USC • United Studios Corporation • Official Site (original) (raw)

Aquatone • Owl’s Fables

The day was declining, and the sleepy Moon was slowly floating across the darkening sky, taking over the night watch. Its pale light was getting lost in the dense branches, and a mild, barely perceptible breeze was stirring up the tops of old firs in the dim silence of the mysterious forest. As a clear signal from the depths of the spinney the hooting of an owl has sounded... And then a wide swing of long hair reveals to us the face of a beautiful young girl. At the click of a button the flashlight emits a bright beam, and she, crossing the ravine with one jerk, bravely dives into the dark thicket towards the voice. Deftly overcoming thorny branches and obstacles on the way, she flies like the wind. Suddenly, a steeply cut forest palisade opens up with a large ideal circle of a green meadow with a huge ancient oak in the middle. The embers of the owl’s eyes burn in its black branches, and a grumpy cry is heard from all sides, as if imprisoned in the vastness of the meadow. The surrounding landscape is gradually getting covered with a white shimmering veil, and the clarity of dull edges gets replaced by blurred silhouettes and floating images, but only two hypnotic spheres filling with righteous anger are clearly visible, sending a silent question: “Who is so brazen daring to disturb my peace?”. The girl continues her impetuous, unswerving run through the cutting headwind, overcoming the damned haze that a mighty owl casts, whose eyes unfold like seething volcanic vents, covering half of the sky, and the scream turns into a thunderous roar. The girl makes the drastic leap, and at this moment the final strokes and outlines of the world fade away, and even two huge blazing suns dissolve in a shapeless gray kissel, pulling along the remnants of consciousness... Years will pass, and the matured girl will unexpectedly return to her native village, where she has long been considered missing. And then on a warm, starry evening, while celebrating her return, she will tell her incredible story about exciting and amazing adventures, and the insidious trials of a wise owl that had to be overcome in order to earn the right to have the desired gift of foresighting of the future. But that will be a whole different story...