MAY BECOME NEXT POPE - Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954) - 12 Mar 1953 (original) (raw)

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Thu 12 Mar 1953 - Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954)

Armenian Cardinal who,, ac

cording to widespread specu

lation in Australia and over

seas, may become the . next

Pope, will visit Australia for

the National Eucharistic Con

gress, to be held in Sydney

This was announced tonight

by Cardinal Gilroy, host of the

most famous figures in the Col

lege of Cardinals (governing

body of the Roman Catholic

Church), is 58-year-old Card

inal Agagianian, Patriarch of

been born near Tiflis, birth

Valerian Gracias, India's first

Cardinal and Bishop of Bom

bay, will also be in Sydney for

the Congress, which will bring

together Catholic archbishops

and bishops from England, Ire

land, United States, Canada,

West Indies, Philippines, New

Zealand, Oceania, and the en

tire Roman Catholic hierarchy