REAL ESTATE - CURRENT WORK. ARCADE AND THEATRE BEGUN College Contract Enlarged. - The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) - 14 Aug 1937 (original) (raw)
College Contract Enlarged.
Work on the construction of the Pic-
cadilly Arcade and Theatre was begun
this week; demolition for another theatre
at Subiaco was started, and tenders are
about to be invited for a theatre and
garden at Como. About £6.000 is being
spent on improvements at the Hay-street
shop of Woolworths (W.A.), Ltd., and an
extra contract for £11,000 has been let
for further work at St. Peter's College.
Other work for which tenders are in-
vited includes garage extensions at Clare-
mont, brewery additions at Geraldton, a
warehouse in Hay-street, Perth, three-
storey flats, a country bank, a suburban
theatre, and shops and offices.
Piccadilly Arcade and Theatre.
Work has begun in connection with
the construction of the Piccadilly Arcade
and Theatre extending from Hay-street
to Murray-street, between William and
Barrack streets, for the Australian Ma-
chinery and Investment Co., Ltd. The
shopping section is expected to be com-
pleted by Christmas and the theatre,
which will seat between 1,000 and 1,100
The site of the arcade and theatre is
that occupied by Freedman's Building
in Hay-street, extending through vacant
land at the rear to and including Collins
House in Murray-street, opposite the
Commonwealth Bank. The arcade, which
will be 13ft. wide, will contain 37 shops,
and the theatre entrance will be from the
The work now in progress comprises
the demolition of Freedman's Building
and the remodelling of Collins. House,
which consists of two storeys and a base-
ment. The first floor and the base-
ment of Collins House will remain, but
the ground floor will be remodelled and
converted into portion of the arcade from
street to street. The main facade and
that in the right-of-way on the western
side will also be remodelled. From the
back of Collins House, which occupies
about one-third of the length of the site,
the work will all be new with the excep-
tion of the front and side walls of Freed-
man's building; the front will be remod-
elled on modern lines. Heavy founda-
tions are being laid for the new build-
ing work, which will have two storeys,
and the basement will go back 110ft. from
Hay-street. Construction will be of steel
frame, with reinforced concrete floors
The Hay-street entrance to the arcade
will have a width of 24ft. for a depth of
55ft. to provide ample vestibule space for
the entrance to the theatre, the doors of
which will be about 30ft. from Hay-street.
At he theatre entrance from the arcade
will be grouped the main stairs, a 25
passenger lift, and booking office. Other
offices on the Hay-street front will have
a separate approach from the arcade.
The theatre has been leased to the Grand
The architects are Messrs. A. R. Bax-
ter-Cox and Leighton, and the work is
being carried out by the General Con-
Tenders will soon be invited for the
construction of a brick picture theatre
and garden in Preston-street, near Como
jetty, for Mr. James Stiles. Theatre and
garden will each accommodate about 800
persons, and provision is being made for
the future extension of both sections. The
theatre, which will be on the lines of Con-
tinental development will have a three
storey facade, an entrance vestibule,
dress circle, stalls and stage. It will have
a frontage of 85ft., and the garden a
frontage of 40ft. The architects are
Messrs. A. R. Baxter-Cox and Leighton.
Demolition work been commenced
on the buildings occupying the site of the
Coliseum Theatre, at the corner of Hay
street and Rokeby-road, Subiaco, on
which the new Regal Theatre is to be
erected. Tenders for the new theatre
will be called next month. The architect
Improvements at Woolworths.
About £6,000 is being spent by Wool-
worths (W.A.), Ltd., on improvements at
its Hay-street shop. The old offices
above the ground floor at the front of
the building are being dismantled, and
the facade of the building will be treated
in modern style. The first floor, near
the rear, which is now used for staff
rooms, will be converted into offices, and
there will be rest, lounge and dressing
rooms above for the staff. In addition
the basement is being extended to make
extra room for stock, and a new ceiling
will be provided in the shop. The archi
tect is.Mr. F. G. B. Hawkins.
The construction of the third wing of
the three-storey St. Peter's College, Mt.
Henry, for the Christian Brothers, which
was eliminated when a tender of £22,000
was accepted last April, has now been
agreed to, bringing the cost of the build
ing up to £33,000. The contractor is
now working on the third storey of the
portion for which the first contract was
let, and is expected to finish the whole
of the building by Christmas, in time for
the opening of the college early in the
New Year. The architects are Messrs.
Cavanagh, Cavanagh and Allom.
Tenders will be invited at an early
date for extensive brick additions to the
garage of the United Omnibus Co, Ltd.,
in Gugeri-street, Claremont. The build-
ing will occupy a frontage of 50ft. by a
depth of 50ft., which when placed in
front of the existing garage will give a
total depth of about 150ft. The roof
will be of steel construction in one span,
and the entrance will be fitted with slid-
ing doors. The architect is Mr. Alfred
Tenders are being called for two-storey
additions to the brewing premises in
Evans-street, Geraldton, for the Globe
Brewery, Ltd. The main additions will
consist of a fermenting chamber (30ft. by
36ft.), cold storage chamber (34ft. 6in.
by 34ft. 6in). shed (45ft. by 47ft.), and
storeroom (14ft. by 15ft.). The architect
is Mr. T. Roberts, Geraldton.
Tenders are being called for the erec-
tion of a brick warehouse in Hay-street
on the eastern side of Elder-street, Perth.
The floor area of the building will meas-
ure 129ft. by 50ft. The building will be
roofed with steel roof trusses without
any intermediate posts, covered with cor-
rugated asbestos sheets, and the whole
of the floor will be laid in concrete and
finished in granolithic. Large sliding
doors will serve the building from the
adjoining right-of-ways. The architects
are Messrs. Ochiltree and Hargrave.
Eight tenders ranging from £621 to
£891 have been received for structural
alterations to premises in Murray-street,
Perth, for James A. Dimmit, Ltd. For
the same firm three tenders ranging from
£235 to £298/15/ have been received for
new shop fronts. No tender has yet been
accepted. The architects are Messrs.
Oldham, Boas and Ednie-Brown.
Mr. E. Rothwell's tender of £507 has
been accepted for sewerage work at the
Northam court-house and police build-
ings. The following tenders are under
consideration:—School (20ft. square),
Yanoning Rock, Mr. S. H. Gale, £357/10/:
removal of police station from Salmon
Gums to Beria, Mr. J. J. Donald, £175.
Tenders are invited for internal and
external repairs and renovations and the
provision of a new lounge at the Victoria
Hotel, Toodyay, for the Avon Brewery
Co. The architects are Messrs. Cavanagh.
Tenders are invited for the following
Three-storey flats, Stirling-highway, for Mr.
Alterations and additions. Goderich-street,
Eight flats, Beaufort-street, North Perth.
Concrete run emplacements, Swanbourne.
Bank premises, Wiluna, for the Commonwealth
Additions to hall at Kalannie, for the Dal-
Additions to residence, Stirling-highway, Ned-
Ritz Theatre, Mt. Hawthorn, for Messrs.
Brick residence, Hampton-street, Victoria Park
Two-storey building of shops and professional
chambers, corner of Walcott and Beaufort streets.
Mt. Lawley, for Mrs. L. E. Wilson.
Removal of Yoting school and quarters to Mt.
Latrines and sewerage, Buckland Hill school.
Alterations to premises, central Hay-street,
Brick residence, Adair-Parade, Mt. Lawley.