FOOTBALL. - COLAC v. WARRNAMBOOL. WIN FOR COLAC. - The Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918) - 20 Jul 1906 (original) (raw)

Fri 20 Jul 1906 - The Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918)
Page 3 - FOOTBALL.

The sedond meeting of these twom teams

-ook placeion the local showgrohhnidyo·sirr

lay afternoon, in the pe.ence: of: alarge

gathering of football enthusiaoti. The

weather was bitterly cold, ground

very soppy. The first match, which was

slayed at the seaside, resulted in a tie,

both teams scoring an equal number of

tioints. Warreambool on this occasion

had a fairly repre.entative team, but not

as.strong as they wiseled, and were bent

in returning liome with a victory to tlihei

credit. The local combination could also

have been a little stronger, but were equ

Ily confident of victory. As the players

filed into the arena they were wolcomed

with loud cheers from their different sup

oorters, and the umpire (Mr J. Englehy)

est no time in setting the ball rolling.

[he placing of the teams at thecommenece

meunt was as follows :-Warrnambool

Backs-Hannabury, Ballis, and Sullivan;

half backs-J. Beattie,- W. Burleigh and

Brown; centre-Sadler, Worland and Roclk;

half-forwards-Rack. Hallowell, and K Cr

inond; forwerds-e-litchetl, M?organ (c.),

mnd Landmann; fol!o,-ers--Burleigh Brns.;

rover-Grifliths. Colac- Backs--PembeOr

seon, C. Molan; and Murnann; half badks~

R. Eagle, C. Johnson, and Wigg; centre_

.i. Johnston, Allen, and M'Donald; half

orwards--Smith, I1. Molan, and Cowleyi

forwards-O'Dowd, Forbes (e), and Tur

ner; followers-Maloney and O'D)onnell

rover-Carney. It was evident from the

beginning that the play would be of a

scrambling nature, owing to the slippery

state of the ground, the ball continually

beating the men, but when the players

had settled down, some fine individual

work was witnessed. The visitors were

the firbt to score, Morgan, their crack for

ward, scoring a nice goal, followed shortly

by a behind. TiLhis was all they scored

that quarter, and Colac took a hand, and

registered a couple of points. The various

acrobatic feats performneod by te players in

the mud furnished the spectators swito:

plenty of amusement. Nothing further

was scored during this term, which ended

with Warrnambool in the lead by five

points. With a slight wind in their favor,

Colao made an onward move into Warr-.

nambzol's territory, and rattled up four

small points in quick succession. They sore

having much the best of the play, and

from a scrimmage almost between the:

sticks, O'Donnell's boot came in contact

with the ball-result, a goal. The visitors

then took a hand, but could not score, and

the play remained on the Queen street

wing for some considerable time. Ware

nambool failed to score this quarter, and

Colac put on one goal and four behinds.

At the adjournment the board showed

Colac, 1 goal 6 behinds; Warruambool, 1

goal 1 behind. Refrelshmots over,

and with the advantase of the wind, the

seasiders made a desperate effort to

catch their opponents, and eventually

succeeded, and put on one goal (kicked

by Morgan) and two behinds, whilst they

also succ preventing Colac from

scoring. Some fine individual efforts wore

put forth by somes of the playehs on both

sides, but for collective play roither side

shone out. The third qua~ter ended with

the seasiders in the ascendancy, the totals

being-Warrnamhool, 2 goals 3 behinds;

Colac, 1 goal 6 behinds. Great excitement

prevailed during the last period of the

play, and, with only three points separat

ing them, the players strained every nerve

in their attempt to score. Warramnhool

were playing a great game now, but the

tricky Forbes collared the ball, and, amidst

great excitement, kicked a rattlind goal,

which put them three points in the le.d

Gradually the visitors worked the ball

down, and a couple of points were scored,

which left Colac with only one point to

the good. Excitement was now at fever

heat, and thd ball travelled first to one end

and then the other. Eventu lly Colac

rushed a belhind, and Warrnambool went

very near scoring shortly afterwards, but

the ball was rushed away just as the bell

rang, and Colac ran out winners aftera

very hard fought tussleby two points. The

Warrnambool, 2koals 5 behinds.

The best players on the winning side were

Forbes (who can be bracketed with W.

Burleigh as the best men on the ground),

Carney, Pemberton, M'Donald, O'Donnell.

O'Dowd, Allen, C. Johnston and Moloney,

Swhilst the visitors best mei were Burleight

. Bros., Landmann, Rock, Griffiths, Beattio

Sand Hollowell. Jas. Engleby offllciated as

a central umpire, and the boundary umpires

e, were W. Etnis and Evendon.

A meeting of t'e shareholders of the

Goldibsrough Junction Gold Mining Conm

pany Srndioute, Commeralghip, will be

Seld at iown's hotel, Creesy, on Thursday,

87th inet., at 3.30 o'olook,.