63xc.com--The Offroad Fixed Gear Site (original) (raw)

Wha... ?
Who is 63xc.com for? · Why did you call it 63xc? · Why ride fixed offroad?...

How To
Scott Hansen is Going down · Jason Millington on Big rings for S/Sers · John Ward does a Peg mount...

Singlespeeding: Dead as the dodo by Andy Corson · Postcard from Spain by Aimar Fraga Angoitia...

Brian Matula's Trek 4500 · Troy Nelson's Fixed Gear Southpaw Polo Bike...

Monster Monkey by Will Meister · Tyred Out by dRj0n...

Riding in the Smoking Section by Ainsley Wiles · Tapeworm by Todd Schlemmer

Meister speaks · Belgian Mix by Michael Stenning...

Recommended readings· Mailing list

63xc.com T-shirts... you know you want one.

People without whom, sources, tech heroes...

This is 63xc.com's last quarterly update. The site will remain live, particular articles may get updated, and you may see seasonal colour changes. However, the basic truth is that, after five years and 20 issues, it's time to call it a day.

Obvious lead in our last crop of new articles is a Stories piece by Andy Corson of Surly on the rise and fall of the singlespeed movement (and he should know). Jason Millington and Scott Hansen have How Tos, on making granny rings into cogs and on fixed gear descending respectively. Also in How to, John Ward executes a neat peg mount, while in Rides Elvis shows off his new Trek MTB fix.

In Spatter, there's an interview with me me me. I hope this doesn't come over as egomania: enough people have asked about the origins of 63xc.com that I thought it would be worth setting the story down properly.

At left is the Winking Wall, a block of photos of some 50 fixers who have contributed to site since its inception. We'll probably add to these as stragglers come in. Mouseover for a name and sometimes a bio snippet.

In three months the index page will change. Instead of listing latest articles, it will list the classics in each section, ranked not very objectively on number of downloads, external links, message board citations, amount of newsstand plagiarism and so on.

Rubber side down, chaps.

Will Meister Editor, 63xc.com June 1 2007