Ukrainian domain (UA and COM.UA and other) registrar (original) (raw)

1. User registration

If you have not used our service before please register.

2. Select zone and check domain name availability

3. Renew domain(s)

Here you can pay for domain renewal. We only accept credit cards or, Inc. is an authorized retailer of

Українським користувачам краще платити в гривнах через платiжну систему Portmone.

4. Setting up the www and mail

Log in here or use the login form at the top right corner of the page

5. Support and Advice

For all questions about the Ukrainian domains or on the work of our service use thecontact form.

If you are already a customer, you can get an answer much faster if you use the contact form with authorization.

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We provide domain name registration for UA and COM.UA in Ukraine since 2000

Basic Services

Who we are

Our team has created one of the first domain name registration services in Ukraine in 1999. Since 2000 we have started to work on the Ukrainian market. In the same year the first customers appeared from foreign countries. Their number grows, and due to difference between the work in the Ukrainian and foreign markets in 2010 it was decided to provide service to foreign customers as separate business. We are located in Kyiv (Kiev), the capital of Ukraine.


Contact information

Dasha Skrinko,
the face of