PennSound: Lorenzo Thomas (original) (raw)
PoemTalk #155, Discussing Lorenzo Thomas' "Souvenir of the Manassah Ball," feat. Erica Hunt, Bob Perelman, and Tonya Foster
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #115, Discussing Lorenzo Thomas' "An Arc Still Open", feat. William J. Harris, Tyrone Williams, and Aldon Nielsen on August 9, 2017
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes at Jacket2.
How We Place African American Poetry, University of Wisconsin, April 2003
A.L. Nielsen writes of this reading: In April of 2003, Lorenzo Thomas and I appeared at a symposium at the University of Wisconsin organized by Lynn Keller, titled WHAT'S NEW IN AMERICAN POETRY. Lorenzo and I had by then been on many panels together, acting as a sort of roving tag team of poetry criticism. This time out, Lorenzo delivered a talk he called "How We Place African American Poetry" and I delivered a prepared response to his talk.
Sterling Brown Panel at AWP, Baltimore, March 1, 2003
A. L. Nielsen and Lorenzo Thomas
- Complete panel (1:07:09): MP3
Lorenzo Thomas (59:07): MP3
A.L. Nielsen (33:20): MP3
Reading at University of California San Diego, May 2001
- introduction (1:34): MP3
- on Ezra Pound's "The Picture" (2:38): MP3
- An Arc Still Open (3:56): MP3 TEXT
- Dangerous Doubts (1:04): MP3
- You're too old to get a tattoo (0:44): MP3
- Country Song (0:28): MP3
- Blues Variation (3:28): MP3
- Mr. Crump's Revenge (2:01): MP3
- God Sends Love Disguised as Ordinary People (1:52): MP3
- Equinox (4:40): MP3
- Cute girl with a toy monkey (2:30): MP3
- Dirge for Amadou Diallo (7:34): MP3 Complete reading (32:42): MP3
Expanding the Repertoire: Continuity and Change in African-American Writing, Participating in Panel Discussions at Small Press Traffic, April 2000
Recordings courtesy of David Buuck, who has dedicated an issue of his journal Tripwire to the conference.
Reading at the SUNY Buffalo, November 13, 1991
- from Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali Songs, #11 (3:10): MP3
- Mister Anderson (1:08): MP3
- L'Argent (1:03): MP3
- The Gambler (0:48): MP3
- The Audie Murphy Game (1:23): MP3
- Now You Can Worry (1:45): MP3
- Knight to Queen's Pawn (0:40): MP3
- Grudge Match (1:13): MP3
- Walking Vicksburg Blues (3:17): MP3
- Some Streets (0:56): MP3
- Speed Key (2:07): MP3
- Souvenir of the Manassah Ball (1:49): MP3
- Last Call (5:08): MP3
- The Guards on Privilege (1:52): MP3
- Chanson (for Karen) (0:50): MP3
- Tirade (1:04): MP3
- An excerpt from "Big House Movies" (9:50): MP3
- Ovidio Martinez's "Salt" (2:23): MP3
- Back-Ordered Tears (1:33): MP3 Complete reading (42:26): MP3
Reading for the Poetry Project, St. Mark's Church, New York, April 13, 1988
Recording hosted by the Library of Congress (23:35): link
St. Mark's Talks, January 26, 1986
Reading "Red Cross Stations" at St. Mark's Poetry Project, November 20, 1979
- complete recording (2:26): MP3
Reading with Kathy Acker at the Ear Inn, New York, November 13, 1978
- Summer Stock (1:01): MP3
- Happy New Year (0:44): MP3
- Lady Lucre (1:31): MP3
- Al Green's Broken Heart (4:45): MP3
- Anuresis (3:33): MP3
- Perry Coma (8:16): MP3
- Heel and Toe (2:03): MP3
- My Office (2:44): MP3
- The Fine Clothes of the Year Before Last (2:38): MP3
- The Leopard (3:10): MP3
- Home XXI (1:48): MP3
- MMVCCXIII 1/2 (1:30): MP3
- Hat Red (7:34): MP3 Complete reading (43:12): MP3
Reading for the Droll/Kolbert Gallery Series, November 2, 1978
- complete reading (41:57): MP3
Performing with the Texas Southern University Jazz Ensemble
from the album 3rd Ward Vibration Society, 1976
- Ego Trip (10:51): MP3
(recording courtesy of A.L. Nielsen)
from The World Record: Readings at the St. Mark's Poetry Project, 1969-1980
Red Cross Stations (1:36): MP3
Other Lorenzo Thomas Readings on the web
- Reading "Otis" (3:06): MP3, YouTube
- Radio interview from KUHF-FM, Houston, TX, July 23, 2004
- Video of a 2002 reading at University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2017 The Estate of Lorenzo Thomas. Used with permission. Distributed by PennSound.