FOOTBALL. - CHARITY MATCH. STRONG LEAGUE TEAM CHOSEN. - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 1 Jun 1932 (original) (raw)

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Wed 1 Jun 1932 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)
Page 12 - FOOTBALL.


It is a tribute to tlie I letorinn xooioan

League and the A'ictorian Football Asso

tion that each of these leading football

organisations has given up what is gener-

ally regarded ns.the best football day of

the year for the annual match for charity.

This will take place on the King's Birth

daj- holidaj--nest Monday-on the Carlton

ground. Football crowds are generous,'

and, given good weather, there is certain

to be a large crowd at the game between

representative teams of the League and

the Association on Mondaj-. The hospitals

should benefit considerably.

League selectors-Messrs. D. Crone. A.

Dummett, and J. Irvine-have not under-

rated _ the football ability of the strong

Association representatives, and have

selected a well balanced and strong team.

The team, in fact, providing the men

selected show- good form, is. the same as

that which will represent Aictoria against

«South Australia in Alelbourne on the fol-

lowing' Saturdaj-, June 11. A splendid

'The League representatives have not j'et

trained together, but it is expected that

they will begin to-morrow. As the Mel-

bourne ground is not yet available, the

training will be on the Albert ground, on

St. Kilda road. For the encounter against

South Australia tlie Victorians will be

training there on Tuesday and Thursday

Association Enthusiastic.

Great interest is being taken in the out-

come of the match by Association sup-

porters, and thej" ave expected to be weil

represented at Carlton on Mondavi There

is n feeling-of optimism that, from the 35

men available for selection, a good team

can be chosen, and if the weather is fine

tiley believe that the Association leam will

not be disg iced. It is generally admitted

that the team will be much stronger than

the one that was defeated in the last

The plftj'evs will train at the Brunswick

ground to-night, after which thej' will be

entertained at tea. This will be followed

by a general discussion on tactics. The

selectors will complete their task this even-

ing, and it would not be surprising if the

¡ Backs: Stanbridge (Port Melb.), McSsvain

(Northcote). Banks (Prahran}. '

I Hali-baeks: Gleenwood (Camberwell), Rudolph,

(Oakleigh), Svk.»s (Wiiliamstosvn).

! Centre«: Driver (Oakleigh). Brooker »Purl

Melb.), Garrett (Northcote).

1 nalf-fcn-.s-ai-d-: Hclvrlg (Williamstown), limit

I (Williamstoiin), Mason (Camberwell).

, Forwards: Hasskins (Prahran). Luff (Cambei

Followers: lluglison iPies(on), IViinhin (Yana

| Roser: Wari (Preston).,

Chief ¡titciest on Saturday will centre in the»

meeting between Geelong and Richmond, at Gee-

long, but the other engagements should also

preside good football. The draw is:

Geelong v. Richmond, at Geelong.

Collingwood v. Footscray, at Victoria Park.

Falelbournc v. Carlton, ut the Motordrome.

Essendon v. Flltroy, ni Essendon.

Hawthorn v.'South Melbourne, at Glenferrie.

St. Kilda v. North Melbourne, at St. Klda.

ST, KILDA lias had moro than its share of mis

fortune with injuriée, nui! the casualty-list ssas

increased last sveek. Arthur" Roberts, who had

ribs brokeu, svas much improved j'osterday, and

Whitehead recovered sufficiently to enable him to

resume training. Chapman (knee), «Scanlon

(ankle), L. Jones (leg), and Forbes vvill not be

available for the match against >"ortli, Mel-

bourne. La«t night a clearance was granted to

J. D. Kennedv to Mitiamo.

POOTSCRAV ha» everything going well, and

the social fide of the ' club hag not been

neglected. Hanson, whose knee ssas hurt on

Saturday, is making good progrès*).

HAWTHORN'S players and committee arc

pleased with the good form shosvn in recent

matches, and are confident of mans- sictorles yet.

Hsdo was at the ground yesterday evening as

usual. Tlie committee has not received any

application from him for a clearance to another

club. Utting lias recovered, and will be avail-

able- next Saturday, but Collins (lee) and

Ashby (knee) will be prevented from playing be-

SOUTH MELBOURNE officials' are faced with

a problem in regard to Diggins, the champion

forsvard. He ss'ill not be eligible for inclusion

in the team until, a few days befove the vital

match with Geelong on June IS, but as he will

not have liad any match practice before then

the oftlcials are naturally hesitant about including

him in the team for such an important game.

Beard unfortunately injured his foot at work

yesterday and svill not play on Saturday. Brain

has recosered from the concussion sustained last

Saturday, but w11! probably rest on Saturday.

Robertson did not train last night, as he is rest-

ing nu injured fool. The club "last night cleared

Mcpherson back to Castlemaine.

MELBOURNE has been unfortunate with its

number of injured men. but moat of them ale

making good progress, and the tide is expected

to turn soon. The injured men include Sellars

(svho broke a small bono in his leg and will not

be playing for some »time), Kinnear (sprained

ankle), anti Ogden (cuLovej^the Tymms,

Steele, Solan. Hooper, Pemberton, Beames, Pick-

ford, »ntl Dicken«1, svho have all been recent ab-

RICHMOND expects to have its best team of the

«eaton in on Saturday for the s-ital game against

Geelong. Foster and Baggott trained last nicht,

and Hunter, svlio has been out since (he first

match', nl«o reappeared. P. Strang will be fit

li} the a»na] of the sveek. Mercer (from Kesv), svho

has played willi the seconds, has been added to

the training list, nnd his clearance iB expected

to go through to-nUilit. The club svill has'c a

theatre party at the Tivoli Theatre to-night.

riTZROY will visit Kyneton on King's Birth-

day (June 6), when it will play a game against

a combined team from the Midland League in

aid of the Kyneton District Hospital. Reeve, svlio

strained his groin in the match against Geelong,

is getting better, and all the others are in good

NORTO MELBOURNE was jubilant about ils

first Victore over Melbourne, and expects it to j

be the forerunner ot manj more this season Four

plas ors viere hurt in the match-Gaudion (who

lost two teeth in a collision), Baker, and louis

(let; injuries), and Patterson (shoulder)-but all

viill b» fit and available by the end of the neck

GEM ONG S men on Tuesda} trained under the

direction of xrthur Coghlan benuse It Hiekci,

the coach and captain, is suffering from an ankle

injure sustained m its match at Flt.-roi and vías

unible to take port at practice Methercll

(damaged knee) and Solwood (wrenched ankle)

nore injured also in the Fltï-oj match but xxiii

be lit to strip on Saturdai les Haidimin and

feel Baker will be reads to resume their positions

In the Geelong team afrainst "¡ichmond x11

Geelong plijers regard their coming engagements

mth Itlchmond and *"outh Melbourne as len dirll

cult, and thev trained on Tiie«day afternoon as

if ei en man was determined to be at his best

les Hardiman was high marking and kicking as

C.encratlv speaking tho injuries tit Issouation

matches last Saturdav virrc not seiere, and moat

of the men concerned Hill be aiailable for selee

tion for «-aturdai Freston Has the greatest

sufferer, and mai baie to re.-t scierai men The

prognmmc for this week ii in interest ins; one

and will haic on important bearing on the ficht

tor positions Most liitere-t viill lie taken in the

match at Coburg, victory for which team against

Northcote is considered essential The room'

oval will suit Coburg the better, buL Northcote

is plating particuluiH well, and a greit struggle

ma} be expected "searle oier} match «should

bo well fought The dran is -

Coburn v Northcote, at Colurg

Preston v Port Melbourne, at Preston

Brunswick V Oakleigh, at Brunsiiiik

Sandringham v Prahran, at Hamilton

Yarravlllo v Brighton, at "larrai tile

Williamstown v Camberwell, at Williamstown

BRIGHTON committee last night refused an

application foi a charancc to fort Melbourne

lodged bi Steuart, who ia one of the contenders

for a plate in the diarite match Stewart and

fioldsiiorthi, who were injured last jaturdai

neck baie recovered I'oultcr (injuitd ankle)

and M Johnstone (injured knee) could not train

last night, but should 1« well enough to pla} on

fciturdav A McLean n tall and rugged half

forward from Tempj, has boen shaping nell at

trailing, and should obtain lils permit lo night

OIKLHGH officials belieic that it has non i

mature side, and will go from success lo success

Miller (who ploied ro weil with I'restm a «ear

or so ago) and Jones (from I'nhnn) will ippl«

ior permits to night ASohr a brother of the St

Kilda forward is also txpiefid soon 1»

improving, and leram has had ill splints r

moied from the arm i-ut was brrk-n

WILLIAMSTOWN reported a fill attendais it

training last night, tin onie -ibsem » being Johns

whose eve injur} is worreing him to such ai

extent tint lie is lo consult a specialist Drew

and Dellar Iriinel litjitli, and should be roach

"tllllilWUl- lipults that with the WOIM-I

of I'emiv and Ivans all the piners ar n li

Alel ihotin I« applimg to the Vrlh Vlelho irne

committee on rhurstli i night tor a elc irane. te>

\A\niilN(.IIlll supporte«! aie ciiihusiisti

about the standard of |'in and th« ixcitln,- mateh

1-st Satuidi} will lo ig be rememl creel II el,

were no Injuries on !- turda«, and the attendaiK

al trilnlng h«t night HIS uood VUlHurn (.ut

oier the cie) uid Challis (Injured tooti trail in

HghtH, bul Gambetta will not be rcadi for

-eicral necks líos« the Uonllnggl |liur, is

still mflrrtni, from *.rlati-j ant Lauglnei could

ml Irani be aiiae of i icot injur« Kinip îr m

Nui il cote, is cvpeckd to l echo a permit to

t WIIirieMI LI did no1 have an Injun s or

Mturln and the training vus til rough last

n^ht Huuhis was (.rjliltj 1 ele iriinee liku

Ken U posltnn nf the ilub ail li ! id r is

Minding m're in mbers but the phi ol tin

I am 111 rit«n ureatT member.-! ip Ihe takligson

Mturnii (CUil e-.utlit.h<<! a club retord

I'lltarON lent Us prs lion j. r-quil leader when

it ins difcitcd bl rJlllleneell, but the worst

fejiure cus the number ni injuries Hie s«iretan

? (ported that the training r<oin last night 1 as

likv a casualti clearing stitloi Tleicbmin, Vion

han Owen«, Spargo «-mitti Dm»en Hirdlng and

II id were all unable to train Davie who wai

injured igninst nrn-hton tnlned lc«t mgl t md

mu IIJI 01 sjtur-ti md t,roj:in if e-tpe t.d to

r «mue irimirg to morro e Marr iiho rei lied

1 1 li i on ih lui inn c1 1 chili Hi Id r <"

las I on eleaicd lo <. ian 1 1 \ VI 1 e t iVu

llltlN-WKK will ti 1» 1 ii out (11 1

cues 01 BrinslMi (e terell si rain d mul I lol

scici-il iccek« Carlon is still 111 t lie liai us 01 1

simal mii«sriii I laief who HIS tie ned lo

lanipbelllield Ino }eais iQ j his tetuincd and

should do well as a follovse;. «seisin i rñífT"

wing man from South Melbourne Diiiraai« . u

well last night. A brother ot P. Ben«« Vä'.«

mond, is cipectcd to join the leam .ron Sci'

COBURG may be without th» «ni«, ,< «

tram (leg Injury), .L'hc (back «¡iin) , ñ .H

(groin injure-) on Saturdas. Duncan a!« JM J

tnin. and lhere is a doubt about hi, jZSl1'1

on Saturday. Mears, however, i« B¿X***

progress, and svill be welcomed sth»-, i. " fm

training, possibly nest week. Cob"?'- c«3ai

optimistic about the prospects cf "?»",«_!!? .*?"


Council's Difficult Position,

Tlie Camberwell Council on Mondar .¡J,

reived a letter from the Camber-veil ¡V*.1',

Club seeking permission to eutiduet corém,.:,'

singing at a picture theatre on Sunda-f^S"

in aid of the club funds. J eitt«M

Councillors Latham and Howie bnh e-r,-,a

opposition to the proposal and indit-atM «kH:

the entertainments were held objection wonij J

tainly be taken. 0U'S «.'

The town clerk (Mr. Smellie) quotfd a Stt

providing that places of amus-ment mat ¿

closed from half-past 11 o clock on ¡¿7,,.«

nights until half-past S oV-loe'. on Mondar it-""

The mayor (Councillor McCain-..'.,) a_ .»,.

much as they svould like to assist the cM

would be impossible to grant p«rmi«=i-a ;= v

or Hie regulation."!. ' '!T

alt the instance or Councillor Hosie tie ce» i

agreed to a motion that th» by-Utr be enic.-ct


Failure to Comply With Rules.

The University Football Club «a« s«i»"!-..'

eised by delegates at the iortnig'utlV ma^-n-'"

the Metropolitan Amateur Football l^o-'V'V¡'

-Monday night at Wesley College. In a ï»tîcr'"s'ii

Association, the State Savings Bank Crab r«i--V

to its match against the Uniscrsitj Black« ti',

on Saturday on the Royal Pat'» liarla] ]{:s,

ground. University, although th« herne fain .

ivas stated, had failed to protide a peal uri-'-.

more than one set of goal flags, a bali a '»«'

last, or lighting for the drcssin.'-rMtr. and '«ii

been late In taking the field. The club ita« f-lj

Mr. J. S. McCann (Collegians) coiai.U_M «,

the general disregard by Unis ersity trains of f.

The senior vice-president (lit. E. IV. O'Feel, T.V

presided, said that such complaints against t'-.

Unis ersity svere far too frenuent, ar.d the Vi;.

elation viesved them very seriousls.

On the motion of Mr. H. Matthews (Old Pt«,

diane) the delegates agreed that-"Tne aWi

tion required a guarantee that the L'niversltr »'-:

svill comply with its rules, failing which dnitc

The secretary (Mr. N. C. Stephen) ir.r.oaati

that the A section fixtures for August 6 arl *)

0. Amos (M.H.S. Old Roi si, who had v-i

«elected to represent Victcria again.t Se?.

Australia in the interstate amittu- nuieii.*,

be played in Adelaide or. K r»'« ¡lirtUir

injured his ankle oil ûatuidl}. and v ,!î be u-"r.,

to make the hip. He has not s-- U-.-i i.

| .1. Homo (University Black»! h.« ben ti-i,«

; svith basing deliberately ss-st.d erne ,n ire b.

I quarter of tiio match lieisttcp V'Hta-.nss.ik s»'

Lniversity Black« on Satuulai in» avmn'ir

i x-.ill be investigated by tlic i, bud

The need for showing more respect io- eirer. ia

and tlicir decisions was emp1iasi«»a kz the rnet.p;

of delegates of Ihe Saturdai Morning Inoia'.ra'

League last night by Mr. H. McKay, a Tice-piea

dent. Ho said that he had been impressed by is«

unfair treatment srbich umpires had ree-cisei ir_

-isportsmanlike. and he thought that delegatei

could prevent opinions being on fte ttY.

It would bo beneflcial If delegates and cfi-iils «.

lu regard to the registration of J. Dean« 'Cait

ton Brewery), it sras decided to place the nut,«.

The (onoinng player« were registered - S F S s

ven» (Laygols). R. II. VVsssii «.¿spa!»', H a

Everett (LaygolB). T. Ilosvcll (Miro), J H. lj.«

e-nco (Miro). C. Cookson (Miro', E. C Wade (Han-

lock), W. Stewart (Havelock!.


WARRNAMBOOL, Tuesday. - Tra- ll'arrris* I

Football Club ha» appointed "Ctij" Grtu-, t:>

Geelong centre plaser, as c«_ch for lí¡¿ icxiirir

or tho season. There svere co apr-Hc«'.'

Metropolitan atinateurs' umpires for «.iii-.:«'

as follow:-«V Section-1. Cain; 2. Antor.,3 .. ti

4. Hacking, a B Section-1. Jciaeua,- 2 >!.!!.

" Keating; 4. Davy, 5, Kuradi "

ykln: 2. Lon-'- " "-' ' '

'Tlie fclloss'ing team has been s^le-iTi tj t'p'a

sent the League Sub-districts ii its roatc'i sgai-t

the Mornington Peninsula League at Morn'

on King's Birthday, June 6: - Dart,: Ï. Ha«a

ton (Darling), O. Prest (Glenira« erler), M li'

lor (Kew District). Half-backs: Bennett l.lubun.i,

F. "Wells (Alphington), J. Britt (St. Kilda D ?.

Wet). Centres: J. Gilmour ítnomburs), w.

Fl}-nn (South Melbourne District). Wliltsuni (ir.

botsford). HalMorss-ards: U Mos, (FiirSe't

Juniors, captain), J. Stephen« Octb 1'iuroj i,

Boj'd (E. Bnmsw-ick Juniors). Foma-d«- IV. Ila'!

(K. Brunswick), K. Mai shall (Kew). A. Mathe I

(Murrumbeena). Follosvers: H. Tleraisa fixar

hoe), L. Creinean (Richmond Di«trieO. Hu.ti:

F. Anderson (Fairfield). Niuete.iiii mr, J

Graven (Fairfield District).


Tho Victorian Football League lia- ti.» i ?

rangements to establish an intermediate usr*''

cla_. The nesv class w ii! be composed of stwl«

candidates to be trained lo officiate in ail ga-V

Applicants for admittance to this class mau !.»

aged less Ulan 32 j'ear«. Application foran li-

nois- as-ailablc at the offices of th< league. Hi

rlson House, SI Spring street, Jlelbicne

PCUTH.-WhUes playing a mitt'h si Ma I

Jtartin received a blow wh'ch disloe-auJ a,! UKI

He is in a critical condition