Dja Faunal Reserve (original) (raw)

Dja Faunal Reserve

This is one of the largest and best-protected rainforests in Africa, with 90% of its area left undisturbed. Almost completely surrounded by the Dja River, which forms a natural boundary, the reserve is especially noted for its biodiversity and a wide variety of primates. It contains 107 mammal species, five of which are threatened.

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Réserve de faune du Dja

C’est l’une des forêts humides d’Afrique les plus vastes et les mieux protégées, 90 % de sa superficie restant inviolée. Pratiquement encerclée par le fleuve Dja, qui en forme la limite naturelle, la réserve est surtout remarquable pour sa biodiversité et pour la très grande variété des primates qui y vivent. Elle abrite 107 espèces de mammifères, dont cinq sont menacées.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

محمية الحيوانات في دجا

تُعتبر محمية الحيوانات في دجا إحدى أوسع وأهم الغابات الرطبة المحافظ عليها في أفريقيا، إذ لا تزال عذراء بنسبة 90% من مساحتها. يحيط بها نهر دجا من كافات الجهات تقريباً بحيث يشكّل حدودها الطبيعية الوحيدة وهي تتميّز بشكل خاص بتنوعها البيولوجي وبفصيلة الرئيسات المتنوعة لتي تقطنها. كما تأوي هذه المحمية 107 أجناس من الثدييات، خمس منها مهدد بالإنقراض.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0



source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Фаунистический резерват Джа

Это один из крупнейших и наиболее сохранных массивов экваториального леса в Африке, примерно 90% площади которого остается в нетронутом состоянии. Резерват, почти со всех сторон окруженный рекой Джа, которая служит ему естественной границей, известен благодаря своему высокому биоразнообразию, а также тому, что здесь обитают самые различные приматы. Из 107 видов млекопитающих пять признаны редкими и исчезающими.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Reserva de fauna de Dja

Esta reserva es uno de los bosques húmedos más vastos y mejor conservados de África, ya que el 90% de su superficie no ha sido perturbada por la presencia humana. Cercada casi en su totalidad por el río Dja, una de sus fronteras naturales, la reserva es excepcional por su rica biodiversidad y la gran variedad de primates que viven en ella. Alberga 107 especies de mamíferos, de las cuales cinco se hallan en peligro de extinción.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Faunareservaat Dja

Dja ligt in een overgangszone tussen de bossen van zuid Nigeria, zuidwest Kameroen en de bossen van het Congo bekken. Het Faunareservaat Dja is een van de best beschermde regenwouden in Afrika, waar 90% van het gebied ongerept is. Het reservaat is bijna volledig omringd door de Dja rivier, die een natuurlijke grens vormt. Het gebied is bekend om zijn biodiversiteit en grote verscheidenheid aan primaten. Er komen 107 soorten zoogdieren voor, waaronder olifanten, buffels, luipaarden en grote bosvarkens. Vijf van deze soorten worden bedreigd. De bossen in het faunareservaat zijn rijk aan lianen.


Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Founded in 1950, the Dja Faunal Reserve is an integral part of the dense rain forests that form the Congo Basin. This vast range is one of the largest and best-protected of the African rainforests: 90% of its area remains undisturbed. Almost completely surrounded by the Dja River, which forms a natural boundary, the Reserve is especially noted for its biodiversity and a wide variety of primates. Covering an area estimated at around 526,000 ha, the Reserve is home to many animal and plant species, several of which are globally threatened (western lowland gorilla, chimpanzee, forest elephant).

Criterion (ix): The primary forest of the Dja Reserve is interesting for its diversity of species and its unique pristine condition. With its topographical diversity and its three biogeographical and geological influences, it has a rich and varied ecosystem that reflects the ecological evolution in progress in this type of environment. It belongs to the forest block considered to be the largest in Africa for the maintenance of biological diversity.

Criterion (x): The Dja Reserve is one of Africa's most species-rich rainforests. It includes the habitat of numerous remarkable animal and plant species, many of which are globally threatened. It has over 100 species of mammals, of which at least 14 primates (including several endangered species such as the western lowland gorilla, chimpanzee, white-collared mangabey, mandrill and drill). In addition, flagship species are found in the Reserve, such as the endangered forest elephant, and the nearly extinct African gray parrot, bongo and leopard.


The Dja Reserve is one of Africa's largest and best-protected rainforests. At the time of World Heritage listing in 1987, 90% of the area was considered intact and human pressure was low. The Reserve has a population of Baka pygmies who live in a relatively traditional manner and confer a recognized cultural value to the site. Agriculture and commercial hunting are prohibited, but the Pygmies are allowed to hunt traditionally.

At the time of inscription on the World Heritage List, thousands of people were already living on the outskirts of the Reserve. Traditional agriculture remains their main economic activity and hunting their main source of animal protein supply. Mining and forestry prospecting were also underway in the region. No deposits have yet been discovered inside the property, but mining activities in the periphery could be harmful to its integrity. The harvesting of timber remains a possibility, but the legal constraints and the inaccessibility of the region make it unlikely. The protection of the property against this type of activity as well as against other threats outside the boundaries of the property is essential.

Protection and management requirements

At the institutional level, the Dja Faunal Reserve is managed by the Dja Conservation Services (DCS), headed by a conservator. The management of the Reserve receives significant support from international cooperation partners of Cameroon through many projects. Sustained funding for the Dja Faunal Reserve is critical to move towards financial autonomy and ensure an adequate staff and management of resources.

At the operational level, the natural resources affected by high pressure have been identified and a local anti-poaching strategy has been developed. There are regular patrols in the forest and on the road in and around the Reserve, and a cooperative framework with the forestry operators for continuous monitoring of their concessions is in place.

The strengthening of education and communication is vital to the management of the property, including increased awareness of local populations and the general public. The DCS is strongly committed to this work, and the establishment of a collaboration with 19 village vigilance committees is an important priority. The main areas of work include priority issues such as anti-poaching, collection of forest data, and the code of laws and procedures. A legal toolbox is also available and the optimal use of management effectiveness assessments to guide future management of the property, including its links with neighbouring areas is part of the process.