ceraun-, keraun-; cerauno-, kerauno- - Word Information (original) (raw)

ceraunia (pl) (noun) (no singular)

1. In folklore, stones, arrowheads, stone axes, and similar artifacts, believed to have fallen from the sky as a result of "thunderbolts" when lightning stuck the ground: During the middle Ages the thinking about “thunderbolts” was dominated by the belief that the ceraunia had magical properties.
2. Etymology: from Greek keraunos, "thunderbolt".

ceraunics (plural used as a singular) (noun)

1. An area of physics that studies heat and electricity.
2. Etymology: from Greek keraunos, "thunder and lightning".

ceraunion, keraunion (s) (noun); ceraunions, keraunions (pl)

In archaeology, any of several kinds of prehistoric artifacts, especially stone axes, believed in ancient times to have fallen as thunderbolts.

ceraunogram, keraunogram (s) (noun); ceraunograms, keraunograms (pl)

A written record that results from a radio direction-finder for the study of atmospherics; especially, from a meteorological point of view: One example of a ceraunogram is the written recording of the occurrences of distant lightning flashes.

ceraunograph, keraunograph (s) (noun); ceraunographs, keraunographs (pl)

1. An instrument for chronologically recording occurrences of thunder (thunderstorms) and lightning (lightnings or thunderbolts).
2. A figure impressed by lightning upon a body or material.
3. In meteorology, an apparatus, consisting essentially of an antenna connected to a galvanometer or electroscope, for recording the occurrences of thunderstorms.

ceraunomancy, keraunomancy (s) (noun); ceraunomancies, keraunomancies (pl)

Divinations, or telling fortunes, by means of activities in the air: Ceraunomancy involved the action of rain, thunder, lightning, etc.

Ceraunomancy is a form of prophecy involving the interpretation of an omen communicated by thunder.

ceraunomania, keraunomania (s) (noun); ceraunomanias, keraunomanias (pl)

A abnormal desire to be around when there are thunder and lightning exhibitions put on by nature.

ceraunoneurosis, keraunoneurosis (s) (noun); ceraunoneuroses, keraunoneuroses (pl)

1. A term for traumatic disease of the nerves that is associated with electric shocks.
2. A serious mental disturbance caused by an extreme fear of a thunderstorm or being struck by lightning.

ceraunoparalysis, keraunoparalysis (s) (noun); ceraunoparalyses, keraunoparalyses (pl)

The loss of the ability to move one's body, or a part of it, because of an injury caused by lightning.

ceraunophilia, keraunophilia (s) (noun); ceraunophilias, keraunophilias (pl)

A special fondness or love for thunderstorms: Mr. White somehow was affected by ceraunophilia and enjoyed watching and taking photos of such storms that were caused by the strong rising air currents in the sky.

ceraunophobia, keraunophobia (s) (noun); ceraunophobias, keraunophobias (pl)

An excessive dread of lightning: In psychiatry, ceraunophobia is related to the fear of strong and superior forces, and as such, it appears to stem from an abnormal panic of thunder and flashes of light when such storms come.

ceraunophone, keraunophone (s) (noun); ceraunophones, keraunophones (pl)

1. An instrument that makes a record of the occurrences of thunder through a telephone receiver.
2. In meteorology, an apparatus, essentially a radio receiver, for audibly demonstrating the occurrences of distant sounds of thunder as they are caused by lightening.

ceraunophonic, keraunophonic (adjective); more ceraunophonic,, more keraunophonic; most ceraunophonic, most keraunophonic

A reference to a device that can record and present distant lightning flashes and thunder sounds.

ceraunoscope, keraunoscope (s) (noun); ceraunoscopes, keraunoscopes (pl)

An instrument, or device, that was used by the ancients to simulate or to imitate the sound of thunder: The use of a ceraunoscope was probably done to make others think that the user had supernatural powers.

ceraunoscopia, keraunoscopia (s) (noun); ceraunoscopias, keraunoscopias (pl)

Another form of divination, or fortune telling, involving the interpretation of thunder.

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "lightning and/or thunder": astrapo-;bronto-;fulgur-;tonitro-, tonitru-.