Derivatives - Debian Wiki (original) (raw)
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Debian "derivative" is a colloquial term used to refer to distributions which are based on Debian in various ways.
A common, but not unique pattern for derivatives is that of reusing/rebuilding most of the official Debian packages and adding some custom packages of their own.
According to distrowatch, Debian has already spawned more than 400 derivatives and more than 120 of them are still active.
See also
- DerivativesFrontDesk: where to ask help if you come from a derivative distribution and want to contribute to Debian
- Derivatives/Meetings: a list of meetings and events related to Debian derivatives
- Derivatives/Guidelines: guidelines and advice for best practices within derivatives
- Derivatives/CensusQA: email templates for when contacting derivatives about census issues
- Derivatives/Integration: documentation about integration of derivatives into Debian infrastructure
- DEX: Derivatives EXchange; cross-community teamwork
- UpstreamGuide: some things to think about when you are creating new software to put into your distribution
- DebianPureBlends: a subset of Debian that is configured to support a particular target group out-of-the-box
- MergeDerivedDistributions: a proposal for how to bring the work of derived distros into Debian, obsoleted by the derivatives census
- Derivatives highlighted by Debian
- Derivatives/Census: a census of derivative distributions and their information
- Derivatives/CensusFull: aggregation of all derivatives registered in the census
- Debian Installer: modified versions of the Debian Installer
- Debian Live: downstream distros using Debian Live technology
- CommercialDebianDistros: commercial Debian distros
- OpenMoko: Debian derivatives to run on the OpenMoko FreeRunner phone
- Wikipedia: Wikipedia list of Debian based distributions
- Debian family tree: graph of the Debian family by Wikipedia contributors
- Distrowatch family tree: graph of the distros (including Debian based)
- Distrowatch all: Distrowatch list of all Debian based distributions
- Distrowatch active: Distrowatch list of *active* Debian based distributions
- LWN: LWN distribution list, search for Debian to find Debian derived ones
- distro timeline: GNU/Linux distro timeline
- community poll: Debian community poll that included the question "Are you using Debian derived distributions, too?" and resulted in a list of derivatives people use.
- Ubuntu: list of Ubuntu (and therefore Debian) derivatives
- Multimedia distros: list of multimedia-related distros that are directly or indirectly derived from Debian
- FluxBox derivatives: list of FluxBox-based distros that are derived from Debian
- UnofficialRepositories: unofficial repositories
- Linux Leaders: Debian and Ubuntu Derivative Distros by Bruce Byfield
- ArchiveOS Debian tag: archives of old distributions based on Debian