Stroud Audio Archive (original) (raw)

click for contact form X
to find LatLong grid ref from this map, other than from a pin:
1) wheel zoom & left click/move, right click on chosen location
2) left click on "Directions from here"
3) a blank map opens in a new tab
4) upper left LatLong is displayed, the grid ref can be copied, the green dropper can be moved
5) if images of Toll Houses you have seen are not on the map, we would like to add them.
6) if you want to offer an image it can be sent as attachment from the contact form (above)
"Zoom to GR" will accept many Grid Ref formats or use converter below for old &/or current maps
it also looks for parishes (not Towns per se) and counties. Results are central to those
LatLong to OSGR converter & back, plus targeted links to various map sites, including old maps