LEAGUE CLUBS TRAIN - Baggott and Melb. - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 12 Mar 1941 (original) (raw)

Wed 12 Mar 1941 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)



Baggott and Melb.

Ron Baggott did not appear at Melbourne

when training began last night

but the club knows nothing about the suggestion

that he may transfer to the association

Officials are confident that

Baggott will not leave Melbourne without

applying for a clearance

Among the 38 players who attended training

were 16 who were on last year s list They in

eluded R Kimberley full back and Norm Smith

full forward Fred Fanning and Shane McGrath

two of the clubs promising younger players

Alan La Fontaine who captained the team last

season Lea Jones who coached Terang for a

time during 1940 Bill Baxter J Mueller C

McLean M Gibb R Dowsing N Ellis W Smith

F Williams and A Rodda

A number of former Melbourne Grammar School

boys will probably train with the club this season

Mr E C H Taylor sports master at Melbourne

Grammar has arranged for several recruits to

attend and because of uncertain conditions much

more reliance may be placed on younger players

this season Several country players are also expected

to be in attendance in the next week or


Four of last year's players W Lock R Em selle

A Dullard and R Hingston are at present

in camp but they will train later The first

practice match will be held on March 29 at

Olympic Park


Fitzroy began training yesterday The most of

last years players and a few recruits were given

physical exercises by Bill Nolan champion police

wrestler Among the recruits mere H Thomas a

centre player from Culcairn who was recommended

by Jim Shanahan (who sent the Clay

brothers to Fitzroy) A Jenkins (Oakleigh) Colin

Cox A promising full back and captain of Wesley

team last year and Ron Craven son of Harold

Craven former Geelong captain More physical

exercises will be given tomorrow Next week

ball practice will begin


Footscray which will begin training on Tuesday

half back who is 5ft 8in tall and weighs

14st and J Gibbs who won the award for

best and fairest at Kew for two seasons and is

a follower and defence player B Brennan rover

and pocket forward from Milbrulong (NSW)

has also signed up The match committee made

a long country trip during the week end to inter

view other prospective players who have been

recommended Senior and second eighteen committees

met last night to discuss financial and

other matters of common interest Footscray s

first practice match will probably be staged on

April 6


In the unavoidable absence of Wally Carter

Syd Dyer and later Charlie Skinner directed

training at North Melbourne yesterday About

45 players mostly district juniors had a run

Last years players who trained for the first time

were Skinner Parks Adamson Hacker Wynd

and Casey Norm Keenan a likely looking for

lower and back man from Echuca attended and

Condon a nippy wing player from Kensington

showed up among clever juniors

The committee will meet again to morrow night

then further consideration will be given to the

appointment of coach for the season


With his appointment last night as head

trainer of Collingwood Mr Wal Lee enters on

his 50th consecutive year with the crib His

work was warmly praised last night to Mr Frank

Wraith secretary who said that during Mr Lees

association with Collingwood when all the famous

rivers of the past had been in his charge he


_ -.,.,._. were Finance committee

Messrs H H Curtis R T Rush F G Wraith

G Dummett J Galbally and one player match

committee Messrs S A Coventry J McHale

F G Wraith captain of the team and one

player delegates to the League Messrs A E G

Dummett and R T Rush ticket secretary Cr

"V Angus timekeeper Cr W Ruthven Jock

McHale was reappointed coach and ."-.?

;dm inds seconds' coach


No application has set been made by Des

Fothergill for a clearance to Williamstown It I

decided last night to arrange for him to


Jack Dyer took charge of training at Richmond

last night Many of last seasons players and a

number of promising recruits were among those

who trained

Jack Titus who will not begin training for

another week or two and J Crane full back who

may be LO isldering an offer from another club


Ablett R Harris C Smeaton R Rawden

Smith J Quinn and J S}ti

Outstanding new players were

South Bendigo and B Deacon, E vim and

J Calvert three players from Preston J Final

gun from Colac and V Jeffry s a rover from

Bungaree Another new player who showed

of coach of the second 18 has been adjourned for

fortnight but training will begin on Monday

*~".e annual meeting of Richmond Recruits was

held at the pavilion next Monday C WL

has been reappointed as manager of the


A threat by last year's papers that they could

to take part in training operations unless

guarantee of payment of £3 a match was given

effectively carried out by Geelong Football

operations at their new

I Gibson secretary issued the following statement

on behalf of the committee The meeting

of the general committee of the club was held to

discuss the failure of most of the

players to attend the training operations The

committee received a deputation from the players

on Wednesday, which demanded a guarantee of

£3 a match for the whole season Falling part

of this the world neither train nor pla..

Kardinia Park the fact that it still had a heavy

liability to discharge to the bank and the fact

that he desired to further Us patriotic effort

they would pay 30 a match to the players This

decision was conveyed to the pla: ~" "

spokesmen who reiterated their

match or no training or playing


. No other game contributes more to fostering I

the team spirit so necessary In less than football

Mr L H Mr Brien. V F L secretary said

M. Brien pointed out that the Governments

Great Britain and the United St i tes had

subsidised o gained expert in their countries

cause they believed that its continuance

Ffentlal to the well being of their people

and that there were many reefs is why football

and other sports should be continued in Australia

he greatest of which 6 is that the general

public had not given the suchen indication that

It wanted um of them topped The National

Fitness Council had approached football bodies "

Victoria to obtain their co operation in up

-comme to develop field games

Tributes were paid to Mr G On diner who

was re elected president Mr W McDonnell (secre

too for 25 cars and Mr T Morris b

Price (best and fairest player for 1940 and Mr

J. Farrant (second highest number of votes)


Members Intending members and players of

the Caulfield City Football Club are invited to

attend a meeting at IO 30 a in on Sunday morning

at the pavilion Prince's Park. Caulfield