AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL. - Arrival of Melbourne Team SOMETHING ABOUT THE PLAYERS. - The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909) - 24 May 1904 (original) (raw)
Arrival of Melbourne Team
The members of the Melbourne Football
Club arrived toy the express this morning, i
-They were met at Redferia toy Mr. A. E. Nash, j
-president of the New South Wales -Football
'League, Messrs. -D. A. Madden, and R. A.
M-unro King, vlcerpreslaent3, Mr. H. Hedger,
" treasurer, Mr. H. Chesney Harte, secretary,
and delegates representing all - -the Sydney
The team was. driven to Roberts'. Hotel, its
' To-night the team .will-be -present at the
, The Essendon team'iwlll arrive to-morrow
.'The official "reception- of teams takes place
at the Sports .-Club at 1H.30 a.m. on Friday .
, Mr.: Norcot-t; secretary of. the . Melbourne
Football .Club, Is manager, while the visitors
..with the team : include -Major -Morkham, Dr.
Agnew, and. Mr. E. Jones.
- The players- Include: W. M'Lelland (cap
tain), F. Lqngley (vice-captain), Henderson,
Bremher. Drane, . Young, Sowden, Btrohg,
Goutle, Jenarrct, Mills, Sowden, Strong,
Moodle, -Nolan, Conquest, Parkin, Tout,
Leach, Leith. -Dalrymple, Vqllugi, JVC. Gar-
, diner, Drane. J. Mitchell, who has been prln-. j
clpal trainer for the past nine years, is with
Strong and Conquest are the rovers, Strong, '
is a comparatively new player, having only i
been associated with first-class football'for
: two seasons. "He is of the brilliant order, .
and shines as a. high marker.
Conquest is a hew man, and this is his first'
season In big football. He Is a very fast sprin
Of the followers 'George .Moodle is probably
the best known. 'He has been playing first-
class football for 11 years, and is still one
of the best In the Victorian capital. "Hand '
S. Anderson, another follower, is a useful
.player. He Is not particularly fast, hut is
cool, and of the "heady" order.
'Ed. Leach, who played for Collingwood last
season, is the youngest of a trio of fine play
er s .He is one of the best -kicks in the team.
Mills is a dashing and determined player,
who -is always on the .ball.
Of the players on the centre line A, Sow
den, one of the smallest men -In the team. Is
very fast, and always plays a good game.
C.Young holds his own with the best of his
class in the competition.
Of -the forwards V. Coutie is one of tho .
best in- Melbourne. During tho past threo
seasons -he has -always played for Victoria
against South Australia, He Is tho surest
kick in the team, and already has notched
several very fine goals' ln the present sea
son's competition' matches.
Jeneret-t, late of t.he South Melbourne Club, "
Is a clever and tricky forward.
F. Langley, probably -the best forward In
the combination, is recognised by the cap
tain as the finest all-round player of the
visitors. He' has been playing five seasons,
and has played Inter-State. He 1b renown
ed for getting his kick In, no matter how
closely he is pressed by opponents.
' W. M'Clel'.and, a half-back, Is a good, use
ful, hardworking -player. He has captained
"W. Bremner, a half-back, who plays ori
Parkin, who plays in the santre of the half
-.back line, of the tolggest .men In a team
principally composed of small and " active
players. .(He is a good high marker,' being
particularly sure in taking.
"Conquest and 'Bremner have the most pace,
in a team that -is recognised as being one
of the fastest In the competition,
ifir. Noroott, in a conversation, remarked': —
"We luivo not come over to Sydney iwith any
idea of trying to oust the Rugby game, I am
of opinion ithere is plenty of room for both
games. "We believe we oati give a good ex
position of 'the game as it ought 'to be played,
and/the: finer points of tho game will be
- "brought out In a- fashion that will surprise a
lot of persons who have not yet seen 'thor-
. oughly trained men, who know -how to play
: engaged -In a fast gome that admits of many
"It .is .a'-mistake- to suppose that Melbourne
is desirous, of driving -Rugby out of Sydney.
On the bant'iiary. When the Rev. -Molyneaux's
team -of British Rugby players -came to Aus
tralia -we did all we could -to help them, and
assisted <them financially as far as we were
able when .they gave, an exposition -of their