Comment on the Origin of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, e-Print archive, viXra:2002.0039 (original) (raw)
Authors: Edward J. Steele, N. Chandra Wickramasinghe, Jiangwen Qu, Robert Temple, Gensuke Tokoro, Reginald M. Gorczynski
Analysis of all genetic, epidemiological and geophysical and astrophysical data suggest the alternate hypothesis that nCoV-2019 arrived via a meteorite, presumed carbonaceous meteorite, that struck North East China on October 11 2019. We then assume the viral debris and particles then made land fall in the Wuhan and related regions about a month to six weeks later resulting in first cases of the viral pneumonia caused by nCoV-2019 emerging in Wuhan regions late November 2019-early December 2019.
Comments: 5 Pages.
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[v1] 2020-02-03 17:33:22
[v2] 2020-02-03 22🔞55
[v3] 2020-02-05 01:30:58
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