data collection (original) (raw)

What is data collection?

Data collection is the process of gathering data for use in business decision-making, strategic planning, research and other purposes. It's a crucial part of data analytics applications and research projects. Effective data collection provides the information that's needed to answer questions; analyze business performance or other outcomes; and predict future trends, actions and scenarios.

In businesses, data collection happens on multiple levels. IT systems regularly collect data on customers, employees, sales and other aspects of business operations when transactions are processed and data is entered. Companies also conduct surveys and track social media to get feedback from customers. Data scientists, other analysts and business users then collect relevant data to analyze from internal systems, plus external data sources if needed. The latter task is the first step in data preparation, which involves gathering data and preparing it for use in business intelligence and analytics applications.

For research in science, medicine, higher education and other fields, data collection is often a more specialized process in which researchers create and implement measures to collect specific sets of data. In both the business and research contexts, however, the collected data must be accurate to ensure analytics findings and research results are valid.

Chart showing possible sources of data collection.

Organizations collect data from a variety of systems and other data sources.

What are different methods of data collection?

Data can be collected from one or more sources as needed to provide the information that's being sought. For example, to analyze sales and the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns, a retailer might collect customer data from transaction records, website visits, mobile applications, its loyalty program and online surveys.

The methods used to collect data vary based on the type of application. Some involve the use of technology, while others are manual procedures. The following are some common data collection methods:

Primary and secondary data collection methods

Data collection methods tend to fall into two categories: primary data collection and secondary data collection.

Primary data collection refers to data that's gathered firsthand through direct interaction with respondents; that is, it's original to the project for which it's being gathered. Primary data collection methods include questionnaires and surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observation.

Secondary data collection involves data that has been collected previously. Secondary data collection is done from established data sources, which can include published sources, online databases, public data, government data, institutional records and published research studies.

Chart showing ways to collect customer data knowingly and unknowingly.

Organizations use various methods to collect customer data.

What are common challenges in data collection?

The challenges often faced when collecting data include the following:

What are the key steps in the data collection process?

Well-designed data collection processes include the following steps:

  1. Identify a business or research issue that needs to be addressed and set goals for the project.
  2. Gather data requirements to answer business questions or deliver research information.
  3. Identify the data sets that can provide the desired information.
  4. Set a plan for collecting the data, including the collection methods that will be used.
  5. Collect the available data and begin working to prepare it for analysis.

What are data collection tools?

Beyond data collection methods and steps in the data collection process, many specific data collection tools are routinely used. These include the following:

There are many different products on the market for collecting data, including survey software or marketing automation software that lets users develop forms or collect data for graphs, charts or other types of reports. Dedicated data collection tools can help businesses save time and money, ensure data accuracy, and consolidate data in one location.

Data collection considerations and best practices

Two primary types of data can be collected: quantitative data and qualitative data. The former is numerical -- for example, prices, amounts, statistics and percentages. Qualitative data is descriptive in nature -- for example, color, smell, appearance and opinion.

Organizations also use secondary data from external sources to help drive business decisions. For example, manufacturers and retailers might use U.S. Census Bureau data to aid in planning their marketing strategies and campaigns. Companies might also use government health statistics and outside healthcare studies to analyze and optimize their medical insurance plans.

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy laws enacted in recent years make data privacy and security major considerations when collecting data, particularly if it contains personal information about customers. An organization's data governance program should include policies to ensure data collection practices comply with laws such as the GDPR.

Other data collection best practices include the following:

Learn which methods and best practices companies use to collect massive amounts of information -- or big data -- from a variety of sources to gain insight to make business decisions.

This was last updated in June 2024

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