Belgium (original) (raw)


Map of Belgium Hear National Anthem "La Braban�onne" (The Song of Brabant) Text of National Anthem Adopted Sep 1830 (Lyrics 1860/1921) Constitution (7 Feb 1831)
Capital: Brussels (Bruxelles/Brussel) Currency: Euro (EUR); 1831 - 1 Jan 2002 Belgian Franc (BEF); 1940-1944 German Reichsmark (DER); 1925-1945 Belgian Belga (BEB); 1865-1925 Belgian Union Latine Franc (XULF); 1915-1918 Belgian Franken (BEF); 1714-1792 Austrian Netherlands Ducat (XAND); 1579-1714 Spanish Netherlands Souverain (XNEG) National Holiday: 21 Jul (1831) F�te Nationale/Nationale Feestdag (National Day) Population: 11,570,762 (2018)
GDP: 529.2billion(2017)∣∗∗Exports∗∗:529.2 billion (2017) Exports: 529.2billion(2017)Exports:300.8 billion (2017) Imports: $300.4 billion (2017) Ethnic groups: Belgian 75%, Italian 4.1%, Moroccan 3.7%, French 2.4%, Turkish 2%, Dutch 2%, other 12.8% (2011)
Total Active Armed Forces: 28,800 (2018) U.S. Forces: 1,105 (2023) Merchant marine: 185 ships (2017) Religions: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant and other Christian 2.5%, Muslim 5%, Jewish 0.4%, Buddhist 0.3%, atheist 9.2%, none 32.6% (2009)
International Organizations/Treaties: ADB (nonregional), AfDB (nonregional), AG, AIIB (nonregional),ANT (consultative), APM, Benelux, BIS, BTWC, CCM, CD, CE, CERN, CFE, CTBT, CWC, DC (observer), DLU (associate), EAPC, EBRD, ECB, EIB, EITI (implementing country), EMU, ENMOD, ESA, ESCR, EU, Euratom, Eutelsat, FAO, FATF, G-10, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC, ICCt, ICRM, ICSID, IDA, IEA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IGAD (partner), IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO, IMSO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, IRENA, ISA, ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC, MIGA, Moon, MTCR, NATO, NEA, NPT, NSG, NTBT, OAS (observer), OECD, OIF, OPCW, OS, OSCE, OST, PA (observer), Paris Club, PCA, SEGIB (associate observer), SELEC (observer), UN, UNCLOS, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNFCC, UNFCC-KP,UNFCC-PA,UNHCR, UNRWA, UPU, WA, WADB (nonregional), WCO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO, ZC
Belgium Index Chronology 10th - 11th cent. Counties of Louvain (Brabant), Antwerp, Malines, Looz, Hainaut (900), Namur, Li�ge, Stavelot- Malmedy,Limburg (c.1030), Montaigu, La Roche, Durbuy, Chiny, Arlon, Vianden,Bouillion and Luxembourg. bf.1139 Duchy of Lower Lotharingia (Lorraine)(north of Lotharingia; all states except Li�ge-Bouillon, Stavelot and Flanders). 1458 County of Flanders. 1467 Personal union of Flanders and principalities of Lotharingia under the Valois dukes of Burgundy. 26 Jun 1548 Under the Habsburg dynasty. 16 Jan 1556 Spanish Netherlands, under the kings of the Spanish monarchy. 13 Jun 1584 - 20 Sep 1604 Ostend under Dutch (and English) occupation. 1703 - 1706 French occupation (in Namur and Luxembourg to 1714). 12 Sep 1703 Limburg under Austrian rule. Jul 1706 Brabant and Flanders under allied administration ("conference of the high powers"), Hainaut and Namur under Bavarian administration. 8 May 1713 As a consequence of the War of the Spanish Succession, the Spanish Netherlands passes to the Archdukes of Austria (Austrian Netherlands)(also see Luxembourg). May 1745 - 18 Oct 1748 Occupied by France. 11 Jan 1790 United Belgian (or Netherlands) States (United States of Belgium or United Belgian States [Republiek der Verenigde Nederlandse Staten/ �tats Belgiques unis or �tats-Unis de Belgique_]); Luxembourg remains under Austrian control. 7 Dec 1790 Austrian rule restored. 19 Nov 1792 - 26 Mar 1793 Occupied by France (Brussels on 14 Nov 1792, Antwerp28 Nov 1792, and Namur 2 Dec 1792); on 25 Mar 1793 Belgium organized into departments. 15 Dec 1792 French decree proclaims the eventual "freedom and sovereignty" of the peoples of the Austrian Netherlands and Li�ge, but from 1 - 30 Mar 1793, it is gradually integrated into France. 26 Mar 1793 - 27 Jul 1794 Austrian rule restored. 27 Jul 1794 Re-occupied by France (Brussels on 10 Jul 1794). 15 Oct 1794 Central and Superior Administration of Belgium (covering all areas except except Bouillon). 31 Aug 1795 Belgian territory is divided into nine departments 1 Oct 1795 Belgian departments annexed by France. 18 Aug 1797 Officially ceded to France by Austria. 15 Feb 1814 Belgian territory separated from France, provisional government headed by Gouverneur- g�n�ral de la Belgique installed under authority of the Allies: Belgium (Belgique)(also_La Belgique)(and Provinces de la Belgique, Provinces belges also in official use). 21 Jul 1814 Act on transfer of sovereignty to the Sovereign Prince of the Netherlands is signed. The assumption of authority in Belgium is 1 Aug 1814. 16 Mar 1815 Incorporation of the Belgian lands and Li�ge into the Kingdom of the Netherlands. 24 Sep 1830 Administrative Commission established by Belgian revolutionary forces. 4 Oct 1830 The provinces of Belgium are proclaimed an independent state in accordance with an order of the Provisional Government (confirmed by decree of of independence of the Belgian people by the National Congress of 18 Nov 1830)(Belgium [_Belgique_])(also La Belgique). 3 Feb 1831 Congress proclaims Louis-Charles-Philippe-Rapha�l d'Orl�ans, duc de Nemours, son of King Louis-Philippe of the French, to be king; his father refuses in his name. 25 Feb 1831 Kingdom of Belgium (Royaume de Belgique [and from 25 May 1898, Koninkrijk Belgi�). 23 Dec 1832 Dutch forces evacuate Antwerp citadel. 19 Apr 1839 Netherlands recognizes Belgian independence by the Treaty of London (ratified 8 Jun 1839). 25 May 1898 Dutch is added as a language of official publications in accordance with the Law of 18 Apr 1898. 4 Aug 1914 - 11 Nov 1918 Occupied by Germany (in Brussels 20 Aug 1914), except for a small area behind the Yser River (Kaiserliches Deutsches Generalgouvernement Belgien, included Brussels and surrounding countryside [Etappengebiet zone under the control of the German 4th Army, included the cities of Ghent and Antwerp and a Marinegebiet along the coast including Ostend, Bruges and Zeebrugge was administered by the Imperial German Navy]). 3 Jan 1915 - 5 Jan 1918 Northern part of the Meuse River valley of French Ardennes d�partement (including Givet and Fumay) (Gebiet um Givet und Fumay) and Maubiege (Gebiet der Kommandantur Maubeuge)(3 Oct 1914 - 1 Oct 1916) attached to German General Government of Belgium. 22 Dec 1917 - 25 Jun 1918 Independent State of Flanders proclaimed. 21 Mar 1917 In preparation for a possible division into two separate autonomous or independent polities, Belgium was divided into two administrative regions: Flandern, capital Brussels and Wallonien, capital Namur. 20 Sep 1920 Eupen-Malmedy, and Moresnet formally annexed. 22 Dec 1922 Belgium�Luxembourg Economic Union (Union �conomique belgo-luxembourgeoise/Belgisch-Luxemburgse Economische Unie /Belsch-L�tzebuerger Wirtschaftsunioun)(signed 25 Jul 1921). 10 May 1940 - 3 Sep 1944 Germany occupies Belgium (in Brussels 17 May 1940) administering it together (from 15 Jun 1940) with Nord and Pas-de-Calais d�partements of France. 29 Jul 1940 - 10 Sep 1944 Eupen, Malmedy and Moresnet annexed to Germany. Jul 1944 German military administration replaced by a civilian one as a prelude to integration into the German Reich (Reichskommissariat f�r die besetzten Gebiete von Belgien und Nordfrankreich). Dec 1944 Belgium is nominally divided into three parts: Distrikt Br�ssel, remaining under the Reichskommissar;Reichsgau Flandern, capital Antwerpen; and Reichsgau Wallonien, capital Li�ge. 3 Sep 1944 - 21 Sep 1944 Allied occupation. Dec 1944 - Jan 1945 Brief German re-occupation of parts of the provinces of Li�ge and Luxembourg. 1 Jan 1948 Part of the Benelux Union (Belgium-Netherlands- Luxembourg)(signed 5 Sep 1944). 11 Nov 1991 German is recognized as one of the three languages in which the Constitution is written in accordance with a Constitutional amendment of 23 Oct 1991. 1 Nov 1993 Part of European Union (1958-93 European Community).
Regions and Communities
French D�partements (1793-1815)
Independent Flanders (1917-1918)
Eupen-Malmedy (1918-1925)
Bouillon (1695-1795, 1814-1815)
Li�ge (1694-1795)
Fagnolle (Ligne) (1765-1793)
Limburg Duchy (1703-1795)
Neutral Moresnet (1817-1920)
Nivelles (1668-1795)
Reckheim (1623-1795)
Stavelot-Malmedy (1682-1794)
Dutch Ostend (1584-1603)
Map of Belgium 1559-1794
Historical Maps of Belgium

26 Jun 1548 - 25 Oct 1555 Charles III (b. 1500 - d. 1558)
26 Jun 1548 - 25 Oct 1555 Maria von Habsburg (f) -Regent (b. 1505 - d. 1558)
25 Oct 1555 - 16 Jan 1556 Philip V (b. 1527 - d. 1556)
16 Jan 1556 - 16 Nov 1700 the kings of Spain
- in Hainaut/Henegouwen and Namur/Namen -
16 Nov 1700 - 2 Jan 1712 Philippe (b. 1683 - d. 1746)
(= Felipe V of Spain)
May 1712 - 8 May 1713 Maximilien Emmanuel (b. 1662 - d. 1726)
(= Maximilian II Emanuel of Bavaria)
8 May 1713 - 20 Oct 1740 Charles (b. 1685 - d. 1740)
(= Karl III of Austria)
- Limburg/Limbourg -
16 Nov 1700 - 6 Dec 1703 Philippe (s.a.)
6 Dec 1703 - 20 Oct 1740 Charles (s.a.)
- in Brabant -
16 Nov 1700 - 5 Jun 1706 Philippe (s.a.)
5 Jun 1706 - 20 Oct 1740 Charles (s.a.)
- Flanders/Vlaanderen -
16 Nov 1700 - 6 Jun 1706 Philippe (s.a.)
6 Jun 1706 - 20 Oct 1740 Charles (s.a.)
- in Malines, Upper Gelder (to Prussia 1713), Tournai, West-Flanders
and from 1711, Hainaut (under titular sovereignty of Charles to Feb 1716) -
12 Sep 1703 - 22 Aug 1718 Conference of the High Powers
- John Churchill, Duke of (b. 1650 - d. 1722)
Marlborough (U.K.) (to 1707)
- William Cadogan (U.K.) (1707-1710) (b. 1675 - d. 1726)
- Charles Boyle, Earl of Orrery (b. 1676 - d. 1731)
(U.K.)(from 1710)
- Frederik Adriaan Baron van Reede, (b. 1659 - d. 1738)
Baron van Renswoude (to 1708)
(United Netherlands)
- Johan van den Bergh (from 1708) (b. 1664 - d. 1755)
(United Netherlands)
- all of the Southern Netherlands -
22 Aug 1718 - 17 Oct 1797 the rulers of Austria
(interrupted by invasions and occupations listed [s.b.])
26 Jun 1548 - 25 Oct 1555 Maria von Habsburg (f) (s.a.)
25 Oct 1555 - 27 Jul 1559 Emmanuele Filiberto, duca di Savoia (b. 1528 - d. 1580)
27 Jul 1559 - 30 Dec 1567 Margarita, duquesa de Parma (f) (b. 1522 - d. 1586)
30 Dec 1567 - 29 Nov 1573 Fernando �lvarez de Toledo, (b. 1507 - d. 1582)
duque de Alba
7 Jul 1572 - 8 Nov 1576 Willem, graaf van Nassau, (b. 1533 - d. 1584)
prince d'Orange (in rebellion)
29 Nov 1573 - 5 Mar 1576 Luis de Requesens y Z��iga (b. 1528 - d. 1576)
5 Mar 1576 - 31 Jul 1576 Ger�nimo de Roda
+ Philippe de Croy, duc de A�rschot (b. 1526 - d. 1595)
31 Jul 1576 - 3 Nov 1576 Charles Philippe de Croy, (b. 1549 - d. 1613)
marquis de Havr� (acting)
3 Nov 1576 - 1 Oct 1578 Juan de Austria (b. 1547 - d. 1578)
(acting to 6 May 1577 in Luxembourg)
20 Jan 1578 - 15 Mar 1580 Matthias Erzherzog von �sterreich (b. 1557 - d. 1619)
1 Oct 1578 - 6 Dec 1592 Alessandro Farnese, duca di Parma (b. 1545 - d. 1592)
Jun 1580 - Nov 1581 Margarita, duquesa de Parma (f) (s.a.)
(co-ruler, in Namur)
26 Jan 1581 - 26 Jul 1581 Francis Hercule, duc d'Anjou (b. 1555 - d. 1584)
et d'Alen�on (in dissidence)
(Prince Souverain des Pays-Bas)
1592 - Feb 1594 Peter Ernst Graf von Mansfeld- (b. 1517 - d. 1604)
Heldrungen (acting to 6 Dec 1592)
Feb 1594 - 12 Feb 1595 Ernst Erzherzog von �sterreich (b. 1553 - d. 1595)
12 Feb 1595 - 1596 Pedro Enr�quez de Azevedo, (b. 1525 - d. 1610)
conde de Fuentes (interim)
1596 - 1598 Albrecht Erzherzog von �sterreich (b. 1559 - d. 1621)
1598 - 6 May 1598 Andreas Erzherzog von �sterreich (b. 1558 - d. 1600)
6 May 1598 - 1 Dec 1633 Isabella Clara Eugenia de Espa�a (f) (b. 1566 - d. 1633)
(Princesse Souveraine des Pays-Bas to 13 Jul 1621)
5 Sep 1599 - 13 Jul 1621 Albrecht Erzherzog von Osterreich (b. 1559 - d. 1621)
(Prince Souverain des Pays-Bas)
29 Nov 1621 - 1634 Francisco de Moncada, marqu�s (b. 1586 - d. 1635)
de Aytona (interim from 1633)
1634 - 9 Nov 1641 Fernando, Arzobispo de Toledo (b. 1609 - d. 1641)
1641 - 1644 Francisco Melo de Portugal y Castro (b. 1597 - d. 1651)
marqu�s de Villanueva
1644 - 1647 Emanuel de Moura y Corte-Real, (b. c.1590 - d. 1651)
marqu�s de Castel Rodrigo
1647 - 1656 Leopold Wilhelm Erzherzog von (b. 1614 - d. 1662)
1656 - Mar 1659 Juan Jos� d'Austria (b. 1629 - d. 1679)
1659 - Sep 1664 Luis de Benavides Carrillo de (b. 1608 - d. 1668)
Toldedo, marqu�s de Caracena
1664 - Sep 1668 Francisco de Moura-Cortereal, (b. 1610 - d. 1675)
marqu�s da Castel Rodrigo
1668 - Jul 1670 ��igo Melchor Fern�ndez de Valesco (b. 1629 - d. 1696)
y Guzm�n, duque de Feria
1670 - Feb 1675 Juan Domingo de Z��iga y Fonseca, (b. 1640 - d. 1716)
conde de Monterrey
1675 - Dec 1677 Carlos de Arag�n de Gurrea y Borja, (b. 1634 - d. 1692)
duque de Villahermosa
1678 - 1682 Alessandro Farnese de Parma (b. 1635 - d. 1689)
1682 - 19 Jun 1685 Ottone Enrico del Carretto, (b. 1639 - d. 1685)
conte di Millesimo
1685 - 1692 Francisco Antonio de Agurto, (b. 1640 - d. 1702)
marques de Gasta�aga
1692 - 23 Mar 1701 Kurf�rst Maximilian II von Bayern (b. 1662 - d. 1726)
(1st time)
23 Mar 1701 - 7 Oct 1704 Jan van Brouchoven Graf van (b. 1644 - d. 1725)
7 Oct 1704 - Jul 1706 Kurf�rst Maximilian II von Bayern (s.a.)
(2nd time)
Administrators-general (governors of Limburg + Li�ge)
22 Oct 1703 - 1705 Philipp Ludwig Wenzel Graf (b. 1671 - d. 1742)
Sinzendorff und Thannhausen
(1st time)
19 Oct 1705 - 1707 Johann Peter Graf von Go�ss (b. 1667 - d. 1716)
6 Nov 1707 - Jul 1709 Francisco Bernardo de Quiros (b. 1650 - d. 1709)
23 Jul 1709 - 25 Feb 1710 Johann Wenzel Graf von Gallas (b. 1670 - d. 1719)
25 Feb 1710 - 27 Oct 1713 Franz Adolf Freiherr von Zinzerling (d. 1718)
27 Oct 1713 - 14 Dec 1713 Philipp Ludwig Wenzel Graf (s.a.)
Sinzendorff und Thannhausen
(2nd time)
Governors (of Limburg)
14 Dec 1713 - 1714 Georg Freiherr Tunderfeld (b. 1678 - d. 1748)
17 Mar 1714 - 31 Jan 1716 Franz Sigismund Graf Thurn und (b. 1662 - d. 1726)
31 Jan 1716 - Nov 1716 Joseph Lothar Dominik Graf von (b. 1673 - d. 1751)
K�nigsegg-Rothenfels (acting)
Nov 1716 - 1717 Ercole Giuseppe Luigi Turinetti (b. 1658 - d. 1726)
marchese di Pri� (acting)
1717 - Dec 1724 Fran�ois Eug�ne (Eugenio) prince de (b. 1663 - d. 1736)
(= Eugen Prinz von Savoyen)
Dec 1724 - 9 Oct 1725 Wirich Philipp Lorenz Graf Dhaun (b. 1669 - d. 1741)
9 Oct 1725 - 26 Aug 1741 Maria Elisabeth Erzherzogin von (b. 1680 - d. 1741)
�sterreich (f)
26 Aug 1741 - 16 Mar 1743 Friedrich August Gervas Graf Harrach (b. 1696 - d. 1749)
zu Rohrau (acting)
16 Mar 1743 - 8 Jan 1744 Karl Ferdinand Graf von K�nigsegg- (b. 1696 - d. 1759)
Erps (acting)
8 Jan 1744 - 16 Mar 1746 Karl Alexander Prinz von Lothringen (b. 1712 - d. 1780)
und Bar (1st time)
- jointly with - 8 Jan 1744 - 16 Dec 1744 Maria Anna Erzherzogin von (b. 1718 - d. 1744)
�sterreich (f)French Military Governor
May 1745 - 18 Oct 1748 Moritz von Sachsen (Marurice de Saxe)(b. 1696 - d. 1750)
Oct 1748 - 23 Apr 1749 Karl Joseph Graf Batthy�ny (acting) (b. 1697 - d. 1772)
23 Apr 1749 - 4 Jul 1780 Karl Alexander Prinz von Lothringen (s.a.)
und Bar (2nd time)
28 Jun 1780 - Nov 1480 Georg Adam F�rst von Starhemberg (b. 1724 - d. 1807)
Nov 1780 - Jun 1787 Marie Christine Johanna Josepha (b. 1742 - d. 1798)
Antonia Erzherzogin von
�sterreich (f)(1st time)
- jointly with -
Nov 1780 - Jun 1787 Albert Kasimir August Prinz von (b. 1738 - d. 1822)
Sachsen-Teschen (1st time)
Jun 1787 - Nov 1787 Joseph Graf Murray (acting) (b. 1718 - d. 1802)
Military governor
Nov 1787 - 12 Dec 1789 Richard Graf Alton (b. 1732 - d. 1790)
Commander of the Patriotic Army
24 Oct 1789 - 11 Jan 1790 Jan Frans Vonck (b. 1743 - d. 1792)
Plenipotentiary of the People of Brabant
24 Oct 1789 - 11 Jan 1790 Hendrik Karel Nicolaas van der Noot (b. 1731 - d. 1827)
Presidents of the Sovereign Congress of the Belgian States
11 Jan 1790 - Mar 1790 Fran�ois Corneille de N�lis (b. 1736 - d. 1798)
Mar 1790 - Apr 1790 Amour Joseph Philippe Charles Taye, (b. 1738 - d. 1792)
marquis de Wemmel (1st time)
Apr 1790 Philippe Joseph, baron de N�verl�e (b. 1749 - d. 1829)
de Baulet
Apr 1790 - May 1790 Louis-Joseph de Haveskercke (b. 1736 - d. 1812)
May 1790 Bonaventure Hyacinthe Joseph de (b. 1755 - d. 1831)
Bousies (1st time)
May 1790 Amour Joseph Philippe Charles Taye, (s.a.)
marquis de Wemmel (2nd time)
May 1790 - Jun 1790 Bonaventure Hyacinthe Joseph de (s.a.)
Bousies (2nd time)
Jun 1790 - Jul 1790 Charles Joseph de Grave (b. 1736 - d. 1805)
Jul 1790 - Aug 1790 Jean Fran�ois Gendebien (b. 1753 - d. 1838)
Aug 1790 - Sep 1790 Fran�ois Ignace van der Meersch (b. 1750 - d. 1825)
Sep 1790 - Oct 1790 Ignace Joseph de La Saulx de (b. 1734 - d. 1805)
Gulchen, seigneur de Ravede et
Oct 1790 - Nov 1790 Baptiste Fran�ois Xavier Hyacinthe, (b. 1737 - d. 1815)
comte de Baillet
8 Nov 1790 - Nov 1790 Hendrik Herman Werner Frans Anton (b. 1738 - d. 1811)
van Crumpipen
Nov 1790 - 2 Dec 1790 Petrus Johannes Simon Visbecque (b. 1744 - d. 1804)
van Eupen
Austrian Governors-general
6 Dec 1790 - Jun 1791 Florimond Claude Graf Mercy- (b. 1722 - d. 1794)
Argenteau (acting)
Jun 1791 - 19 Nov 1792 Marie Christine Johanna Josepha (s.a.)
Antonia Erzherzogin von
�sterreich (f) (2nd time)
- jointly with -
Jun 1791 - 19 Nov 1792 Albert Kasimir August Prinz von (s.a.)
Sachsen-Teschen (2nd time)
Commanders of French forces
19 Nov 1792 - 29 Dec 1792 Charles Fran�ois du Perrier (b. 1739 - d. 1823)
Dumouriez (1st time)
29 Dec 1792 - 2 Feb 1793 Francisco de Miranda (acting) (b. 1750 - d. 1816)
2 Feb 1793 - 9 Mar 1793 Charles Fran�ois du Perrier (s.a.)
Dumouriez (2nd time)
Austrian Governors-general
9 Mar 1793 - 26 Mar 1793 Franz Karl Johann Nepomuk, Graf (b. 1746 - d. 1818)
von Metternich zu Winneburg (acting)
26 Mar 1793 - 2 Aug 1794 Karl Ludwig Erzherzog von �sterreich (b. 1771 - d. 1847)
French Commander
27 Jul 1794 - 15 Oct 1794 Jean Charles Pichegru (b. 1761 - d. 1804)
(from 9 Feb 1794, commander of the Arm�e du Nord)
Presidents of the Central and Superior Administration of Belgium
(Pr�sident de l'administration centrale et sup�rieure de la Belgique)
Oct 1794 - Dec 1794 Jacques Laurent B�thune (b. 1713 - d. 1799)
Dec 1794 - Jan 1795 Charles Joseph Mathieu Lambrechts (b. 1753 - d. 1823)
(1st time)
Jan 1795 - Feb 1795 Jean Baptiste Joseph Delabuisse (b. 1754 - d. 1809)
Feb 1795 - Mar 1795 Charles Lambert Doutrepont (b. 1746 - d. 1809)
Mar 1795 - Apr 1795 Antoine Delval-Lagache (b. 1748 - d. 1823)
Apr 1795 - May 1795 Jacques Guillaume Meyer (b. 1760 - d. 1805)
May 1795 - Jun 1795 Henri Denier
Jun 1795 - Jul 1795 Charles Joseph Mathieu Lambrechts (s.a.)
(2nd time)
Jul 1795 - Aug 1795 Nicolas Bonaventure (b. 1753 - d. 1831)
Aug 1795 - Sep 1795 Charles Louis Michel
29 Sep 1795 - Oct 1795 Jacques Joseph Chapel
Chairmen of council of government
13 Oct 1795 - 27 Oct 1795 Julien Urbain Fran�ois Marie Riel (b. 1757 - d. 1816)
Lefebvre de Nantes
+ Jacques Charles Giroust (b. 1749 - d. 1836)
Oct 1795 - 22 Nov 1795 Louis Fran�ois Ren� Portiez de (b. 1756 - d. 1810)
+ Emmanuel P�r�s de la Haute-Garone (b. 1752 - d. 1833)
+ Claude Roberjot (did not arrive) (b. 1752 - d. 1799)
French Commissioner of the Directory
22 Nov 1795 - 20 Jan 1797 Louis Ghislain de Bouteville-Dumetz (b. 1746 - d. 1821)
1 Oct 1795 - 30 Jan 1814 Annexed to France (see departments below)
Governors-general (on behalf of the Allied Powers)
30 Jan 1814 - 11 Feb 1814 Allied Military Commanders
- Karl August Herzog von Sachsen- (b. 1757 - d. 1828)
- Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von (b. 1755 - d. 1816)
B�low, Graf von Dennewitz
- Ferdinand Freiherr von (b. 1770 - d. 1818)
11 Feb 1814 - 18 Mar 1814 Allied Commissioners
- Justus Adolf Philipp Wilhelm (b. 1774 - d. 1845)
Ludwig Freiherr von Wolzogen
(to 15 Feb 1814)
- Leopold Hermann Ludwig von Boyen (b. 1771 - d. 1848)
(to 15 Feb 1814)
- Daniel Heinrich Delius (b. 1773 - d. 1832)
(from 15 Feb 1814)
- Carl Friedrich Heinrich Graf von (b. 1767 - d. 1841)
Wylich und Lottum (from 15 Feb 1814)
15 Feb 1814 - 19 Mar 1814 Fr�d�ric Auguste Alexandre, duc de (b. 1751 - d. 1817)
Beaufort-Spontin, duc et comte
princier de Beaufort-Spontin,
marquis de Spontin, de Florennes et
de Courcelles, comte de Beauraing
15 Feb 1814 - 18 Feb 1814 Eug�ne Jean-Baptiste, comte de (b. 1741 - d. 1820)
(acting for absent Beaufort-Spontin)
19 Mar 1814 - 5 May 1814 August Friedrich Karl Hermann (b. 1780 - d. 1861)
Freiherr von der Horst
5 May 1814 - 31 Jul 1814 Nicholas-Charles, baron de Vincent (b. 1757 - d. 1834)
(= Nikolaus Karl Freiherr von Vincent)
(Gouverneur-g�n�ral pour les Alli�s
de la Belgique et du pays de Li�ge)
1 Aug 1814 - 16 Mar 1815 Willem Frederik van Oranje-Nassau, (b. 1772 - d. 1843)
Souverein Vorst der Verenigde
did not take office in person, delegated his authority to his representative:
Godert Alexander Gerard Philip,
baron van der Capellen, heer van (b. 1778 - d. 1848)
Berkenwoude en Agterbroek
16 Mar 1815 - 4 Oct 1830 incorporation into Kingdom of Netherlands
24 Sep 1830 - 25 Feb 1831 Administrative Commission (from 26 Sep
1830, Provisional Government)
- Emmanuel Constant Prismes (b. 1782 - d. 1866) Con
Ghislain van der Linden,
baron d'Hooghvorst, comte de
Hornbe�ck (to 14 Feb 1831)
- Charles Latour Rogier (b. 1800 - d. 1885) Lib
(signs as chairman on 25 Sep 1830, but never again)
- Philippe F�lix Balthazar Othon (b. 1791 - d. 1857) Con
Ghislain, comte de M�rode
(from 26 Sep 1830)
- Alexandre Joseph C�lestin (b. 1789 - d. 1869) Lib
Gendebien (from 26 Sep 1830)
- Jean Sylvain van de Weyer (b. 1802 - d. 1874) Lib
(from 26 Sep 1830)
- Andr� �douard Jolly (b. 1799 - d. 1831) Mil
- Feuillen Charles Marie Joseph, (b. 1800 - d. 1887) Con
baron de Coppin de Fala�n
- Joseph van der Linden(Vanderlinden)(b. 1798 - d. 1877) Lib
- Louis Joseph Antoine de Potter (b. 1786 - d. 1859) Con
(28 Sep - 13 Nov 1830)
- Joseph Nicolay (Nicola�) (b. 1798? - d. 1842)
(25 Sep - 10 Oct 1830)
5 Oct 1830 - 26 Oct 1830 Willem Frederik, prins van Oranje- (b. 1792 - d. 1849)
Nassau (Netherlands provisional Governor-
general of Southern provinces; in Antwerp)
25 Feb 1831 - 21 Jul 1831 �rasme Louis, baron Surlet de (b. 1769 - d. 1839) Lib
21 Jul 1831 - 10 Dec 1865 L�opold I (b. 1790 - d. 1865)
(king-elect from 4 Jun 1831)
10 Dec 1865 - 17 Dec 1865 Charles Latour Rogier (s.a.) PL
(acting Head of State)
17 Dec 1865 - 17 Dec 1909 L�opold II (b. 1835 - d. 1909)
(also in Congo 29 May 1885 - 15 Nov 1908)
17 Dec 1909 - 23 Dec 1909 Frans Victor Marie Ghislain (b. 1851 - d. 1917) CP
Schollaert (acting Head of State)
23 Dec 1909 - 17 Feb 1934 Albert I (b. 1875 - d. 1934)
(at La Panne, Belgium Oct 1914 - 21 Nov 1918)
German Military Commanders
4 Aug 1914 - 2 Sep 1914 Alexander Heinrich Rudolf von Kluck (b. 1846 - d. 1934) Mil
(commander 1st Armee)
+ Karl Wilhelm Paul von B�low (b. 1846 - d. 1921) Mil
(commander 2nd Armee)
+ Max Clemens Lothar Freiherr von (b. 1846 - d. 1922) Mil
Hausen (commander 3rd Armee)
Governors-general for the Imperial German General Government of Belgium
( Generalgouverneur f�r das Kaiserlich Deutsche Generalgouvernement Belgien )
2 Sep 1914 - 3 Dec 1914 Wilhelm Leopold Colmar Freiherr (b. 1843 - d. 1916) Mil
von der Goltz
3 Dec 1914 - 18 Apr 1917 Moritz Ferdinand Freiherr von (b. 1844 - d. 1917) Mil
18 Apr 1917 - 3 May 1917 Johann "Hans" von Zwehl (acting) (b. 1851 - d. 1926) Mil
3 May 1917 - 11 Nov 1918 Ludwig Alexander Friedrich August (b. 1844 - d. 1936) Mil
Philipp Freiherr von Falkenhausen
17 Feb 1934 - 23 Feb 1934 Charles Marie Pierre Albert, (b. 1860 - d. 1940) CP
comte de Broqueville
(acting Head of State)
23 Feb 1934 - 27 May 1940 L�opold III (1st time) (b. 1901 - d. 1983)
(German prisoner 27 May 1940 - 8 May 1945)
German Military Commanders
10 May 1940 - 31 May 1940 Karl Rudolf Gerd von Rundstedt (b. 1875 - d. 1953) Mil
(commander-in-chief Heeresgruppe A)
+ Moritz Albrecht Franz Friedrich (b. 1880 - d. 1945) Mil
Fedor von Bock
(commander-in-chief Heeresgruppe B)
German Military Governor (Milit�rbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich) 1 Jun 1940 - 18 Jul 1944 Alexander Ernst Alfred Hermann (b. 1878 - d. 1966) Mil
Freiherr von Falkenhausen
(military governor for occupied Netherlands and Belgium
to 29 May 1940, then for Belgium and Northern France) Reich Commissioner for the occupied territories of Belgium and Northern France(Reichskommissar f�r die besetzten Gebiete von Belgien und Nordfrankreich )
18 Jul 1944 - 3 Sep 1944 Josef Groh� (1st time) (b. 1902 - d. 1987) NSDAP
Dec 1944 - Jan 1945 Josef Groh� (2nd time) (s.a.) NSDAP
Allied Military Commanders
3 Sep 1944 - 21 Sep 1944 Omar Nelson Bradley (U.S.) (b. 1893 - d. 1981) Mil
(commanding general 12th Army Group)
+ Bernard Law Montgomery (U.K.) (b. 1887 - d. 1976) Mil
(general officer commanding-in-chief 21st Army Group)
8 Sep 1944 - 21 Sep 1944 Hubert Marie Eug�ne Pierlot (b. 1883 - d. 1963) PCS-KVV
(acting Head of State)
21 Sep 1944 - 16 Jul 1951 L�opold III (2nd time) (s.a.)
(German prisoner to 8 May 1945; then in
Switzerland exile 8 May 1945 - 22 Jul 1950)
21 Sep 1944 - 20 Jul 1950 Charles Th�odore Henri Antoine (b. 1903 - d. 1983)
Meinrad, comte de Flandre,
prince de Belgique -Regent
11 Aug 1950 - 16 Jul 1951 Baudouin Albert Charles L�opold (b. 1930 - d. 1993)
Axel Marie Gustave, duc de Brabant,
prince de Belgique -Regent (exercising royal functions)
16 Jul 1951 - 17 Jul 1951 Clovis Louis Marie Emmanuel Joseph (b. 1884 - d. 1968) CVP-PSC
Pholien (acting Head of State)
17 Jul 1951 - 31 Jul 1993 Baudouin I (s.a.)
(declared incapacitated at own request, 4-5 Apr 1990)
4 Apr 1990 - 5 Apr 1990 Wilfried Martens (b. 1936 - d. 2013) CVP
(acting Head of State)
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Jean-Luc Joseph Marie Dehaene (b. 1940 - d. 2014) CVP
(acting Head of State)
9 Aug 1993 - 21 Jul 2013 Albert II (b. 1934)
21 Jul 2013 Elio di Rupo (acting Head of State) (b. 1951) PS
21 Jul 2013 - Philippe (b. 1960)

Presidents of the Supreme Council of the Netherlands (in Vienna)
1 Apr 1717 - 25 Jun 1729 Jos� Ceverio Folch de Cardona, (b. 1651 - d. 1729)
Pr�ncipe de Cardona Erill y Borja
25 Jun 1729 - 20 Nov 1740 Juan Antonio de Baxador, vizconde
de Roccaberti, conde de Savalla (b. 1673 - d. 1743)
(acting to Aug 1729)
20 Nov 1740 - 12 Dec 1740 Karl Ferdinand Graf von K�nigsegg- (s.a.)
Erps (acting)
12 Dec 1740 - 1757 Manoel T�llez de Menezes e Castro, (b. 1696 - d. 1771)
duque de Sylva, conde de Tarouca
1757 - 31 Mar 1757 Melchior Relles Gir�n, marqu�s de (d. 1763)
Pacheco (acting)
French Intendant of Justice, Police et Finances
May 1745 - 18 Oct 1748 Jean Moreau de S�chelles (b. 1690 - d. 1760)
Joint Provisional Government-general of the Netherlands
Oct 1748 - 23 Apr 1749 Leopold Philipp Carl Joseph Herzog (b. 1690 - d. 1754)
von Arenberg Herzog von A�rschot
und Croy
+ Augustin Dieudonn� de Steenhault (b. 1672 - d. 1758)
+ Ambroise-Joseph, marquis de (b. 1680 - d. 1759)
+ Herman de Crumpipen
+ Jean Daniel Antoine Scockart, (b. 1698 - d. 1756)
comte de Thirimont
Niederl�ndischer Referendar (in Vienna)
1 Apr 1757 - 27 Apr 1766 Johann Anton Jakob van Dorn (b. 1722 - d. 1766)
27 Apr 1766 - 20 Oct 1766 Vacant
Conductor of the Netherlands departments (in Vienna)
20 Oct 1766 - 1 Mar 1793 August Gottlob Freiherr von Lederer (b. 1723 - d. 1795)
Prime minister of the Belgian States
11 Jan 1790 - 2 Dec 1790 Hendrik Karel Nicolaas van der Noot (s.a.)
Hofrat der Niederl�ndischen Hofkanzlei (in Vienna)
1 Mar 1793 - 5 Sep 1795 August Gottlob Freiherr von Lederer (s.a.)
Chief secretary of the Belgian States Secretariat
1 Aug 1814 - Sep 1815 Pieter Lodewijk Joseph Servaes
van Gobbelschroy (b. 1784 - d. 1850)
Presidents of the Council of Ministers
26 Feb 1831 - 27 Feb 1831 Albert Joseph Goblet (1st time) (b. 1790 - d. 1873) Uni/Lib
27 Feb 1831 - 15 Mar 1831 �tienne Constantin de Gerlache (b. 1785 - d. 1871) Uni/Con
Cabinet Chiefs 15 Mar 1831 - 23 Mar 1831 �tienne Constantin de Gerlache (s.a.) Uni/Con
23 Mar 1831 - 26 Jul 1831 Jean Louis Joseph Lebeau (1st time) (b. 1794 - d. 1865) Uni/Lib
26 Jul 1831 - 17 Sep 1832 F�lix Armand, comte de M�elenaere (b. 1794 - d. 1862) Uni/Con
17 Sep 1832 - 20 Oct 1832 Albert Joseph Goblet (2nd time) (s.a.) Uni/Lib
20 Oct 1832 - 4 Aug 1834 Charles Latour Rogier (1st time) (s.a.) Uni/Lib
4 Aug 1834 - 18 Apr 1840 Barth�lemy Th�odore, chevalier (b. 1794 - d. 1874) Uni/Con
de Theux de Meylandt (1st time)
(from 18 Mar 1840, Barth�lemy Th�odore,
comte de Theux de Meylandt)
18 Apr 1840 - 13 Apr 1841 Jean Louis Joseph Lebeau (2nd time) (s.a.) Uni/Lib
13 Apr 1841 - 30 Jul 1845 Jean Baptiste, baron Nothomb (b. 1805 - d. 1881) Uni/Con
30 Jul 1845 - 31 Mar 1846 Jean Sylvain van de Weyer (s.a.) Uni/Con
31 Mar 1846 - 12 Aug 1847 Barth�lemy Th�odore, comte (s.a.) CP
de Theux de Meylandt (2nd time)
12 Aug 1847 - 31 Oct 1852 Charles Latour Rogier (2nd time) (s.a.) PL
31 Oct 1852 - 30 Mar 1855 Henri Ghislain Joseph Marie de (b. 1801 - d. 1891) PL
30 Mar 1855 - 9 Nov 1857 Pierre Jacques Fran�ois de Decker (b. 1812 - d. 1891) CP
10 Nov 1857 - 3 Jan 1868 Charles Latour Rogier (3rd time) (s.a.) PL
3 Jan 1868 - 2 Jul 1870 Hubert Joseph Walth�re Fr�re-Orban (b. 1812 - d. 1896) PL
(1st time)
3 Jul 1870 - 7 Dec 1871 Jules Joseph, baron d'Anethan (b. 1803 - d. 1888) CP
7 Dec 1871 - 21 Aug 1874 Barth�lemy Th�odore, comte de Theux (s.a.) CP
de Meylandt (3rd time)
21 Aug 1874 - 18 Jun 1878 Jules �douard Fran�ois Xavier Malou (b. 1810 - d. 1886) CP
(1st time)
19 Jun 1878 - 16 Jun 1884 Hubert Joseph Walth�re Fr�re-Orban (s.a.) PL
(2nd time)
16 Jun 1884 - 26 Oct 1884 Jules �douard Fran�ois Xavier Malou (s.a.) CP
(2nd time)
26 Oct 1884 - 26 Mar 1894 Auguste Marie Fran�ois Beernaert (b. 1829 - d. 1912) CP
26 Mar 1894 - 25 Feb 1896 Jules Philippe Marie de Burlet (b. 1844 - d. 1897) CP
25 Feb 1896 - 24 Jan 1899 Paul Joseph de Smet de Nayer (b. 1843 - d. 1913) CP
(1st time)
24 Jan 1899 - 5 Aug 1899 Jules Henri Pierre Fran�ois (b. 1843 - d. 1917) CP
5 Aug 1899 - 2 May 1907 Paul Joseph de Smet de Nayer (s.a.) CP
(from 26 May 1900, Paul, comte de Smet de Nayer)
(2nd time)
2 May 1907 - 31 Dec 1907 Julius Hendrik Maria Gislenus de (b. 1857 - d. 1907) CP
31 Dec 1907 - 9 Jan 1908 Vacant
9 Jan 1908 - 17 Jun 1911 Frans Victor Marie Ghislain (s.a.) CP
17 Jun 1911 - 1 Jun 1918 Charles Marie Pierre Albert, (s.a.) CP
baron de Broqueville
(in exile 17 Aug - 7 Oct 1914 in Antwerp;
from 13 Oct 1914 in Le Havre, France)
2 Sep 1914 - 4 Jul 1917 Maximilian Karl von Sandt (b. 1861 - d. 1918) Non-party
(chief of civil administration)
1 Jun 1918 - 21 Nov 1918 G�rard Fran�ois Marie Cooreman (b. 1852 - d. 1926) CP
(in Le Havre, France exile)
4 Jul 1917 - 11 Nov 1918 Alexander Schaible (b. 1870 - d. 1933) Non-party
(verwaltungschef Flandern [chief of civil
administration of Flemish AdministrativeRegion], in Brussels)
4 Jul 1917 - 11 Nov 1918 Karl Haniel (b. 1877 - d. 1944) Non-party
(verwaltungschef Wallonie [chief of civil
administration of Walloon AdministrativeRegion], in Namur)
10 Nov 1918 - 16? Nov 1918 Hugo Freund (b. 1890 - d. 1974)
(chairman of Executive Committee of the Central
Soldiers'Council, in rebellion)
Prime ministers
21 Nov 1918 - 20 Nov 1920 L�on Fr�d�ric Gustave Delacroix (b. 1867 - d. 1929) CP
20 Nov 1920 - 16 Dec 1921 Henri Victor Marie Ghislain, (b. 1869 - d. 1951) CP
comte Carton de Wiart
16 Dec 1921 - 13 May 1925 Georges Emile Pierre L�onard Theunis (b. 1873 - d. 1944) CP
(1st time)
13 May 1925 - 17 Jun 1925 Alo�s Jean-Marie Joseph van de (b. 1871 - d. 1961) CP
17 Jun 1925 - 20 May 1926 Prosper Antoine Marie Joseph, (b. 1871 - d. 1935) CP
vicomte Poullet
20 May 1926 - 5 Jun 1931 Henri Jaspar (b. 1870 - d. 1939) CP
5 Jun 1931 - 22 Oct 1932 Jules Laurent Jean-Louis Renkin (b. 1862 - d. 1934) CP
22 Oct 1932 - 20 Nov 1934 Charles Marie Pierre Albert, comte (s.a.) CP
de Broqueville
20 Nov 1934 - 25 Mar 1935 Georges Emile Pierre L�onard Theunis (s.a.) CP
(2nd time)
25 Mar 1935 - 24 Nov 1937 Paul Guillaume van Zeeland (b. 1893 - d. 1973) CP
24 Nov 1937 - 15 May 1938 Paul �mile Janson (b. 1872 - d. 1944) PL
15 May 1938 - 20 Feb 1939 Paul-Henri Charles Spaak (1st time) (b. 1899 - d. 1972) POB-BWP
21 Feb 1939 - 12 Feb 1945 Hubert Marie Eug�ne Pierlot (s.a.) PCS-KVV
(in exile 25 May 1940 - 8 Sep 1944 [first
in France, from 25 Oct 1940 in London])
Presidents of the Committee of Secretaries-general (under occupation)
16 May 1940 - 2 Sep 1940 Alexandre Louis Joseph Delmer (b. 1879 - d. 1974) Non-party
(1st time)
3 Sep 1940 - 31 Jan 1941 Antoine Ernst, baron de Bunswyck (b. 1874 - d. 1943) Non-party
3 Feb 1941 - 31 Mar 1941 Alexandre Louis Joseph Delmer (s.a.) Non-party
(2nd time)
4 Apr 1941 - 5 Sep 1944 Oscar End� Plisnier (b. 1885 - d. 1952) Non-party 8 Dec 1944 - May 1945 L�on Degrelle (in Germany exile) (b. 1906 - d. 1994) Rex
(Reichsstatthalter Wallonien, Chef-du-Peuple Wallon)
15 Dec 1944 - May 1945 Jef Van de Wiele (in Germany exile) (b. 1902 - d. 1979) DeVlag
(Reichsstatthalter Flandern,
Landsleider van het Vlaamsche Volk)
Prime ministers
12 Feb 1945 - 13 Mar 1946 Achille Honor� van Acker (1st time) (b. 1898 - d. 1975) BSP-PSB
13 Mar 1946 - 31 Mar 1946 Paul-Henri Charles Spaak (2nd time) (s.a.) BSP-PSB
31 Mar 1946 - 3 Aug 1946 Achille Honor� van Acker (2nd time) (s.a.) BSP-PSB
3 Aug 1946 - 20 Mar 1947 Jean Joseph Camille Huysmans (b. 1871 - d. 1968) BSP-PSB
20 Mar 1947 - 11 Aug 1949 Paul-Henri Charles Spaak (3rd time) (s.a.) BSP-PSB
11 Aug 1949 - 8 Jun 1950 Gaston Fran�ois Marie Eyskens (b. 1905 - d. 1988) CVP-PSC
(1st time)
8 Jun 1950 - 15 Aug 1950 Jean Pierre Armand Ghislain Marie (b. 1900 - d. 1977) CVP-PSC
16 Aug 1950 - 15 Jan 1952 Clovis Louis Marie Emmanuel Joseph (s.a.) CVP-PSC
15 Jan 1952 - 23 Apr 1954 Jean Marie Joseph van Houtte (b. 1907 - d. 1991) CVP-PSC
23 Apr 1954 - 26 Jun 1958 Achille Honor� van Acker (3rd time) (s.a.) BSP-PSB
26 Jun 1958 - 25 Apr 1961 Gaston Fran�ois Marie Eyskens (s.a.) CVP-PSC
(2nd time)
25 Apr 1961 - 28 Jul 1965 Th�odore Joseph Alb�ric Marie (b. 1914 - d. 1973) CVP-PSC
28 Jul 1965 - 19 Mar 1966 Pierre Charles Jos� Marie Harmel (b. 1911 - d. 2009) CVP-PSC
19 Mar 1966 - 17 Jun 1968 Paul Emile Fran�ois Henri Vanden (b. 1919 - d. 2001) CVP-PSC
Boeynants (1st time)
17 Jun 1968 - 26 Jan 1973 Gaston Fran�ois Marie Eyskens (s.a.) CVP
(3rd time)
26 Jan 1973 - 25 Apr 1974 Edmond Jules Isidore Leburton (b. 1915 - d. 1997) BSP-PSB
25 Apr 1974 - 20 Oct 1978 L�o Clemence Tindemans (b. 1922 - d. 2014) CVP
20 Oct 1978 - 3 Apr 1979 Paul Emile Fran�ois Henri Vanden (s.a.) CVP
Boeynants (2nd time)
3 Apr 1979 - 6 Apr 1981 Wilfried Achiel Emma Martens (s.a.) CVP
(1st time)
6 Apr 1981 - 17 Dec 1981 Marc Maria Frans Eyskens (b. 1933) CVP
17 Dec 1981 - 7 Mar 1992 Wilfried Achiel Emma Martens (s.a.) CVP
(2nd time)
7 Mar 1992 - 12 Jul 1999 Jean-Luc Joseph Marie Dehaene (s.a.) CVP
12 Jul 1999 - 20 Mar 2008 Guy Maurice Marie-Louise Verhofstadt (b. 1953) VLD
20 Mar 2008 - 30 Dec 2008 Yves Camille D�sir� Leterme (b. 1960) CD&V
(1st time)
30 Dec 2008 - 25 Nov 2009 Herman Achille Van Rompuy (b. 1947) CD&V
25 Nov 2009 - 6 Dec 2011 Yves Camille D�sir� Leterme (s.a.) CD&V
(2nd time)
6 Dec 2011 - 11 Oct 2014 Elio Di Rupo (s.a.) PS
11 Oct 2014 - 27 Oct 2019 Charles Yves Jean Ghislaine Michel (b. 1975) MR
27 Oct 2019 - 1 Oct 2020 Sophie Wilm�s (f) (b. 1975) MR
1 Oct 2020 - Alexander De Croo (b. 1975) O.VLD

Head, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) Mission (Belgium; from 4 Apr 1945, Beligum and Luxembourg)
15 Sep 1944 - 15 Ju1 1945 George Watkin Eben James (b. 1899 - d. 1965) Mil
Erskine (U.K.)

�Full style: Duke/Duchess of Lothier, Brabant, Limbourg, Gueldre and Luxembourg, Count/Countess of Flanders, Hainaut, Namur and Chiny, Lord/Lady of Malines and Tournai, Marquis/Marchioness of Anvers and of the Holy Roman Empire.

2Full style of the ruler:
(a) from 21 Jul 1831: Roi des Belges (French);Koning der Belgen (Dutch: official from 25 May 1898); K�nig der Belgier (German: from 11 Nov 1991)("King of the Belgians"). Under the constitution of the Kingdom of Belgium there was initially no official language, but French was legally authoritative; French and Dutch became official jointly from 25 May 1898, and text of the Constitution is official in German from 11 Nov 1991.
A peculiarity of the Constitution of Belgium is the provision that "[the King] does not ascend the throne until he has taken the oath." Thus between a demise of the crown by death or abdication and the taking office of the next king the provisions for a vacancy or incapacity take over: "The constitutional powers of the King are exercised, in the name of the Belgian people, by the Ministers meeting in Council." The entity acting as head of state in these circumstances is thus the council of ministers.

Party abbreviations: CD&V= Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams (Christian-Democratic and Flemish, christian-democratic, Flemish, ex-CVP, est.2001);MR = Mouvement R�formateur (Reformist Movement, social liberal, union of PFF, FDF [to 2011], PRL, and MCC, est.2002); O-VLD = Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats, 'Open VLD', conservative liberal, Flemish,former VLD, est.Feb 2007); PS= Parti Socialiste (Socialist Party, social-democratic, Francophone, ex-BSP, est.1978); Mil = Military;
- Former parties: BSP-PSB = Parti Socialiste Belge/Belgische Socialistische Partij (Belgian Socialist Party, 1945-1980, divided into PS and SP); CDH = Centre D�mocrate Humaniste (Humanist Democratic Center, Francophone, centrist, Francophone, former PSC, 2002-17 Mar 2022, renamed Les Engag�s); Con = Conservative (19th century conservative);CP = Confessionnel Catholique Parti/Confessionele Katholieke Partij (Confessional Catholic Party, 1869-1921, then as Union Catholique/Katholieke Unie [Catholic Union], catholic, conservative, 1921-1936);CVP = Christelijke Volkspartij (Christian People's Party, Flemish, christian-democratic, Flanders, 1968-2001, renamed CD&V); CVP-PSC = Christelijke Volkspartij/Parti Social-chr�tien (Christian People's Party-Social Christian Party, 1945-1972, divided into CVP and PSC); DeVlag = Duitschen-Vlaamsche Arbeidsgemeenschap/Deutsch-Vl�mische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (German-Flemish Workers Community, Flemish fascist, pro-union with Germany, 1935-1945); Lib = Liberal/Liberalen (19th century liberal); PL/LP = Parti Lib�ral/Liberale Partij (Liberal Party, liberal, 1846-1961, then PVV-PLP); PSC = Parti Social Chr�tien (Social Christian Party, center-right, in Wallonia and Brussels, 1972-2002, renamed CDH); PCS-KVV = Parti Catholique Social/Katholieke Vlaamsche Volkspartij (Social Catholic Party-Catholic Flemish People's Party, catholic federated parties, 1937-1945); POB-BWP = Parti Ouvrier Belge/Belgische Werklieden Partij (Belgian Worker's Party, socialist, 1885-1945, renamed BSP-PSB); PVV-PLP = Partij voor Vrijheid en Vooruitgang/Parti pour la Libert� et la Prosperit� (Party for Freedom and Prosperity, liberal, divided 1971 in PVV [in Flanders and Brussels] and PLP [in Wallonia and Brussels], 1961-1992); Rex = Parti Rexiste (Rexist Party, officially Rex, Walloon fascist, corporatist, socialist,1936-1945); SP = Socialistische Partij (Socialist Party, social-democratic, Flemish, 1980-2001, renamed Socialistische Partij.Anders); NSDAP = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi German fascist, xenophobic, 1920-1945); Uni = Union/Unie (Union, "Unionist," coalition of Lib and Con supporting Belgian independence, 1828-1846); VLD = Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Flemish Liberals and Democrats, conservative liberal, Flanders, former PVV, 1992-Feb 2007, renamed O-VLD)

Independent State of Flanders

[Flag of Flanders]

22 Dec 1917 The Council of Flanders (Raad van Vlaanderen), believing that
the German occupiers would encourage secession, proclaims
independence at Brussels (Independent State of Flanders).
25 Jul 1918 Terminated by German occupation authorities.

President of the Council of Flanders
22 Dec 1917 - 25 Jul 1918 Willem de Vreese (b. 1869 - d. 1938) Non-party

President of the Commission of Plenipotentiaries
22 Dec 1917 - 25 Jul 1918 Pieter Lodewijk Tack (b. 1870 - d. 1943) Non-party

Eupen and Malmedy

                            of Belgium]

10 Jan 1920 - 10 Jun 1925

Population: 60,924 (1919)

1 Oct 1795 - 1813 Annexed to France.

25 Dec 1813 - Mar 1815 Allied (Swedish and Prussian) occupation.

6 Mar 1815 Malmedy (Malm�dy) part of Prussia (from 1871, Germany)

(fully incorporated 1822).

1 Dec 1918 - 1 Jan 1920 Allied occupation (British in Malm�dyto 12 Aug 1919, and

French in Eupen to 28 May 1919, then Belgian occupation).

28 Jun 1919 Ceded to Belgium by Germany under Treaty of Versailles.

12 Aug 1919 Belgian troops occupy the area.

1 Jan 1920 Formally ceded to Belgium (East Cantons).

20 Sep 1920 Eupen, Malm�dy and Sankt-Vith annexed.

10 Jun 1925 Fully incorporated into Belgium (as cantons of Eupen, Malm�dy,

and St. Vith within arrondissement of Verviers in the

province of Li�ge).

29 Jul 1940 - Feb 1945 Eupen, Malm�dy and Sankt-Vith annexed to Germany, along
with former Neutral Moresnet (made part of Prussia's Rhine
province [_Rheinprovinz_] as part of Aachen Regierungsbezirk).

Commanders of Allied Forces
1918 - 28 May 1919 .... (France)(in Eupen)

1918 - 12 Aug 1919 Henry Hugh Gordon Hyslop (U.K.) (b. 1873 - d. 1932)

(in Malm�dy)
12 Aug 1919 - 1920 Augustin �douard, baron Michel (b. 1855 - d. 1951)
du Faing d'Aigremont (Belgium)
Belgian Royal High Commissioner for Eupen-Malm�dy and Governor of the Eastern Cantons
Jul 1919 - 10 Aug 1919 Henry Charles Marie Adolphe Delvaux (b. 1863 - d. 1947)
de Fenffe (high commissioner-designate)
10 Jan 1920 - 10 Jun 1925 Herman Baltia (appointed 13 Sep 1919)(b. 1863 - d. 1938)
(from 28 Aug 1920 Herman, baron Baltia)
Regierungspr�sident in Aachen
1940 - 1944 Franz Vogelsang (b. 1899 - d. 1979) NSDAP

Former Polities in Belgium


[Flag of Duchy
                          of Bouillon]

to 25 Oct 1795, 1815

988 First mention of the castle of Bouillon.
1095 Lordship of Bouillon (Bullionensis dominium) part of the Bishopric
of Li�ge (sold or mortgaged to the Bishop of Li�ge by Godfrey de
Bouillon [b. c.1058 - d. 1100]).
1129 - 1141 Count Renaud of Bar captures Bouillon castle.
1155 Holy Roman Emperor confirms Bishop of Li�ge's rights to Bouillon.
1291 First recorded style of the Bishop Li�ge as Duke of Bouillon
(Dux Bullonens).
14th cent. Bouillon Castle, as an exclave of the prince-bishopric of Li�ge, is
governed by specially appointed castellans.
1415 The office of castellan becomes a hereditary possession of the van
der Marck (de la Marck) family, a cadet branch of the future
dukes of Cl�ves and J�lich.
1456 Title Duke of Bouillon a permanent part of the prince-bishop's
style (although merely titular during certain periods noted).
31 Aug 1482 - 1521 Bouillon under the La Marck dynasty, contested by Bishops of Li�ge
(Bullionensis Ducatus/Duch� de Bouillon).
21 May 1484 Treaty of Tongeren whereby the La Marck family forfeits its claims
to the prince-bishopric and supports Li�ge's struggle against
Emperor Maximilian for the reward of 30,000 livres. Bouillon
Castle is mortgaged to William de la Marck until the time of
3 Nov 1492 Peace of �taples reiterates the provisions of the treaty of
Tongeren. As no repayment follows, the La Marck family retains
Bouillon Castle and assumes the title of the Dukes of Bouillon.
1521 Restored to the Bishop of Li�ge by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
3 Aug 1529 The Treaty of Cambrai obligates Francois I of France not to help
Robert III in his struggle to retake Bouillon.
1547 Robert IV de la Marck is made Marshal of France. The letters patent
officially style him "Duc de Bouillon".
1552 - 1559 French occupation, restored to the La Marck dynasty.
3 Apr 1559 Restored again to the Bishopric of Li�ge by the Treaty of Cateau-
3 Apr 1559 - 1 May 1678 The La Marck dynasty and its successor La Tour d'Auvergne
dynasty maintain its claims to the Duch� de Bouillon and
their style of duc/duchesse de Bouillon is recognized by
France, possibly with technical regard to some fragments of
the territory still in their possession.
8 May 1594 Charlotte de la Marck dies without issue, and her claims to Bouillon
pass to her husband, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne.
1651 Fr�d�ric Maurice de La Tour d'Auvergne exchanges his sovereign
princely titles for several ducal and comital titles in the
Peerage of France. The agreement obligates France to restitute
Bouillon to the La Tour d'Auvergne family on the first opportunity.
30 Sep 1676 - 1 May 1678 French occupation.
1 May 1678 The King of France establishes the La Tour d'Auvergne dynasty
in full sovereignty over the Duchy of Bouillon (Duch� de Bouillon)
under French protectorate (confirmed by Treaties of Nijmegen
25 Jun 1791 The Duke of Bouillon issues a declaration naming Philippe
d'Auvergne as successor in Bouillon after the extinction of the
La Tour d'Auvergne.
26 May 1790 General Assembly abolishes manorial and feudal rights.
26 Apr 1792 Bouillon becomes a constitutional monarchy when the Duke approves
the 23 Mar 1792 constitution issued by the General Assembly.
19 Nov 1792 - 25 Oct 1795 French occupation.
10 Dec 1793 Duke is deprived of the rents from his estates by French decree.
24 Apr 1794 With the Duke imprisoned in France, administration is taken over
by the General Assembly, which however did not explicitly
abolish the ducaut�. This period is often erroneously
called the R�publique Bouillonnaise or R�publique de Bouillon
(Bouillonasise Republic/Republic of Bouillon).
25 Oct 1795 Annexed to France (divided between the d�partements of Ardennes,
Sambre-et-Muse, and des For�ts).
27 Dec 1796 French Republic promulgates a law restoring all the estates of
Bouillon to the former Duke.
26 Aug 1798 - 8 Mar 1800 French Republic sequesters all the estates of Bouillon.
7 Feb 1802 Death of Duke and the extinction of the La Tour d'Auvergne family.
31 Dec 1814 French administration, but not military, withdraw from Bouillon.
1 Jan 1815 - 22 Jul 1815 Duchy of Bouillon (restored)(provisional government under Philip
d'Auvergne in canton de Bouillon and claiming the villages of
Sugny, Pussemange, and Bagimont).
Mar 1815 France sends a new commander of the fortress, without any other
mission and without civil authority.
31 May 1815 Congress of Vienna by Article 4 says "the King of the Netherlands
undertakes to restore the part of this duchy which is included in
the demarcation drawn to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by the
same article, to that of the claimants whose rights will be
legitimately established."
9 Jun 1815 Congress of Vienna awards all of the Duchy of Bouillon to The
Netherlands along with that part of the Duchy not ceded to France
by the Treaty of Paris of 1814.
26 Jun 1815 - 1 Dec 1815 Occupied by France (French fort commander occupies the city, and
dismisses the authorities of the Duke).
22 Jul 1815 - 30 Oct 1830 Part of Luxembourg (in personal union with The Netherlands).
1 Dec 1815 Bouillon castle is surrendered to the Dutch.
30 Oct 1830 Part of Belgium (part of province of Luxembourg).

1 May 1678 - 26 Jul 1721 Godefroi Maurice (b. 1636 - d. 1721)
(claimant from 7 Nov 1652)
26 Jul 1721 - 17 Apr 1730 Emmanuel-Th�odose (E.-Th�odosius) (b. 1668 - d. 1730)
17 Apr 1730 - 24 Oct 1771 Charles-Godefroi (b. 1706 - d. 1771)
24 Oct 1771 - 3 Dec 1792 Godefroi Charles Henri (b. 1728 - d. 1792)
3 Dec 1792 - 24 Apr 1794 Jacques-L�opold Charles Godefroy (b. 1746 - d. 1802)
(French prisoner from 7 Feb 1794)
24 Apr 1794 - 25 Oct 1795 Executive Committee
- Claude-Pierre Jobard
- Remacle Poncelet (b. 1752 - d. 1813)
- Fran�ois-G�rard Pirson (b. 1765 - d. 1850)
(chairman Oct - Dec 1794)
- Nicolas(?) Renault
(chairman Dec 1794 - c.Jan 1795)
- Pierre Castilhon (b. 1767 - d. 1831)
- Perot (chairman Apr - Jun 1795)
- Jaqcues Reneaume de La Tache (b. 1725 - d. 1796)
- Dominique Millard
- Jean-Joseph Nannan
(chairman from Jul 1795)
25 Oct 1795 - 1 Jan 1815 post abolished
1 Jan 1815 - 22 Jul 1815 Philippe (b. 1754 - d. 1816)
(= Philip d'Auvergne)
1 Jan 1815 - 26 Jun 1815 Antoine, baron de Vauthier de (b. 1749 - d. 1839)
Baillamont -Governor -general (for Philippe)
(appointed 18 Aug 1814)
26 Jun 1815 - 1 Dec 1815 Cl�ment Bonichon (b. 1773 - d. 18..)
(commandant for Napol�on, then Louis XVIII)

Presidents of the Assembly
7 Mar 1790 Jacques Barth�l�my (acting)
+ Fran�ois G�rard Pirson (s.a.)
Chairman of the Committee of Action
7 Mar 1790 - 19 Apr 1790 Richard Chauchet-Bourgeois (b. 1767 - d. 1844)
Presidents of the Constituent Assembly
19 Apr 1790 - 4 Jun 1790 Richard Chauchet-Bourgeois (s.a.)
4 Jun 1790 - 12 Mar 1791 Philippe Aubry (b. 1740 - d. 1829)
1791 G�rard G�rard
1791 - 24 Jan 1792 ....
24 Jan 1792 Nicholas Nannan (acting)
24 Jan 1792 - 27 Jan 1792 Fran�ois-G�rard Pirson (s.a.)
Presidents of the General Legislative Assembly (from 1794, National Convention)
27 Jan 1792 - 22 Nov 1793 Fran�ois-G�rard Pirson (s.a.)
22 Nov 1793 - 20 Feb 1794 Marie-Joseph Maignaud
20 Feb 1794 - 1794 Claude-Pierre Jobard (1st time)
c.Jun 1794 - c.Sep 1794 Remacle Poncelet (s.a.)
c.Sep 1794 - c.Dec 1794 Claude-Pierre Jobard (2nd time)
c.Dec 1794 - c.Apr 1795 Pierre Castilhon (s.a.)
c.Apr 1795 - c.Jul 1795 Dominique Millard
1795 - 25 Oct 1795 G. Philippe

28 May 1781 - 24 Apr 1794 Jean-Fran�ois F�lix Dorival (b. 1755 - d. 1815)
de Fignamont (1st time)

24 Apr 1794 - 10 Jan 1795 post abolished

10 Jan 1815 - 26 Jun 1815 Jean-Fran�ois F�lix Dorival (s.a.)
de Fignamont (2nd time)

(for Duke Philippe)

�Royal Style:

(a) 1 May 1678 - 26 Jul 1721: duc de Bouillon ("Duke of Bouillon");

(b) 26 Jul 1721 - 17 Apr 1730: vicomte de Turenne, duc de Bouillon, duc d'Albret, comte d'�vreux ("Viscount of Turenne, Duke of Bouillon, Duke of Albret, Count of Evreux");

(c) 17 Apr 1730 - 24 Oct 1771: duc de Bouillon, duc d'Albret ("Duke of Bouillon, Duke of Albret");

(d) 24 Oct 1771 - 24 Apr 1794: duc de Bouillon, comte d'�vreux ("Duke of Bouillon, Count of Everux");

(e) 1 Jan 1815 - 22 Jul 1815: par la gr�ce de Dieu prince souverain et duc r�gnant de Bouillon, etc., etc., etc. ("by the Grace of God, Sovereign Prince and Reigning Duke of Bouillon, etc., etc., etc.")


[Flag of                       Bishopric of Liege to 1789/92] to 1789/92 [Liege flag                       1789/1792-1794] 1789/92 - 27 Jul 1794

343 Traditional date of founding of the Bishopric of Li�ge
(Leodiensium Episcopatus/ Hochstift L�ttich).
14 Apr 972 Bishop made a Prince of the Empire, an immediate
vassal of the Emperor (Principaut� de Li�ge).
21 Sep 1366 Counties of Looz and Horn annexed (de facto from 5 Apr 1361).
18 Aug 1789 Li�geoise revolution (R�volution li�geoise) begins. This
period is informally called the R�publique Li�geoise to 1791.
30 Nov 1789 - 16 Apr 1790 Occupied by Prussia
12 Jan 1791 - 28 Nov 1792 Occupied by Austria.
28 Nov 1792 - 4 Mar 1793 Occupied by France (annexed 30 Mar 1793).
5 Mar 1793 - 27 Jul 1794 Re-occupied by Austria.
8 May 1793 The French National Convention decrees the incorporation
of Li�ge into France (ineffective at the time).
27 Jul 1794 - 1 Oct 1795 Occupied by France, and treated as if incorporated,
together with the Belgian provinces, as arrondissement Li�ge.
1 Oct 1795 - 15 Feb 1814 Annexation to France (part of d�partements of Ourthe and
Meuse-Inf�rieure [see below]. Thereafter, Li�ge undergoes
the same developments as the rest of Belgium).
15 Feb 1814 - 16 Mar 1815 Allied administration (see Belgium).
16 Mar 1815 - 4 Oct 1830 Incorporation into the Netherlands (part of Luik/Li�ge province).
4 Oct 1830 Part of independent Belgium (part of Li�ge province).

Prince-Bishops (title Prince-�v�que de Li�ge, comte de Looz, marquis de Franchimont, etc./ F�rstbischof zu L�ttich, Graf zu Loos und Horne, Markgraf zu Franchimont, usw.)
25 Oct 1694 - 12 Nov 1723 Joseph Cl�ment, duc de Bavi�re (b. 1671 - d. 1723)
12 Nov 1723 - 7 Dec 1724 Fran�ois Lambert, baron de S�lys
(Grand Dean of the Cathedral Chapter)
7 Dec 1724 - 5 Dec 1743 Georges II Louis de Berghes (b. 1662 - d. 1743)
5 Dec 1743 - 10 Mar 1744 Jean-Louis Hyacinthe d'Oyenbrugge, (b. 1673 - d. 1753)
comte de Duras, baron d'Elderen
(Grand Dean of the Cathedral Chapter)
10 Mar 1744 - 27 Jan 1763 Jean XI Th�odore, duc de Bavi�re (b. 1703 - d. 1763)
27 Jan 1763 - 8 Apr 1763 Guillaume Marie, baron de (b. 1709 - d. 1770)
Coudenhove de Fraiture
(Grand Dean of the Cathedral Chapter)
8 Apr 1763 - 22 Oct 1771 Charles Nicolas Alexandre, comte
d'Oultremont (b. 1716 - d. 1771)
22 Oct 1771 - 14 Mar 1772 Charles Damien Boos de Waldeck
(Grand Dean of the Cathedral Chapter)
14 Mar 1772 - 30 Apr 1784 Fran�ois Charles, comte de (b. 1719 - d. 1784)
15 Aug 1784 - 13 Sep 1790 C�sar Constantin Fran�ois, comte
de Hoensbroek (1st time) (b. 1724 - d. 1792)
13 Sep 1790 - 10 Jan 1791 Ferdinand Maximilien M�riadec de
Rohan, prince de Gu�men�e,
archev�que de Cambrai -Regent (b. 1738 - d. 1813)
11 Jan 1791 - 3 Jun 1792 C�sar Constantin Fran�ois, comte
de Hoensbroek (2nd time) (s.a.)
3 Jun 1792 - 16 Aug 1792 Alexandre Constantin Joseph de (b. 1738 - d. 1804)
Nassau, comte de Corroy
(Grand Dean of the Cathedral Chapter)
16 Aug 1792 - 28 Nov 1792 Fran�ois Antoine Marie Constantin,
comte de M�an et de Beaurieux (b. 1756 - d. 1817)
(1st time)
Chairmen of the Council of the City of Li�ge
3 Dec 1792 - 8 Jan 1793 Jacques-Joseph Fabry (b. 1722 - d. 1798)
8 Jan 1793 - 16 Feb 1793 Jean-Baptiste Winant Digneffe (b. 1761 - d. 1844)
President of the National Convention
16 Feb 1793 - 4 Mar 1793 Jacques-Joseph Fabry (s.a.)
Imperial administrator
5 Mar 1793 - 21 Apr 1793 Friedrich Josias Prinz von und zu (b. 1737 - d. 1815)
21 Apr 1793 - 20 Jul 1794 Fran�ois Antoine Marie Constantin, (s.a.)
comte de M�an et de Beaurieux
(2nd time)
President of the Emergency Committee
27 Jul 1794 - 21 Aug 1794 Beno�t-Louis Bouchet (b. 1731 - d. 1802) Mil
President of the Commune of Li�ge
21 Aug 1794 - 12 Sep 1794 Jacques-Joseph Fabry (s.a.)
Presidents of Provisional Central Administration
12 Sep 1794 - 22 Sep 1794 Thomas Joseph Jehin (b. 1732 - d. 1806)
22 Sep 1794 - 1794 Jean-Nicolas Bassenge l'a�n� (b. 1758 - d. 1811)
12 Oct 1794 - 1794 Nicolas Vanderheyden � Hauzeur (b. 1741 - d. 1807)
Oct 1794 - 4 Dec 1794 Pierre-Joseph Henkart (b. 1761 - d. 1815)
Agent National of the Administration of Arrondissement de **Li�ge
Dec 1794 - 1 Oct 1795 Louis Ghislain de Bouteville (b. 1746 - d. 1821)

Council of the City of Li�ge
27 Aug 1789 - 13 Sep 1790 Burgomaster-regents of Li�ge
- Jacques-Joseph Fabry (s.a.)
- Jean-Remi, baron Chestret (b. 1739 - d. 1809)

Fagnolle (Ligne)

[Flag of the Princes of
                Ligne (Fagnolle) Belgium 1765-1793]

869 Fagnolle is mentioned in the polyptych of Lobbes Abbey under the
name of Eucharlia.
c.1142 Barony Ligne (Ligniacum Baronis), a fief of the County of Hainaut.
18 Dec 1544 County of Ligne (_Ligniacum Comitatus/Grafschaft Ligne/ Comt� de Ligne) raised by Emperor Charles V.
1549 Made Imperial counts (Reichsgraf von Ligne) by Emperor Charles V.
1571 Barony of Fagnolle (Fagnolensis Baronis/Freiherrschaft von Fagnolle/Baronie Fagnolle)(also spelled (Faignuelles, Faigneul,
Fagneulle, Fagnolle/Fagnolles, Fagnoeulle, and Fagnol).
20 Mar 1601 Barons of Fagnolle also created Princes of Ligne (F�rstentum Ligne/Principaut� de Ligne) and Princes (Reichsf�rst) of the Holy
Roman Empire by Emperor Rudolf II.
1634 Fagnolle acquired by Ligne.
20 Jul 1770 County of Fagnolle (Grafschaft Fagnolle/Comt� de Fagnolle),
raised to an imperial county by Emperor Joseph II.
8 Mar 1789 Renamed County of Ligne (Grafschaft Ligne /Comt� de Ligne).
21 Mar 1789 Admission of the prince to the Reichstag is ordered by imperial
decree of Emperor Joseph II, but the necessary decision by the
three colleges of the Reichstag was delayed.
19 Nov 1792 - 12 May 1793 Occupied by France.
12 May 1793 - 15 Feb 1814 Annexed by France (part of the d�partement Ardennes).
25 Feb 1803 The Count is granted the former EdelstettenAbbbey in Swabia as a
county in compensation by the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss (on
22 May 1804, Edelstetten is sold to Prince Esterh�zy de Gal�ntha).
15 Feb 1814 - 16 Mar 1815 Allied administration (see Belgium).
16 Mar 1815 - 1830 Incorporation into the Netherlands (part of Namen/Namur province).
4 Oct 1830 Part of independent Belgium (part of Namur province).

Counts (title F�rst von Ligne und Graf zu Fagnolle/ _Prince de Ligne et _Comt� de Ligne)
21 Dec 1679 - 8 Feb 1702 Henri Louis Ernest (b. 1644 - d. 1702)
8 Feb 1702 - 8 Aug 1750 Antoine Joseph Ghislain (b. 1682 - d. 1750)
8 Aug 1750 - 7 Apr 1766 Claude Lamoral II (b. 1685 - d. 1766)
7 Apr 1766 - 12 May 1793 Charles Joseph Lamoral (b. 1735 - d. 1814)


[Flag Limburg 19th

13 May 1106 Duchy of Limburg (Limburgensis Ducatus/Herzogtum von Limburg/
Hertogdom Limburg).
1288 The Dukes of Brabant become Dukes of Limburg.
1 Dec 1406 The Dukes of Burgundy become Dukes of Limburg (Duch� de Limbourg).
27 Mar 1482 The Austrian Habsburg rulers become Dukes of Limburg
(Herzogtum von Limburg).
16 Jan 1556 The Spanish Habsburg rulers become Dukes of Limburg
(Ducado de Limburgo).
7 Sep 1632 - 1 Nov 1635 Dutch occupation.
30 Jun 1673 - 17 Sep 1678 French occupation.
10 Dec 1703 The Austrian Habsburg rulers become Dukes of Limburg.
11 Jan 1790 - 2 Dec 1790 Part of the United Belgian States (s.a.).
15 Dec 1792 - 28 Apr 1793 Annexed to France.
28 Apr 1793 - 1 Oct 1795 Austrian Habsburg rule restored.
1 Oct 1795 - 15 Feb 1814 Annexed to France (part of d�partement Ourthe).
15 Feb 1814 Part of the "Belgian" Netherlands (province of Luik/Li�ge).
4 Oct 1830 Part of Belgium (part of province of Li�ge).

Dukes (title Limburgensi Ducat/Herzog von Limburg)
10 Dec 1703 - 11 Jan 1790 the archdukes of Austria
2 Dec 1790 - 15 Dec 1792 the archdukes of Austria
28 Apr 1793 - 1 Oct 1795 the archdukes of Austria

Stadholders of Limburg and the Lands over the Maas (Landen van Overmaas) 27 Mar 1665 - 1684 Johan Frans Desideratus, prins (b. 1627 - d. 1699)
van Nassau-Siegen
28 Jan 1685 - 8 Feb 1702 Henri Louis Lamoral Prince de Ligne (b. 1644 - d. 1702)
8 Oct 1702 - 1703 Franz Sigismund von Thurn und Taxis (b. 1655 - d. 1710)
Graf von Valsassina
22 Oct 1703 - 1705 Philipp Ludwig Wenzel Graf (b. 1671 - d. 1742)
Sinzendorff und Thannhausen
(1st time)
19 Oct 1705 - 1707 Johann Peter Graf von Go�ss (b. 1667 - d. 1716)
6 Nov 1707 - Jul 1709 Francisco Bernardo de Quiros (b. 1650 - d. 1709)
23 Jul 1709 - 25 Feb 1710 Johann Wenzel Graf von Gallas (b. 1670 - d. 1719)
25 Feb 1710 - 27 Oct 1713 Franz Adolf Freiherr von Zinzerling (d. 1718)
27 Oct 1713 - 14 Dec 1713 Philipp Ludwig Wenzel Graf (s.a.)
Sinzendorff und Thannhausen
(2nd time)
14 Dec 1713 - 1714 Georg Freiherr Tunderfeld (b. 1678 - d. 1748)
17 Mar 1714 - 1723 Franz Thurn und Taxis, Graf von (b. 1662 - d. 1726)
1723 - 1725 Vacant
1725 - 10 May 1727 Alexander Otto Graf von Vehlen (b. 1657 - d. 1727)
20 May 1728 - 17 Sep 1754 Wolfgang Willem van Bournonville, (b. 1670 - d. 1754)
markgraaf Van Sars, baron Van
Capres, heer Van Fleignies
Drossard (Chief Justice)
1754 - 1794 Philippe Joseph Dieudonn�, (b. 1711 - d. 1797)
graaf van Woestenraedt
Commissioner of Arrondissement de Maestricht
30 Oct 1794 - 1795 Charles Cl�ment Roemers (b. 1748 - d. 1838)

Neutral Moresnet

                        Neutral Moresnet 1883-1919 (Belgium)] 1883/85 - 27 Jun 1915

Map of Neutral Moresnet Capital: Klemis Unofficial Anthem �Amikejo-march� Adopted 1908 Border Treaty of Aachen (26 Jun 1816; in French)
GDP: N/A∗∗DemilitarizedbyTreaty∗∗∣∗∗Exports∗∗:N/A Demilitarized by Treaty Exports: N/ADemilitarizedbyTreatyExports:N/A Imports: $N/A Currencies: French Franc (FRF); 1831-1920 Belgian Franc (BEF); 1871-1918 German Mark (DED); 1816-1831 Dutch Guilder (NLG) Population: 3,596 (1919); 256 (1816); 500 (1830); 2,572 (1858) 3,000 (1900)
International Organizations/Treaties: None

26 Jun 1816 Part of Moresnet, claimed by both The Netherlands and
Prussia, is "temporarily neutralized" and put under
a common administration.
23 Sep 1818 Border demarcation markers formally installed.
22 Sep 1830 Belgium replaces Netherlands as claimant and administrator
(recognized by the Netherlands 22 Jun 1839).
26 Jun 1831 Transfer of the Dutch law from the contract of 26 Jun 1816 to
8 Aug 1914 German occupation.
27 Jun 1915 Administration by Prussia only.
Nov 1918 Administration by Belgium only.
28 Jun 1919 Ceded to Belgium by Germany under Treaty of Versailles.
10 Jan 1920 Annexed to Belgium (as municipality of Kelmis/La Calamine,
within the province of Li�ge).
29 Jul 1940 - 10 Sep 1944 Annexed by Germany.
10 Sep 1944 Restored to Belgium.
Dec 1944 - Jan 1945 Brief German re-occupation.

Netherlands Royal Commissioners
8 Dec 1817 - 2 Dec 1823 Werner Jacob
2 Dec 1823 - 1830 Joseph Brand�s
1830 - 8 Jun 1835 Vacant Belgian Royal Commissioners (from 1889, also district commissioners of Verviers)
8 Jun 1835 - 1840 Lambert Ernst (b. 1798 - d. 1871)
1 Feb 1840 - 1889 Mathieu Cr�mer (b. 1805 - d. 1889)
30 Nov 1889 - 27 Mar 1915 Fernand Jacques Bleyfuesz (1st time)(b. 1858 - d. 1935)
27 Mar 1915 - 27 Jun 1915 Bayer (acting)
(clerk of the German military administration in Verviers)
27 Jun 1915 - Nov 1918 Vacant
Nov 1918 - 10 Jan 1920 Fernand Jacques Bleyfuesz (2nd time)(s.a.)

Prussian Royal Commissioners (from 1854, also districts commissioners of Eupen)
6 Aug 1817 - 1819 Wilhelm Hardt (b. 1755 - d. 1831)
22 Apr 1819 - 26 Nov 1835 Johann Martin Daniel Mayer (b. 1769 - d. 1835)
9 Jul 1836 - 9 Nov 1853 Heinrich Martins
11 Aug 1852 - 7 Jan 1866 Peter Benedict Joseph Armand (b. 1813 - d. 1866)
von Harenne
(head of police administration to 16 Jan 1854)
12 Dec 1866 - 10 Jul 1867 August Freiherr von der Heydt (b. 1825 - d. 1867)
1868 - 24 Oct 1870 Edwin G�lcher (b. 1822 - d. 1870)
18 Jun 1871 - 1893 Theodor Alfred Sternickel (b. 1825 - d. 1894)
18 Apr 1893 - 1 Jan 1909 Alfred Jakob Bernhard Theodor (b. 1849 - d. 1922)
13 Jan 1909 - 1913 Walter Karl Maria The Losen (b. 1880 - d. 1919)
2 Nov 1913 - Nov 1918 Spiess (acting)
Nov 1918 - 10 Jan 1920 Vacant

1817 - 21 Feb 1859 Arnold Timoth�e de Lasaulx (acting) (b. 1774 - d. 1861)
21 Feb 1859 - 30 May 1859 Adolf Hubert van Scherpenzeel-Thim (b. 1824 - d. 1877)
1 Jul 1859 - 7 Feb 1882 Joseph Kohl
7 Feb 1882 - 20 Jun 1885 Oskar Anton Bilharz (b. 1831 - d. 1917)
20 Jun 1885 - 15 Mar 1915 Hubert Schmetz (b. 1862 - d. 1930)
29 Mar 1915 - 7 Dec 1918 Wilhelm Kyll (b. 1876 - d. af.1956)
7 Dec 1918 - 10 Jan 1920 Pierre Joseph Grignard (b. 1851 - d. 1925)
(then mayor of Kelmis to 7 Feb 1923)


c.640 Benedictine Abbey of Nivelles (Nivialensis monasterium/Stift
Nivelle [Nivelles]/Abbaye de Nivelles/Abdij van Nijvel)
dedicated to Saint Gertrude founded.
650/51 - c.877 The abbey a double monastery (for women and men).
c.817 Abbey becomes a secular chapter of canons and canonesses.
1295 Abbesses made Princesses of the Holy Roman Empire (according to
18 May 1462 Chapter of Nivelles decrees that for the future the Abbess
was obliged to confer vacant prebends to women of nobility.
27 Nov 1549 Emperor Charles V confirms the privileges of the chapter.
13 Nov 1792 - 24 Mar 1793 Occupied by France.
6 Jul 1794 - 1 Oct 1795 Occupied by France.
1 Oct 1795 - 29 Jan 1814 Annexed by France (part of d�partement Dyle).
15 Jan 1798 Abbey is formally suppressed by France.
29 Jan 1814 - 16 Mar 1815 Allied administration (see Belgium, above).
16 Mar 1815 - 4 Oct 1830 Incorporation into Netherlands (part of Zuid-Brabant province).
4 Oct 1830 Part of independent Belgium (part of Brabant province).

Princess-Abbesses (title Dame et Abbesse-Princesse de Nivelles/
Frau und F�rst�btissin von Nivelle [ **Nivelles])**�
31 Mar 1668 - 9 Nov 1705 Madeleine-Th�r�se de Noyelles (b. 16.. - d. 1705)
22 Feb 1706 - 26 Nov 1724 Marie-Fran�oise Josephine de Berghes (b. 1678 - d. 1724)
20 Dec 1725 - 4 Mar 1743 Caroline (Carol) de Berlaimont (d. 1743)
3 Aug 1744 - 28 Feb 1774 Ursule-Antoinette de Berlo de (b. 1703 - d. 1774)
19 Aug 1776 - 1 Oct 1795 Marie-F�licit�-Philippine van der (b. 1731 - d. 1799)
Noot (Vandernoot)

�use of the titles: Princesse de Nivelles/F�rstin von Nivelle s ("Princess of Nivelle") and Princesse du Saint-Empire Romain /Reichsf�rstin("Princess of the Holy Roman Empire") frequently added by the Abbesses, were disputed including - in 1643 the_procureur g�n�ral_ of Brabant, in 1743 by the corps des jur�s of the Nivelles city, and the Empress Maria Theresa and Duke Charles of Lorraine.

Reckheim (Rekem)

1108 First lord of Reckheim (Radekeim) mentioned (Redquem dominum/
Herrschaft Reckheim/Heerlijkheid Rekem), Reckheim a free
lordship under the Emperor.
1134 - 20 Apr 1317 Under the Bronckhorst dynasty.
1317 - 1335 Gerard Van der Marck is lord of Reckheim/Rekem.
1335 - 1397 Under Arnold, then Hendrik, von Stein
1356 Barony of Reckheim (Redquem Baronis/Freiherrschaft von
Reckheim/Baronie Rekem).
1397 - 1501 Under the Sombreffe dynasty.
1501 - 1545 Under Count Robert I and Robert II van der Marck en Arenberg.
1545 - 1553 Emperor Charles V appoints Jan van Hennin as landlord.
1553 van Hennin sells Rekem to Willem van Vlodrop.
1564 - 1590 Under the Quadt von Wickrath dynasty (who in 1590 exchange the
barony with Herman von Lynden for estates in Germany).
6 Nov 1590 Under Lynden (from 1675, Aspremont-Lynden) dynasty, with the title
Free Baron (Reichsfreiherr) granted by Emperor Rudolf II
(Reichs-frei-herrschaft Reckheim/Vrij Baronie van Reckheim).
1 Apr 1623 Reckheim raised to an immediate County of the Holy Roman Empire
(Reichsgrafschaft Reckheim/Rijksgraafschap Rekem) by Emperor
Ferdinand II.
16 Mar 1676 Confirmation of the title Count of Aspremont-Lynden (Graf von
Aspremont-Lynden) for Ferdinand Gobert by Emperor Leopold I.
1684 Title of Imperial Count of Aspremont-Lynden and Reckheim (Reichsgraf
von Aspremont-Lynden und Reckheim) granted to Ferdinand Gobert
by Emperor Leopold I.
Jan 1793 - 1 Oct 1795 French occupation (Nov 1794 part of d�partement Meuse-Inf�rieure).
1 Oct 1795 - 20 Nov 1813 Annexed to France (part of d�partement Meuse-Inf�rieure).
9 Feb 1801 Formally ceded to France by the Treaty of Lun�ville.
25 Feb 1803 Last, Count Johan Nepomuk Gobert I d'Aspremont-Lynden, granted
the Abbey of Baindt as compensation for Reckheim (Baindt is
annexed to W�rttemberg on 12 Jul 1806) by the
15 Feb 1814 Part of Netherlands (from 25 Aug 1815, province of Limbourg/Limburg).
16 Sep 1819 The male line of the Counts of Reckheim/Rekem extinct.
4 Oct 1830 Part of Belgium (part of province of Limburg).

Counts of Reckheim (title Reichsgraf von Reckheim/Rijksgraaf van Rekem)
31 Mar 1623 - 24 Aug 1636 Ernst (lord from 5 Jun 1603) (b. 1583 - d. 1636)
24 Aug 1636 - 24 Aug 1665 Ferdinand I (b. 1611 - d. 1665)
24 Aug 1665 - 1684 Ferdinand II Gobert (b. 1643 - d. 1708)
24 Aug 1665 - 1673Regents
- Franz Egon F�rst von F�rstenberg- (b. 1626 - d. 1682)
Heiligenberg Bischof von Strassburg
F�rstabt von Murbach und L�ders
- Isabelle-Henriette d'Aspremont- (b. 1615 - d. 1686)
Lynden, princesse-abbesse de
Munsterbilsen (f)
Counts of Aspremont-Lynden and Reckheim (title Reichsgraf von Aspremont-Lynden und Reckheim/ Rijksgraaf van Aspremont-Lynden en Rekem)
1684 - 1 Feb 1708 Ferdinand II Gobert (s.a.)
1 Feb 1708 - 3 May 1720 Joseph Gobert (b. 1694 - d. 1720)
3 Feb 1720 - 24 Nov 1749 Karl Gobert (b. 1703 - d. 1749)
24 Nov 1749 - 1 Oct 1795 Johann Nepomuk Gobert I (b. 1732 - d. 1805)


648 Benedictine Abbey of Malmedy (Malmunderio Abbas) established

and dedicated to St. Benedict.
651 Stavelot Abbey (Stabluensis Abbas) established by Saint Remaclus;
ruled in union (Kl�ster Stablo und Malmedy).
747 Acquired territory from Carloman, Duke of the Franks.
Dec 881 Normans invade the area, burning both abbeys and causing the

monks to flee.

885 Normans passed through the Meuse valley causing the monks of

Stavelot to flee again, finding refuge in the county of Logne

and Ch�vremont.

1065 - 1071 Archbishop of Cologne names a separate abbot for Malmedy.

Mar 1071 The Holy Roman Emperor to recognizes the union of the two abbeys

and reiterate the superiority of Stavelot.

.... Abbots also Princes of the Empire (F�rstabtei Stablo-Malmedy/

Principaut� abbatiale de Stavelot-Malmedy).

4 Oct 1689 Razing of both Stavelot and Malmedy by French forces.

1768 Anthisnes and Vien villages, which belonged to the Principality of

Li�ge, joined the Principality of Stavelot-Malmedy and the county

of Logne in exchange for Sclessin and part of Ougr�e, in the

suburbs of Li�ge.

2/4 Mar 1793 - 1793 Occupied by France (annexed 2 Mar 1793).
16 Sep 1794 - 1 Oct 1795 Occupied by France.
1 Oct 1795 Annexed by France (Stavelot is merged with Franchimont as part
of the d�partement Ourthe [seebelow]).
15 Feb 1814 - 6 Mar 1815 Allied administration (see Belgium, above).
6 Mar 1815 - 1 Dec 1918 Malmedy (Malm�dy) part of Prussia (from 1871, Germany)(part of

J�lich-Cleves-Berg province; from 1822, Rheinprovinz).
16 Mar 1815 - 4 Oct 1830 Stavelot part of the Netherlands (part of Luik/Li�ge province).
4 Oct 1830 Stavelot part of Belgium (part of Li�ge province).
1 Dec 1918 - 30 Sep 1920 Mamedy under Allied (from 12 Aug 1919, Belgian) occupation.
30 Sep 1920 Malm�dy incorporated into Belgium (see Eupen and Malm�dy).

Prince-Abbots (title F�rstabt zu Stablo-Malmedy/Prince-Abb� de Stavelot-Malmedy)
1682 - 10 Apr 1704 Wilhelm III Egon Graf von F�rstenberg/ (b. 1629 - d. 1704)
Guillaume Egon, comte de Furstenberg
(appointed 1682, confirmed 15 Jul 1683)
30 May 1704 - 27 Jul 1715 Franz II Anton Herzog von Lothringen/ (b. 1689 - d. 1715)
Fran�ois Antoine, duc de Lorraine
(elected 1704, cofirmed 22 Dec 1704)
1704 - 1708 Jacob Godding/
Jacques Godding -Administrator
(acting for the Duke of Lorraine)
(confirmed 22 Dec 1704)
15 Oct 1715 - 26 Jul 1731 Johann IV Ernst Graf von L�wenstein/
Jean-Ernest, comte de Loewenstein (b. 1667 - d. 1731)
(elected 1715, confirmed 16 Dec 1715,
sworn in 26 Apr 1716)
16 Aug 1731 - 3 May 1737 Nikolaus II Massin/ (b. 1677 - d. 1737)
Nicolas de Massin
(elected 16 Aug 1731, confirmed 29 Dec 1731)
3 Aug 1737 - 14 Jun 1741 Deodat Drion/
Dieudonn� de Drion (b. 1684 - d. 1741)
(elected 3 Aug 1737, confirmed 3 Oct 1737)
14 Sep 1741 - 16 Sep 1753 Joseph de Nollet-Bourdon/ (b. 1672 - d. 1753)
Joseph de Nollet a Bourdon
(elected 14 Sep 1741, confirmed 27 Nov 1741,
invested 13 Mar 1747)
14 Dec 1753 - 2 Oct 1766 Alexander Delmotte/ (b. 1696 - d. 1766)
Alexandre Delmotte
(elected 14 Dec 1753, confirmed 1 Apr 1754)
27 Nov 1766 - 22 Dec 1786 Jacob Hubin/ (b. 1705 - d. 1786)
Jacques de Hubin
4 Jan 1787 - 21 Jul 1794 C�lestin Thys (b. 1730 - d. 1796)
(elected 4 Jan 1787, confirmed 23 Apr 1787,
invested 17 Dec 1787, in Hanau exile to 1 Oct 1796)
Jul 1794 - 26 Sep 1794 the magistrate of Malm�dy

Ostend under Dutch rule

13 Jun 1584 Ostend occupied by Dutch forces.
20 Sep 1604 City surrendered to Spanish Netherlands.

13 Jun 1584 - 1585 Guillaume de Blois, dict Treslong (b. 1529 - d. 1594)
(Willem Bloys van Treslong)
Mar 1585 - 1586 Guillaume de Hertaing, sieur de Marquette (b. c.1550 - d. 1586)
(Willem de Hertaing De Marquette)
1586 - Jan 1587 Sir Thomas Knollys (Knolles) (b. c.1555 - d. c.1596)
12 Jan 1587 - 11 Aug 1590 John Conway (b. 1535 - d. 1603)
7 Sep 1590 - Sep 1599 Sir Edward Norris (Norreys) (b. c.1565 - d. 1603)
1599 - 1600 Jean Piron
1600 - 1601 Maximiliaan van Cruyningen (b. 1556 - d. 1612)
1601 Charles van der Noot, heer van (b. c.1565 - d. 1614)
Hoogwoud en Aartswoud (1st time)
9 Jul 1601 - 7 Mar 1602 Sir Francis Vere (b. 1560 - d. 1609)
(led defense of the city)
7 Mar 1602 - 13 Jul 1603 Frederik van Dorp (b. 1547 - d. 1612)
Jul 1603 - Dec 1603 Charles van der Noot, heer van (s.a.)
Hoogwoud en Aartswoud (2nd time)
Dec 1603 - 21 Mar 1604 Pierre (Jean?) de Ghistelles
21 Mar 1604 - 25 Mar 1604 Johan van Loon (b. 15.. - d. 1604)
25 Mar 1604 - 6 Jun 1604 Jacques van der Meer, baron de (b. 15.. - d. 1604)
6 Jun 1604 - 17 Jun 1604 Antonie van Uytenhoove
Jun 1604 - 20 Sep 1604 Dani�l de Hertaing, sieur de Marquette (b. 15.. - d. 1625)

French D�partements in Belgium 1793 - 1814

[French flag]


1 Oct 1795 French d�partement des Deux-N�thes (Dutch: departement Twee Neten)
formed from southern Brabant and Lordship of Malines (Mechelen).
16 Mar 1810 Brabant department of the Kingdom Holland west of the Donge
annexed by France to Deux-N�thes as district Breda.
1814 End of French rule; incorporated into Belgium (under
Netherlands rule).
Feb 1814 - Sep 1815 Allied administration (then divided between Antwerp province
and North Brabant province).

1796 - 31 May 1798 Charles Louis Brusl� de Valsuzenay (b. 1766 - d. 1825)
1798 - 6 May 1798 De Villers (acting for Brusl�)
31 May 1798 - 9 Jul 1799 Alexandre Fran�ois Narcisse Lev�que (b. 1756 - d. 1844)
6 Apr 1799 - 3 Jul 1799 Saunier (acting for Lev�que)
13 Jul 1799 - 1800 Dominique Ogez (b. 1767 - d. 1839)
1800 - 25 Jul 1805 Charles Joseph Fortun�, (b. 1756 - d. 1829)
marquis d'Herbouville
29 Jul 1805 - 29 Mar 1809 Charles Cochon de Lapparent (b. 1750 - d. 1825)
(from 10 Sep 1808, Charles Cochon,
chevalier de Lapparent)
1809 - 1813 Marc-Ren�-Marie de Voyer de Paulmy (b. 1771 - d. 1842)
12 Mar 1813 - 1814 Jacques Fortunat, baron Savoye-Rollin(b. 1751 - d. 1823)
14 Feb 1814 - Sep 1815 Fran�ois Louis Joseph, chevalier de (b. 1750 - d. 1816)
Wargny (provisional)


1 Oct 1795 French d�partement de la Dyle (Dutch: departement Dijle) formed
from parts of the Brabant, Counties of Hainaut, Namur, and
Flanders and the Bishopric of Li�ge.
1814 End of French rule; incorporated into Belgium (under
Netherlands rule).
Feb 1814 - Sep 1815 Allied administration (then part of South Brabant province).

1795 - 14 Sep 1797 Charles Lambrechts (b. 1753 - d. 1823)
14 Sep 1797 - 14 Feb 1799 Fran�ois Ren� Auguste Mallarm� (b. 1755 - d. 1835)
14 Feb 1799 - 1800 Nicolas Jean Rouppe (b. 1769 - d. 1838)
2 Mar 1800 - 1 Feb 1805 Louis Gustave Doulcet de (b. 1764 - d. 1853)
1 Dec 1805 - 1808 Fran�ois Louis Ren� Mouchard de (b. 1757 - d. 1814)
12 May 1808 - 1813 Fr�d�ric S�raphin de La Tour du (b. 1759 - d. 1837)
(from 14 Feb 1810, Fr�d�ric S�raphin,
baron La Tour du Pin-Gouvernet)
12 Mar 1813 - 1814 Fr�d�ric Christophe, baron (b. 1778 - d. 1859)
14 Feb 1814 - 1815 Jacques Joseph Dominique d'Anethan (b. 1769 - d. 1841)


2 Mar 1793 County of Flanders is annexed by France, but non-integrated.
19 Mar 1793 French lose Flanders.
1 Oct 1795 French d�partement de l'Escaut (Dutch: departement Schelde)
formed from parts of County of Flanders and the Dutch Flanders
of the States.
1814 End of French rule; incorporated into Belgium (under
Netherlands rule).
Feb 1814 - Sep 1815 Allied administration (then part of East Flanders province).

18 Nov 1795 - 5 Aug 1799 Reinier Gr�goire Dubosch (b. 1765 - d. 1842)
5 Aug 1799 - 24 Mar 1800 Bernard Fran�ois Joseph van Wambeke (b. 1764 - d. 1841)
24 Mar 1800 - 1808 Guillaume Marie Faipoult (b. 1752 - d. 1817)
18 Sep 1808 - 1813 Fr�d�ric Christophe d'Houdetot (b. 1778 - d. 1859)
(from 18 Jun 1809, Fr�d�ric
Christophe, baron d'Houtetot)
12 Mar 1813 - 25 Mar 1813 Jean-Fran�ois Marie, baron Dela�tre (b. 1766 - d. 1835)
(not installed)
25 Mar 1813 - Feb 1814 Antoine Fran�ois Erhard Marie (b. 1757 - d. 1830)
Catherine, baron Desmousseaux de
14 Feb 1814 - Mar 1814 Charles Li�vin Beaucarne (b. 1756 - d. 1815)
Mar 1814 - Sep 1815 Jean-Baptiste d'Hane de Steenhuyse (b. 1757 - d. 1826)

For�ts: see Luxembourg


2 Mar 1793 Creation of French d�partement of Jemappe formed from County
of Hainaut.
23 Mar 1793 Annexation of Bailiwick of Tournai (Doornik).
2 Apr 1793 - 1794 Austrians occupy the area of Jemappe.
26 Jun 1794 France recaptures Hainaut and Tournai; d�partement of
Jemmape restored.
3 Aug 1794 French government proclaims that territories newly re-occupied
are considered as "pays conquis" (conquered land), and
restoration of d�partement of Jemmappe is suspended;
arrondissement of Hainaut.
30 Aug 1795 Restoration of d�partement de Jemmappe.
1 Oct 1795 Renamed d�partement de Jemmapes.
1814 End of French rule.
Feb 1814 - Sep 1815 Allied administration (then part of Hainaut province).

19 Jan 1793 - 25 Mar 1793 Mouchet
+ L�gier
+ Rapha�l Leroy
2 Jul 1794 - 1 Dec 1794 Jasmin Lamotze
1 Dec 1794 - 1795 Prudhomme
23 Nov 1795 - 1795 Charles Duvivier
Nov 1795 - 1796 Bazin
Jan 1796 - May? 1796 Volkerick
May 1796 - Jun 1796 Casimir Varon (b. 1761 - d. 1796)
1796 Dubois
1796 Aubert
1796 Houz�
1796 - 1797 Claude Fran�ois Gonnet de Fi�ville (b. 1752 - d. 1815)
20 Apr 1797 - 1797 Dewamin
24 Sep 1797 - 1797 P.A. Defacqz
1797 - 1798 Pierre Fran�ois Joseph Delneufcourt (b. 1756 - d. 1827)
1798 Charles Stanislas Troye (b. 1770 - d. 1844)
Jun 1798 - 3 Jul 1799 Jean-Baptiste Martial Pradier (b. 1776 - d. 1805?)
3 Jul 1799 - Apr 1800 Jean Ambroise De Puydt (b. 1758 - d. 1836)
Apr 1800 - 1805 Jean-Baptiste �tienne Garnier (b. 1756 - d. 1817)
1 Feb 1805 - 1810 Patrice Charles Ghislain de Coninck (b. 1770 - d. 1827)
7 Aug 1810 - 8 Feb 1812 Jean-Baptiste Maximilien, baron (b. 1773 - d. 1847)
Villot de Fr�ville
9 Mar 1812 - 1814 Pierre Cl�ment de Laussat (b. 1756 - d. 1835)
14 Feb 1814 - 10 Mar 1814 Bonaventure Hyacinthe Joseph, (b. 1755 - d. 1831)
chevalier de Bousies (provisional)
10 Mar 1814 - 1815 Emmanuel Auguste Marie Joseph de
la Motte Baraffe de Lesdain (b. 1782 - d. 1852)

Lys (Leie)

1 Oct 1795 French d�partement de la Lys (Dutch: departement Leie) formed
from western Austrian (Belgian) Flanders
1814 End of French rule.
Feb 1814 - Sep 1815 Allied administration (then part of West Flanders province).

1795 - 1797 Jacques Devaux (b. 1766 - d. 1807)
1797 - 1798 Jean-Fran�ois Baret (b. 1756 - d. 1800)
1798 - Apr 1799 Pierre Antoine, comte Herwyn de (b. 1753 - d. 1824)
1799 - 1800 Fournier
25 May 1800 - 12 Mar 1804 Fran�ois Marie Joseph Justin de (b. 1736 - d. 1813)
12 Mar 1804 - 7 Apr 1804 Eug�ne Joseph Marie Goubau (interim) (b. 1761 - d. 1839)
7 Apr 1804 - 3 Nov 1810 Bernard Fran�ois, marquis de (b. 1766 - d. 1832)
30 Nov 1810 - 14 Aug 1811 Pierre Am�d�e Vincent Joseph Marie (b. 1767 - d. 1811)
25 Aug 1811 - 1814 Jean-Fran�ois Soult (b. 1772 - d. 1823)
14 Feb 1814 - Apr 1814 Bernard Van Severen (provisional) (b. 1761 - d. 1837)
11 Apr 1814 - Oct 1815 Constantin de Preud'homme d'Hailly
de Nieuport (provisional) (b. 1748 - d. 1835)


Nov 1794 French d�partement de la Meuse-Inf�rieure (Dutch: departement Beneden-Maas) formed from southern Bishopric of Liege,
Limburg, and parts of Netherlands.
1 Oct 1795 Annexed to France.
Feb 1814 End of French rule (then part of Limburg province and Prussian J�lich-Kleve-Berg province).

30 Oct 1794 - 1795 Charles Cl�ment Roemers (b. 1748 - d. 1838)
(of Arrondissement de Maestricht)
1795 Andr� Charles Membr�de (b. 1758 - d. 1831)
1 Oct 1795 - 13 Aug 1796 Jean-Louis Rogier
23 Aug 1796 - Jun 1799 Nicholas Girard
13 Jun 1799 - 23 Apr 1800 Fran�ois Alexandre Cavenne (b. 1773 - d. 1856)
2 Mar 1800 - 1800 Chateaugiron (did not take office)
Apr 1800 - 1801 Jean-Henri Becays Ferrand, dit (b. 1736 - d. 1805)
Ferrand de Lacaussade
2 Nov 1801 - 1805 Pierre Loisel (Loysel) (b. 1751 - d. 1813)
31 Jan 1806 - Feb 1814 Jean-Baptiste Roggieri (b. 1761 - d. 1827)
14 Feb 1814 Joseph Brand�s (provisional)
(did not take office)


1 Oct 1795 French d�partement de l'Ourthe (Dutch: departement Ourte) formed
from Principality of Stavelot, parts of Bishopric of Li�ge
and Duchy of Luxembourg, and some villages of County of Namur
and Duchy of Brabant.
1814 End of French rule (then mainly part of Li�ge province).

Sep 1794 - 1795 Provisional administration
1795 - Nov 1795 Louis Ghislain de Bouteville-Dumetz (b. 1746 - d. 1821)
18 Nov 1795 - 16 Dec 1795 Jean-Baptiste Winant Digneffe (b. 1761 - d. 1844)
16 Dec 1795 - May 1798 Jean Nicolas Bassenge (b. 1758 - d. 1811)
25 May 1798 - Aug 1799 Lambert Bassenge (b. 1757 - d. 1821)
20 Aug 1799 - 30 Mar 1800 Hauzeur-Simonon
30 Mar 1800 - 4 Apr 1806 Antoine Fran�ois Catherine (b. 1757 - d. 1830)
Desmousseaux de Givr�
7 Apr 1806 - 1814 Charles Emmanuel, baron Micoud (b. 1753 - d. 1817)


1 Oct 1795 French d�partement de Sambre-et-Meuse formed from
County of Namur and parts of Luxembourg.
1814 End of French rule.
Feb 1814 - Sep 1815 Allied administration (then part of Namur province).

Dec 1795 - Feb 1799 Chanteau
11 Feb 1799 - 16 Feb 1799 Maurice Neukomm
16 Feb 1799 - 1800? Pierre Gabriel Pascal Mallarm� (b. 1746 - d. 1830)
2 Mar 1800 - Jan 1814 Emmanuel P�r�s de Lagesse (b. 1752 - d. 1833)
(from 14 Feb 1810, Emmanuel, baron
P�r�s de Lagesse)
2 Jan 1814 - 1814 Alban de Villeneuve-Bargemont (b. 1784 - d. 1850)
14 Feb 1814 - 1815 Gabriel Amour Joseph de Bruges de (b. 1766 - d. 1844)
Branchon (provisional)

� Ben Cahoon