BENTLEY AT CARLTON - Will Coach Side - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 14 Mar 1941 (original) (raw)

Fri 14 Mar 1941 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)



I Will Coach Side

Percy Bentley who resigned from the

position of coach of the Richmond Football

Club recently after 16 years service

with the club was appointed coach or

the Carlton club last night

Early in the sear Carlton committee decided

that mainly as a war measure the services of

a car would be dispensed with during the

coming season and that coaching would be supervised

by the match committee and training carried

on by the captain If the plan proved Impracticable

however adjustments were to be made

During his years with Richmond Bentley has

played 263 games being absent from the team

only nine times He has kicked 37 goals He

was appointed captain In 1932 and coach in


Richmond committee In a letter granting permission

to Carlton to Interview Bentley paid a

warm tribute to his work. He had been the

letter stated an ornament to the club and one

of the finest club members Richmond had ever

had If he decided to transfer he had the good

wishes of the committee Training will begin

on Tuesday,


Two Brunswick players F Fitzgibbons a centre

wing man and Arthur Kemp a centre half

back hate signed with Richmond and will train

on Tuesday

Other new men who trained last night were

Keith Brooks half forward wing player from

Brighton Nell O Halloran who is a brother of

Tom O Halloran the former Richmond champion

Stan Spence a wing man from Richmond district

and Tom Spencer a 20 year old player who weighs

14st KeUn Collins a titlHtj player from Balla

rat wants another new man who showed prom fire

The club has signed R Mcllteen a wing man

from Coburg Norm Dixon who received a broken

leg In the first match last season attended train-

ing and showed that he has made a complete

recovery Jack Sharples half back the outstand-

long Junior player In Richmond last year also

attended training

Several players among them Jack Cotter will

be going into camp shortly Several

promising country players may be signed

up during the week end when officials will make

a 100 mile trip to the country


Melbourne will be without the services

of some of the best of last season's players tie i

loss will be made up to some extent by a number

of a be able recruits, from the country Mo

are expected to begin training in about a weeks

time Among last season s players who are on

active e Fee Ice are Ron Barassi relief long rot cr

Jack Furniss ruck Keith Truscott w big half

forward and relieving centre man and Ball

Shan McGrath who broke an ankle while play

Eng with the seconds last reason and was unable

to play in the remaining eight games made a

particularly good showing last night Gordon

Jones who relieved Jack Mueller at centre half

back last year it at present in camp but will

be able to play U is season

About 45 players turned out for training The

only player who trained on Tuesday and was

absent last night was Ron Kimberley but he

will attend next Tuesday Geoff Baldwin was

present last night and among new recruit who

showed promise were Bill Corfield who formerly

played with Ballarat College and Don Powell

who was noted for the United the Blues last

season Coffield trained with Melbourne last year

but had to return from


About 50 players; attended North Melbourne

training last night under Wally Carter Including

Roy Bruhn who had been having a run at

Coburg Last year's players In addition to Site!.

who had their first run were Baker Herb Jones

and H Green Players and officials gave a

cordial welcome to W Wells who stripped and

had a run He is in the A IF and will probably

not be available during the League season

Cordner Findlay and Kemp who are on shift

work have arranged to train to day and train

and will for the same reason probably not be

uniform throughout the season Les Powell for

merly of Essendon and South Melbourne also

trained Jack Harrison was again absent but

North officials believe that he is training fit

Oakleigh where he lives because of the difficulty

of getting away from work or the Juniors

Long rover from Kennington and Smeaton a

half forward from the Colts are shaping well

Sel Murray the champion full forward is expected

next week He has been in communication

with Mr Jack Adams secretary This least as

only Montgomery of last year steam to be ac

counted for


Fitzroy players were again given physical training

last night Newcomers were C Francis, a

promising centre half forward from Rutherglen

and M Costello wing from Oil psland Treweek

who did not play after he fractured his Jas

last season is fit again and worked strenuously

Leo Monaghan who impressed officials last year

but could not play because of his selection in

the Victoria Brewery team in the Saturday morning

competition was also present


Once again club one member of last season steam

turned out when Geelong trained at Kar

dance Park j yesterday afternoon The rat of

the team appear determined to adhere to their

decision to refuse to train or play until their

demand for a regular payment of £3 a match Is


Officials of the club said yesterday that they

had no further statement to make and that

any move for a reconciliation must come from

the players In addition to second eighteen players

and recruits who appeared on Tuesday; four new

players were in attendance on Thursday Training

will be continued on Tuesday and Thursday

next week

In reply to the committee's decision not to

accede to the demand of the players for £3 a

match but to offer 30 a match a special meet-

lag of players was called last night. The meeting

agreed to refuse the latest offer made by the


The players contend that the clubs financial

position warrants a payment of £3 a match it

was emphatically denied that there was an III

feeling towards the coach appointed by the committee.

The players are willing to exhibit his

fund from which a weekly percentage will be

set aside for patriotic purposes


North committee last night gave further con-

Federation to the appointment of a coach but no

decision was made. The matter was deferred

for another week


Although North cote has been negotiating for

some time with a League player to coach the team

no finality his been reached Officials hope however

that a definite announcement will be made

to night Outstanding among the 40 who trained

last night were Carruthers a 6ft On half back

from Heidelberg and Roberts (Diamond Creek)

who is 6ft tall and weighs H stone Dower

MeitEcke Powell and White are the only last

season players who have not trained


Jack Harrison notified Oakleigh officials at training

last night that he intended to return this

Jackson and would apply to North Melbourne for

a clearance He is training well and will be an

acquisition to the side

Another who was outstanding In a good muster

of old players and recruits was Jack Wilmott

who should prove to be a good key man Watson

from the second eighteen who was a prolific

goalkicker last season and won one of the Association

medals for the best and fairest player

trained impressively Other recruits from local

Junior clubs who pleased were Ray Billings Mitta

mer Jarrett and Hill

Training Next week will be held on Monday and

Wednesday rights as the ground is required for

cricket practice


r Fisher a former player of North Melbourne

and Coburg who has been training boss at Mel

bourne High School for the last rite years was

appointed coach of Sandringham second eighteen

last night to ac In co-operation with Leo Westcott

coach of the first An

imitation is extended to amateurs in the

district to attend the first training muster on
