PERMITS GRANTED. - Committee Member Rebuked. - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 4 May 1933 (original) (raw)

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Thu 4 May 1933 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)

Committee Member Rebuked.

Objection was taken list mglu bj tlie cluirman

cf tlie Victorian Tootbill Icigue permit com

Billie («r S to an article published

... sjtunla} bv a member of the commute , Mr

vi II XIcKechnlc (si Kilda), who is editor

or a football paper publMicd at St Kilda

xtr Ram«} wild that ni i «terence to i permit

.nhich hui been granted 1 >?* week to i plajer to

inr>fer from Murtoa to Melbourne, Xlr XlcKech

p had commented on the dccMon of tlie com

mittee and had 'iiggestcd that the committee

th-rold ha*e fnciuired into the ca=e 'Ihat is

ïi«-t *our prerogatixe, and *ou were most indis

r eet Mr Ramsax said Aou had xoar oppor

mniti at the meeting of the committee to object

io an application but xou offered no objection

Th<> nctinc chairman of the committee, when

tv ca«. *"s dealt with (Mr I Hore, Geelong)

¡jid the ct Kilda club lind placed some cor

r«=pondcnee on the table, but a» an impartial

cnairmm he had not re/enrcd to it, because the

st hilda represcntatixe bad not done so

"" Xlr Mchechnie explained that the article had

t boen intended as criticism of tlie committee

t, it as a replv to criticism of tho St Kilda club

The following permits were granted -J C

rronn ^rtb Mollourne Seconda to Aarraulle,

I) hellihcr. Camperdown to Carlton, E. Penny,

Hampton to Brighton G H Radford, Melbourne

to Fitzroy. A E Williams, Footscray to Fitz

roy; F G. Roberts, Sandhurst to St Kilda XV

ii c~ick B-ilwjn to Sandringham, M D Coghlan,

*T-?en.' Vustralla to Foot'cra} ,11 F Baxter,

irankston to Sandringham 11) Plante, Trentliam

.-, Han thom It J Oeary Shepparton to Haw

lim" J VIcCaffrej, Xavier to it Kilda A A

¡larke Urocklesbi (VSW ) to North Melbourne,

r Bell norshain to Krfcudon, D Pi Laico,

Newuun to VVilllann-lown A S Crane, New

v^uth Wales to Collingwood, A L. Dun HIUi

mond -econds to newport, C L Lee Beulah

io Iublic Service. L Ejan, Stony Creek to

I m«hine J More, Tarwin to Sunshine, T I aflon

xtr-rino t Sunshine, \\ Oalxiu, >«ux ii Depot to

?v.Vi «Vrnth Wales, A O Burlo* Na*a! llepot to

?\ w south Wales, P S II W*nter, Crammar

Vhool to hew South Wales D C Shore», Picio

'"li "c McGumnecs, New South Wales to South

xcihourne I Bowe. Western Australia to South

MeKc W C ¿weenc*. Eait Wonthaggi to

Ve tourne t Fordham, St Kilda Seconds to

ffltol. «ingleton Balwm to Oakleigh, K

Ililli Hawthorn to Clavton, G Morgan ¡leech

»ort* to Brunswick. J r Rax Rutl.erglen to

Fewndon. \ Saunders, Yarram to Darling C (I

xSev The Hock to Rochester J W GrimtUs.

Ralnnald to Horsham. W Willoughby, Broken

HU to M»*«" T *-cllers. Melbourne to Im

nVrials M C Mahony, Xlelboumc to Myrtleford,

h \ Collinir. niwthorn to Kerang II Johnson,

Hawthorn to Sie, B Dermod*, St Midi to

Ouren Tmpernls G Barr. Ke** to Hawthorn

5, J R. Dobrfin, Streatham to Sauilnng

fcam; E.W. Burns, Fitzroy to Brighton, P Phelan,

Werribee to North Melbourne, G V Dougherty,

SShto Carlton J M Cooper. Tungamah to

Carlton S F Francis Hawthorn Seconds to

Hawthorn, D Braxo Newbridge to Hawthorn,

CM Dixon, Shepparton to Carlton, and Carlton

VTA st Kilto to Stawell, H T

White Melbourne to Dunkeld W II Collins

Melbourne to Ilomham II \ Moir Co lin.-wood

iillosedale D C XtcCrac, Werribee to look

?av TI Fogart*, Warracknabeal to «¡t Kilda

ii Petersen. Es^ndon to «t Kilda J I> Hogan,

¡"nJlCti- Coburg, T II Adams, El-ternwlck

Sar» to Carton, C E Walters Coburg His

AS. BruiLwIck Î Thoma , Melbourne lo

Oakleigh "ccond, J E Dalton Abbotsford to

n«.t!ln P Hannan, rnlirau second» to 1 oot«=

fra* J P Vndrew, Brighton Technical Old

Bi*V to Camberwell R U Wnrtman Lamber

i II to Whoroul* W Kenned}, Prahran to Ann

«ra. V vaughan Oikleml. to llurwoo.1 T.

Clinch, Brighton to Rokewood; V Irwin Essen

don to Yallorurn I* n Davies, New «milli Wales

?! Va*al Base. L. W Miller, Footsci j seconds

Tho iollovvtng field umpires liai o bein unpointed

lor the League» football matches lo bo plnicel on

S t irdav - Batt Blackburn Dei ino í Hiñesen

McMuraj, and Scott Boundary and goal umpire»

South Melbourne v Footfcrnj - Iiauiielarv

Batty and B Campbell goal-Collins mel Currie

Fitzroy v Collingwood - Corbett and O Neal,

F^eendon v St Kilda -Gibson anel Begs Toi

Hawthorn t Carlton-Fltt and White, iiotem

Geelong" v Melbourne -Tuomcy and Campbell

Klclimonel i North Mclbounic - Baker and

Grcemvood Stride and Dummctt

Ballarat-(1) ConnllT, (2) Hood

Bendigo -Eaglehawk v Echuca Macliean South

Bendigo T Rochester, Cliapnun Kmeton i Sand

lurst, Britt, Marvborough v Cistlcrmlne Pre>t

Gippsland -Mattra v Balrnsdilc J 1) Muiph»,

««le i Stratton! It Allen Homedale v Traralgon

vicDermott latram » Yallourn Barlov»

Central Gippsland - Morwell v Thorpdale

Disher Moe v Drouin, Glasson, ^arragou v War

Corangamite -Colao - St s, Drv s

dale Birregurra v Cororooke, Moutonner» Beeac

Hampden -Miin-nambool v Cobeîcn Peau le

TMig i Mortlake Cummins, Camperdown v fcuuth

Ovens and Murra j -Wangaratta i larinwonea

Oldfielel Corona » Kuti rglen, Mitehcll, Burelei

«Immera -ararat i Warracknabeal l'nnltj

Mi»>el! » Hore! um lohrov

Mornington-Naval Depot v Ironkslon, lnninin

'-jrreiito v Jlornington J lo» d

liingiw-M Ulstrlei - luh>»t!i » Mitel am \ ti

mont Coirard, Doncaster v Ringwood Hovel

Itlackliuni v Warrandyte Meinem» Hine,»»oui

Ijiti Baisnater, F J Allen, Croidon i Tun

federal District -Blade Rock v Chelsea Theo

elorc li Tarit i Cheltenham Cain CaulfHil i

lamerle 1 otter, Last Burwood i Moorabbin,

Burgess, Jten' ne v Mordialloc, Scott

Juniors.-Moorabbin Juniors i Cheltenham Jim

Sors Harris Mordialloc Juniors v Mentone Júniora.

^(Tieelcr Chelsea Juniors t Highett, Deane

Wednesdai May 10-Police-Southern Suburbs

r Russell St, at St, Kilda Canet Tmflic and

MO » W«tern Suburbs at Carlton Ijnch

llednesda» League-Itailwaisi »ello»» tubs at

VI tordrome Biendol Mailtcts » Post and Tile

L-Tii-h at North Melbow i? loo I» In 1rs»

Ti-ei hone I--talinnie atl-itrro» O Buen toals

-tt Ulngton Rali-macher, W eleni all JRMete