579th Strategic Missile Squadron (original) (raw)

SM-65 Atlas F ICBM

579th Strategic Missile Squadron

Walker Air Force Base, Roswell, New Mexico

New Mexico Military History

Twelve Atlas Missile Silos Around Walker Air Force Base

A Major Part of the Cold War Era

Documents, Photos & More

Construction, Operation and Present Day Items to Review

Accident Information About Three Silo Explosions

Built During The 1960's

The National Priority of the Time

As Deep as a Seventeen Story Building

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An Critical Part of the Cold War Era

Welcome to the home web site for the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron. The 579th SMS was based at Walker Air Force Base in Roswell, New Mexico from 1962 thru 1965. There were 12 sites built in a ring around Roswell. These sites were manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year during the time the Squadron was active. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, all operational 579th sites were at a high level of alert and were ready to launch the Atlas missile should it have become necessary. The squadron was armed with the SM-65F weapon system, more commonly know as the Atlas F. The 579th was an Atlas F unit which meant the missile was housed in a "silo launcher" style complex. The missile was kept in a vertical position at all times. In order to launch, two 75-ton overhead doors were opened and the "bird" was lifted out of the silo. The Atlas ICBM required RP1 and Liquid Oxygen for powering the rocket engines. The RP1 fuel was kept on board the missile at all times during alert. Before the missile was lifted to the launch position, it was filled with the Liquid Oxygen fuel. Internal pressure was maintained by a "head" of gaseous Nitrogen. After the missile was "up and locked", if there was a launch hold of any sort, which could not be very long, the launch crew had the ability to top off the Liquid Oxygen before the "Missile Away" command was given. This is one reason that the response time of the Atlas F system was quicker than that of the Atlas D and E systems. The Atlas F used a General Electric Mark IV re-entry vehicle which carried a type W-38 warhead with a nominal nuclear yield of approximately 3.8 megatons of TNT. The Atlas had a range of about 6,000 miles. Developed by General Dynamics, the Atlas weapons system became a national priority during which no expense was spared in the development, testing and implementation of this first generation ICBM system. The Atlas rocket was also used by NASA during the early days of manned space travel and was the booster used to put John Glenn into Earth orbit.

This web site is dedicated to everyone who served in the 579th SMS. Without their dedication and sacrifice for the national defense of the United States of America, the freedoms we enjoy today would not be possible.

To everyone who served in and supported the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron ....... Thank You !!
