Wazimap profile: Western Cape (original) (raw)
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[ Municipal 2016 ](#Municipal 2016)
3 070 950 Number of registered voters
- about 10 percent of the figure in South Africa: 26 384 470
63.5%(1 948 844) Of registered voters cast their vote
- about 10 percent higher than the rate in South Africa: 57.95%15 290 820
[ National 2014* ](#National 2014)
2 941 333 Number of registered voters
- about 10 percent of the figure in South Africa: 25 388 082
74.4%(2 188 236) Of registered voters cast their vote
- about the same as the rate in South Africa: 73.48%18 654 771
[ Provincial 2014* ](#Provincial 2014)
2 941 333 Number of registered voters
- about 10 percent of the figure in South Africa: 25 381 293
72.8%(2 140 090) Of registered voters cast their vote
- about the same as the rate in South Africa: 71.18%18 066 575
[ Municipal 2011* ](#Municipal 2011)
2 716 022 Number of registered voters
- about 10 percent of the figure in South Africa: 23 709 002
64.4%(1 748 208) Of registered voters cast their vote
- about 10 percent higher than the rate in South Africa: 57.64%13 664 914
28 Median age
- about 10 percent higher than the figure in South Africa: 25
6 279 731 People
- about 10 percent of the figure in South Africa: 55 653 654
Afrikaans(2 871 415) Language most spoken at home
- more than double the figure in South Africa: 21.4713,414,612
96.6%(6 067 736) Born in South Africa
- about the same as the rate in South Africa: 97.05%54,009,271
97.6%(6 126 395) South African citizens
- about the same as the rate in South Africa: 97.81%54,432,740
1 933 878 Households
- about 10 percent of the figure in South Africa: 16 923 307
16.6%(320 022) Households that are informal dwellings (shacks)
- about 1.3 times the rate in South Africa: 12.96%2,193,968
Household ownership
65.1%(1 258 757) Households fully owned or being paid off
- about the same as the rate in South Africa: 64.97%10,995,587
Head of household
38%(735 669) Households with women as their head
- about 90 percent of the rate in South Africa: 41.32%6,992,274
4 877 Households with heads under 18 years old
- less than 10 percent of the figure in South Africa: 111,471
Annual household income
R29 400 Average annual household income
- about the same as the amount in South Africa: R29 400
Household goods
Service delivery
96.3%(6 045 431) Are getting water from a regional or local service provider
- about 10 percent higher than the rate in South Africa: 86.2%47,972,825
1.9%(116 206) Have no access to electricity
- about one-quarter of the rate in South Africa: 7.29%4,055,298
Toilet facilities
95.7%(6 007 053) Have access to flush or chemical toilets
- about 1.5 times the rate in South Africa: 63.53%35,354,254
0.7%(45 605) Have no access to any toilets
- about one-third of the rate in South Africa: 2.39%1,332,582
Refuse disposal
91.7%(5 757 569) Are getting refuse disposal from a local authority, private company or community members
- about 1.5 times the rate in South Africa: 59.37%33,038,861
50.1%(2 010 697) Employed
- about 1.3 times the rate in South Africa: 38.87%13,180,077
Annual income
R30 000 Average annual income
- about the same as the amount in South Africa: R30 000
Internet access
Educational level
74.8%(3 103 049) Completed Grade 9 or higher
- a little higher than the rate in South Africa: 71.77%24 232 255
44.8%(1 859 700) Completed Matric or higher
- a little higher than the rate in South Africa: 43.37%14 644 033
Child population
2 029 765 Children
- about 10 percent of the figure in South Africa: 20,874,659
0.4%(6 396) Of children 14 and under have no living biological parents
- about one-third of the rate in South Africa: 1.08%180,951
Crimes against children
452 Crimes of neglect and ill-treatment of children in 2014
- about one-fifth of the figure in South Africa: 2 623
School attendance
93.1%(1 359 329) School-aged children (5 to 17 years old) are in school
- about the same as the rate in South Africa: 94.9%13 886 616
Employment of 15- to 17-year-olds
R15 000 Average annual income of employed children between 15 and 17
- more than double the amount in South Africa: R2 400
17.9%(49 257) Of children between 15 and 17 are in the labour force
- about 1.4 times the rate in South Africa: 13.07%387,964
Child-headed households
Households headed by children under 18 years old
4 877 Households with heads under 18 years old
- less than 10 percent of the figure in South Africa: 111 471
24.7%(1 205) Child-headed households that are informal dwellings (shacks)
- more than double the rate in South Africa: 11.01%12,268
Head of household
48.7%(2 374) Child-headed households with women as their head
- about 1.3 times the rate in South Africa: 38.18%42,565
Annual household income
R2 400 Average annual child-headed household income
- about the same as the amount in South Africa: R2 400
Community Survey 2016
Change release