Snapshots From My Journeys at ATA Airlines | KiwiSDR | Web-888 SDR | WebSDR | PhantomSDR | RTL-SDR | ATA Airlines | Viva Macau Airlines (original) (raw)
ATA Boeing 757 takeoff set max thrust!
ATA First officer studying aero charts
ATA Boeing 757 class ii navigation oceanic chart plotting
ATA Boeing 757 cockpit view above the contrails
FPS-117 Radar, Gander, Newfoundland.
Mount Gabriel Radar, Cork, Ireland
ATA Airlines Boeing 757 Sunset :-)
ATA Airlines Military Charter Passengers deplane...
Diego Garcia Tarmac
ATA Boeing 757 Over Baghdad Navigation Display
Captain Philip... No Tame Dog Is Gonna Take My Bone!
Hot, Sandy, Foggy Bahrain waiting for the revolution.
These pictures were taken during my journeys around the world flying the Boeing 757 and 737, and portray much of what I experienced regularly when "out there." Frequently, eastbound, we would see sunset at cruise altitude, then see it come up again before getting anywhere near the destination. In between, there is plenty of position plotting, reporting via radio to ATC, and moitoring the flights' progress across the globe.
ATA had such great crews. I am proud of the fact that my ATA never lost a passener. We operated so well and had good luck, never killing anyone. Some former ATA people went to other companies which did not fare so well.
There are also a few "extras" in these pictures. For example, anyone who follows the North Atlantic Track System spends some time in the radar coverage of antennas near Gander and Mount Gabriel, but pilots rarely see the actual sites! And who hasn't felt just a bit of adrenaline flying the airspace over Baghdad? Enjoy the galleries, and feel free to write if you have comments!
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