three weeks' training,

after a month in hospital, and thus cannot be ex-

pected to be at his best. Stewart, from Wil-

laura, may not be able to play tomorrow on ac-

count of a boil, though he has been chosen. Such

a visitor does not tend to make football a comfort-

able pastime. They have great hopes of Francis,

the seventeen-year-old son of the secretary of the

Hawthorn-East Melbourne Cricket Club, who is described as

"a pocket edition of Percy Parratt, cool and

clever". If he be as good, Hawthorn are lucky.

Millard, from Camberwell, is showing promise as

a wing man, and may be in the team soon, but

Brown is still on the injured list. The changes in

the team for tomorrow are that Donovan and

Maple are replaced by Splatt and Francis.

MM-IlOnitNl. aro having their troubled early,

and they hope that soon tlieso will all be behind

them Chadwick and Deane will not bo available

for another fortnight nnd Dunbar and WIttman

will be out for another week Injuries to toy

and Warne Smith at a critical stage of the gamo

at Carlton werri disastrous, but they aro both all

right again Coy wau relieved to find his nose

was not broken, though, at the moment, ho would

not have teen surprised to Mud It was fractured

In half a doun places Warne Smith Is aim) all

right, ¡\\\\, but for the fuct that ho still kas a

btauttfni black eje, he Ins recovered A lia rd

working anil voracious leech worked wonders, and

quickly reduced whut looked Uko a verj nasty

lump Collins bim recovered from lils bout of

IniluiI17J1, and will bo uvalhible .ho carlj calami

lies have given the com ml tt co a chance to try tho

reserves Tv mm«, who played a gamo or two lust

j ear, lina Improved greatly Ile was the chnm I

jilon of the Public Servite team last season, and

lias* been piny Ing with llio second eighteen lntcl>

nilli marked micclm. ^eal a little rmer from (

Gobion Point, in also regarded as a likely man,

nnd lie will be tried to morrow Collin«, Tj innis,

Veal, mid Mojes will replace 1'jo (injured), Auder

COI LINGWOOD lind u shnrp Bctlmck on Satur

du), but tho fred} mini it the superiority of tlio

fnfliiidon men on tlie daj "Tl.ej won tile flnst

tnnlcli last mr," Mild a Coliln^uoocl mun jib

lurday," anil no won tim «tini final, anil, after

all, Uiat'n the match that mattera " F Murphy,

whose shoulder vas troubling bim last week

and «'»TtH'l i?> 'jrc i'ajcd, will reut tomorrow,

Ijfioii tali ins hip plate on the half forward line

cid Co* entry will bo playing- far the first time

this vear ard H Collier, from the Junior», will

join lils brother In the team mid play lil« first

«ame Siicagcwcll, from tho Thornbury C Y M S ,

will uÎbo mike a lint appearance M tincha m, who

showed no form at 1 lUroy, pi 11}rd with the Jim

lons last Saturday, and was the best man on the

li rou mi, so hu. has benn re! no1 ud ed in the team

Sum der«, who had not yet struck form, bt flimby

(Influenza), Harris (Injured ankle), and K Murphy

(shoulder Injun) are out of the team

SOUTH MLUlOUHNi: opened their winning ac

ootnt by beating>, and I am told or

good authority that St Kilda may expect (similar

treatment to morrow South McllHiurue at nny

lime Is capable of effect I tig- a bu rp rifle, but tbey

never quite come up to expectations Their cap

tain (Pnnnam) has not jet been nillo to lead them

Into the Held, and be will wait another week

now Sutton nnd Worry man will be playing to

morrow, the latter being eligible now that his

elearance Is through Alexander and r Condon

NOKPH MhLHOUKMÎ bavo bad Lynch, who

pluvrd bo well for them last year, training again

Ile should strengthen their attack Another for

mer player In 1 Kirkley, though etill a young

man, who pin)ed when the club was in the Arso

' Mnn In W11 down training Ho ia a half

forward, and t am told Essendon would hate liked

t, ivki»,, biu ht «un lojal to his old club

Other new arrlvil« at the North Melbourne train

ing room arc roulton, a big follower and half

forward from Greensborough, and J, Paul, a

clever little rover from \arra Junction Hie old

club would welcome some practical support and

.»wnpithv from wune of the old brigids Ullin

ono Uiintsfi of old champion« such as Hurry Todd,

llfllv Carroll, Joe Tankard, A Morrison, Tiger

Gardiner, Joo Shaw. Steve Kolcnt. Pick Houston,

Arthur lev, and others, ono reallso-i how manj

cplendld pin) en J»oith Melbourne ha« produced

lo mtiko a club successful there must be well

guided enthusiasm and enterprise and I feel

»ure if some of the old ) livers will rally round

tho present tomniitt.o mid, b\ their preience,

advice and svinpathv give them cm ouragement,

they will soon t=eo fi« old blue and white flag

at» prominent ni It wis in the davs when the club

was known as liol hu m The Improvements to

tho f,lound cinnot be long delajed, and tho \\iy

to expedite thom is to have a team that will at

tract largo attendances Donnolly, who wa» in

jured on Saturdav, will not be plating tomorrow,

nod Lovett, bmlth, Wood, and Ixm ko will also

li. uni) In their piners will be found Lynch,

Klrklev, Lewis (who has recovered), Goonan, and

Ï0OTSCKW ure hoping that hjme of their

sick and injured will be available to morrow

Johnson and Jones who wore hurt at Geelong

iro training again whllo Samion and Paddj

O'Brien, though not ibb to train on Tuesda\,

had a rub down the preliminary to gitttng into

work again Jim Caulrij their eoich Is htiP

aid up with Inllucnrn, mid those who know hu.

koonin ss and cncri,v will realise what a hardship

It is to bim Milhun I» billi 111, and I roft n

anklo has not HUllleli titl> btrengthencd to permit

of his plrvlng Kirton from lasmanla who

nhjtd with *\ arm Hie last nelson has bid un

Injuied foot, but in am!bible, and Is expected

'o (h well Three new men now availnblt no

Medlow* a follower and half back from Penguin,

lu-tinunii, Barnett, a wingmau from Culcairn

?Mid Harker, a tall followei and half forward fron

Ulindi nd Dil phivers had a good muting hutt

nÍL,li| mid wire 1 It lied to hear that theil pre .si

dent Dr MrCnrth}, had presented a ¡diver cup

for competition to bo awarded at the did of

the Riihou to the mo t, t uiiblhtcut plajei Ihe

nlttntiuiiB m tho team for Satunliv are tliat

roliustone Sharphy and Harnett repliée Chapple

C VIII JON is the te mt which in most plowed

with itbelf It ia many veant slnco the old Hi tie a

could say tlipy were unbeaten Ila im luman

of Duncan and Clovei made a great dlffrieticc to

the side, and what a reception the pocrotirj wa«

a. corded Jo morrow thev will Ire without lieu.},

who is still dunn with inllueii/u Not since

1122 Ins a Carlton toim wau it Gi elong and

Unw and hh men horn lo Inet! th run <f

full tut s tomorrow St v lei, fiom P01 L Mi Ibouriu ,

and Mullion, tho (-ooieciav fonvmi, have boin

boleeted, and llumncv und Hnwis are ateo in the

team to till the vacin I« eins d bv Hobcrl«on

(Injured) Mt \1( In 1 (Intlueu/o) Oittrani md

Koop bring left 0 it Iii appen into of Clover

is, I think the llntt time 1 member of the

permit and umpire committi Ins phved In 1

League game To ni01 row thL t 1111 will uo

to On long bv tlio II t elm k ti Hu and there

will be uki lil trains hiving Sp ncer street

at 12 5, 12 2", und 1J iïï pin returning ut 0

o'rlwk 7 o clock, and H u c1 >ok

l-SSrSDOV weio delighted at the form of thUr

ion at Collingwood lliej hive not been fortu

nate there as a rule In fact evir since Colling

wood became a hcnlor club Mctoria. Pirk lui«

been a noiirce of worn Ii win bus reeovered from

hin iTijiirjt but (jiitden and Quinn arc nuable

to plav lu their placet McCarthy who will be

playing his first game for the scafloh, and Kidd,

wiio has recovered from his Injun, have been

selected lhere hhould be a very big crowd at

ST KILDA true to their reputation, proved

them-clvcs lions at home, when so often they are

bimbi abroad Not nineo 1901 lind Geelong beat

ht Kilda at St Kilda and they had a eli

.dune on «nlurduj, when a little luck ml^ht ha

turned the game the other wuv Ah It w is thero

w 11 nlv ii margin of live points against them and

with Cubbing und Cirr suffering from leg in

jurien, und Hence In gre it piin with a crushed

iib the side did well to get so close Gambetta,

loo wua hutt In leg and arm With the exccptlo

of Heine, thej ueie all well jesteiduv flunnvo..

whs nble to tri In on Tuesday but be was not

kicking His iib.euee h ih disorganized the bt

Killin defence for to lill his place In goil lhe>

Ihtid lo bring Muttliew» tiom the hillf birk line

[Proudfoot, from Lo ipi rit tie k, neu Warragul,

I bus been suffering fruin an injurv to his foot He

Ilma recovered _o fur tint he cim nin jump,

ïturn or twist, but the moment he attempt« to

kirk lu lu in min lord has ncovired from hit

huit of lulim ii», uni hi will Iil welcomed

ueurtllv, for hi« ulsemt imiteiiallv wcikened thu

Jnitk lust week lu 1 idlei fiom Sal win:

Jhud lo get ii deai um from I vondon, tlnv liopi

¡Ihev have found ii ireful half Inch St hilda nie

jilot dismuved at their cuilv fillmes und Mr '

II Irvine, Hu Ir secretw Mimn the position up

Ihn-, V premiership is like tin Melbourne, Cup,

Kcju can win at the II niall, if ¿ou do not wako

¡Ivout nin too late" **l Kilda folk would Uko

1 o fee the run any time In 192.1 Uie> fold 3,G00

llckels, and to dato tint nuinbci hub been ox

I ended Ihty are confidents anticipating i>ns_

lug the 4,000 maik in the uc^t wwlt or two.

lUsfc niftrt tho commitUo cüu_e--Uim_voii, 1; bil ex.

Lord, Cn raw c1), and S Iran »e In piare of Scully

(dlsijitaliiled), Newman, Palmer, Anthon», und