Advertising - The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901) - 15 Sep 1875 (original) (raw)

Wed 15 Sep 1875 - The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901)
Page 2 - Advertising

Barque Daylight, from London.

JBS|*\ \J vessel ate requested to


'SBSwSnJ^uy goods impeding the

discharge of the vessel will be landed

and bonded at consignees' risk and

expense. If Perth boats are not

-alongside when Perth cargo comes to

band it will be pat into Fremantle

lighters at consignees' risk and expense.

Captain Bosh, will not be responsible

for any/ debts contracted by his crew

without his written consent.

Fremantle. A ague t 30th, 1875.

rirst Wool Ship for London.

- «£u rpHE Al clipper barque

fmPjgfe 629 tons register, Captain

3gg$|!^Bush, will sail from Champion

Bay for London about the end of

For freight or passage, apply to

/{^a f\y H E regular trader

j&rara^Littlejobn, Master, will sail

*-BHHw»ror the above port about

the 21st September, instant

For freight or passage, apply to

* PADBURY, LOTON, & CO., Perth ;

or T. & H. CARTEL; &CO., Freman»le

SAILS from Ghampion Bay every

fourth SATURDAY, under con

tract with the Government to convey

English and Colonial mails to and

from Albany. Passengers will please

note the postal time-tables, for the

departure of the boat from the differ

TyrOTICK is hereby given that all

J_l persons having any claims or

demands upon or against the estate of

Geokge Feedbhick Stone, late of

Perth, deceased, are hereby required

to send in the particulars of such

claims and demands, and all persons

indebted to the said estate are required

forthwith to pay the same to the

Jobs Frederick: Stone, ) Execu

Geobge Fsedbbick Stone f tors.

A LL persons indebted to the firm of

J\. STONE and SON, are requested

to pay their accounts forthwith to

Perth, 30th August, 1875.

ing of MUSIC, READINGS, &c.,

will be given in St. George's Sunday

Schoolroom under the patronage of

Mas. Robinson and the following

committee of ladies: — Mrs. Lefroy,

Mrs. Hocking. Mrs. Harvest, and Mrs.

Fraser. The first entertainment will

take place on TUESDAY, the,

21st instant, commencing at 8 o'clock.

A dmission, by payment at the door,

ront seats, Is. ; back do., 6d.

For Boarders and Day Scholars.

Principal : GEO. ABNER LETCH.

Professor of Elocution, &c.

Pupils from 7 to 9 p.m. on Mondays,

Business Hours : From 7 to 9 a.m.,

fl'HE undersigned have always on

I hand first-class Western Aus

tralian FX.OVTXL, wfcicbis quite

Present price £12 10s. per ton.

ALL persons found hunting stock

on, or driving stock from off

the runs of the undersigned (without

special permission) will be prosecuted.

All entire horses, bulls, and wild

horses will be dealt with as the law

TTi E hereby give notice to our cus

'V tomers and the public, that,

consequent upon increased ' wholesale

prices in die trade, we shall be com

pelled to adopt the following scale of

retail charges on and after the Jst

Brandy (case) perbottle 7 0

Do.* (from the wood) do. 6 0

Wines, Port and Sherry do. 5 0

English Ales and Stout do. 1 6

English Ale and Porter 4 8 14

and Colonial mixed 3 6 10

Do do (in the parlours) 3d. per glass.

All Spirits and Cordials 6d. per

glass — the sale by ' nobbier* ' being

li. Shuck land, W. Regak,

Kdwd. S. Jamics, J. A. Lucas,

„ Jobv C. Chjffer, Gko King.

Important Sale of Household

Have been favored with instructions

from the Executors, to sell by auction

the whole of the very valuable

Furniture and Effects of the late G

F. Stoke, Esq., at his residence,

St. George's Terrace, Perth, on

the 22nd and*23rd September, 1875.

commencing each day at 11 o'clock

TiRA WING-ROOM : Loo, Card, and

\j other Tables; Easy, Rocking,

and other Chairs; Sofa, Whatnot,

Glass Chandeliers, Pictures, Books,

Ornaments, Clocks, Carpet, Barometer,

Telescope Table. Easy and other

Chairs, Sideboard, Whatnot, Escritoire,

Dinner and Tea Services. Glass,. Silver

and Plated Tea and Coffee Services,

Plated Side-dishes, Plate, Plated

Articles, Dessert Service, Lamps,

Six Bedroom salts, comprising, Beds,

Bedding, Washhandstands, Chairs,

Tables, and all necessary Furniture.

Complete with every requisite.

Mangle, Chaff-cutter, Garden Tools

A first-rate Cow, in milk ; a Boat,

a pair of Ponies, together with, other

articles too numerous to mention.

G, F. W. & Co.- would call special

attention to this important sale, which

includes every requisite of a well

To Capitalists and Others seeking

Important and valuable Freehold

Estates at the Upper and Middle Swan,

and Town Lots in Perth and Fremantle.

Wixx offer for sale by public auction

at their Rooms, in Perth, on

WEDNESDAY, the 29th day of

September,. 1875, at 12 o'clock at

noon precisely, the following very

Valuable Properties, in the follow

ing or Euch other fLots as may be

agteed upon and subject to such

conditions as may be produced at the

LOT 1 — All th*t Farm consisting of

5,134 acres of Freehold Land

or thereabouts, more or less, forming

part of Swan Location 2 and called or

known by the name of 'Upper

Coulston ' and now in the occupation

of Mrs. FawelL, as yearly tenant.

LOT 2. — All that other Farm con

sisting of 265 acres of Land or there

abouts, more or less, forming another

part of the said Swan Location No. 2,

and called or knows by the name of

'Lower Coulston' as now occupied

by Michael Noonan, as yearly tenant.

LOT 3. — All that piece or parcel oi

Land called 'Swan Location No. 77 '

containing 12 acres or thereabouts,

situate near North Fremantle, and

fronting to the right bank o( the

Swan River, as now unoccupied.

LOT 4 — All that piece or parcel ol

Land situate and being on the right

bank of the Swan River, containing

2,194 acres or thereabouts, more ox

less, called or known by the name of

'Daviot Park,' and being the Iowei

or southern moiety of Swan Location K.

LOT 5. — All that piece or parcel oi

Land situate and being in the town ol

Frem&ntle, and called or known by the

name of ' Fremantle Town Lol

LOT 6. — All that piece or parcel o(

Land containing 33| perches forming

one quarter of Perth Building Im\

A 17, and having a frontage of 75

links to Goderich Street.

LOT 7.— All that other piece oi

parcel of Land containing also 33 J

nerches forming another quarter of the

said Perth Building Lot A 1 7, with a

like frontage of 75 links to Goderich

LOT 8. — All that other piece oi

parcel of Land containing also 33|

perches farming another quarter of the

said Perth Building Lot A 17, with, a

frontage of 75 links to Howick Street

LOT 9. — And also all that other

piece or parcel of Land containing also

33| perches, being the remaining

quarter of the said Perth Building Lot

A 17, and having also a frontage of

75 links. to Howick Street, aforesaid.

There is a large quantity of bricks

and stone lying on A 17, which will be

sold together or separately with the

For further particulars apply to the

Auctioneers, or at the office of Mr.

George *Vaipole Leake, Solicitor,

Perth, where also plans may be seen.

At the same time and place as the

ALL that piece or parcel of land

situate in Perth, containing 1

rood and 30 perches or thereabouts,

and being the northern portion of

PERTH TOWN LOT C8, having a

frontage of two chains on Howick

Street and txro chains and nineteen

For particulars apply to the

auctioneers, or S. Bukt, Esq., Solicitor.

At the same time and place as the

above sale, G. F. WILKINSON & CO.

PERTH TOWiV LOT Y 252, the

p operty of Mr. John Tomlinson,

containing 1 acre 33 perches of land

with a two-roomed cottage thereon.

The whole fenced in and under

cultivation. Good fruit trees. For

particulars apply to the Auctioneers.

After the above sales, G. F.

WILKINSON & CO. will offer for salt

by auction— A FOUR-WHEELED

CARRIAGE, the property of Mrs

B bookman, of Herne Hill ; with shafts

and pole, and every requisite. Can be

use i as an open or a dosed carriage.

Also, — A Doublefsetfof Harness.

BEG to announce that they will hold

a sale by auction every TUES

DAY and FRIDAY in each week, at

their Rooms, St. George** Terrace.

Perth, commencing at 12 o'clock, noon,

ilersoits desirous of submitting goods

'it these s^les are requested to send in

'ists of same t/tejday jneciuus to each

Abe instructed by the Lobd Bishop of

Perth to offerj for sale by Public

Auction, at their Rooms in Perth, on

WEDNESDAY, the 29th September

1875, at noon, the following very

LOT 1. — All that parcel of land,

being the Southern half of

' Perth Town Lot H 41, ' upon which

his recently been erected a sub

stantially built and well-finished

four-roomed cottage, at present in

the occupation of John McGinn as

weekly tenant thereof, having a front

Age of 1 4 chains on Murray Street, and

being two chain 80 links in depth.

LOT 2.— All that parcel of land

being the Northern half of the said

'Perth Town Lot H 41,' with a

frontage of \\ chain on Hay Street,

and being also 2 chains 80 links in

LOT 3.— All that parcel of land,

being the Northern half of 'Perth

Town Lot El 42, ' having also a front

age of 1 1 chain on Hay Street.

LOT 4. - The remaining half of the

said ' Perth Town Lot H 42, ' with lg

chains frontage on Murray Street.

Each of the said lots 3 and 4 b^ing 2

chains 80 links in depth.

LOT 5. — South West portion of

' Perth Town Lot H 21,' having front

ages of 1§ chains on Hay Street, and

1 chain 86 links on George Street.

LOT 6. — All that parcel of land

being portions of ** Perth Town Lots

H 21 and H 22. ' with a frontage of 1

chain 86 links on George Street, and

running back 3 chains in depth.

LOT 7.-— The North West portion of

said ' Perth Town Lot H 22, ' abutting

1| chain on Murray Street and 1

chain 8 links on George Street.

LOT 8. — The remaining portion of

said *' Town Lot H 22,' with frontage

of 1 J chains on Murray Street, and

having thereon a substantially built 3 -

stalled stable, as also a good well of

LOT 9. — Remaining portion of said

'Town Lot H 21,' with frontage of 1§

Nearly the whole of the above Lots

are cleared and hud down in couch

grass, and Town Lots Q 21 and 22, also

Town Lots II 41 and 42, are sur

rounded by a good fence. Persons

desirous of securing good building sites

will find this an admirable opportunity

of investing money to advantage.

ALSO, at the same time and place,

Messrs. WILKINSON & CO. will

offer for sale the following Lots : —

LOT 10— The Southern half of

LOT 11.— The Southern half of

LOT 12— The Southern half of

Each of the said Lots 10, 11^ and

12, has a frontage of 1| chain on

Murray Street, and are 3 chains 5 links

LOT 13 —The Southern half of said

LOT 14.— The Northern half of

LOT 15.— The Northern half of

Each of eaid lots, 13, 14, and 15.

has a frontage of 14 chain on Douro

Street, and is 3 chains 5 links in

For further particulars and condi

tions of sale, apply at the office of the

undersigned, where also plans of the

St. George's Terrace, Perth

BEG to announce that they unfler

take Sales by Auction in any

Account Sales, with proceeds, ren

dered immediately after Sales.

They would particularly draw the

attention of Squattfers and Farmers to

the fact that they sell on commission

all kinds of Farm Produce, thereby

enabling gentlemen to obtain a quick

return for the same in CASH, without

the expense of coming into town to

G. F. W. & Co. also draw attention

to their House and Estate Agency. A

Registry of Property to LET or to be

SOLD being kept, gentlemen have

every facility afforded them of SELL


St. George's Terrace, Perth, W. A



Perth, Western Australia.

Vfcj ILL hold Auction Sales at their

If Rooms, in Howick Street, oppo

site the Mechanics' Institute, on

3IOXDA Y and THURSDA Y in each

week. Sale on each day will commence

at 11 o'clock a.m. Goods for sale

warehoused free of charge.


H4VJNO rented Uie Gnildford Bep6t, is

prepared to store U'ool, 8AKDAX.WOOD,

Gkii-', &r., either on owner's scconnt, for

private sale, or for sale by public auction.

Stock, Station, T.and, BSining,

TTNDEUTAKES all business re

\J lative to the disposal, purchase,

or valuation of the above property.

Stock imported and forwarded to all

Reliable information obtained from

(£i~ Office and Stores close to the

Wharf and Railway Station.

OINB FLOUR, .. £12 per ton

BARLEY, .. 5s. 6d. per bushel.

Fremantle, September 7, 1875.

P. A, GUGERI Wine & Spirit

Henftwt. -Wholesale mud by the Gal

Ion -Perth. Watna Australia. ?

P. A. GXTGERI imports the best

Wines and Spirita in tue Colony.

'lia Grande Marque' Cognac

Brandy is the finest imported.-!*. A.

'La, Grande Marque '-Case

brandy, bine label -fiie years old. -bole

importer. P- A. Gogeri. 1'erth.

'La Grande Marque' brandy

?^ —Mellow and fine Saror. F. A-Gngeri,

«I,a Grande Marque '-Case

brandy. 02s. per case-caso. P. A.

mIa Grande Marque' brandy

^^ proBoniTefBaleatiafiuaion and is highly

**Jja Grande Marque'— Case

brandy te the only ?**»«*?** m

TBlidfi.- P. A-Goperi. Perth, W.A.

^^ sent to any part of the colony on

lavor of V. A.*»ngen. Perth, W. 4.

HennesSV'S Case Brandy— One

HeUato. Whol««le «na «T|he «llo» at

348. ed.— P. A. Gogeri. Perth. W.A.

from P. A. Gogeri. St. Gsoiee e Terrace.

'Hrandv — Dark : In bond and duty

15ralla^id-by the i*a* or hhd. P- A.

Kugeri, St. Gouge's renaee. : Perth.

BrandV — Palei: In bond and duty

' W%id -wry V»e. P- A. Gogeri. Perth,

TirandV— I-aik and Pale, at 28s

SuGugeri. Wine fc Spu* Merchant

Brandy— Dark and Pale, from iOs.

JM3MU*3^ in bond-by UieJ^au* or

hJBLl\A. Gogeri. Perth. W. Australia.

Rnjn-Ftne old Jamaica, by the

'™' gallon, bottled, at Me. cash. f. A

Uugeri, bt. George's Terrace. Perth

Rum— First-class—by the i-caslr

'''^ orjhhd.ln bond ; S6 and30O.P. a'™!**

at office of P. A. Uoiteri. Winetegrit

Merchant. Perth. Price on appBcatiou.

Gin— Booth's case gGin, by the case

or gaBon. P. A. Goeeri. Perth. W^A

Gin— Sir Robert Bumeti's fine Lon

*' don Gin. P. A. Gogeri. Wioe;t

Merchant, St. Geotge'B Tetiace, Perth.

Gin -In bulk and in bond. Very

tnde. P.A.Ga«eri.St.Oeo.«lerraee

Hollands— Very finest J.D.K.Z.—

nESiorferand. On'.y *'*? «**'*; ^f*

gallons (Shuttles.) P. A. Gogeri. Perth.

Hollands— Only 21s. 6d. per gallon

ts bottles). Waranted genuine. P-A.

Uttgeri. St. George's Terrace, Perth.

Sherry-Very good PJe, 18s. per

gallon. P. A. Gngen. Terth. W.A.

SherrV — Very fine. Great sale. At

sob. per gallon, bo' Bed. P. A.6wd

Wine & tpirit Merchant. Perth. W.A

Sherry— Exquisite old; Pale, dry

'ass.pergaUon. p! A. Gogeri, PertU

Port Wine— Very good, at 18s.

per gaOon-bottled. P. A- Gngen.

Portf Wine— Very superior. 20s.

' 7-er gtfton -bottled. P. A.Gageri, Wine

and Spirit Nerebant. Pertl., W.A

Port Wine— F-ne old tawny Port.

sae. per^aUon-botUed. P.A.Gogeri.

SaUterne— O. Preller. Very fine.

4ie. per ease of one dozen. P- A. Gneeri

Bt. *GeoiEe'« Terrace. Perth. W.A

SaUterne — G. Preller's is admitted

to be a very superior mine and the beet

imported. -1\ ATuogeri. Perth. W.A.

Bitters — Orange and others. Super

ior. P. A. Gogeri, Perth. «T. Aofttnlia

ChamDafime — Different brands. —

iwSanted firet-clase. From Ms. per

caw. P.A.tiogeri.Pertb.W.Anetiali*

Gueeri'S famous West Australian

Bed Winee. 3s, as. «d» and «. per

gallon in talk. Note the addrees

Corner of William Street and St

George'e Terrace. Perth. W. Australia

Gueeri'S West Australian Old Red

^ Wines by the dozen. From 18s. per

dozen. Specially recommended, eft

Geotge'e Terrace, Perth. W. Anrtralia

Gueeri'S Red ; Wines— Seven hun

^* dred and fifty gallons supplied to the

French man-o'-war eteuner CnrieuX.

Gueeri'S Exquisite White Wines —


Hotelkeepers can import Ports or

IShemee direct Com Oporto and Cadiz

(transhipped in (London) tbroogh'P. A.

Gageti. ^st, George'a Terrace, Perth.

Hotelkeepers can import Wines

and epirite direct ban England or

Fiance at the lowest rate by cending to

V. A. Gaged, Perth, Western Anrtralia.

Hotelkeepers can obtain list of

prices of Wines;and Spirits in England

and terms, on abdication to P. A

liogeri. Wine and fcpititj Merchant

St. Geoigee Tenace. Perth. W.A

Hotelkeepers supplied with Ale

or I'Srter in balk or botUe at the lowest

prices, bend orders with particnlan to

P. A. Gogeri, St. Ueorge'e Terrace.

CforkS— Fine White Wine— at 5s. per

grow. P. A. Gogai. Perth. W.A.

Corks — Ginger Beer — at 2s, Cd. per

graa. f. A. Gngen. St. Geo - Tenace

Corking Machines — For cork

ing bottles— 5e. and ss. ed. each. Kow

DBiraraaUy need. Simple and effectire

Corking Machines— With full

Sections tor nse on each -sent to any

part oT the colony for 6d. extra. Sent

sampt or P.O.O. to P. A. Gngen.

Syrups of every description to be

had of P. A. Gogeri. Wine fc Spirit

Merchant, St. Geo.'s Tenace, Perth,

Ginger Wine— Very Superior. —

Also Line d nice and Ume Sakx Cham

pagne. P. A. Gogeri. Wine and 6pirit

Merchant. Penh. Western Australia.

Orders for Wines and Spirits

promptly executed and aent to any put

4jf the oniony.. Terofion application.

Salt — Very fine Rottnest. Is now

Bnpcrior to any imported. CS per too

P. A. Gogeri. l-erth, Weetern AoctzaUa

Salt — A large stock always on hand,

by the single cart, bag or the too in

b«B. vTk. Gogeri. Perth. W.A

Notice. — P- A, Gpgebi'b premisCE

are situated at the comer or William

Stndand fet- George's Tarace tmearty

oppoeitetbe FRefflasons' Hotel, 1'erth.

I^a ITHSE fa6t-sailing schoon

j»RH%' Tapper, jun., master, will

Sg^ggg^saA for the above port

(weather permitting) on or about 22nd

For freight or passage, apply to the

Fremantle, Sept. 14. 1875.


?I tioneers, Stock, Station, and

General Commission Agents, Perth,

have the pleasure of informing the

Merchants, Stockholders, and Store

keepers of Western Australia that,

having rented the premises in William

street, adjoining Messrs. Habgood,

Absolon, & Co's warehouser, they

intend to carry on the above business,

and will hold their FIRST SALE on or

FremanOe Lodge No. 4 and Excdswr

1 TEA-MEETING, to celebrate

OL the anniversary of the formation

of the above Lodges, will be held in

the Boys* Government School Room.

Fremantle, on Thursday, 30th Sept.,

1875. After tea, a 6elecdon'of vocal

and instrumental music will be

rendered by the iiodge choirs, |assisted

by several ladies and gentlemen.

Tea on table at 7 30 p.m.

HAVE now on SALE, ex latesj

4-casks and bhds. Rum, Brandy,

Allsop's and Flowers' Ale in hhds.

Cases Hennessy's and U.V.P.

Biandy, Hollands, Old Tom, LL.

Whiskey, Scotch Whiskey, Cham

pagne, Hock, Claret, Port, Sherry,

Cordials, Liqueurs, Ginger and Quinine

Blood Wolfe's Superior XXX Stout

and India Pule Ale ; also Younger' s

Ales ; all in pts. and qts.

consisting of Tea, Coffee, and Oval

Pots, Saucepans, Pannikins, Spades,

Shovels, Forks, Shot, Sheet and Bar

Iron, Galvanized Tubs and Buckets,

Vi»»8, Steelyaids, Screws, Nails, Wire

Netting, Camp Ovens, Carpenters'*

Tools. American Axes, Dish-covers.

Wire and Metal Solder, Tin Plates,

Counter Scales, Anchors, Chains,

Ploughs and Shares, Scythes, Cutlery,

verietj : Paints, Varnishes, Turps,

Oils, White and Red Lead, Putty,

Pitch, Tar, Matches, Tobacco, Hops,

Fk.e and Coar&e Liverpool Salt, Sul

phur, Candles, Soap. Loaf Sugar, Bath

Bricks, Washing Soda, Vinegar, Rai

sins, Jams, Pickles, Sardines, Biscuits,

Counter and Station Sugars.

Ladies' and Gent's Saddles. Whips.

Spurs, Bridles, Bite, Shaft and Lead

ing Harness, Saddle Cloths, Carriage

Rugs and Mats, Trace Chains, &c

Crates Crockery, Glassware, Reaping

Machines; Cart Covers, 1, 2, and 3 ,-

Kegs, Butter Kegs, Cornsacks, Wool

packs, Twine, Blankets, Flannels,

Prints, Calicoes, Sheeting, Tweeds,

For Ladies and Gentlemen, of first

class make, at very moderate prices.

Drapery, Costume Dresses, Fancy

Trimmings, Ribbons, Bonnets, Hats,

Hosiery, Jnlks, Flowers, Perfumery,

Brophware, Fancy Goods, Umbrellas,

Mackintoshes, Ladies' Underclothing,

Cement, Deals, Mouldings, Fire

Bricks, Europe and Manilla Rope,

Canvas, Spars, &c, &c. &c.

NOTICE.— We beg to inform our

Country Friends that we receive, either

on consignment or purchase, Wool,

Sandalwood, Pearl Shells, Pearls, or

other produce, at our stores, either in

Perth or Fremantle, giving our best

attention to the Shipping and Custom

STeic Croods : Iff ew Goods::

THE undersigned have received, per

Last Elizabeth, the following

Goods, which they beg to offer for sale

at moderate rates, viz. : —

Iron — Bar, rod, flat, round, and

square, of various 6izes.

Steel— (Soeby & Son's) Shear,

Cast, Blister ; various sizes.

TOOlS— (Sobby & Sox's) Planes,

various; Augers, Scotch screw-eyed,

aU sizes; Socket Chisels, handled;

Cjouges, handled ; Cross-cut Saws,

do. Panel, do. Ripping; Hand

Saws, Braces and Bits : Hammers ;

Vertical Saws, 7ft. x 9in., 7f ft. x. 9in. ;

Ciicolar Saws, 42x9, 36x9, 32x10

Files— Bastard, Flat, Square,

Round, Handsaw, Warding, Back, Mill,

NailS — Ewbank'e, from l£in.

Bolts, Nuts; Cupheaded Rivets, Iron

Boiler Plates. 72x36; Chain, 7

eixteenths, 5-eighths, 1-half in.

Wrought Iron, Tubing, Elbows,

Brass Gauge Cocks, Flange Pipes,

Saw Sharpening Machine with

ALSO, — A small consignment of

Drugs, suitable for private practi

Auctioneers & Commission Agents,

caltoral and Horticultural

THE Annual Show of Stock and

Produce in connection with the

above Society will be held on the 30tli

Produce to be shown as usual at the

Central Schoolroom, and Stock at Mr.

Wm. Waldeck's yards. Conditions

and prizes to bo the same as last year.

A dinner will take place at the

Greenough Hotel at 7 p.m. the same

evening, when the prizes will be

awarded to the successful competitors

fTltNDERS are invited by the under

JL signed until the 25th of Sep

tember from parties willing to undertake

the following work: — To ERECT a

BRICK BUILDING 45 feet in length

by 25 feet in^breadth and II feet high;

to contain eight rooms. Parties

tendering can either tender for building

only, or for the whole work required.

The material is now on the ground.

Tenderers to state the price per yard

tor the brick-work, plastering, &c.,

also the price per square for the roofing,

flooring. -fce., also the time they can

complete the work in. Not bound to

accept the lowest or any tender.

Newcastle, September 11, 1375.

T1HE undersigned has a number of

. good RAM6 for Sale, about 50

of them by '? Hughan's Rams,' from

long-woolled ewes, and now 4-tootb,

Noithampton. September 7, 1875.

GOT in from my run and now in my

stable, a cream-colored ENTIRE,

with black points, ruing four years old ;

about thirteen and a half hands high ;

no brand or mark visible ; supposed to

be the progeny of one of my own

marcs. Anyone showing a better

claim can have him by paying expenses.

Upper Swan, September 11, 1875.

W. A. Times, please copy.


(j^~ Instructions for selfmeasure

ment forwarded by post if required.

BEGS to announce that he has

commenced business at the above

well-known BREWERY with all the

newest and most improved machinery.

He is now prepared to supply both the

trade and private families with first

All orders punctually attended to.

0NE thirteen-foot dingy. Also,—

Apply at the office of this journal.



A Store, Fremantle, at eleven — Sundry

By G. F. WILKINSON & CO.— At the

late residence of Mr. G. F. Stone, Ade

laide Terrace, September 22 and 23, at

eleven ? Household Furniture and

By G. F. WILKINSON & CO.— At then

Rooms, September 29, at noon — Free-

hold Estates at Fremantle, Perth, and

die Swan. Also, Carriage, &c.

Br G. F. WILKINSON & CO.— At their

Rooms, September 29, at noon — Build-

Bv: R. F. PRIES.— At his Rooms,

BusseHon, October 11, at eleven —


Saxeet Gamp's letter, being purely of

a personal character, we must decline to

insert it. Its publication would serve no

good purpose, and would not be of the

A New Chum. — The Commissioner of

Crown Lands should be referred to. We

cannot advise you, being in ignorance of

vout capabilities, tastes, aspirations, shorts

comings, &c You must decide for your

self, as every man should.

? R.H. — We arc not aware that any

exhibits have been sent from this colony

to the Philadelphia Exhibition. The

Government have prepared some statistical

tables, relating to the colony, compiled

from the Blue Book, which they propose

High QbubceoulS. —We must decline

to express an opinion as to the dispute

Justttta. — You are right. It is indeed

very doubtful, under our present Bank

ruptcy Act, to decide where honesty ends

and penal roguery or fraud begins.

CosMOFOLMAif — In our next.