Simple Statistical Software by Martin Bland (original) (raw)
Clinstat is a simple MS-DOS program for teaching and learning medical statistics. Clinstat has no relationship to any commercial software of similar name.
Clinstat is in the public domain. You can download Clinstat as self-expanding file clin.exe and a text file version of the manual as clinman.txt. It is also available by post from the author for a charge of five pounds sterling, to cover costs.
Clinstat carries out basic statistical calculations: t tests, regression, correlation, chi-squared, log rank test, kappa, sample size estimation, random allocation and sampling, etc. It does not do multifactorial analyses such as multiple regression, multiway anova, logistic regression, or Cox regression. It has a simple data file system. It has a set of simulation programs which can be used in teaching statistical concepts.
To download Clinstat click clin.exe to copy clin.exe to a suitable directory. Ideally, this should be called clinstat. Then from the DOS prompt in this directory, type clin. Clinstat will set itself up. Delete clin.exe. If you used a directory called clinstat, move the file clinstat.bat to a directory on your path and then typing clinstat at the DOS prompt will start the program. Otherwise, typing cl from within the Clinstat directory will start the program. To read the manual, click<clinman.txt>. You can then copy this to your own computer using your browser's file menu.
NOTE: on some Windows systems, Clinstat jumps from full screen to a window on exiting from a graphic. I can't fix it without a lot of work, and it's free, so why worry?
biconf.exe is a stand-alone MS-DOS program which calculates exact confidence intervals for Binomial proportions and Poisson rates. You can download this program by clicking biconf.exe.
My programs work far as I can tell and they have been quite thoroughly tested. I take no responsibility for what you do with them!
If you can't download these programs,email me and I will email the files to you.
Windows 7
Clinstat is an MS-DOS program. For Windows 7, from which Microsoft have treacherously deleted MS-DOS, an emulation program called DOSBox has been used successfully to run Clinstat.
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Last updated: 14 March 2013.