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Redroofs Associates


Post Graduate Course in Screen-Acting 2009 - 10

Mon 14 Sept to Fri 23 Oct 2009
Mon 2 Nov to Thurs 10 Dec 2009
Tues 5th Jan to Fri 5th Feb 2010
2 year Screen-Acting School 2009 - 2010

Tues 22 Sept 2009 - Fri 16 Oct 2009
Mon 2 Nov � Thurs 10 Dec
(plus possible additional Rainbow Choir/panto dates over Christmas break)

Mon 11 Jan - Fri 12 Feb 2010
Mon 22 Feb - Fri 26 March 2010

Tues 20 April - Fri 28 May 2010
Mon 14 June - Fri 9 July 2010

Day School 2009 - 2010

Tues 8th Sept - Fri 16 Oct
Mon 2nd Nov - Fri 4 Dec

Tues 5th Jan (inset day)
Wed 6th Jan - Fri 5 Feb 2010
Mon 15 Feb - Fri 19 March

Tues 20 April - Fri 28 May
Mon 14 June - Fri 9 July


GeneralTelephone 01628 822982 Day SchoolTelephone 01628 674092
Performing Arts College Telephone 01628 822982 Film & Television School Telephone 01628 822982
Redroofs ConnectionTelephone 01628 822982 Redroofs Agency Telephone 01753 785444
Novello Theatre Telephone 01344 620881 (Tuesday - Saturday)
Day School
Do you offer A-levels?
Is it true that Kate Winslet went to Redroofs?
Do you offer scholarships or bursaries?
Do you have a boarding department?
What is the difference between a BTEC course and the Redroofs Course?
Do you arrange lodging for students?
What pastoral care do you offer for a student from home for the first time?
I live too far away. Can I join the Agency?
I am a pupil of Redroofs. How do I get into Harry Potter?
The Redroofs Connection
Do you run schools in other areas?
How do I join?
Where do I get the uniform?
Film and TV School
Do you give scholarships?
Do you accept screen-acting applicants from overseas?
If you can't find an answer here, why not ask us a question?

How to find us

Redroofs, Littlewick Green

Redroofs buildings are both approximately 1 and a half miles off the M4 (exit 4). Maidenhead Railway Station is on the direct line to Paddington (30 mins) Ealing Broadway (20 mins) and Reading (10 mins).

Harlequin House is within walking distance of the station and the town centre.

26 Bath Road, Maidenhead Our Bath Road site is on the A4 just outside the town centre on the Reading side. Head out of the Town Centre up Castle Hill. Redroofs can be found on the right-hand side (directly after the garage and The Windsor Castle public House).

Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, Maidenhead
Altwood Road, Maidenhead, SL6 4PF.

Novello Theatre
2 High Street, Sunninghill, nr Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 9NE.

Day School FAQs

Do you offer A-levels?
No. You will be prepared for the London College Diploma of Associate in Music Theatre (validated by Thames Valley University)

Is it true that Kate Winslet went to Redroofs?
Yes. Kate trained at our Day School from the age of 11 to 17. She worked fairly consistently as a child, particularly in her last few years at school. It was through our Agency that she secured her first starring role in a feature film (Heavenly Creatures) which took her to New Zealand for 11 months! From here her career literally took off! Kate was Head Girl in her final year of Redroofs.
We are immensely proud of her!

Do you offer scholarships or bursaries?
We are not currently offering scholarships or bursaries.

Do you have a boarding department?
No—perhaps you should think about Redroofs for 16+.

Student FAQs

What is the difference between a BTEC course and the Redroofs Course?
A BTEC is not a professional course of study and although it can be a good way to broaden your outlook, it will serve little use within the industry. Our course aims to lead students directly into the business. If you know you want to be an actor or performer you should be looking to a drama school, not a BTEC.

Do you arrange lodging for students?
Once a student has been offered a place we will issue a digs list. We offer support in trying to secure digs for students but this is ultimately the student's responsibility.

What pastoral care do you offer for a student from home for the first time?
We are very aware that students who may be leaving home for the first time can have difficulty adjusting to a new lifestyle. Equally, it can be daunting for anyone starting a new course in a new place. At the beginning of your course you will attend induction sessions, designed to introduce you to both the other students and the Student Adviser, who is available for practical help and support throughout your time at Redroofs.

Agency FAQs

I live too far away. Can I join the Agency?
No! Sorry!

I am a pupil of Redroofs. How do I get into Harry Potter?
The production company visits our school to recruit and all pupils of a suitable age have the chance to audition.

The Redroofs Connection FAQs

Do you run schools in other areas?
No. Redroofs is an independent school. We do not run a franchise. This ensures that we offer the finest teaching and opportunities but within our own area only.

How do I join?
Please download a registration form and ask a parent/guardian to complete and return this to us. Alternatively if you would like to discuss availability, please telephone the Drama Department on 01628 822982 ext 4 or the Dance Department on 01628 822982 ext 3.
Once we receive your registration form we will telephone you to offer a date of entry. In most cases we can offer places for all subjects in September. Throughout the year we have limited (but some) availability.

Where do I get the uniform?
Theatre Dancewear operates a mail-order service from our theatre 01344 620881.

Film an TV School FAQs

Do you give Scholarships?
Redroofs Film and TV School does not advertise Scholarships but potential students with an outstanding track record of at least three years professional theatre credits, plus a formal drama school training or alternatively a minimum of three years in technical television (editing, camera or sound) may be given consideration.
You could however apply for a Career Development Loan to pay for your course. (minimum age 18 years)

Do you accept screen-acting applicants from overseas?
Yes. Overseas students may send their audition on dvd. In addition to
your monologue please send an into camera introduction to yourself and
your reasons for choosing the school 1- 2 mins maximum