FOOTBALL. - LEAGUE PERMITS GRANTED. Case of Moore (Kilmore). - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 31 May 1928 (original) (raw)

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Thu 31 May 1928 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)
Page 4 - FOOTBALL.


. ,§omt; Umc wa* taUn b> tli<" i» mm and um

committee of the Yktmfau Football Ltaguc

crenjng in discus>.ug ihc «j-f of K. Moon«

Kilmore, ulm, it wa- alleged, bad ugned ¡m appli-

cation form to plt\\ with "imtb Mribnmiif- and

immediately nftorw^nk hE«^ne<l atiothei

play with? Geelong, Afn-i healing in mintiu, the

c.fdcnco of-Moore and the urut-ri^ of tit" t\w

ilubs .concerned Olcs^i.-. L. II. MrjJtiui und I

More) the rcmmltUe <!«?< Idnl to «anee-l Mooh'*i

permit to play with Galong. Moon- will now lw

able to muk*- o nut lier appin _U_ii tu pia-, uni

Permits a« follow un.« grani.d:- M: .1. Han,

J-xrw South Waits to \kdbourm-; W. Matthews.

Hopetoun (lair vt i-tmih ami P«u Mil.iotm.o) to

»righto»; 1». J.. Out.h. rnoUct.i\ t» Wllllami

town;'R, J. Dillon. Pool urra v to Northcote: It.

Petersen, Carlton to Vort M.-lbi

Carlton to North Mrihouttu-; V, limiuelly, .No H li

Melbourne to Coburg; K. A. Andrews, J-oottcmy

to Northcott"; K. Lndirlnil. ruirlleld to Colling-

wood; A. J. Williams,!», Cailton to Essendon;

H. A., Smith, Carlin, to ¡**t. Kilda; J!. Bouikc,

i-outh MollK>tmi- to Richmond «et-ond«: F. I*

Scully, St. Kilda to i'fn'hiint: C. J. Hill, Williams,

town to North MellM-umc; 1<. Mollumi. Port Mel

Ixnirno to South Melbourne; J. J. Smith. Carlton

?"conda to Port Melbourne; G. Hopwull, FlUroy

to Poit Melbourne; V, C. Truman, Fitrroy to

Footscray; .1. A. .Shelton, Aietiel to St. Kilda;

IÏ. Davidson^IXeeiidon second« to Kehuca; C. I!.

Searle, Cobram to New South Wale«; F. ,1. Carroll,

'Ruffy to New South Wahi; G. Griiiter. il oui burn

Valley to Richmond; R. Renton, .Suuthtne to New

South Wales; J. W. Hahn, June to New South

lince rhin^es In ilic League uinphes «ero made

hy the permit and umpire commit tee liut evening.

KlUcm», an umpire from the second eighteen, is

having ids first League (tame; und lirandon and

Osborne, .who hax< ' ' ' ' * ~*


Hawthorn v, 'Essendon.-Field, Osborne; 1>onti<

dary. Campbell, Carnaby; goal, Morgan, Stride.

Richmond v. Geelong,-Field, I¿ewís; boundary,

Greenwood, Caliesen; goal, Madden, Hell.

Fltrroy v. South M el Iron nie.-Field, McMurray;

boundary, Furlonger, Kenmdy; goal, Rouvray,

Carlton v. ' Collingwood.-Field, Brandon;

boundary, Naismith, Dummctt; goal, Phillips,

St, Kilda v. Footscray.-Field, Mclachlan;

boundary. Nicholson, Thomas; goal. William?,


Melbourne \. Cat) ton -Field, McLathlan ;

boundary, Greenwood, Nicholson; goal, Morgan,

Fit_TOv v. Richmond.-Field, Lewis; houndary,

Blair, Carnaby; goal. Fox, Phillipa.

' Geelong v. Hawthorn.-Field, Brandon;

boundary. Beckwith, Naismith; goal,' Treloar,

Footscray v. North Melbourne.-Field, McMur-

ray: boundary, Campbell, Kennedy; goat, Hough,

South Melbourne v. Collingwood. - Held,

Kilkenny; boundurv, Caliesen, Johnstone; goal,

The following- umpires were appointed by the

Victorian Football Association last night for

matches on ¿aturdav and Mondav (King's Birth

Prahran -.. Comben, eil, ut Toorak Park.-Field,

Murray; boundary. Dunn and Lawrence; goal,

., Port Melbourne v. Yarra*. Hie, at 3*ort Melbourne.

-FWd, Maker; boundary, Pal« and F. Darby;

goal. Hayden and J. T. Sharp« '

Coburg v. Williamblowi), at Coburg.-Field,

Lester; boundary, Vance and Swift; goal, McKin

Brighton v. Jlnir.6v.iek. at l-l s tern wick.-Field,

Payne; boundary, II, Darbj and Hykc«; goal,

Knlghton and W. h. Sharpe.

Northcote v. Preston, at Northcote.-Field,

Schacfer; boundary, llarfoot and dealer; goal,

Yarraville v. Camberwell, at Yarraville.-Field,

Blackburn; boundary. Amy atid Kenny; goal,

Central Gippsland A«f ocia t Ion.-Warragul v.

Iona, st Warragul, Lynch; Drouin v. Nur-nar-goon,

at Drouin, Britt; Yallourn \. Trafalgar, nt Yal-

lourn, Frood ; Moe v. Yarragon, at Moe, McNiecc

West Gippsland Asw)cIaUon.-Rovers v. Long«

.warry, at Koo-wee-rup, Blanche; Catani v. Lang

Lang, «I Catani, Mciiean; Bunyip v. Tynong, at

Saturday.-Ballarat, Lucas; Rochester v.

Echuca, 'Scott; .Sandhurst v. South Bendigo. Cof-

fey; Eaglehawk v. Castlemaine. Dc\fi)c; Ruther-

glen v. Beechworth, Barlow; Benalla v. Hume

Weir, Kain; Albury v. Wangaratta, Boyce;

Corowa'v. St. Patiick'u, Holden; Western District

Football League (4), Wickham, Hempel, Kewell,

'Rowe; Cobram v. Nathalia, Maguire; Muckatah

v. Wunghnu, Mallo* ; ¡strathmerton v. Tally

I i lia lln.1,1 \,(, l . Kilmore Miall

Nacamble i iii j||H HI itc sP,niour v »,1

«illili Millen Hioj t ».ii K Mill« llosui

i Nicil liijul Ullea lirumai i i M rnlmt.u

I) s,",ii s ," um , s ",., |U (| ,,",",,

ho uni lira v « nil -.iori lllarkman lliia-aile

\ ll-liCn-l al WnitlucKi I «.milli SI mid s

Lim le Uli « II el m i I iii le« h v

lecieitla I I M, ri I v lill i I i.««>

slew m lim li v..II.« I, i llteae sha« Mirlic

Neill, i II lan Illili i I 1 ruin talK i

V iltur Lilli 1. jI Mm i M iwell V r

Mill r Madia c strull ni I ml ii. 'ale- \ lol«

I..1 Lu, li.,Lilt n i «nrn-lil 111 Illili

Wimmera Dibirlel le 11 Jil laue.u ti) Ion,

VII. i Ile III. w ilkn .oi Conn miljie, i Tranl

cn ii ni ei"Il i \ I Mahon} rruialftein

I reel. \ flu. uri Tie«»! st lames, i Deictmh,

Ililli r rill e,amali i Ile tul la liner« It I «a ,"

le \alrawin.u . «HU Halt Mulwala v

limr ruino Peter« I un Irv v Divlisfntil ut

l «hil. ii, nu, Hil, It «<ocl ni v hen, lol, 1 rim

i « (eil _iuis \ ricntlum it Moitun In

tem I < »"-woori » Mli>|oll I- \ Collin« \ lui t

t. un v Ii!i|orlu]< M Campbell Dolatlle v ««"ii

I oui laidlaw Mount little]* \ Uunme

llout at Mulline id Miottoti Coleraine v

Hamilton 1 1) Murphj Contirton i roitlaul,

W K «-liinliv II« rim» «rendel Flnlev (.it son,

Tuiliiiiual, Jlalllill, llriiuielimit v Mailla Vilains,

Monilnv -llullarnt (5) lucas Doline ! chuca

\ sjmiitun,!, Lille m, Rochester v Ctsllemiine,

Coffev, South llcllilko l tailchawk «s-ott Won

iraritta v Hume Weir Holden H Patriek s v

Beechworth Kain Corowa v Ruthcurlcn lie ice,

llenalla v Alburv, lames Mi kin District lo t

hall I carnie v A\ Immcra District Y ooll all 1 c ignc,

Till vssociatlon lia« granted the following pir

P * Hil« from Plestou lo Collingwood Dis

trlct O Daliern, from Northeole lo Colling

wood District, li (I Hol le li oin Noillieote In

Collliiirnood District I J lilli fruin

Williamstown to Norlli Melbourne f 11)1

lnan Port Melbourne to Soutli Melhourne (1

Keelo}, from itrunttii iek to New soutli Males

H T lyltilinrrlt from fleeloini V to llclmoiit 11

Mack from Geelong K lo Polmont 1 \\ savnur,

ti-om M illiamstowai to Camberwell, M II fetonc,

from Ilmnswick to Cot tire; 1 lelclier fiom

Carlton becond IS lo Prahran 0 0 Ire« horn

tarraville to « llllsmsloun M Matthews, from

Hopetoun to Jlrlchton R J Dillon from lootscroy

to Northcote K P Donnelle}, from North Mel

bourne to Cobun,, I* Y Outen from l-ootscrav to

M illlamslown It Peterson from Carlton to Port

Melbourne, h v Vndtews from 1 ootscra} lo

Northcote, Y J Houldcrtft, bom Collingwood

Lmplres for s-atllreln First Grade-Ivanhoe \

East llrunswick, at Ivanhoe-MeNab tv Crowloi,

McDonald, Coleman, Strachan riitrfulil i W11

llamstown at lull field Park-Connût steff,

Browne lliav Parri« Alphington v Ile Idelberir,

at Alphington-'ttaUtcliic, Hi an, Mclllnpr, llenliv,

tarleton Sunshine i tstotvole at sun«hlni -

Loiierguu Osborne, 1 oster, Honking, Dow lina- Oik

IiIrIi v lliimptoli at Oakleigh-Mésalo, loung

Could Itemiie, 1-urlonger Coraegie v South Mel

bourne District nt Koornang Reserve - Jenkins

Mclernon Matt, Ulon While Box Hill v

Auburn, at Ho* Hill-Jones <-neddon, Cheers, Ian,

Holland lliliun v Cunl.rbun at Balwin-Hur

lev Halton JlirniB Mhllehcail J-ali j

hecouii Grade-bpilncpale i Abbotsford, at

Springvale-Kelssliner Muirumbceua v (airfield

llisliict at Murrumbeena-Searle (.leniris v

Caullield. at Glciilrls-Grelir Last Malvern v

North lltia-ov at (ilenlrls-Poole} tnucluse v

Dalling, at Jtlchiiloud Ilacecoiirse-Hice Middle

1-ilKv Carnegie at Northcote-McKenzie Auburn

v OaklolRh.nt Auburn-McPliec Kew v Mphlni,

ton at Kew-Irving Ilaluvat v Fairilol 1 Rich

mond Citv Resoné- Jamieson last Hrunsuick

i Hot Hill, nt Heming Park-Hew Ins

Association Life Membership

Mr.. W Heedv, of Prahran, has been nomin ileel

tor election as a life memoir of the \ictoiiiiu

1-ootball le«oclatlon In récognition of nnnv leam

An intuit-tiiis round of much s was p1i«ed

vesterdav, when lhere weie several close finishes

The llnllunis (the onie tlmlefialed lenml lead

leith £0 point« with the Police Telegraphs, anl

1 (te llrlgflde level for second 1G points Then

folio» The tit,li' 12 points Air I-orce S

liol nts l ellon Cobs nnd M alerslde M orkcr« each

4 points nul Iti d anl Cheeki r Cabs Inn e not

Police Defeats "The Argus "

Iho principal match In tht Wednesday I earru,

Jestordav was that bctwieu 'The Vrgus anc

the Police on the Richmond ground A larg«

crowd of spectators saw a ici} fin. and cxcltina*

exl Ibltion, the police winning lo '1-13 to 0-io

* lhc Argus was tilt fastci team but the police

excelled in the clcse work and In the air, the

marking being cxecptlonnllv good frhauuahan}ed verv well on the fonvaid line, where h,

form were lerklns, Webb, O llricn. Milne and

Prioslle} l-or "the Argus" Brownlee, following

und placed was consistent)! good. Monow half

ltack ivas a toner of strength and Simpson,

Cooper, sherar. Campbell Pale}, and femltli wero

outstfindint Goa) klckeis -Police- Shannahan

(3), Milne lerram (2) Mccoll The \rjtiia

Prow nice (4), Putei (3) '.hncr Curtis

Railways Team Wins Easily

U North Melbourne itsterdav the Hillwais

teeni ceiiitinued Us ilctnilous circei bl defeating

the Re I and Checker Cabs I» 12-10 lo 2-5 The

fast and sisteinitie railwav men outclassed their

opponents who did not score until after half

time Píen thev added a point in the Ulled

quarter and --t hi the last The Rallwajs men

dil not is it th m < Ivi in ll< li«t Kim in i lui h

Um hi net store llrnr lil ihm '

tori* an I Molds (two eve nticinils list

rlcur «mill min) lum mun I uni

Jawkins lixl Meinas («li »li eil (.col |ut )

\ Vrtbur Hulls., 'siiilli ml I.UIman »ere

Un- lie« Inr tin loir« l.iallirkirs-lliillwuvs

Vsnkisi«(>) I) Munn ss (I), _-.i I.) I Mil

Inn; mid Luv ill lied ind llicelrr««.b,-(,oohll

Tie "irllou Cali« ubi iii ii i ni HI 11 ihr win

against the Ml loici Iii Ile picanee of JIWJ

s|>cttilois a. «I Kilda Iii airmen »cic »

out Helleslg, dod» HI, ami Mr I ulalie hut ne

thclcss led le Henrie t nr KOal« at tie Ia t

chang. Tin ii \ellou lal». ilasid h|>t< iidiell« la'(

anil I.V«tcmallc football in tin list quarter in I

»on lie 1,-li to 12-'i Basles, Mon «tonfoid

Buckles Horne lliiman 1 (,iuls) datson -mil

Gower excelled t r the »miling trim iii I fir Hie

\ir loree, siiuinlev «a« th outst slsrtsii- | laver

»lill J »ntl 1 Muli 1. Ilnlllln ai I Burns >,! v Inti

rise, l'on util 1 eleni i| li Lam dell lied the

Uitir.iic Wurklis le U-ls, i, 11-If. Ihcie \ ii

little differnicc in til «1 t hull the.

TibgrilhiMs »ni Imii I, il" lall hut tlinir

forwards »ere nul ni finn In the In-t (¡Harter

the Wiilcisidc Woikus malt a stluug eHoit 1 '

talked the lilli hut missed (bluies Hughs

l'Mlrr Kulilken (1 gulls) simpson Craig '

VI 11 he n »en Hie ben plains for Hu »Inning;

tiinii »hile Itouan Brooks loolen reaver,

I rridge au 1 Howe »eie best for the losing

WeiluiMla) Mat(h(S-Hrc Hllgido v Hull»

ut I Itrros lissis Hitirsllc Workcis v lied

«ni Checker Catt«, at l'oit Melbourne, Wickham,

1'ollce v Air loite at South Melbourne Lehens ,

1 elegrai hi, v The \r"us ' at Collingwood, Jones,

(.liiilniiitlv v Ive», at Ustemvslck, ot 10 am,

Hemiel, Clilton Hill s Malvern, at Northcote,

at lu i ni liar«Id Nicholson «?treet v bt

Kilda at I itrrm at 10 a m Howe, Itushvvorth

v Mooroopna, \\ III Inson Murehlson v Miep

lurlon, McMurniv tongala v Tatura liarlo»,

l.cclong v I nivcrslts High School, Flliott Mel

bourne / s Kfseniloii High M100I ut Old '?cuteli

troun I Adams Coburg v Uandi nong, at Co

burg \ T Miller, «?! \rnalld v Birchip W A

Haul 1 Malchins v tt oomehnj, TWiler

Umpires appointed tor '?aturdas Juni 2 -Isscn.

don s Hiisvlliolii-lirown, Downie ami Miller,

Smith and Connor tieelong v ltlchiiiond-Tliomp

um, Gimpbcll and 1'lnnt -tanoni an I Bishop

South Melbourne v Htrros - Wvnnc low and

licntles, henneds an I Uottcnall Colllngsvooil v

I anton-\\oosimn, Honens und Spragge, Powell

lind Slniw MillHilline v Noilh Mellwurue-Pet-

ril, lluxctl and Cox, Pincott aid llaltu roots

iruv v bt Killi-Morris Basil«- and Owen«,

I mplres for Mondiiv lum 4 <hiii"' « Ilirtlulnv)

-Caillons Melbnuiiii -Pi Hie I'lteinott and Hen

dersou 'milli and «-UHuril lllelunonil v Utz

ins-\\c(i«iiau, Howiiic 11111 Campbell Connor and

Conlon Hawthoiii v Gulum,- Ihoinp on Miller

and I.0», Bishop md Kcnneds *-t Kilda v

I ««eildon (tu lie pi ive I cn Mondas morning ut

10 13)-Uro» 11 Plant and Wiens UetUliluill am'

Powell North Mi Iboiiine s rootsci is- Wvnnc

ilentlej and «?prigge Mia» anl Pincott flu

South Melhoume Collliu,»o d m Hell »111 be

Diamond 1 ulltv \ soclatinn- Kanoloo G s Dill

mond Creel Ninnis Montinoreiies v Greens

lorough, Gall, Heldelbeig v Hurstbridge, Coori

win \\errlbee Bacchus Mursh Association-Merri

bee v Rockbank, «mltli Metiopolltan farm v

llacchus Marsli Collins l-l ellon v IM, Im

llilns, «tarra \ullcj Association-Powelltown*!

Warburton, bpence, nisdale v «larra Junction,

Dulls , Healesville v Wandin 51 ItehclI, Millgrove

Coal umpires for inter union match on the

Molordrome at 10 in-Conner, s|mw

SvDNn Wodnc-lnv - The vl-itini, Miloiian

soccer team met a side from tin inetiopolis at

(ho bjdnej Cricket ground to dnv and »on bv

sescn goal», to six V feature of the game »as

Hie exceptional)! large score. It is innis sears

since It goals hasc been scoiel in one match,

paiticularls in in InteutatL mutch The scoiers

¡or Mttotia were llsde <2) llellieiinglon, »»ker.

Simple, Jol111slt.11 »ml Ogllsic Heimelt, Dale)

(J), Baker, und lloberlson scons lor Mcliopolls

The in itches ind 111111 Ire« for saturihv in the

Metropolitan \11nlcur Irothsll \««ocIntlon com

lietitton aro as follow -

\. bection-Old Scotch Collei,! 111« v Lniversltv

U, Keating, Old Moilun iiluns v I Isteinvslck, Tai

lor, Unlversitv \ v Miirruiubeen 1, Turnbull

Old Caulllcld Gramnuiilum s Collegians, Grieg,

M Paul s v Glcnliunlls \ l"ut,lilili

li Section- 111unswlck s Oik!eli,h Cive, Old

^aslcrlans s Geelong, Dis s Sandringham \ v

Stale busings Itank Josee,, Iii lintons ile v Ole

lluilesburs Trllut}, Hicklng

C Section-W(st Husstliplu s (-nulli C lulfleld

Wills Tllirh is Collei,!- II 1 Sllllej Hills, Kent

Glciilumtlv II s Hill «dod, Daskln, Puscoesull

v S indi itigluim li Cox, lllack Hock \ Kingsville,

l-oi the \ section malili Lnlvcisitj A

tniversltv li. Hud lol Utilncsdus, June G, Kcut

has been n)ipointed, and foi the li section match

Old Nuvleiliin« v Oakleigh, IKcd foi Kings Hirth

The follovsing umpiii» lusc been selected

bv the Mctorhn Junior \s oclitlon -Cambir

well s Prahran, field, Dwver, goal, lieswick

Collins, boundars, Hannan Rofe "îarraslllt

s Port Mi ¡bonnie. Moran Mitt Hobin

son Ca«tnllen, and McCarths Wllllamslown

s Cobuig, Biron Borovsskl Aitken, Bojle und

Darrelt. Bruns» Ickv Hrlghtoti, Ogden, lieadmore,

Mitton, Scott, and Hester Piestoiï s Northcote

Patterson,1 Kasus, Welsh, liiooksha» ami Busies,

\flllluted «SMlolatlons-Bciwlck Dietlict As«ocin

lion-Dandenong v llangholtm, be Clujlon v

Beisslck, Illgbs Noble Park v Mulgrave, 1 rusci

Cranbourne v Glen Waseilej, Hlimine,liain Neerim

District \spoclutlon-Neerim Junction v Warragul, 1

Hill Neerim \ Jlndls Ick smipson Ivcerlm 1

South v Noogee, loiden Sconphj District As

sociation-Kast Illtrvvood v lirntiec Cullv, Clarl 1

Mount Wavcrle> v Silvan, MeMullau Bclgiavc v

Ha>6»otei, Moiconii sco^,;!,^ v leniv Cieek,

Sinclair Kiddell District Association- tlWiorne

v ltiddell, Mel can sl)nbur) v Kiinecllcld, Chees

lev Macedon v Romsey, Jurs Mornington Pin

Ínsula Junior Association-Seaford v Mordialloc,

Tovell Ringwood District Association-Black

Kum v Crovdon, Gilchrist Mitcham v Wanan

(lite, Thomas lttngviood v Aemiout, McCloav

Doncaster v Tunstall Judd Western District

Association-Kilcunda v Blackwood, Hunt Glen

rorbes v Bass, Todd Binudmeodows and Keilor

Dlstllct Vssoclatlon-Biaulnieailows v Campbell

field, Isovviiian Glinros v «¡t Ullin lllaiidln

Keilor v Merls liston, O Brien W un aguí Junior

\ssociatlon - Ulenbank s Nilma, Bolan Gtr7

leckie v LongvsaiTS Sniitli Bourke find Tselsn

\ssocintIon-South Morang s Thomastown Camp

hell Whltllesei s Midhiids Worrall Donnv

brook s Wandln, Wulkei I pping v Arthurs

Creek, Dent "Mornlnglon lunlor \s«oei ition-Qea

Hinders Slieet (G-t) d< frite et s indi íiiüiam Line

(5-10) Goal kickers-Hind rs st,e0t-tren (1),

Summers, Culliek, James ^aiidringham-McCa«

kill, leinm Hove« Qnliihiu, Mcllurson Hesl

Placers-Uliulcrs Street-tun. Summers, Wuler

house, I-lllgan, and Jame« ^ indrlllgbani

Car and Wnggon shops (0-12) defeated Colling

Line (2-10) Goul kickers-Car ami Waggon

Miops- Bateman (I) Smith (2) Wilkinson (2)

Brodie. Poole Cobuig-Kinnaburt,h McGosan

Best Plovers-Car and Waguon shops-llalem 111

Smith, Wilkinson, Poole Coburg-Flvnn Bojle,

North Melbourne I/ico (Hi-U)_ d featcd W11

liflmstown and 1 ssendnn line« (7-S) Goal

Idoiters-ioco Ve Innes (S) Julia (2) Carlton

(2) Keogh (2) Wat«on Bi-omiin Willhm«town

and Issendon Comber (2) "-milli (2) McGregor

(2) 1 ice Best plus el s-I oco Mi lune« Bur

ees« Keogli llmman MeM ilion Julia Smith

Williamstown and Issendon smith Hogan Com

DONAID, Wcdne«il 1} - In the Nollll central

l-oolball league Walihim (< 14) dcf<atcil Domhl

(7 0), Woomelang (7 ?>) d feuted bt Arnaud

BLNDIGO, Wldnosdas - The Be li ligo loot

l-l ti League lils accepted the tunis of the Me

(orlan football League lor 11 match ut Bendigo

on August Jj on the basis of 00 pu cent of

the gate receipts or the pavment of the expenses

of the team »hichcsir I« Hie le«ser amount

it was decided lo «lit upon'the Bendito Cits

Council to urue that a reduction be ma do In

the chorgc of JO pi r cent on the gio»s leccipts

Permit« vseie giunted to \ McDonald lei¡,uson

fiom Naval Ui« and N L Reed fiom «n 1 ike

lo candhuist II In li g s0"|h Bendigo Juniois

lo South Hi milgo The den mee of S. W »?

Miithe^ou from «-011II1 licndigi to Murchison «is

cnior-id Tie npplicitioii hs 11 I o=tcr for u

(leurmee from Echuca to Illclimond «is referred

I j Hie special tribunal which meet« to moiro»

Matches plas ed ve teni is in the Goulburn

Dulles football league lesulted - siieppirton 15

1J difeated Tongala 7-1 Ksabram 10-10 de

fealcd Mooroopna It-") Tillira 10-lo dcfeitod

Murchls-in 6-1 Oiltram (Kvilbram) klekid 10

e,oals Wuhli (^heppurton) D ^onls and Harker

felDNM, Itednckdav - Hie InglWi Hugbv

League temi pliscd the fl-t mutch of Its \us

trallali tour ngaiinl the s0uth Western Districts

team at Cootamundra to das Die game was

drawn, each side scoring 11 loinls, rcpicscnlcd bv

tvso trie« and four ¿mils on eich sld( The gime

ssas luirle fHSt and spectacular, but it »a« obslous

that the I rglishniin »ere not nearlv In llieir lust

fonn Imlividimlls the Inglislnnets aie fine

plus 1rs hut thev liase not vet had sufficient

opportunité lo devilo.i lum »oik rin same

became vi re rough toss inls the end and a few

minute« lefoie t mc Bow man (I iigland) »as

Foi the Ingllshniin Hide« and Sloinan scored

trie« anil sullivan eonserted both and kicked two

penaltv goils fur Switll Witwm Dislnels Smitl